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You have decided to change your substance use or (gambling) behavior. This workbook is
part of your treatment.
The goal of this treatment is to help you stop or decrease your substance use or gambling.

What can you expect from the treatment?

Treatment exists of 13 meetings. Every meeting lasts around 45 minutes. During the last 4
meetings you can choose a theme depending on your situation.

First you will register – together with your therapist – in which situation you have the
tendency to use or gamble. We call these situations risk situations. After that you will make a
function analysis together. With the function analysis you will find out exactly which factors
facilitate or lead up to your usage/behavior. Furthermore, you will find out what the
consequences of your usage or behavior are.

Hereafter you will learn how to deal with these situations in another manner. This is how you
regain control over your substance use.

What is expected from you?

With this treatment it is expected that you actively work on the goals that you’ve agreed with
your therapist. That is why it is important that you make the assignments or practice at home
or in your free time. This way you have the biggest chance that you will achieve what you
want: control over your usage.

What’s the function of this workbook?

The workbook will help you to get more out of yourself and your treatment. You can make
notes in it during the sessions for example. Together with your therapist you make
agreements about which exercises you will do for homework. In each meeting 1 or 2 themes
are addressed, in the workbook you will find the accompanying exercises. It is important to
bring the workbook with you to the sessions. You will discuss the homework exercises with
your therapist.

A lot of people do not exactly know how much and when they will use or gamble. That ‘s why
we ask you to monitor when you use/gamble. Besides situations in which you’ve used this
also includes situations in which you had difficulties not to use.
This is how you will learn your risk situations. It is important to complete as many situations
as possible. You can find the forms at the end of the workbook. At the beginning of each
session you will discuss them with your therapist.

How do you register?

Write the following down in a few words:
 Time, day and date. For example Monday January 5, 17.00 h.
 External situation
Of the situation in which you used/gambled or had difficulties not to do so you write
1. Where you were, 2. With whom you where and 3. What you did
For example: at home, with Peter, watching TV
 Internal situation
Thoughts: write down what you thought. “what is she wining about, I cannot handle
Physical sensation: what did you notice in your body. For example headache,
tiredness, palpitations, cravings.
Emotions: write down what you felt. Anxious, mad, happy or sad.
 Behavior: Write down what you did in this situation. For example: walked the dog.
When you did use/gamble write down the amounts, the duration and the amound of
money you’ve spend.
Always complete the time, day and date in the first column and the behavior in the last
column. Complete the other columns when indicated.
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Friday At home, With Peter, “what is she wining Craving Anger Walked the dog, did
Sept 6 watching TV about, I cannot handle not smoke weed
19.00 this”
Example registration

Saturday Soccer clubhouse with Scared 3 beers, stayed for

Sept 7 Frank and John. Frank half an hour, went
15.00 offered a beer home in time
Sunday Home alone after a Nobody likes me Palpitations Sad Watched a DVD, did
Sept 8 fight with mother not gamble
Monday Walking through the I deserved a drink Tired Went home quickly
Sept 9 city with Linda and after such a long day and ordered take out.
18.00 Marissa after work One drink after dinner
Meeting 1

Preparing for change


 Introduction with therapist

 Explanation about the appointments and their content
 Introduction of registration assignments


 Register usage/behavior
 Complete: Disadvantages of using / advantages of changing

You will meet your therapist this session. Your usage/behavior will be discussed. Also your
therapist will tell you what you can expect over the next few weeks. Changing your
usage/behavior is difficult. When you start to use or gamble you will feel better; you
experience the positive effects of the usage/gambling. That’s why you continue
using/gambling. Individuals who use/gamble for a longer period of time will also experience
the negative effects. However, when they do not use/gamble they will feel very negative. To
do something against these feelings they will use/gamble again. This is how your behavior is
maintained. This treatment is aimed to learn you to deal with the factors which trigger and
maintain your usage/gambling.
With your therapist you have spoken about the disadvantages of your usage and the
advantages of changing your behavior. Below you will find a table in which you can make
your own overview of the disadvantages of your usage and the advantages of changing your

Disadvantage usage/gambling Advantages stopping / reducing

Short term Short term

Long term Long term

Your therapist also explained the registration assignments. It is very important that you
register your usage/gambling over the next few weeks. You will also write down what triggers
your usage. When you do nog use/gamble you will write down the situations where you used
to do it – but not anymore. At the end of the workbook you will find the registration forms.
Meeting 2

