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Оan, Could, Be able to

Сirclе T (True) or F (Folsе).
т F The father wants to know if
his daughter has permission
to do spreadsheеts.

Сircle T (True)or | | BдsвFoпм
F (Folse). Suв,вст | Сдtl/Couto* | oг Vвпв
т F Thе form for сan (not) do spreadshеets
сon and сould l/Hе/Shе/|t/Wе/You/Тhеy
is the samе for сould (not) usе a сomputer|astyеar.
all subjесts. *Can and could arе modals. They
do not havе -s in thе third person singular.


li вдsвl
Сдt't/Couto | 5uв1вст 1 Foпм | Aггlпмдтlvв
l NвсAтIvE

Can shе do thеm? s h ес a n . s h ес a n , t .

Yes, No,
Could they use o nе? thеy сo uld. thеy сo uldn,t.


l4lн-Woпo I cлtl/Co*, I sury..' | вo,в гoпм |
can she do spгeadshееts?
How well
сould thеy usе a сo mputеr ?

2 - sтAтЕп,tЕNТS:BE АBLE тo
Сhесk thе corrеct Suв,вст l ,. | л',, 'o | вo'. гoпм |
I am
Whiсh part of be
oble to сhangеs for Hе/Shе/|t rs (not) ablе to do spгеadsheеts'
diffеrent subjeсts?
л л Wе/You/Thеy arе
J be J oble to

S?::' !!:.Чу.?РI
.?.:у у..rr.

3 NS: BЕ ABLЕ тo
YES/NO QtUЕsтlo| st|oRт [NsWЕRs
Сheсk thе correct
Bс' l
Suв,вст Aвш тo Fonм|

onswеr. ] Aггlпмдтlvв Nвсдтlvв

In questions with be Are you I am. l'm n ot.
oble to, what сomes ablе to do sprеadshееts? Yes, No,
before the subjeсt? ls she she I S . she is n' t.
П a form of be
П u fоrm of oble to wH. QUЕsтloNS: BЕ ABLE тo
Wн. Woпo | вr I suц.., | л',, 'o | вo'. гoпм |
arе you
How wе|| able to do spreadshееts?
ls she

Сomplеtеthеsеsеntеnсeswith сan or be ablе to. Use onе word for eаch blonk.
A: she able use a сomputer already?
B: Yes. she and shе type and do spreadsheets too.

{Ь*'m'ууя p#ewъ
жwж,r #"ж e**фж% ffixarтврЕ*s

1. Usе сoп or be oblе to to talk about abi|ityin r She сan do сomputегgraphiсs.

thе pгеsent. l She,sab|е to do сomputегgraphiсs.

Usдсr Noтt: ln everydayspeeсh, сon is more

сommon than be oble to in thе oresenttense.

2. Use еithеr сould or wаs/were oblе to to ta|k l Sami сould read whеn he was fouг.
about abi|itv(but not a spесifiсaсhiеvemеnt)in r Не was ablе to usе a сomputегtoo.
the past.

about a speсifiсaсhievementor a singIeevent in Noт

the oast.

Usе еithеr could or wos/were oble to in r | сouldn,t win the Math Pгize|astyеaг.
nеgativеsentеnсesabout past abi|ity. l l wasn,t able to do onе pгob|еm.

3. For forms and tensesother than thе prеsеntor r Jenwantsto bе ablе to write pгograms.
past, use be oble to. (infinitivе)

l By Juneshe will be ablе to сomplete hеr

сomputеr с|ass.(future)
118 r ltnit 27

IDENтIFYo Rеod port of on orticle obout some tolеntеd Young businеsspeople.

Undеrline the words thot exprеss obility.

д surprising numЬеrof youngpеoplеhave Lеibowitz,Was ab|е to sеI] two softwаrе

Ё\ b."n аblеto сrеatesuссеssful Wеb-basеd Programswhеn hе wаs fourtееn.Hе mаde
ьu,i*,*,. o* y*,щ entrеprеnеur js Sаm $30,000on the deаI and now Jay runs his
Roberts.Sаm сou]d dеsign Wеb own Wеb sitе. Dan Finleywrjtеs
Pagеs whеn hе was but
еight, hе Wrв Buslшвssrs rеviеws of neW softwаrе. He
got his breаk аt twе]vеwhеn a
TORTUN startedhis businеssаt sixtееn.A
AND PRotlт
writеrhirеd him to dеsignа Wеb ful|-t]mесollеgestudеnt,Dan сan
site. Sam,sfirst businеssfа]lеdbесausеhe Pay a staff of writеrsand still еаrn $500 a
and his partnеrWеrеn,tаble to gеt along. month. Althoughthey аll mаkе money, all
Howеver,his nеw businеss,Webman,is up thrее stаrtеdout to have fun аt thеir hoЬЬy,
and running.Anothеryoungbusinessman, Jay not to makеa profit.

o Reod еoch description,Complete it with o nomе from the orticlе.


1. Jaу sold softwarе progтams at thе age of fourteеn.

2. didn't agree with his partner.

3. earns money reviеwing softwarе.

4. was able tо dеsign a Web page for a writer.

o Rеаd theseporogrophs, Сomplete thеm with can, сould, or be able to.

Useсan or сould when possible.Сhoosеbetwееnoffirmotiveаnd negotive.

l. Stefan is enioying his сomputer сlass. Two wеeks ago, he cou|dn'| еven

usе the mousе. but now he еdit his homеwork. Bv next week" he
do researсh on thе Internet.
2. Eleni misses her family in Greесе. She visit them for vеars. but

they just got an e-mail aссount, so now they keep in touсh daily.

3. I understand how to set up a presentation. The software

instruсtions dоn't hеlp. I think I,11take a profеssional development соursе. In a fеw

months maybе I make that prеsentation.

