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LHS Senior Project Proposal

Senior Capstone

Name: Jasmine Paredes

This is also the outline for your paper.

Self-Biography (Bullets are fine!)

● I go to Lee High School

● I am 17 years old
● Love helping others
● I plan on attending the University of Michigan
● I have one younger sibling
● I am Mexican-American
● I am a very friendly person

Future Goals

● To graduate highschool
● Graduate College
● Get accepted into medical school
● Become a Pediatrician

Route you will take to achieve your future goals (Bullets are Fine!)

● I will go to the University of Michigan

● Go to medical school
● Pass my MCAT exam
● Find a job as a pediatrician
● I will try tremendously hard in school
● I will get good grades
● I will stay determined
● I will be positive

Career Pathway Area of Interest:

Health Sciences

Narrowed Career Focus:

A pediatrician

A community/work issue that can be solved with a particular skill set from your career
area (How will I give back?)

A community issue that can be resolved from a skillset from my career is how to properly heal
wounds. The way I can give back is to open a 10-minute clinic lesson for pre-schooler parents
so that they could each get refreshers about how to help their children that are hurt and don’t
know how to properly help them.

My potential hands-on will be:

*This will be where you will showcase what you created that addresses a community/work
My hands-on portion of my capstone will be cutting open bananas or oranges and teaching
my judges how to clean up an extreme wound, by putting pressure on the area to stop the
bleeding, cleaning the area with antibacterial wipes, and placing new skin glue on the wound
to seal it.

- Oranges
- Bananas
- Anti-Bacterial wipes
- New skin glue
My Name: _Jasmine Paredes_____________________________

1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for your
Senior Project/Showcase?
The personal interest that I have in this topic is because I enjoy science and becoming a
pediatrician, has to take numerous science classes and use science on the job. The reason I
chose this topic for my capstone is because I have always had a strong desire to help children
not only around my community but around the world.

2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you look
Some research questions I want to answer is how many individuals don’t know how to properly
heal wounds? Another research question I want to answer is how would the world benefit from
more people knowing how to heal wounds? Some sources I want to look for are scholarly
sources, articles written by medical professionals, and even ask people in the medical field.

3. Who is a person/company (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this

field you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this
Generally, most people in the medical field are individuals who I would want to interview, and
from them, I hope to learn more about unhealed wounds and what they do in their careers.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight into
your topic?
Some places I could observe is my doctor’s office, or even research about situations
when people have gotten hurt and did not know how to heal themselves.

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What assistance or
tools will you need to overcome them?
Some challenges that I might have while conducting my project are getting in contact with
my mentor, feeling stressed, and not getting enough materials for my presentation. Something I
can do to overcome my challenges is staying in constant contact with my mentor, being
optimistic, and bringing extra materials.

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project at
this time?
As of right now, the only question I have about capstone is should we have different
judges for each of the 3 presentations or will they each be the same?

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