Goals and self-control measures


 Registration
 Goals
 Self-control measures


 Register usage/behavior
 Complement and work on your plan for change

In this session you will discuss your registration and the disadvantages of your usage and
the advantages of changing your behavior. After that the topics of ‘goals and self-control
measures’ will be discussed. You will discuss your goals and what you want to change in
your behavior with your therapist. Which goals do you have and how do you want to achieve
those? It is important that you know what you want to achieve: the goals. Also it is important
that you write down how you want to achieve them: the self-control measures. You will write
all this down in a plan for change.
Plan for change

The first substance I want to change:

Check off your goal:

o I want to stop using completely

o I want to reduce my usage
o I want to change my usage, but I don’t know yet whether I want to stop using or
reduce it.
o I want to reduce my usage during treatment and make a decision afterwards

When you want to reduce, please check

I do not want to use on:

o Monday
o Tuesday
o Wednesday
o Thursday
o Friday
o Saturday
o Sunday

On the days that I do want to use

My maximum daily amount is:__________________________________________________

My maximum weekly amount is:________________________________________________

I start with this on: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)

I will keep up with this plan till: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)
The second substance I want to change:

Check off your goal:

o I want to stop using completely

o I want to reduce my usage
o I want to change my usage, but I don’t know yet whether I want to stop using or
reduce it.
o I want to reduce my usage during treatment and make a decision afterwards

When you want to reduce, please check

I do not want to use on:

o Monday
o Tuesday
o Wednesday
o Thursday
o Friday
o Saturday
o Sunday

On the days that I do want to use

My maximum daily amount is:__________________________________________________

My maximum weekly amount is:________________________________________________

I start with this on: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)

I will keep up with this plan till: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)

Check off your goal:

o I want to stop gambling completely

o I want to reduce my gambling
o I want to change my gambling behavior, but I don’t know yet whether I want to stop
gambling or reduce it.
o I want to reduce my gambling during treatment and make a decision afterwards

When you want to reduce, please check

I do not want to use on:

o Monday
o Tuesday
o Wednesday
o Thursday
o Friday
o Saturday
o Sunday

On the days that I do want to use

My maximum daily budget is: €_________________________________________________

My maximum weekly budget is: €_______________________________________________

I start with this on: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)

I will keep up with this plan till: ______/______/______ (day, month, year)
Self-control measures
Self-control measures can help you to change your substance use or gambling behavior.

There are four types op self-control measures.

1. Avoidance
Avoid certain places where you always used or gambled. Also do that with certain
people with whom you always used or gambled. This way you will avoid the
temptation to use or gamble.
To achieve my goal I will avoid the following situations or persons:
Example: Temporarily, I will not visit Tom.

2. Alternative behavior
Do something else at moment that you want to use or gamble. Go for a walk when
you want to drink for example, or drink a cup of tea when you want to smoke.
When I want to use or gamble I will:
Example: When I come home after work I will take a mineral water after beer.
3. Reward
To sustain your behavior you have to reward yourself. You can do this in three ways.
o Materialistic reward (for example buying a magazine)
o Immaterial reward (for example sitting in the sun for an hour)
o Say something positive to yourself (for example “I did it!”)

Give yourself a small reward every when you have managed to achieve your goal.
Reward yourself with something bigger when you have achieved your goal.

When I achieve my goal I will reward myself by:

Example: After a week I will go to the cinema with Max.

4. Useful activities

When you do not manage to achieve your goals it is important not to blame yourself.
It is better to make it up with yourself another way. This way you can still be content
with yourself. Do a nasty chore, which is also useful. Think about weeding the garden
or wash out kitchen cabinets.
When I do not achieve my goal I will:
Example: If I smoke weed I will clean up the shed.
Meeting 3

Self-control measures and Function analysis


 Registration
 Self-control measures
 Function analysis


 Register usage/behavior
 Complement and work on self-control measures
 Complete: List ‘risk situations’
 Complete: top 5 risk situations

In this session you will discuss your registration and your additions to the self-control
measures. After that the topic ‘function analysis’ is discussed. Your will examine – together
with your therapist – in which situations you have difficulties not to use or to gamble.
Together with your therapist you will write down all the triggers in a schedule which we call
function analysis. This way you will get a clear image how your behavior looks like. This is
not possible to do in one go. By completing the list of risk situations you can complete the
function analysis together next time.
External situation Internal situation Behavior Effects/consequences
Short Term Long Term
With whom? What do you think before Which substance/game?
Where? What do you feel in your How much do you normally
body before use/gamble?
Function analysis substance 1