4. Mike and I get alоng sinсе we startеd this business. He

work alone (he nееds peoplе), and I work in a

group (I have to work alone). I hope we work out our problems soon.
Ability: Оarl, Ооtl|tl, 8е able tо l |19

о Reod this odvertisemеnt.Сompletе it with thе oppropriote form of <an,

сould, or bе ablе to plus the vеrbsin pаrenthеsеs.Usе can or сould when possiblе,

Profession а| Ilеaelopmеnt Coшrses
TimеManagemеnt Prеsentations CarеerDevelopmеnt Теamwork

Think about your last presentation: Were able to ?rePare on timе?

1. (preparе)

you - your idеas?

2. (сommuniсate)

Will B. Hаppу@ hu, hеlpеd othеrs, and he YoUl

took Will B. Happy's сoursе, my work was always late bесausе

a sсhеdulе. I also had big piles on my dеsk bесausе I

4. (follow)

what was important. Now I my timе

5. (deсide) 6. (mаnagе)

еffесtivеly. Nеxt month, when my workload gets hеa*, I

,. '*.
and do thе important things first.'' -Sсott Mаthis' student

didn't usе to in front of groups. Now I сan!''
8. (spеak)
-Mаrу Zhаng, sаIes mаnаger

ЕDIT.Reod this student,sjournol. Find ond сorrеctsevenmistokеsin еxpressingobilitу.

The first mistoke is аIrеodуcorrected.


p-еo-p|e]s,;]d j r м .w , I.,-.

when,|сo - - ' .
аblеtо,work,е"ffiсient|у') ge,tan,Аtor |he,сourse"bиt
с'o"иld it was hard.Ican,

do a |of more a|one"but somе jobs are foo big toг ,fhat,Оur"in,st.ruсIor
MaУ,Can, Could,
Do УoU mind if . . .?
I h a v ee o m a l h i n qi n
mУ aуo' Сou|d I take t,he
LrэN t,omorrow?

Сhеck thе sеntеncеthot dеscribеswhot,s
rr@tt hoppеning in the сortoon.

{,.'v t ть" student wants to know if his еye

will be bеtter tomorrow.

1"fl t ть" studеnt is asking the tеaсhеr to

allow him to takе the test tomorrоw.

Сheck thе corrеct MдY/Cдtl/Collto*l su,l.., I Bяsв Foпм oг Vвпв
Whiсh modal is used
Can l/wе/hе/shе/itlthеy start now?
in quеstiоns but NoT
in short answers Could
about pеrmission? *Moу, can, ar'd could are modals. Thеy do not havе -s in the third person singular.

[З moy
LJ сon
Aггlпмдтtvв lI шЕGAтlvE
[l could
may, may not.
Yes, youlhe/shelitltheу No, you/hе/shе/itlthеy
can. Gan't.

с'|EсI(2 QUЕsтloNS: Do YoU MIND IF . . . ? s}|oRт ANSWERS
СirсIe T (Truе)or lF I suщ..'
Do vouI|l|tND I v.*" Aггlпмдтlvв | Nвсдтlvв
F (FoIsе),
l/wе/they start? No t at all.
т F After Do уou Do you mind if
mindif...? hе/shе/it starts? No,ldon't. lYes, ldo.
thе verb is the
same for all
subjeсts. sтAТЕlt,|ЕNTS:M AY/ cAN
т F The answer Suqвст | мдY/сдн l вo,. Foпм
fVot ot oll gives
may (not)
permission. l/He/Shе/|t/Wе/You/Тhеy start.
сan (not)

Сirсlе thе сorrеctwords to сompletеthis сonvеrsotion.

A: Do you mind if he hеlp / helps me with my homework?

B: Not at all / Yes I do. He сan help / helps УoЦ, but you should do most of thе work.

1. Use moу, сould, and сon to ask for peгmission. I Мay I сall you nеxt Friday?
r Co uI d W е usе o uг diсtio naгiеs?
l Can hе сo me to с|assw ith mе?

Usдсв Noтв: Moу is a littlе morе forma|than r May l lеavе the гoom, ProfеssorLее?
con and сould.

refеrto the presеntor thе future.When you usе Тhе tеst startsat 9:00 д.м.
B: Сеrtain|y.
could to ask for p.еrmission,
it is not past tensе

2. Wе often saуpleose whеn wе ask for r CouId l ask a quеstion,pleose?

Рermissio1'Note the possib|еword orders. r Could I plеoseask a question?

3. Use Do you mind if . . . / to ask foг peгmission A: ffiEз

yrэu rrrint!if | с|еanup tomorrow?
whеn your aсtion might bothеrsomеonе. B: Yеs,aсtua|ly,I do mind. l hatе to sее a mеss.

Do уou mind if . . , l givespermissionto do B: Not аt аlI.

somеthing.I| mеans, lt,s ОK, l don,tmind (Youmaу lеovethe room)

4. Usе moy or сon in answеrs.Do not usе сould. A: СouId I borrow this pеnсi|?
B: Yеs,of сoursеyou can.
Noт Yesaэu<et**

Noт }*eaэu+q1n*

We often use polite exprеssions instеadof A: Could | с|osethе window?

modals to answer requеstsfor pеrmission. Bз Sure,
Ga ohеod.
No, pleo don,t. t,5hot in heге.

5. йl;. pеop|е."f.,," p.,-i,,ion, they often A: Сan l pteasehuu. u titttu'or.. time?

oivе an apo|oovand an еxp|anation. B: l,m sorrv' but thе time is uo'

lf the rulеsare vеry сlеar,someonеmay rеfusе Dпlvвп:Сan I park hеrе?

without an apo|ogyor еxp|anation. oгrIсвв: No, you сon,t,
|22 l LЛnit 28

C Еаch rеquеstfor pеrmissiongoеs with o rеsponsе.Motch еаch rеquеstwith thе

corrеct responsе,

Requеst Responsе
d 1. Мay We сome in now? a. No, you сan,t. It,s a bus stop.
2, Could I see your tiсkеts, plеase? b. Not at all. Thеrе's plenty of time.
3. May I plеase speak to Harry? G. Sure they сan. Wе havе room.
4. Could they сome with us? d. Yes, you may.The test starts soon.
5. Can I park hеre? e. I'm sorry, hе,s nоt in.
6. Do you mind if I havе more tea? t. Certainly. Here thеy are.

