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FATO Info Special Edition


Table of contents
Word of the President…………………………………………………………………..…..…Page 1
New Executive Board at FATO …………………………………………….…………..Page 3
Biography of the members of New Executive Board ……………..Page 4
Basketball in Wheelchair………………………………………………………………......Page 6
Partnership ISPC & FATO ……………………………………………………….………….Page 9
Dual Membership ISPO-FATO..…………………………………………….….….……Page 10

Word of the New President

Ladies and gentlemen,
Once again Happy New Year 2022 to all. May this new
year a better one for everyone, personally and
I take this opportunity to officially announce the launch of our
newspaper “Fato Info” at the beginning of this year. I would also like to
thank all the members of the Executive Board of FATO, the members, as
well as the partners of FATO, for their unconditional and unfailing
support toward our federation.
You are cordially invited to share with the FATO community, information
on your activities and/or events in your respective countries…
Continuation of the Word of the New President
… I also take this opportunity to announce the postponement of the FATO
International Congress scheduled for March-April 2022, to the year 2024, because
of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In addition, we plan to organize an event in the last quarter of 2022, in a country
to be specified. We will come back to you without delay, for more advice,
assistance, and contributions, once the project has been established.
We wish you a very happy new year, with a great discovery of our newspaper.
Do receive our cordial and distinguished greetings. Good reading !!

Président de la FATO

A New Executive Board

Introduction of the New Board
Pakouyouwou P. Timothée, President, TOGO
Kagwiza N. Jeanne, 1st Vice-President, RWANDA
Kerio E. Raphaël, 2nd Vice-President, KENYA
Kalanga K. Astrid, Secretary General, DRC
Rafamatanantsoa H. Christian, Deputy Secretary General, MADAGASCAR
Adama Amah, General Treasurer, TOGO
Kpandressi Anarème, Digital Innovation and FATO Committees, TOGO

Timothée Pakouyouwou
Timothée Pakouyowou is a PhD student at Aix-Marseille University (France), Faculty of
Education Sciences at the ADEF Research Unit (Learning, Didactics, Evaluation, Training).
Holder of a Master 2, Expert consultant in evaluation from the Faculty of Education
Sciences of the University of Aix-Marseille (France), he obtained another Master 2, in
intervention and promotion of public health obtained at the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Health and Social Sciences from the said school as well as a Master 1 in
Public Health and Environment from the Nancy School of Public Health. Before taking up his current
position, he worked for Handicap International and practiced for eight years in France as a certified
Prosthetist and Orthotist in various renowned firms (Albatross, Protéor, Lecante, Ravel orthomedic, etc.).
On the strength of his experience, he held the position of Project Manager, CPO, member of the PHII team,
within the ICRC, for eight years. Currently, he is involved in Mopti in the Malian Sahel, in order to
contribute to the implementation of the ICRC, in favor of the victims of conflicts, in Central and Northern

Jeanne N. Kagwiza
Jeanne N. Kagwiza is currently Associate Professor and Principal of the College of
Medicine and Health Sciences in the University of Rwanda. She is physiotherapist by
professional and hold a PhD degree. She is currently a member of several national and
international organizations. including Member of Council of Allied Health
Professionals of Rwanda, Member of Executive Committee of African Federation of
Rehabilitation Professionals (FATO), Member of Board of Directors of Action Aid
Rwanda and Action Aid International Board of Directors, Human Resources and Organisational
Development (HROD) committee. Fellow of African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships (ADDRF)
and In 2011 she won an award for her PhD research. Member of the Council of Kigali Independent
University (ULK) and member of WHO Ad-hoc Advisory Group of Experts on Assistive Technology.

Kerio Ewoi Raphaël

Mr. Kerio Raphael was born on 20th April 1980 in Turkana, Kenya. He is professionally trained
as a prosthetist/ Orthotist having graduated from TATCOT since 2005. He holds BSc.
Prosthetics &Orthotics and a Diploma in Orthopaedic Technology from Tumaini University
and University of Dar es Salaam respectively.

He is currently pursuing MSc in Project Management from Salford University (UK). Since August 2015, he
joined ICRC as an Ortho-Prosthetist in Syria. He has then served ICRC in several other missions in Myanmar,
Sudan and currently in Yemen. Mr. Kerio briefly represented FATO as a member of ISPO Education
Committee in 2020.

Kalanga Astrid Kabisa
Astrid Kalanga Kabisa, is an Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physiotherapist,
Orthopaedic Technologist, and holds a Bachelor in Community Health. She has been
working in the field of rehabilitation since 2002, at the Rehabilitation Center for the
Physically Handicapped, then with the Physical Rehabilitation Program of the
International Committee, of the Red Cross.

Experienced in the promotion and dissemination of the Leadership Development Program (LDP/CICR) for
the development of centers for the physically handicapped, a project implemented by Management Science
of Health (MSH) and funded by USAID, she is National Executive Secretary of the Association of the
Orthopaedic Technologists from Congo and Focal point of the observatory of good practices of FATO.

Rafamatanantsoa Christian
Born in Antananarivo in 1983, Rafamatanantsoa Christian has a background of
Prosthetist-Orthotist from schools accredited by ISPO. He has been working in low-
and middle-income countries for fifteen years. He had the opportunity and the
opportunity to carry out a training of trainers in Leadership Management and
governance in Thailand. Training, allowed him to understand not only the various
approaches to leading and managing a team, but also to use the tools that facilitate
the resolution of problems within an organization.
In order to overcome the obstacles linked to inclusion in Madagascar, Rafamatanantsoa Christian takes care
of the capacity building of HI's partners and provides technical support within various projects working in
the field of disability and physical rehabilitation. from its development to its implementation. In particular,
he has published various articles on scientific research both on congenital equinus varus clubfoot and on
the experience of technical staff in rehabilitation centers, as well as his dissertation, the theme of which
focused on mapping in the service of physical rehabilitation Madagascar. He is currently a temporary
teacher at the Faculty of Medicine in the physiotherapy and orthoprosthetist sector.