When? Which emotion do you feel How lung does the

before using/gambling? using/gambling take?
External situation Internal situation Behavior Effects/consequences
Short Term Long Term
With whom? What do you think before Which substance/game?
Where? What do you feel in your How much do you normally
body before use/gamble?
Function analysis substance 2 (if applicable)

When? Which emotion do you feel How lung does the
before using/gambling? using/gambling take?
Risk situations
Situation in which you have the tendency/urge to use or to gamble are called risk situations.
Risk situations can be in your environment. These are external risk situations. When you are
in a bar with friends for example. However, risk situations can also be inside you. Those are
internal risk situations. For example when you’re feeling down or when you think that you are
better able to deal with your problems when you use.
To be able to prepare yourself for these factors or triggers you have to know which situations
are risky for you first. Below there is a list with possible risk situations. There are two
important things about risk situations:
1. How tempting is it in the situation for you to use or gamble
2. How much confidence do you have that you will not use or gamble in the situation

List of risk situations

Risk situations are different for everybody. These situations can cause a relapse in using or
gambling. That is why it is important that you know what your risk situations are. By
completing the following questionnaire you will be able to identify your risk situations.
Before every situation you will find a column with 5 possible responses; above which you can
read ‘temptation’. After every situation you will also find a column with 5 possible
responses; above which you can read ‘confidence’. First you complete all the situations for
the column temptation. When you’ve finished you can start on the column confidence. You
do not have to think long before you answer. Your first impression is good. Please complete
all the questions.

The following question belongs underneath the column ‘temptation’:

“how big is the temptation for you to use / gamble in this situation?”
For every question you can check one of the response possibilities:
1=not at all 2=a little 3=neutral 4=much 5=very much


When you are tempted to use a little bit when you are on holiday, you will cross that box:

The following question belongs underneath the column ‘conficence’:

“how big is your confidence not to use / gamble in this situation?”
For every question you can check one of the response possibilities:
1=not at all 2=somewhat 3=somewhat strong 4=strong 5=very strong

When you have a lot of confidence that you will not use when your are on holiday, you will
cross that box:

When there are risk situations for you that are not on the list. You can add them. You can
also complete the list with your support persons. A lot of people find it helpful to discuss it
with others.

List with possible risk situations

temptation situation confidence
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
When I have the feeling that everything goes
When I am on holiday
When I get offered a drink/drugs/a gamble
When others are using (in my surrounding/at
a party)
When I have big financial problems
When I am bored
When I am not looking forward going
When I am ruminating
When I am sad about someone (-thing)
important to me
When I feel lonely
When I have personal problems
When I have a headache
When I feel tense
When I am disappointed about the course of
my life
When I am physically tired
When I want to feel happy
When I think that I can use only once to see
what will happen
When I feel guilty about something I did or did
not do
When I am angry because something
unexpected happened
When I am worrying about someone
When I am dissatisfied with myself
When I go to bed with my partner
When I smell alcohol/drugs
When I get criticized
When I planned something that cannot go
When I do not feel well
When I have something special to celebrate
When I dream about alcohol/drugs/gambling
When I am upset because something
happened to one of my family members
When I have a fight with my partner, family or
When I feel guilty towards family/friends
When I just could not care less anymore
When everything goes well
When there are sexual problems between me
and my partner
When I am disappointed
When I am jealous
When I have to achieve something
When something I am working on fails
When I am in a good mood
When I have physical complaints
When I have problems at work
When I am satisfied with myself
When I see an opportunity to
When I feel anxious
When I am busy
When I have money
When I worry about the future
When I first meet someone
When I made a mistake
When I think not to be able to deal with my
life without alcohol/drugs/gambling
When someone is visiting me
When I have to do something I do not look
forward to
When I have debts
When I am in a bar with friends
When I go out alone
When I am hungry
When I think I deserve a ‘treat’
When I am doing my shopping
When I have a break
When I finish work
When I do something I should not do
When there is a nice atmosphere somewhere
When the thought about
alcohol/drugs/gambling suddenly jumps to
When I think that using once will not be a
When I experience pain
Around Christmas and new year
When I think about not being able to use
When I cannot sleep
When I am down
When I am restless
When I walk by a dealer/user
In the weekend
When someone annoys me
When I am alone
When I am at a party
When I think I can use/drink/gamble socially
When I don’t have a job
When people are pressuring me to
Now, complete your top 5 of risk situations. These are situations in which the temptation is
biggest and your confidence is lowest. You can also discuss this with people from your
support group.