с0ILPIEтEo Mr. Hamod is supervisingo tеst,Сompletе his conversotionswith his

students.Use o pronoun plus thе сorrect form of thе words in porеnthеsеsond
short onswers.

Aнмвo: Could we come into the tеst roоm now?

l. (Сould / сomе)

Mв. H: Yes, certainlу . Please show your rеgistration fоrm

aS you сomе rn.

Soгrд: My brother isn't taking thе test. in the

3. (Do you mind / stаy)
room with me?

Mв. H: Yes, Sorry, only people with tiсkets arе

pеrmitted inside.

Rosд: a pеn to writе my name on the tеst

5. (Мay/ use)
Mв,. H: No, . You must use a penсii. And everyonе
please remembeц the tеst until I tеll vou to.
7. (сan,t / start)
Rosд: Jamie. this penсil? I only brought a pеn.
8. (do you mind if / borrow)
Jдшrrю: . Take it. I brought a few.
Mв. H: oK. your test booklets and read the
instruсtions now.

Jвдш: I,m late beсause mv train broke down. in?

1l. (Сan / сomе)
Mв.H:*o, We've alrеady started the test.
Рermissiоnz f\,4aу.Can, Ооuld, Dо уоtl tпirзd if . . . ? l |23

АSК. Lucу ond Сorl orе going to o concert,Rеod еoch situotion,Writе questionsto osk
for pеrmission. Usе the words in porеntheses.

1. Carl wants his friеnd Bob to сome.

Cдвr.: I have an extra tiсket. Do уou mind if oob comeэ?

(Do you mind if)
2. Carl wants to use Luсy's phone to сall Bob.

Cдвr,: Great. I'll сall him right now.

3. Carl wants to park in front of thе stadium.

Cдвl: Wе're going to thе сonсert, offrсer.

4. Luсy, Bob, and Carl want to move up a few rows. Bob asks an usher.

Boв: All those sеats are empty.

5. Carl wants to tape the сonсert. Luсy asks the ushe, n,.,...o"'o,

Luсy: My friеnd brought a tapе reсordеr.

6. Luсy hates the musiс. She wants to leavе.

Luсy: This musiс is giving mе a headaсhe.

(Do you mind if)

EDIT.This exerciseis similor to port of thе тoEFL@.Find the mistаkе in eoch itеm
ond fill in thе spocе thot corrеspondsto the lеttеr of thе incorrесt word or phrosе,
Thеngo one step bеyond the тoЕFL@ond correctthe mistаkе,
l. Can he со+деs on the train with me or doеs he need a tiсket? Ф (D @ @

2. I'm sorry, he сouldn,t. only passеngers сan board thе train. @ @ @ @


3. Could I сhanged seats with you? I'd like to sit next to my son. @ @ @ @

4. Yes, you сould. Go right ahеad. I'm getting оff soon. Ф@@@

5. Mom, may I to have Some сandy? I'm hungтy. Ф@@@


6. No, you mayn't. I'm sorry, but you've alrеady had enough сandy. Ф @ @ @

7. Do you mind if hе play his сomputеr game? Ф@@@


8. Yes, I do . He сan Pщy if hе wants. It won,t bothеr me. @@@@


9. I'm still hungтy. Can we,ll get a sandwiсh soon? Ф@@@


l o. Not at all . We сan go find the сlub сar. @@@@

Will, Can, Would, Could,
Would you mind . . ?

"... .i POINT
Сhесkthе сorreсtonswеr,
The businеssman is
t giving an оrdеr'
П asking someonе tо dо sоmething.
П asking fo. infоrmation.

Noтв:911 is thе emergеnсytеlephonе

'Miss numberin thе United States
Flеrningи,ottdpuminddiаlfu 9IIfor mе?,' and Canada.

I QUЕsтloNSz WILL/ сAN/wou LD/ сo ULD
Сirсlе T (Truе)or Wttt/Cдtt/ l lBдsвFoпм
F (FаIsе). Wouto/Couto* l Suв,вст l oг Vвпв
т F You сan use wiш
would and
сould in thisfo r mе?
questiоns but Would
NOT in short Could
answers to *These words are modals. They do not havе -s in thе third person

but | сan,t.

Would you mind thisfo г mе?


Flequestsz Will, Carэ, Wotl|d, Cоtl|сl' Wоdd УОu {ninСl , ^. ? l |25

2 s}|oRтANsWЕRs
Сhеck thе correct Aггlпмдтlvв l NЕGAтlvE
No, notat all.
Not ot oll mеans: l,m sorry,but l сan,t.
|,db е g |adto .
ЁloK Пno

Сomplеtе this convеrsotion.

A: you mind filing these reports now?

B: at all.
A: Thanks. And you answеr the phone, please?

B: Sorry, but I . Mv hands arе full.

жs; Жжж*r:вryf,'ж*
1. Use will, con, would, and сould to ask somеonе
t o do so m e t h i n g .

Wе oftеn use will and сon foг informalrеquеsts. Slsт:п: Will you answеr thе phonе?
Can you turn down thе TV?
Wе usе would and could to makе requеsts Boss: Wou|d you typе this геport?
morе polite. сould you makе tеn сopiеs?

2. Wе aIso use pleose with will, сon, wo|Ild, and l Could уou pleose с|osethе door?
сould to make the requestevеn more polite. oR
Notе thе word ordеr. r Could you с|osethе door, plеose?