Adama S. Amah
Adama Amah S. is of Togolese nationality. After his training as a senior orthopedic
technician in TANZANIA (TATCOT), and following several successful internships in the field
of manufacturing Orthoses and Prostheses, he chose to become a trainer at the National
School of Medical Auxiliaries in Lomé (ENAM- Lome). He thus joins the big leagues, while
combining the skills and qualities of the instructors. He has continued to deepen his
technical and professional knowledge of rehabilitation and wheeled technical aids. This
earned him a WHO and ISWP certificate, making him a WHO accredited trainer.
He is an active member of the executive board of the Association of Orthopedic Technicians (ASTOP),
member of the FATO Education Committee and Secretary General of the Pan-African Association of Schools
and Training Institutions (PAPOSTI). He is an ISPO auditor for category 2 orthotics and prosthetics schools.
He is also a member of the ISPO Continuing Professional Development Committee. To date, he is the head
of the Prosthetics and Orthotics department of ENAM, Lomé.

Kpandressi Anarème
Anarème Kpandressi, Togolese, is a Prosthetist/Orthotist, ISPO Category 1, alumni
of the Human Study School of Rehabilitation and the Mahidol University of
Thailand. He is also holder of a Master Degree in Education and Training Sciences.
He is a P&O trainer and the current Deputy Director of ENAM-Lomé (Togo). He is
the President of the P&O Association of Togo and also a member of two
committees of ISPO : the Membership Committee and the Auditor Recruitment
and Training Subcommitee.
In West Africa, he is a dedicated member of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) Training
Curriculum Harmonization Group for the Allied Health Professions. He is married, and father of two

Basketball in Wheelchair : Dubai 2022 World Cup Qualifying

Tournament - DRC Leopards snatched the 3rd place

The Wheelchair Basketball Leopards snatched third place on January 29th, 2022 in the African Qualifying
Tournament for the Dubai World Cup 2022, organized in Addis Ababa. They beat the host country
(Ethiopia), with a score of 41-36. After this snatched third place, the Leopards will have the opportunity
to participate in the World Championship, scheduled for Dubai, still in 2022. However, it should be
remembered that this is the first time that the DRC has participated in such a tournament and obtained
an African third place.

A dual ISPO/FATO membership at a combined and reduced rate
ISPO and FATO are excited to add on to their long-standing and fruitful partnership with this new,
advantageous offering for its members and prospects.

1) Benefits

Dual ISPO/FATO members will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

 Be part of the regional community of FATO and the global network of ISPO.
 Attend ISPO and FATO events at exclusive registration rates:
o ISPO World Congress
o FATO Congress
o ISPO Member Society events
 Receive scientific publications and community updates:
o Prosthetics and Orthotics International
o ISPO eUpdates
o FATO newsletters
 Access to an exclusive member-area on the ISPO website, where you are able to:
o Connect with your peers communicate with them via the member directory
o Access publications, documents, eLectures, etc.

2) Fees

The combined ISPO/FATO membership fees are determined based on your member type and the
World Bank category of your home country. A discount of approximately 25% is applied in comparison
to the two fee amounts taken individually. You will be able to see your rate when you register (see
point 3).

3) Registration

The administration and fee collection of this dual ISPO/FATO membership will be handled by ISPO.

1) All current members of ISPO or of both ISPO/FATO, who are interested in subscribing to the new
dual ISPO/FATO membership are invited to contact ISPO at We will
manually change your settings in the system so that you will be able to renew for 2022 under the
dual membership.

2) All current members of FATO, who are interested in subscribing to the new dual ISPO/FATO
membership are invited to proceed to the registration page on the ISPO website (if your selected
home country is eligible for ISPO/FATO dual membership, then a specific registration link will
appear. You will be able to pay your membership via PayPal (either through your PayPal account
or as guest via a one-time credit card payment) or receive an invoice inviting you to pay via bank

3) All individuals who are currently neither members of ISPO nor FATO, who are interested in
subscribing to the new dual ISPO/FATO membership are invited to proceed to the registration page
on the ISPO website (if your selected home country is eligible for ISPO/FATO dual membership,
then a specific registration link will appear. You will be able to pay your membership via PayPal
(either through your PayPal account or as guest via a one-time credit card payment) or receive an
invoice inviting you to pay via bank transfer.)


From December 15 to 17, 2021, the tenth congress of Malagasy P&O professionals took place,
with the theme: The P&O Profession in Covid19 context. Were present Malagasy orthoprosthetists,
rehabilitation professionals, national and international organizations, the various partners who support
the association in its activities from far or near. This congress also aimed to maintain and promote the
field of orthopedic equipment in Madagascar and to create a framework for sharing and disseminating
good practices in improving access to care for people with disabilities.
During the Congress, there was an elective General Assembly ending the term of the previous
board and introducing a new board for a four-year term.:
 President: Mr ANDRIAMIFIDISON Ando
 Secretary General : Mrs RANARIVELO Narindrafitia Andrianina
 Treasurer : Mr HAJA Harisson


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