Top 5 risk situations

Situation Temptation (1-5) Confidence (1-5) Internal/external




Meeting 4

Function analysis and emergency measures


 Registration
 Function analysis
 Emergency measures


 Register usage/behavior
 Complement and work on function analysis
 Complete: Emergency measures

In this session you will discuss your registration and the list with risk situations. You can use
these situations to explore what triggers your usage or gambling behavior. This way you can
complete your function analysis.
Furthermore, the topic of ‘emergency measures’ will be discussed.
External situation Internal situation Behavior Effects/consequences
Short Term Long Term
With whom? What do you think before Which substance/game?
Where? What do you feel in your How much do you normally
body before use/gamble?
Function analysis substance 1

When? Which emotion do you feel How lung does the

before using/gambling? using/gambling take?
Emergency measures
Thinking about emergency measures will help you to avoid a one-off lapse or a relapse.
Emergency measures resemble a fire-drill: you know the location of the emergency exit and
the fire extinguishers. However, when there is smoke it is not certain that there will be a fire.
When it is still small it’s still possible to extinguish it.

You use emergency measures when you have a (re-)lapse. When you have a lapse
emergency measures can avoid a full relapse. When you have a relapse the emergency
measures can help you to control the damage. It’s important to discuss the emergency plan
with a support figure.

1. My emergency measure when I (re-)lapse

Example: when I drank a glass of wine at home, I will immediately throw away the
rest of the bottle.

2. Thoughts that can help me to think about a (re-)lapse

Example: When I gambled I will think: “ it’s not a total disaster, I can stop again
3. Help I will mobilize when I have a (re-)lapse
Example: When I smoked weed I immediately call Daisy.

4. Measures I will implement to continue stopping or reducing with my usage or

gambling after a relapse.
Example: When I used Coke I will not go out for a week

5. Medication (which I take after a (re-)lapse.

Meeting 5

Emergency measures and dealing with craving


 Registration
 Emergency measures
 Dealing with craving


 Register usage/behavior
 Complete: dealing with craving
 Exercise ‘surfing your feelings’

In this session you will discuss your registration and your emergency measures. Afterwards,
the topic of ‘craving’ will be discussed.
Dealing with craving

Craving or an urge to use or gamble is common for people who have been using or gambling
for a longer time. Craving is an internal risk situation. Craving always comes and dissipates
after a while again. Craving resembles a wave in the ocean. A wave arrives, becomes
higher, then lower, and disappears again. You can experience cravings a long time after you
stopped using. Don’t be surprised about that, a lot of people have it. You will notice however,
that these cravings will occur less and less.

Write down the situations which evoke cravings. Look at your registration assignments and in
the list of risk situations.

Situations that evoke craving






Everyone experiences craving differently. Some people feel restless, while others start to
sweat for example. Please write down how you experience craving:

I experience the following symptoms:



How can you explain what craving is to someone else? You will find a short
description of craving below.
The body always ensures there is an internal balance. There is an immediate physiological
reaction to any change. This also the case for substance use. Substances disturb the natural
balance. The body reacts with an opposite-action to counter the influence of the substance.
The more often someone uses, the stronger the counter-action. This is called tolerance. You
have to use more to experience the same effect. When you have a drink after work in your
favorite café every day, your body will prepare a counter-action when you walk-by the café.
The body’s counter-action is experienced as craving. Craving resemble withdrawal
symptoms. You will get the urge to use in order to loose the negative feeling.

This is why it is important to know which actions evoke the counter-actions from your body.
Someone who used day-in day-out in the same chair will experience craving whenever he
sits down in that chair.

Dealing with craving

There are different ways to deal with craving.
1. Look for distraction by doing something
Especially physical exercise/effort (sporting, household chores, gardening) can help with
Things I do when I experience severe cravings are:



2. Surfing your feelings

Herewith we mean that you can wait till your cravings dissipate. Cravings arise as a wave
in the ocean. It comes, passes you and disappears again. You can allow the cravings
without admitting to it, by imagining that you are surfing on the wave of your craving.
Learning to surf your feelings consists of 3 steps:
1. Find a quiet place, sit down and make yourself comfortable. How and where do
you experience craving in your body?
2. Focus your attention on a specific place in your body, what do you feel?
3. Do this for every place in your body until you notice that your craving is

3. Think different
Often people think that it is impossible to resist craving. Or they think that craving will only
disappear by using or gambling. Such thoughts are obviously not helpful if you want the
craving to disappear. You can better think about things that will help you. This is what we
call a helping thought. An example is: “the craving will disappear” or “I am strong enough,
I can handle this”.