3. Wе also use Would you mind + gerund A: Would you miпd waiting for a fеw minutеs?
(withoutpleasе)to make polite геquеsts. Mr. Caгasis stiIIat a mееting.
Note that a negativе answer meansthat you
wi|Ido what thе pеrsonrеquеsts. i:rr",|,,'j! ,,',

4. Pеoplеusuallyеxpесt us to say уes to politе A: Could you takе this to SusanLanе,soffiсе

гequеsts.Whеn We Cannot say yes, Wе usual|y for mе?
apologizeand givе a rеason. Bi l,m sorrу| l сon,t. |,m еxpесtingan important
p h o n ес a l l .

answer polite геquests. B: Сertoinlу.

, 126 r unit 29
' r . . . . . . . o . . . o o . . . . . . . . . . О . . . . .

iDENтIFY o Morcio hos o new co-workеr.Reod their conversаtions,LLndеrlineаll the

po|ite requеsts,

1. MдвсIд: Hi. You must bе the new offiсе assistant. I'm Marсia Jones. Lеt me know if

you neеd anything.

Loвшд: Thanks, Marсia. Could you show me the сoat сloset?

Мдвсlд: Certainly. It's right ovеr herе.
2. Loвшд: Marсia, would you eхplain thesе instruсtions for the fax maсhine?

MдвсIд: Sure. Just put your letter in hеre and dial thе number.
3. Mдвсrд: I,m leaving for lunсh. Would you like to сome?

Loвшд: Thanks, but I сan't right now. I'm really busy.

Mдвсrд: Do you want a sandwiсh from thе сoffеe shop?

Loвшд: That would be gтeat. Can you gеt me a tuna sandwiсh and a soda?

Mдnсrд: Sure. Will you answer my phone until I get baсk?

Loвшд: Certainly.
4. Mдвсrд: Lorna, would you mind making Some сoffеe?

Loвшд: I'm sorry, but I сan,t do it now. I've got to finish this lеtter before 2:0О.

снaasEo Lorno,s roommote,lono, is hoving problеms todoу. Сheck the oppropriote

rеsponsеto еoch of lono,s rеquests.

1. Lorna, would you pleasе drive mе tо сlass today? My сar won't start.

a. Yes, I would. b. ,/ I'd bе glad to.

2. Would you mind lеnding me five dollars? I'm getting paid tomorrow.
a. Not at all. b. _ Yes.
3. Lоrna, сan you takе thеsе books baсk to the library for mе? I'm running late.

a. I'm late too. Sorry. b. No, I сan't.

4. Could you loсk thе door on your Way out? My hands are full.

a. Yes, I сould. b. Sure.

5. Can you turn thе radio down? I nеed to study for my math qtiz this morning.
a. Certainly. b. Not at all.
6. Will you piсk up some milk on the way homе this aftеrnoon?

a. I{o, I won't. b. Sorry. I'11be at work until 8:00.

3:.?.ч:.:l:... :.Y.?у!!
?.1: :.??.Ч,9.'
у.2Y ...:...?..:..!.?7..
.:i:.Ч .oo.....
o Use thе oppropriote imperotivе from the box to complеtе
thesеrequеsts.Use pIease whеn possible,аnd moke onу nеcеssаrуchongеs.

Buy some сerea|. Call baсk latеr. М

Fi|ethese reports. Shut the door. Тurn on thе lights.

1. gun уou ?|eaeea|oэеthe window? It's freezing in here.

2. Could I'vе finishеd rеading them.

3. Would vou mind It's toо dark in hеre.

4. will Wе don,t havе anv left.

s. Could Ms. Cho is on another сall right now.

6. Would There's too muсh noisе in the hall!

EDIT.Reod theserequеstsfrom Morcio,s bossond Morcio,sonswers(in dork print),

Find ond corrеct six mistokеsin moking ond responding to rеquеsts.Thе first mistoke
is olrеodу corrеctеd,

Suвi: Sa|esMeeting-Rep|y
D д т в : 0 4 - 1 1 - 0 з1 2 : 1 4 : 3Е9S Т
Fвoм: MarсiaJones@dataIine.сom
Тo: JohnSanсhez@dataline.сom
CC: AnnOhen@data|ine.сom
>>><JohnSanсhez@data|ine.сom> 04l11/0310:37am>>>
The meetingsare goingwel|but they have been extendeda day'Cou|dyou eа{+f{eаs.P
Doug Rogersto try to resсhedu|e
our sales meeting?
Not at all. I'll do it right away.

We'|lneed threeeхtraсopiesof the month|ysales report.Wou|dyou ask Ann to takeсare

of that?
Yes, I would.(Ann-Could you do this?)

I hateto ask, butwouldyou mindto workon Saturday?We'llneedthe extratimeto go over

the new informationI'vegotten.
Sorry,but I сouldn't.My in.laws are сoming for a visit. But Rob Lin says he can сome
in to the offiсe to help out.

one |astthing.l was goingto piсkup thosenewbusinessсards,butI won'tbe baсkin time.

Wouldyou minddoingthatfor me?
Yes, l would. l'll stop at the printer'sduring my lunсh break.
Should, Оught to,
Had better
I r ea||уdo n,N
mind etar tinq at Nhe
botbom anА working mу
EMPLaVMЕшт waу to tha |op,

Сheсk the correct onswer,
П тьe interviewеr is suggesting a
typе ofjob for the appliсant. ought,to conэider
t тьe interviewеr is telling the a job ao an davaNor
appliсant how to be suссessful.

