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Configure Symantec Backup Exec Agent for

Oracle on Linux Servers

1. Technical Information
2.About Backup Exec Oracle Agent………………………………………………………………….. 2
2. Installing Remote Agent for linux or unix servers…………………………………………………2

3. About Installing oracle Agent………………………………………………………………………..2

i Linux server Database Access configuration………………………………………………2

ii Linux server Oracle Instance configuration………………………………………………………..3

Author Subject Version No Release Date

Vishweshwara Adiga Configure Backup Exec Agent for 1.0 30-05-2011
Oracle on Linux Servers

Distribution Title Name Dated

Technical Information:

 Backup Exec version: 2010 R2

 Media Server: Version 13.0Rev.4164 (64 bit)
 Media Server OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
 Oracle Database:10gR2
 Application:

About Backup Exec Oracle Agent:

The Symantec Backup Exec Agent for oracle on Linux Serve (Oracle Agent) Uses Oracle’s Recovery
Manager (RMAN) to protect oracle databases. RMAN is a tool that manages the backup and restore and
recovery of oracle databases.

Installing Remote Agent for linux or unix servers:

1. At a Linux server, place the Backup Exec installation media in the appropriate drive.
2. Log on as root on the server on which you want to install the Remote Agent.
3. Navigate to the following directory on the installation media.
4. Copy the RALUS_RMALS_RAMS_<versionnumber>.gz file in this directory to a directory on
the local computer.
5. Unzip the file
Eg: gunzip RALUS_RMALS_RAMS_<versionnumber>.gz
6. Untar the file
Eg: Tar –xf RALUS_RMALS_RAMS_<versionnumber>.gz
7. Start the installralus script – follow the instructions.

About installing Oracle Agent

i. Linux server Database Access configuration
1. Login as root and run AgentConfig from command prompt  
2. Type 1 to Configure database access
3. Type 1 to Add system credentials for Oracle operations
4. Enter root for Enter a user name that has local system credentials or the account
you have created which is a member of beoper and oinstall groups
5. Type the password for oracle
6. Type password again
7. Type Y for Do you want to use the full computer name /IP address for Oracle

8. Type the Linux server name for Enter the full computer name or IP address.  Make a
note of this value because it is required later and is case-sensitive.
9. Type N for Do you want to use a custom port to connect to the media server
during Oracle operations?
10. Type Y for Commit Oracle operation settings to the configuration file?
11. Type 5 to quit and return to the main menu

ii. Linux server Oracle Instance configuration

1. From the AgentConfig main menu, type 2 to Configure Oracle instance information

2. Type 1 to Add a new Oracle instance to protect

3. From list displayed, select 1 to add the database instance

4. Type sys for Enter the Oracle database SYSDBA user name.  You can enter a different
database user.  Details for creating a different account are in the related technote

Note: create password file using orapwd utility

Step 1. Log on the database machine and create a password file:

 orapwd  file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=secure (password_for_sys)
Step 2. Add the following line to initservice_name.ora in UNIX,
Step 3. Restart the Database and Test the Remote Login.
connect sys/password_for_sys@tns_name_of_db as sysdba

5. Type the password for Enter the Oracle SYSDBA password (in our case password is
secure, because I have given secure as password while creating the password

6. Type the password again.

7. Type the Backup Exec media server name for Enter the media server name or IP address

8. Type N for Do you use a recovery catalog

9. Type N for Do you want to use a customized job template

10. Type Y for Commit Oracle operation settings to the configuration file?

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