4. Talk about it with family or friends

Talking with others can help you to withstand craving. Other people’s reactions can
support you not to use or to gamble.
People I will talk to when I experience craving are:


Meeting 6

Dealing with craving and changing your thoughts


 Registration
 Dealing with craving
 Changing your thoughts


 Register usage/behavior
 Complete: list with dangerous thoughts
 Register top 5 of dangerous thoughts
 Complete: helping thoughts
 Making cards with helping thoughts

In this session you will discuss your registration and the ways in which you deal with craving.
After that the topic of ‘changing your thoughts’ will be discussed.
Changing thoughts

Your thoughts about a situation often determine how you feel. This is also true for thoughts
about using or gambling in a risk situation. These thoughts often do not correspond with the
reality. These thoughts can lead to craving. We call them dangerous thoughts.

List of dangerous thoughts

Check which dangerous thoughts you recognize
When you have dangerous thoughts which are not in the list you can add them

Thoughts Recognition
“I had the money, I could permit it”
“I need something to feel better”
“When I experience craving it’s unstoppable and I have to use”
“I stopped using for a month, I can control my usage now”
“Everybody knows that you cannot control your craving once
you have it”
“I have to be able to limit my use to the weekends, everybody
is able to do so right?”
“I should have been able to remain clean, now everything is
“I will only allow myself this one, after I will stop for a long time
“I cannot stop, I wont succeed, everybody knows that”
“It’s futile: once an addict, always an addict”
“Life is so much more easy when I use/drink/gable”
“When I use my pain disappears”
“I worked so hard, I think I deserved a reward”
“I feel stronger when I use”
“I am manly enough to handle it, I am the boss”
“I talk easier when I’ve had something to drink/used”
“When I use, I really belong with the group”
“Only people who are fun and nice use”
“I have the right to pamper myself once in a while and I like
“I feel bad and I have had enough misery already”
“I cannot take it anymore (my wife, my boring job), and I have
to drink/use”
“I achieve more when I’ve used/drank/gambled”

To check whether a thought is helping you can ask the following questions:
“Does this thought help me not to use?”
“Would someone else who does not use/gamble think the same in this situation?”
“Is this thought true?”
A thought is helpful when you can answer all these questions with a yes. When you have to
answer one question with no, the thought is not helpful. In the latter case it is better to think
om something else that does help you not to use / gamble. Write down what’s better for you
to think instead of the dangerous thoughts.

My top 5 dangerous thoughts from the list

Dangerous thought Helpful thought

You can write down the helpful thoughts on a flashcard that fits in your wallet for example.
This way you can read them again at any moment. This way you train yourself. Read the
card at the moments when you are tempted to use or gamble. You can also write down the
thoughts and make a picture of them with your phone.
Meeting 7

Changing your thoughts and refusing offered substances


 Registration
 Changing your thoughts
 Refusing offered substances


 Register usage/behavior
 Complete: refusing offered substances

In this session you will discuss your registration and how you can change your thoughts.
After that the topic of ‘refusing offered substances’ will be discussed.
Changing thoughts

When someone offers you something, or pressures you to partake it can be difficult to say
no. For a lot of people this is a risk situation. When you are able to refuse this it becomes
easier to stop using/gambling.

How do you refuse in an adequate manner?

How you do it
1. React immediately
2. Speak with a clear and determined voice. Don’t hesitate
3. Look the other in the eye when you refuse

What you say

1. First, say ‘no’
2. Ask for something else to drink. Or propose to do something else
3. When the other persists ask him/her to stop doing that
4. Change the topic to avoid discussion
5. Avoid excuses and vague answers

Give a brief description of the situation in which you want to learn to refuse:
Example: when John offers me a beer in the soccer canteen
Describe how you want to do that:
Example: I refuse immediately and look him in the eye

Describe what you want to say:

1. Example: I will say: “no thank you, I would like a glass of coke”
Meeting 8

Refusing offered substances


 Registration
 Refusing offered substances


 Register usage/behavior
 Complete: refusing offered substances
 Complete: evaluation form

In this session you will discuss your registration and you will practice again how you can
refuse substances in an adequate manner.
Refusing offered substances

When you have been pressured to use/gamble you can complete the form below. When you
haven’t been in such a situation you can also practice a situation with a familiar person from
your environment.

Shortly describe the situation in which you were pressured to use or to partake (where you
are, with whom you are and what you feel:

What did you do (for example: I looked in his/her What did you say?