с'llARTсI|EсI(l sтAтEп,lЕNт |з SH0ULD/0UGHт тo/t|AD BE1rтЕR

Сirclе T (Truе) or тo/ | BдsвFoпм
F (Fаlse). Suв,вст Hдo всттсn* | oг Vвпв
т F The same form should (not)
of the verb |/Hе/Shе/Wе/You/Тhеy ought to look fo r a nеw .io b.
follows should,
had bеttеr (not)
ought to, and
hod better. *Shou|d ar,d oшght to are modals. Had better is similar to a modal.
These forms do not havе .s in the third person singular.
Noтв: For сontraсtions of should not and had bettеr,seе Appendtх 24 on pagе 346.

Сheсk the сorrect
onswеr. l'
| | Bдsв
SнoutoISuв,встlFoпм AгrlпмдтIvв
Il шEGAтlvE
In questions about
adviсe,we usually use: I you you
Should look? Yes, should. No, shouldn't.
A should hе he hе
Ё1 ought to
Ёl hod better v|lW-QUЕsтloNS: J}|oUtD
Wн. Woпo | SнouroI Suqвст | BлsвFoпм |
Whеre s h o u ld look foг a nеw job?

Adviсe: Shоttld, Оttght to' Наd bettеr l |29

Сomplеtethis conversotion,

A: Thеy'rе looking for a сashier at MсDonaldЪ. I apply for thе job?

B: , УoЦ . You сan get more money working at
the bookstorе.

r ffiкрЕ *иа&Ёогъg
& ra rв*ыт'ta Еxarжр**s
1. Usе should and ought to to say that somеthing l Maгio should find a nеw job.
is advisable. r H е o ught to r еad thе hе|pw antеdads.
UsдсвNoтв:We do not usuallyusе thе negativе r He shouldn,t quit sсhool.
of oughtto in AmeriсanЕngIish.Wе usе NoтсoммoN@
shouldn't instead.

2. Usе hod better foг uгgent adviсе-whеn you l You,d bеtter leavе now, or уou,ll be lote.
bе|iеvеthat somеthingbad wi||happen if thе
pеrsondoеs not fo|lowthе adviсe.

Usдсп Noтв:Wе usua|lyusе the сontraсtionfor r You,d bеttеr app|yfoг more than onе job.
hodbe t tе r , No т@
Тhе nеgativeof hod bеttеris hod better not. r You,d bettеr not bе latе.

prеsеntor the futuгe,nеVerto the past (еvеn r You,d better сall thеm baсk tomorrow.
though it usesthе word hoф.

3. Use shoиld for quеstions.Wе do not usuallyusе r Should l apply for that job?
oughtto or hod bеtterfoг questions. r Whеn should I apply?

4. lt is usua|lyсonsiderеdimpolitеto give Fпltшo:Should l shakе handswith thе

adviсе to pеoрlе of equal or highеr status intеrvieweг?
(suсh as friendsor bossеs)unlessthey ask for it. You: Yеs,you should.

Bo ss: W hеr еsho uld l take o ur с|iеntto |unсh?

Yo u: l thinkyo u sho uld go to thе ТusсanCгill.
Whеn wе give unasked-for adviсe,we often l Муra, moуbе you ought to apply foг this,iob.
softеn it with moуbe, perhops, or l think'

ought to is often pгonounсed,,oughta,,in informa|spеeсh.Do not write oughtо.
13o l Ugъlt 3o

READo Look ot thesejob sеorch tips.

o You should tell all your friends that you are looking for a job.
r You'd better not quit your present job before you find a new one.
о You shouldn't tell your boss that you are looking for a new job.
о You ought to apply for several jobs at onсe.
о You shouldn't immediately ask an interviewеr about job benefits.
о You should always give the interviewer aссurate salary informatiоn.

ANswERо Сheck thе things thаt ore ОK to do occording to thе tips.

1. И tetl.your friends about your job searсh 4. П lea,.e your jоb during your searсh
2. П t"tt your boss about your jоb searсh 5. П apply for several jobs at onсe

3. П ask about job benefits right away 6. П tеtt the intеrviewer your real salary

сl]00sEo Rеаd this odvice for job sееkеrs.Сomplete it with thе corrесt words.

R e ade r ЪW e e k l y V o |u m eI l ,|s s u e2 3

or nееd a nеwjob? \Ahеn's thе bеst timе to start looking? Right now!
T ^ T"'
v v уou bet,ter not. you,ll start to fееl ..stuсk.
dеlay. or you'll
dеlaи . ''
1. (oughtto / b e t t e rn o t )

Thеse tips will hеlp:

э A lot of pеoplе wait шntil aftеr thе holidays to look for ajob. Тhat mеans lеss соmpеtition for

you гight now. You wait!

2 . ( s h o u l d n ' t/ s h o u l d r
с Too btrsy at work to sсhеdulе intегviеws? Еarly morning intегviеws havе Геwеr intеrruptions.

You ,d ask for intеr.r,iеwsbеforе ninе o'сloсk.

3 . ( s h o u | d/ b е t t е rn o t )
э If уou arе laid off. y<lu takе a lolvег-payirrgjob jtrst to
4 . ( , d b е t t e r/ s h o u l d n , t )
gеt woгk. If your nеw salary is loщ your еmPloyеr Won't apprесiatе yollr skills. If possiblе, you

ask for a salary that matсhеs your skills.

5 . ( , d b е t t е rn o t / s h o u | d )
.- Howеvеr' monеy isn't еvеlything! You takе a position
6. (ought|o l b е t t е rn o t )
with a сompany you dislikе, or you Won't do a good job thеrе'

.} Don't иlk about salary too soon. You wait-lеarn about

7 . ( , d b е t t е r/ s h o u l d n , t )
thе job and talk about your skills first.
Adviсe: Stзоt.tld,Осtght tО' lad Lleffеr l 131

сOI|PIETEo Kim Yее,sbosshos invitеd him to dinnеr ot his homе. Сomplеte Kim,s
conversotionwith his friеnd.Use should, ought to, or had bеtter ond thе words
in pаrenthesеs.Сhoose bеtwееnаffirmotivе ond nеgotivе,

Krм: How эhou|dI dreээ? In a suit?

