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Engineering dept.

Manufacturing Processes
"ME 336"

Experiment 4 Report:
Sheet MetalWorking
1-Abdullah altuise
2-Raed almuqbil
3-Abdulrhman alabode
Instructor: Dr.
Abdulrahman Alrumayh
Date: 2/13/2022
EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

Table of Content
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Result ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Discussion .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 7

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

List of Figures
Figure1: the measurement of our work ............................................................................................ 3
Figure2a: Hydraulic shearing Machine .............................................................................................. 4
Figure2b: sheet after been cut.......................................................................................................... 4
Figure3b: the sheet after been cut by table saw ............................................................................... 4
Figure3: Table saw ........................................................................................................................... 4
Figure4b: the sample in the machine ................................................................................................ 5
Figure4a: sheet metal bending machine ........................................................................................... 5
Figure4d: the cover of the tool box after been bend ......................................................................... 5
Figure4c: the work piece after been bend ........................................................................................ 5
Figure6: the final stage of this experiment ....................................................................................... 6
Figure5: the final stage in this experiment ........................................................................................ 6

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

In this experiment, it's about making a toolbox, and we're going to learn how to cut the aluminum
panels in the cutting machine and also, how to bend the panels and cut them in the hand shear machine
to be shaped like a toolbox, which is the final product required in this experiment.


First stage is the design stage, which all measurements are taken and how the tool box will look.

Figure1: the measurement of our work

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

Second stage is cutting the large metal sheet to our measures by using Hydraulic shearing Machine as
shown in figure 2a, the sheet after been cut shown in figure 2b

Figure2b: sheet after been cut

Figure2a: Hydraulic shearing Machine

Third stage of the process is cutting the metal sheet to obtain a desired shape by using Table saw figure
3, the sheet after been cut by table saw figure 3b.

Figure3: Table saw Figure3b: the sheet after been cut by table saw

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

Fourth stage is bending the metal by using sheet metal bending as in figure 4a after highlight the parts
we needed as shown in figure 4b

Figure4a: sheet metal bending machine Figure4b: the sample in the machine

Figure4c: the work piece after been bend Figure4d: the cover of the tool box after been bend

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

The final stage of this experiment is to brought every piece together to prepare for the welding process
next time.

The figures below showing the work piece, After completing all process from design, shearing and

Figure5: the final stage in this experiment Figure6: the final stage of this experiment

We agreed that the design of the box should be cubic, which would make it easier to make, and we had
some problems taking measurements, cutting the aluminum plate, and lining up, and we had a problem
taking the side-end scales of the box, and after a lot of effort and by helping of the instructor , we were
able to solve the problems and look like the box.

EXPERIMENT 3 Date 2/13/2022 ME-336

In the end, working with the hand has been hard and useful at the same time. designing and cut the
aluminum plate. They were all steps of the making the tool box. It remains only to weld the pieces. In
order to complete the final shape of the box.

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