What went well and what could have gone better?

What did you do? What did you say
This went well This went well

This could have gone better This could have gone better
Evaluation form
In the next meeting you will discuss how you’ve experienced the treatment so far. That’s why
it is important that you write down – shortly – which results you have reached so far. Look in
your plan for change which goals you set yourself.

Substance 1
Check what is applicable:
o I have reached my goal completely / sufficiently (continue with A)
o I have not reached my goal yet (continue with B)

A: You have reached my goal completely / sufficiently

What has changed or improved?
I changed or improved that:

B: What is necessary to sustain my results or development?

For me it is necessary that I:
A: You did not reach your goal yet
Why is it that you have not reached your goal yet?
I did not reach my goal yet because:

B: What is necessary to reach your goal?

For me it is necessary that I:

Substance 2
Check what is applicable:
o I have reached my goal completely / sufficiently (continue with A)
o I have not reached my goal yet (continue with B)

A: You have reached my goal completely / sufficiently

What has changed or improved?
I changed or improved that:

B: What is necessary to sustain my results or development?

For me it is necessary that I:
A: You did not reach your goal yet

Why is it that you have not reached your goal yet?

I did not reach my goal yet because:

B: What is necessary to reach your goal?

For me it is necessary that I:
Meeting 9

Evaluation and determining the optional themes


 Registration
 Evaluation and determining optional themes


 Register usage/behavior

In this session you will discuss your registration with your therapist. After that your therapist
will discuss your plan for change with you. Did you achieve your goal? Which problems have
you changed? Also you will discuss the function analysis one more time. After this you will
determine which optional themes you will complete. You will find the optional themes in the
next chapters of this workbook.
Optional theme
Social skills: Small talk


 Registration
 Small talk


 Register usage/behavior
 Practicing small talk

A lot of people who use or gamble experience problems in their contact with other people.
Because of this they feel insecure. This can trigger substance use or gambling. When you do
not know how to make small talk and are insecure about that, it can lead to substance use.
That is why it is important to practice interacting with others. This way you will feel less
insecure and you will be less tempted to use or gamble.

In this meeting you learn how you can make small talk in an adequate manner. There are
many moment on which you can have a chat with others. This can be in the supermarket, in
the train, at a party etc. It is often thought that such a chat always has to start in a creative or
original manner and has to proceed in a fluent manner. In reality such conversations are
often about everyday things regular silences can occur.
Social skills: small talk

When you want to start a conversation with someone else you can do the following:

1. Check whether the situation is appropriate

2. Look at the other person and smile
3. Say hi to the other
4. Make a comment or ask a question about something you both see, hear or feel
5. Listen carefully to the other’s reaction
6. Determine to continue on what the other person said or to end the conversation.

Strike a conversation with someone who you don’t know that well a couple of times this
week. Write down below how you experienced that:

With whom/where What went well What could go better



Optional theme
Social skills: Dealing with criticism


 Registration
 Dealing with criticism


 Register usage/behavior
 Practicing dealing with criticism

A lot of people who use or gamble experience problems in their contact with other people.
Because of this they feel insecure. This can trigger substance use or gambling. When you do
not know how to make small talk and are insecure about that, it can lead to substance use.
That is why it is important to practice interacting with others. This way you will feel less
insecure and you will be less tempted to use or gamble.

This meeting is about dealing with criticism.

Social skills: dealing with criticism

Most people don’t like it when they get criticized. Also a lot of people have difficulties with
reacting to criticism in an adequate manner. Some people get angry, others become
insecure or feel rejected. This meeting is about dealing with criticism in an adequate manner.
There are two types of criticism.

1. Constructive criticism is:

 Honest
 Not directed at the person, but at what someone is doing
 Meant to learn from it

“you cooked very nice! If you would add a little bit of salt it would become even better”.

2. Destructive criticism
 Not honest
 Directed at the person
 Meant to hurt or offend

“You should go on a cooking course! Don’t you know by now that it needs salt?!”

A lot of people have a dangerous thought when receiving criticism. That’s why they have
difficulties to react.

 “Critique means that I am stupid”
 “Critique means that other people don’t like me”
 “No one should have critique on me”
 “What do you mean wrong?! Who does he/she think he/she is?”
 “When I make a joke, no one will notice that I am hurt.”

It is easier to deal with criticism when you have a helping thought

 That he/she has critique does not mean that I am worthless
 Critique always has a core or truth. What is right? What can I learn from this?
 It’s okay if I show that it affected me!

How can you deal with criticism in an adequate manner?