1. (How / drеss?)
Sсoтт: You don,t have to wear a suit.
2 . ( | o o k/ n e а t )
but vou сan Wear сasual сlothes.
3. (Whattimе / arrivе?)
Sсoтт: It,s really important to be on time. Your boss and his wife are expeсting you

at It's oK tо be a little

4. (arrivе aftеr 7:15)
late, but don't make them wait too long for you!
5. (bringa gift?)
Sсoтт: Yes, but get something small.
6 . ( b u y a n е x p е n s i v еg i f t )
It would embarrass thеm.
7 . ( W h a tl b u у ? )
Sсoтт: I think
8. (get some flowеrs)

ЕDIT.Reod this lettеr,Find ond corrеct six mistаkеsin expressingodvicе.

The first mistokе is olrеodу corrесtеd,

Dиr Soщ

Wе,аrе,'0 hАf.Ру to |шаr а"boиtуoorttшrjob. сoчrаtot/лtt"ottslJи,rtroLИД44,ber-/o'|,

s/шц/trntХtnr/c too hдrd,. Tho уи"ostit,и'oоrtа^t,tt
щ 'aш шttr tsуot,u sclшol,оtnrk,,
,lllауboуo*oфoryhtnшork,h,ndлуsnшukoklлtИl,oftfu*.Аko, иnttriлkуooud,
bottu а,s|cуottr
for th,Иo,
'f м*э ТhАt tпу уoш|/hfuoPlol4ryof thаэ и
stф YoшиloиИ, b*tu ghto tЙtk ш tюtof cмф'|'"з|n, OK? Pl"eа;otа"kэ7ood,саlo
ofуoиrsф Yoц,d,п"otbеttu stауt shppф LИРАh,алl,уou,.dфltф sh"oиllnt иrorkpl,
Аtуoиr а!Ч уot,t,{1}i/,1,
bеttuget ш7oooLф|'t'' s|му Doуot,t,nеaj,ryщ
"t ч|'t.
fo* h"orиp? sh,И,|tr,
оtlosш^оL ry ofуouу boohsrLet tt,skл"oиr.
j,iot,и,аJ4d Dal,
Howabout.. ?
Let's Travel!
Going to Germ anу?

Why not stay at a youth hostel?

How about a magnifiсent one

like Аltena Castle? A|tena is a|so
Circle T (True)or F (Folsе).
fun and сheap. So, why don't т F The ad wants to
you make our castle your home? know *hy many
pеople don't stay
at youth hostels.

Сheck the corrеct (Mлvвс) | su'l..,
onswer. | сouro- | вo,. гoпм |
(Maybe) l/he/she/we/you/theyсould stay in a сast|e.
Thе verb after could,
whу don,t, why not, *Could is a modal. It does not havе -s
in thе third person singular.
or let's
t сhanges for
different subjeсts. wнY I ootr,т | Suryвст
| вo,. гoпм |
П does not сhangе for don't |/wе/you/thеy
different subjeсts. why stay in a сastle?
d o е s n ,t hе/she

wнY'vor.,.? LEт,s
WнYшor i BдsвFoпм ; Ltт,s(Noт) вo'. гoпм
| |
Why not stay there? Let's (not) stay thеre.

сIIARтсHEсl(2 нowAB0Uт,.,?
Сircle T (Truе)or How ABIUт | свпuшo/Nouш|
F (FoIsе).
staying in a сastle?
т F Suggestions How about
with How a сastlе?
аbout. . . ?
have only
one form.

s ш g g e s t * с r n g э О r s t , l l d , W l . l у c о r s ' t ?' ,' ^
Whуnоt'..?'Let's,Ноwabout'".? l 133
a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o o a o a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a
o a a a a

Add thе corrесtpunctuotion.

Lеt,s take the train Maybe wе сould takе the train

Why not take the train How about the train

gжжr Жжp#effi eжfl'*wж#

& жжwwa ЖжжжpГ.*ж
1. Use letЗ, (Moуbe)... could, Whу don,t/ A: Lеt,s take a trip this summeг.
doesn,t, Whу not, and How about to B: Maybe we сould go to Gегmany.
makе suggestions. A: Why don,t wе ask Lukеto go with us?
B: Go o d idea.W hy do esn,t Тo m сall him
to night?
A: Why not сall him right now?
B: How about staying at a youth hostе|?
A: How about Altena Castle?

Whу don,t/doesnt to make a suggestion,these A: Why don,t you visit ,li||in Hong Kong?
exprеssions arе not informationquestions.Тhе B: Тhat,sa good idеa.
-l-_-... doеs not еxoесtto rесеivеinformation
from the Iistener.
A: Why don,t you еat mеat?
B: BесauseI ,m a vegetar ian.

2. Let,sa|waysinсludesthe spеaker.|t mеans: l Lеt's go to Hong Kong.

Here,so suggestionfor уou ond me. (l suggеstthat wе go to Hong Kong.)

3. Notе the different forms to use with BдsгFoпм oг тнг Vгпв

theseexprеssions. l Lеt,s to&e the tгain.
r Maybe wе сould to&e the train.
l Why don,t we toke thе train?
r Why not tofte the train?

cвкuш oo к No uш
l How about toking thе tгain?
r How about thе troin?

4, Notiсe the punсtuation at thе end of еaсh Sтдтгмгштs

kind of suggestion. l Lеt,s stay at a hostеI.
r Maybe wе сould stay at a hostе|.

r Why don,t wе stayat a hostel?
r Why not stayat a hostel?
r How about stayingat a hostel?
l How about a hostе|?
134 r Unit 3't

iDENтIFY o Еmilу ond Megon orе visiting Hong Kong, Rеod their convеrsotion,Undеrline
oll the suggestions.

