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Daily Expense Tracker Using PHP

and MySQL
Table of Contents [hide]

 1 Daily Expense Tracker Using PHP And MySQL

 2 Project Features

 3 Some of the Project Screens

 4 How to run the Daily Expense Tracking System Project

 5 View Demo

 6 Free VS Pro

 7 DETS Project Report

 8 DETS Pro Version

Daily Expense Tracker Using PHP And MySQL

Daily Expense Tracker using PHP and MySQL is  web based
application. This application used to manage daily expenses of a

Project Name Daily Expense Tracker System

Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x

Database MySQL 5.x


Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Last Updated 25 September 2021

Project Features
In Daily Expense Tracker System we use PHP and MySQL database.
This is the project which keeps records of daily expenses. DETS has
one module i.e. user.
1. Dashboard: In this section, user can briefly view expenses on a
daily basis, monthly basis and yearly basis.
2. Expenses: In this section user can manage the
3. Expense Report: In this section, user can view expenses on day
wise basis, month wise basis and year wise basis according to
periods of time.
4. Profile: In this section, user can update his/her profile.
5. Change Password: In this section, user can change his/her
6. Logout: Through this button, user can log out.
User can also recover his/her password.
Some of the Project Screens

User Signup
User Login

User Dashboard

How to run the Daily Expense Tracking System Project

1. Download the zip file
2. Extract the file and copy dets folder
3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp
wamp/www, for lamp var/www/html)
4. Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
5. Create a database with name detsdb
6. Import detsdb.sql file(given inside the zip package in sql file
7.Run the script http://localhost/dets (frontend)
Credential for user panel OR you can register your self:
Password: Test@123

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