How you do it?

1. Don’t react immediately
2. Use normal intonations
3. Look the other in the eye
4. Use a helping thought
5. React on the content of the comment not on the intonation

What you say

1. Ask question to make clear what the critique means
2. Acknowledge the points on which the critique-giver is right
3. Tell him the point on which you disagree
4. Don’t apologize
5. Only talk about the things which are actually said by the other (not what you think)

Write down on the next page how you dealt with criticism this week. You can also practice
with someone who supports you.
What was the criticism? What did you do? What did you say?



Optional theme
Social skills: Criticizing


 Registration
 Criticizing


 Register usage/behavior
 Practice criticizing

A lot of people who use or gamble experience problems in their contact with other people.
Because of this they feel insecure. This can trigger substance use or gambling. When you do
not know how to make small talk and are insecure about that, it can lead to substance use.
That is why it is important to practice interacting with others. This way you will feel less
insecure and you will be less tempted to use or gamble.

This meeting is about criticizing or giving critique to others. You criticize others when you are
annoyed by their behavior.
Social skills: Criticizing

A lot of people find it difficult to criticize others. Especially when it’s about people close to
you. Think for example about your partner, parents or friends. The other can react hurt or
angry. That is why it is important to be able to criticize others in an adequate manner. When
giving criticism helping thoughts can be useful.

 “I am allowed to criticize, it does not mean that the other person is worthless.”
 “It’s okay to tell the other person what his behavior does with me”

How do you criticize in an adequate manner? Prepare yourself well. Think about what
bothers you and what you would like to see changed. It’s best to give critique at a quiet

How you do it
1. Prepare well
2. Look for a good, quiet moment
3. Look at the other person
4. Speak on a normal tone
5. Use a helping thought

What you say

1. Use the “I” form
2. Only talk about the things that you see and hear
3. Also say what you feel (example: I don’t appreciate this)
4. Tell what the other can do differently and how
5. Don’t apologize

Write down below how you criticized someone this week. You can also practice with the
person that is supporting you
What was your criticism? What did you do? What did you say?



Optional theme
Dealing with a sad mood


 Registration
 Dealing with a sad mood


 Register usage/behavior
 Exercise: doing activities

Substance use can make you feel down or depressed. However, also when you stop using
this an occur. Most people will have the tendency to start using again.
Dealing with a sad mood

What happens when someone feels sad or down? Often he/she does feel like doing anything
anymore. Because someone does not feel like doing anything he/she feels bad about
himself. This makes him/her even more sad. Than the circle is complete.

That looks as follows:

Often people had depressed thoughts as well that are not helpful in this situation. An
example of such a thought is:

“I don’t feel like doing anything, I will stay on the couch”.

That’s why it is important to think of helping thoughts that you can use. An example of such a
thought is:

“If I go for a short walk now, I will feel better afterwards”

How can you deal with a depressed mood in a different manner?

1. You have to recognize a depressed/down mood

2. Then it is important to do something
3. Also it is important to use a helping thought
Write down below how you can recognize a depressed mood (is that because of certain
thoughts or because of certain feelings or because something that happens?)

Write down below which things you can do when you feel sad or down. Also write down
which thoughts will help you with that. You can also ask persons who are supporting you to
think of activities that you can do together. At the end of the workbook you will find a list with
possible activities (appendix 2).

Activity Helping thought?




Optional theme
Dealing with tension


 Registration
 Dealing with tension


 Register usage/behavior
 Exercise: complete form with relaxing activities
 Practice abdominal breathing

For many people using substances or gambling is a form of relaxation. Most substances
have a relaxing effect on the short term, but have a contrary effect in the long term. On the
long term they make you more tensed. People that have been using or gambling for a longer
period of time forget how they can relax in any other way. Sometimes they do not even know
how it feels to be genuinely relaxed. There are two ways to relax in a healthy manner. The
first way is by doing relaxation exercises and doing relaxing activities.
Dealing with tension

Relaxing is not the same as doing nothing. You can do nothing and still be very tense.
Conversely you can also be very busy, but feel very relaxed. It can be a physical activity or
doing something that you enjoy. Some people relax by working in the garden, and others
relax by going to the cinema’s

How can you learn to relax again?

1. You first have to recognize relaxation

2. Then it is important to do something that relaxes you
3. Also it is important that you breathe in a relaxing manner. This is called abdominal

How do you recognize tension ?(For example because you have muscle ache or because
you feel tired)

Write down below how you recognize tension

Write down below which relaxing activities you will undertake. In the back of the workbook
you will find a list with possible activities.