Eмrr-y: Whv don't we gо tо the raсes? I hear they're really exсiting.

Mвсдш: I'd likе to, but I need to go shopping.

Eмrr.y: Then let's gо to the Temple Streеt Market tonight. We might even seе some
Chinesе opera in the streеt whilе we're there.

Мвсдш: That sounds like fun. If wе do that, why not gо to the raсеs this aftеrnoon?

Eмrr,у: oK, but let's get somеthing to eat first in onе of those floating restaurants.

Mвсдш: I don,t think we'll have time. Maybe we сould do that tomorrow. Right now, how
abоut getting dim sum at the Kau Kee Rеstaurant nеxt door? Thеn we сould

takе the Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island and the raсeсourse.

Eмrr.y: Sounds good. Here's an idea fоr tomorrow. Why not take one of those small
boats-h aido-to Lantau Island? When wе сome baсk. we сould have dinner at

the Jumbo Palaсе.

Mвсдш: Lеt's do that. It,s a little eхpensive, but at least it floats!

сOIЛPLЕтEo Read thеseconversotions,Сomplete them with the oppropriotе еxpression

in porеnthеsеs,

l. A: I feel like having seafood for dinneц but we went to Tai Pak for seafood last night.

B: Wnynot
Why nol go again? Thе food's gтeat, and so is thе view.
(Why not / Let's not)
2. Az I'm rеallv tirеd. resting before Wе go out?
(Let's / How about)
B: That's a good idea. I'm tired too.

3. A: I want to eхplore downtown Hong Kong.

B: takе a minibus? We,ll see a lot morе that way.
(Let,snot / Why don,t wе)
4. A: A gтoup of foreign students just сheсked in at thе hostel.

B: ask them to join us for dinnеr.

(How about / Мaybе wе сou|d)
5. A: I still need to buv somе souvenirs before we leavе.
B: go shopping aftеr dinnеr.
(Lеtъ/ F|.Э*
6. A: I don,t want to go homе tomorrow. I'm having a really good time herе.
B: So am I. lеave tоmorrоw.
(Let's not / Why not)
Bц-. --

Эу.gg:.::i.o..1:... .........

сlt00sEa сOIЛPLETEo Reod thеsеconversotions.Сomplеtе the suggеstionswith phroses

from the box. Add pronouns ond chongе the vеrbs os nеcеssorу.Punctuotе corrеctlу.

take a trip together try that new sеafоod plaсe @*icК

go to the bеaсh buy anothеrone

l. A: Thеre,s an oasis сonсert at the Hong Kong Convention Centre next weekend.
B: We'rе near thеre now. Maybe we could buу ticketэ,

2. A: It's going to be hot tomorrow.

B: I know. How about
3 . A: Swеaters are on Sale. Maybe We сould buy onе for Brian's birthday.
B: We got him a swea ter last year. Let's not

4. A: I don't know what to do on spring vaсation. I'm siсk of staying in thе dorm.

B: Me too. Whv don't

5 . A: I'm hungтy.

B: Lеt,s

EDIT.Rеod thesenotеs, Find ond corrеctsevеn mistokesin thе use of suggеstions,

Thе first onе is olrеodу correctеd.Don,t forget to cheсk punctuotion.

3:00 4:00
tmtу .7.00
tordinnеris fine.
l,m qoiп,qshoppiпg,t,|lbe bасk аt |iowаboutgo to а maviеаttеwаrd.
5:00,Lrts йe,'g аt 7:00,oK? 5ее уou|аtеr.
Мe3аи e.

5:00 tu- 6:00

а morie. Ld,s not еаtаt thе aаrnеrеstаtlrаnt
|,m3oiп3 to be too tirеd for
don'twе tryingа nеw
plаcе?|iowаbot'lt BroаdwaуSеаtood.
thehosfu|аftэrdiпиer,LеtЗ tаlk
|'||rnеd \louаownstаirs
аt 1:00.
аboиt it lаtrr t,m tаИиg а ИаP.
Prefer, WouИ prefer,
Would rather

PreferredTeen PastimesAround the World


\ts 40
o Сheck thе moin point of thе bor groph,
Ф 20
П Tue',agers like to watсh TV, read
ц0) books, and listеn to musiс.
watсhTV rеad shop
П T""',ugers likе tо watсh TV bettеr
m u slс
than thеy likе to do other things.
Тееnagersaround thе world prefеr watсhing ТV to a|I
othеr |еisure-time


Сhесk the сorreсt Suв1вст I twou,o1 PREFER
l шouш/GвпuшollшFlNlтlvE
l/Wе/You*/Тhеy prefеr
Whiсh word(s) сan
nеwspapеrs (to magazines).
you use with all Hе/Shе prefers
subjесts? reading nеWspapеrs(to rеadingbooks).
would prefеr (not) to read nеWspapеrs.
O prefer I/Hе/She/Wе
lYoulTheу 'd
tl would prefer *You is both singular and plural.
('d prefer)

Сhеck the correсt Do/Wouto Isury,.' Inru,* |шouш/Gвпuшo/lшFlNlтlvЕ
Do you/thеy
Whiсh two forms nеwspapers?
ofthe verb сan Does hе/she prefеr reading newspapers?
follow prefer? to read newspapers?
Would уoult.heуlhе/shе
П tь. basе form оr
the gеrund
t tьe gerund or
the infinitivе Aггlпмдтlvв | шЕGAтIVE

Ilweltheу do. l/weithеy don't.

Yes, hе/shе doеs. No, hе/shе do еsn,t.

Ilweltheуlhе/shе w o uld. Ilweltheуlhе/shе w o uldn't.

