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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the structural frame
2. Apply the structural frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the
textbook and other course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review,
you have a chance to update this and format for your Electronic Portfolio due in
Module 6.
1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.
In module 1 my situation was the difficulties encountered during my journey

as an assistant manager of Starbucks at Boston airport located in terminal C.

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

Everyone has an approach to working at Starbucks no matter what role

you're in. The job should be seen on a larger scale as a salaried manager of

the store, the structural situation is influenced by the approach of the store

manager. To keep up with the complexity of the work, different tasks are

performed each day with time intervals. For example, the leader must cover

everything during his week which is five working days. As an example, we

can cite inventories, business analysis, planning, staffing, education, and

training of new employees.

The future of the supply chain therefore lies in the analysis and reliability of

data. It helps in decision-making thanks to information systems. Data

analysis helps to understand how the mechanisms work today, their

effectiveness and inefficiency. It thus helps companies to orient their

strategies. Whether in terms of materials, investing in more efficient

methods, infrastructures, and concepts. All of this allows it to produce better,

faster and at a lower cost. And thus, to honor its promise to customers:

deliver quickly, deliver well, at the right time, in the right place and at the

best price.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of

action regarding your case.

For future work, using shift supervisor approaches for each role will provide

a good solid foundation. I've never had a strong shift manager approach

since I was promoted so quickly, and I haven't been successful in the

assistant manager role because of that foundation. I use shift manager

approach activities to ensure I can create the Starbucks experience for my

partners and customers in my current journey as a shift manager. From the

delivery of raw materials to the fulfillment of customer orders, the supply

chain has a significant impact on the efficiency and profitability of

operations. By simply improving their supply chain management practices,

companies can reap the following benefits.

Using the tools and resources to respond and ensure we are creating the

experience and achieving our goals; these activities allow us to understand

the current plan and ensure that our partners are working together to ensure

that every moment is good and to anticipate problems that may arise. We

need to understand when and where to adapt to protect the experience and

identify teachable moments to provide redirection because its role is to

empower our partners so they can work together to create the best moments.

4) Think about what you would or wouldn't do differently given what you

learned about this framework.

I didn't have a solid approach to my work as an assistant manager. I had an

idea of what needed to be accomplished and spent my week doing those

tasks. However, I didn't have a solid approach to what I was doing. I would

do this every week and finish things as they arose. I was not using the

structure provided to me to ensure that the right work was completed at the

right time.

Given what I've learned, I would use more of the tools that will keep me on

track. I hadn't realized how important the shift manager approach was to the

job and role of a store manager. I would make sure I have an approach that
allows me to do the right job when needed be done and support my partners

in their journeys too.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Structure and restructuring. In Reframing
organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

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