Also write down when you practice the abdominal breathing. You can ask persons that
support you to help you and to think of activities that relax you together.

Activity Practice abdominal breathing

1. Date:




2. Date:




3. Date:




4. Date:



Optional theme
Effective problem solving


 Registration
 Effective problem solving


 Register usage/behavior
 Exercise: complete problem solving form

Everyone will have to deal with problems throughout their lives. Often people see using or
gambling as a way to solve a problem. That’s why problems are not really solved, but
actually increase. When you stop using or decrease usage you will become more aware of
the problems.
Effective problem solving

It’s important to learn how to deal with problems in a good way. To deal with a problem a
certain number of steps are required/

1. Recognizing the problem

What are clues that a problem is present? Ruminating about something? Sleeping
problems or feeling restless can be such clues.

2. What is the problem

Try to describe the problem as precise as possible. A very big problem can be divided
in sub-problems

3. Which solutions are there?

Think about as many solutions as possible to solve the problem

4. The best solution

Choose the best solution. What are the advantages of this solution? What are the

5. Result
Is the problem completely solved with this solution? Or does more need to happen?

Complete the form on the next page for two problems. One problem which has got to do
something with your usage or gambling behavior. One problem which does not have to do
anything with your usage or gambling. Besides that you write down possible solutions.
Choose the best one and write this one down. What is the result? Also write that down.
Problem (usage or gambling) Possible solutions Best solution Result
Problem Possible solutions Best solution Result
Optional theme
Dealing with a relapse


 Registration
 Dealing with a relapse


 Register usage/behavior
 Exercise: complete (re-)lapse form

Relapsing in gambling or using behavior is frequent. Stopping or decreasing is easy, but

maintaining this is difficult. When you have a lapse or a relapse the self-control measures did
not work properly. When that happens more often it is necessary to analyze the situation in
detail. When you precisely know what happens, you can think about better emergency
measures. This way you prevent another lapse.
Dealing with a relapse

In the schedule below you can see what precedes a (re-)lapse:

Relapses do not occur out of the blue. Often usage or gambling starts with a seemingly
unimportant decision. One example is that you take the route home past your favorite bar
after a row. That can be a risk situation and two things can happen.

1. You use a self-control measure. You decide to go home immediately and not to enter
the bar. Your confidence not to drink increases and nothing happens

2. You do not use a self-control measure. You enter the bar. Your confidence decreases
and you order a beer. You feel bad about this and might thinkt: “oh what the hell, now
it does not matter anymore anyways” and order a second round.

Think about situations in which you had a lapse or a relapse. Are they the same situations as
written down in your top 5 risk situations earlier? Or are they different?
Write them down on the next page.

For each situation write down which emergency measures, thoughts, help and medication
you can use next time. Discuss this with your support person and discuss what he / she can
do in such a situation.
Situation (lapse) Emergency measure Helping thought Help support person Medication
Situation (relapse) Emergency measure Helping thought Help support person Medication
Evaluation form

Substance 1
Check what is applicable:
o I have reached my goal completely / sufficiently (continue with A)
o I have not reached my goal yet (continue with B)

A: You have reached my goal completely / sufficiently

What has changed or improved?
I changed or improved that:

B: What is necessary to sustain my results or development?

For me it is necessary that I:
A: You did not reach your goal yet
Why is it that you have not reached your goal yet?
I did not reach my goal yet because:

B: What is necessary to reach your goal?

For me it is necessary that I:

Substance 2
Check what is applicable:
o I have reached my goal completely / sufficiently (continue with A)
o I have not reached my goal yet (continue with B)

A: You have reached my goal completely / sufficiently

What has changed or improved?
I changed or improved that:

B: What is necessary to sustain my results or development?

For me it is necessary that I:
A: You did not reach your goal yet

Why is it that you have not reached your goal yet?

I did not reach my goal yet because:

B: What is necessary to reach your goal?

For me it is necessary that I:
List of activities

Going to the gym Darting / playing pool

Cooking Fishing

Cycling Listening to / making music

Reading Walking

Going to the cinema Going on a course

Gaming Photography

TV / DVD (Watching) football

Working on my car Meeting up with a friend

Crafting / knitting Going out for dinner

Yoga Doing religious activities

Dancing Learn a foreign language

Going to a museum Going away for a day

Doing a board game Taking a bath / shower

Gardening Running

Going to a spa Doing charity work

Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion
Day, date, time External Internal situation Behavior
Thought Physical Emotion

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