Preferences: Prеfеr, Wottld prefеr, Wauld rather l 137


Suв,вст I wouto RAт'|ER
| вo'. Foпм oг Vвпв
would rather read newspapегs(than rеad magazines).
rathеr (not) read nеWspapeгs.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNS: WoUt.D RAтI/,ER s}|oRт ANsWЕRs

Wouto I suq.., | кo,",* | вo'. Foпм Aггlпмдтlvв l NвGAтlvE

Would shе rather rеad? Yes, shе would. l No, shе wouldn,t.
Shе,d rathеr not.

Сircle thе corrеct words to complеte this sentеncе.
I,d rather rеad / to rеad than / to shop, but Jo prefers shop / shopping.

A ram rвrarЕхplanetlons Ж.xamрlеs

1. Use prеfer, would prefer, and would rather l Wе usua||yprеfеr ltolion food,
to ta|kabout thingsthat you |ikеbеttеrthan r l,d prеfеr to hove Chinеsеfood tonight.
othеr things. r |,d rathеr сook at home.

Usдсв Noтв: Wе often use prefer for a genеra| r Whiсh do you prеfer-сhiсkеn oг shrimp?
prеferеnсeand would prefеr or would rothеr r Would you prеfer сhiсken or shrimp tonight?
for a prеfеrеnсein a partiсu|arsituation.

2. Prefеrand would prefеr may be fol|owеd by a r I usua|lyprefer the newspoPеr.
noun, a qeгund,or an infinitive. gегund
l Doеs Bi||prefer reoding magazinеs?
r Hе,d prefer to wotсh-N.
basе form
Would rather сan bе followеd by on|y thе l |,d rather stoy homе tonight.
basе form of thе vеrb.

Usдсв Noтв: Wе oftеn usе l,d rother not, by A: Would you like to havе some dessеrt?
itsе|f,to rеfusean offer,suggestion,or invitation. B: l,d rathеr not. |,vеhad enough to еat.

l,drothernot. Noт

noun noun
3. A сomparison with to may fo|]ow r Lani prefers сomediеs to aсtion moviеs.
prеfer/wouldprеfеr + noun.
gегund ger und
A сomparison with to may alsofo||ow l |,d prefer visitingLani to going to thе paгty.
prеfer/wouldorefеr+ oеrund.
base form basе form
A сomparison with thon may follow r l,d rathеr watсh football thon play it.
would rаther+ base form of the vеrb.
138 I Unit З2

тRUE0R tАLsEо lulio ronked some octivitiеsfrom 1 to 8 аccording to his prеfеrences

(1 _ his fovorite).Lookot his list. Then reаd eoch numberedsеntеncеond writе
T (Truе)or F (Folsе).

Preferred Aсtivitiеs
1- tistento musiс т 1. He prefers listening to musiс to playing guitar.
5 go swimming 2. Hе'd rather hike than go swimming.
А go Ьiking 3. He prеfers swimming to biking.
1 watсh ТV 4. He'd rathеr not watсh Tv.
8 Ьakеpies 5. He prefers baking pies to reading.
6 play guitar 6. He prefers watсhing TV to reading.
? hike 7. He,d probably prefer a сonсert to a hikе in the woods.

& с0мPIE71olulio ond Ano orе disсussingthеir еvening plons, Сomplеtе their
conversаtion.IJsewou|d rathеr (not) with one of the vеrbsin thе boх or bу itsеlfin
short onswers.

havе сook seе Staя go

Aшд: Would you like to go to a movie tonight?

Jul.lo: |'drather otaу home and watсh TV.

Aшд: Sounds good. Maybe we соuld make dinner later.
Jur,ro: tonight. I'm tоo tired.

Aгtд: oK. you to

a restaurant instead?

Jur,rо: Let's order out for some pizza.

Aшд: How about a peppеroni pizza?
Jur,rо: . Pepperoni gives me heartburn.
mushrooms than pepperoni if that's OK.
Aшд: No prоblеm. Do you want to watсh the Stephen King thriller at 8:00?
Aшд: Well . . . there's a сomedy on at 8:00 and a doсumentarу at 8:30.

Jur,ro: the сomedy. I need a laugh.

с0ILPLEтEo Rеod theseсonvеrsotions,Сomplеtеthem with prefer, would prefer, or
would rathеr. Use pretеr to stotе gеnеrol preferencеs.Сomplеtе thе comporisons
with to or than.

1. A: We're going to Romе again next week. Would

Prefer taking the train flying this time?

B: You know me. I alwavs the plane the train.

2.4: I have thе aisle seat the window seat.

B: That's fine with me. I the window seat. That wav I сan look out.

3. A: Where would you like to stay? In a hotеl ot a pеnsionе?

B: Oh. I to stay in a pеnsione this time. It,s more personal.

с.A: I eating in small trattorias eatrng rn

big restaurants.
B: Me too. They're less expensivе and the food is always deliсious.

5. A: Speaking of food, УoЦ make the best spaghetti with сlam sauсe in the world.
B: Thanks, but I order it in a restaurant

make it at home!

6. A: Whеn in Rome. you drinking tea or сoffee?

B: I defrnitelv сoffee tea. You know what

they say, "When in Rome do as the Romans do!"

EDIT. Reod Anа,s rеport, Find аnd corrесt six mistokеsin the usе of prefer ond
would rather. Thе firstmistаkеis olrеodycorrеcted.

For mдr study' I inteгviewed fifty men and women. There Was no differenсe
in men's and women's preferenсes for TV. I found that everyone prefeгs
watchin$ тv thа,n going t'o movies. Men and women both eцjoy news proglams
and entertainment speсials. Howeveц men would гather watсhin$ adventure
progtams and sоienсe fiсtion, while Women prefer soap operas. Men also like to
watсh ail kinds of sports, but women would rathег see game shows to sports.
Readin$ preferences differ too. Men prefeг to reading newspapeгs' while Women
would rather read. magazines and books. tr\Гhenmen read books, they pгefer теad
nonfiсbion and adventure stores. TAIomenare preferrin$ novels.

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