Project Guidelines

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Macroeconomics and Business Environment Project Guidelines

The purpose of this project is to try out microeconomic tools on the real world. This project
challenges you and your group to apply economic concepts with the help of topic provided to you.
Together with the members of your group you will prepare a project report after due research.
Report Guidelines
Word limit – 2000-2500
Section headings
 Introduction
 Objectives
 Industry/Company/ Sector in news
 Government policies
 Analysis (Application of economic principles)
 Problems/ Challenges / Issues of the Sector/ Company chosen
 Suggestions
 Conclusion
 References
Text style and format
 Times New Roman 12,
 Main heading 14 Bold
 Sub headings 12 Bold
 Content 12
 1.5 spacing,
 Margins 1.5 inch on all sides
Saving the Document
The report can be sent in PDF/MS-word Document File
The report should be saved in the following format
MEBE_Sec_Group number_Report Title
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
When is this project due?
Assignment submission – Dec 31,2021
Presentation dates will be announced in the class.
What is the written report supposed to be like?
The report gives you a chance to show off your written communication skills. I am looking for
succinct descriptions of a situation (Does this group recognize the most important economic aspects
of this story? Does this group understand the economic theory they are applying? Clear presentations
of an argument and creativity in the application of tools used. Is this just a repeat of something we did
in class? Or did this group come up with an appropriate application of the tools).
Do we have to use graphs?
You can use various tables, graphs, pie charts etc. for data analysis, only if it serves your argument. (If
you can make, your argument without math or graphs, however, you are probably not challenging
yourselves enough.) Use graphs, charts, analogies, allegories, and artwork, whatever helps you
explain and defend your analysis. Everything in the report should have a purpose. Graphs should be
 After the report each student will appear for VIVA.

How are the reports marked?

Project Report (Group Content, Clarity, 100 marks 10 (weightage)
marks) Organization and
VIVA (Individual Conveyed Information, 100 marks 10 (weightage)
marks) Ability to answer the
questions and
Conceptual clarity

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