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RAIVEN WAS NOT really busy at work, but he still grimaced when his former client

and his partner, Keiran's friend, just barged into his office. It was none other
than Eliza Velasquez who was smiling from ear to ear with lots of paper bags in her
Raiven wanted to shrink away and disappear seeing the paper bags, but he steeled
himself and faced Eliza with courage.
He met Eliza a few months back. Something was happening with her and her
relationship with Khairro, Keiran's brother, and that was why he just met her
recently even though she was one of Keiran's closest friends. But ever since they
met, Eliza had been acting like they were best friends.
Raiven was not complaining, but Eliza could be over the top sometimes. He was
thankful that Eliza accepted his relationship with Keiran without so much as
blinking, but she was one hell of a woman that he sometimes asked Keiran if there
was nothing wrong with her.

"Attorney!" Eliza grinned as she entered excitedly.

"I have gifts for you!"

Raiven forced a smile because he already had an idea what kind of gifts they were-
the kind that would make anyone wince and grimace if they conservative-like me.

Eliza sat on the visitor's chair before placing the paper bags on the floor next to
her. "Anyway, sorry just barged in, but I'm excited to give you my gifts since
yours and Keiran's wedding is next month. Can't wait!"

Raiven just smiled at Eliza. They invited Eliza to their wedding, and they
immediately got a 'yes She was supportive and Raiven could tell that she was happy
for Keiran.

"Your gifts.." Raiven started,

"T-they're not those things, right...?"

Eliza stilled and smiled at Raiven innocently. "What things...?"

Raiven didn't want to say it, so he changed the topic. "Never mind. Anyway, want
something to drink?" he offered. "Want some cookies? Keiran's mom sent me a cokie

"It's going fine, Attorney," Eliza said while munching on the cookies. "Anyway,
accept my gifts," she said, then picked up the paper bags on the floor and placed
them on the table. Raiven had no choice but to accept.

"Open them," Eliza urged him with a smile.

Raiven took a deep breath. Eliza was adorable most of the times, but this was the
time that she was not-urging him to open it knowing full well what was inside.

Pasimpleng napailing si Raiven saka inabot ang isa sa limang paper bag na inilapag
ni Eliza sa ibabaw ng mesa niya. "What are these, anyway?" Raiven asked, feigning

Eliza smiled widely. "Something to make you and Keiran happy of course!"
"O-of course.." Raiven trailed off as he pried open the paper bag, anxious.

"I don't know what you two are into, so l just picked what I thought you might
Iike," Eliza said while still munching on the cookies. "But I chose the best,I

Raiven just nodded and smiled to hide his anxiousness. It was not actually the
first time Eliza did this. He remembered her gift during his and Keiran's
anniversary. Up until now, it was still in their closet, unused.

Raiven took a deep breath, steeled himself again for the third time since Eliza
entered his office, and pried open the third paper bag.

"Eternity ring..." Raiven muttered the name of the next item, and it sounded so
innocent, even the item looked innocent. The shape was like a number '8. Indeed, a
symbol of eternity. But upon reading the use of the item, Raiven carefully placed
it next to the vibrating prostate massage.Never in his life would Raiven think that
an innocent item called 'eternity ring' could be used to pleasure his penis and
balls at the same time.
Finally! The last one, Raiven thought while eyeing the last paper bag.

"That one is the most amazing of all according to the reviews!" Eliza exclaimed
when Raiven picked up the last bag.
Raiven just silently nodded and opened the bag. It was the largest box out of the
four gifts, and Raiven couldn't hide how shocked he was when he saw the picture of
the item in the box.

It was like a sickle hook knife, but it was called silicone puppy tail butt plug.

"This is..." Raiven was speechless. "This looks scary for an adult toy."

Eliza narrowed her eyes at the box then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think
so too."

Raiven took a deep breath and placed the box next to the eternity ring.
"Um..., um..I don't know what to say." I really don't know what to say! "T-thanks?"

Hearing Raiven's gratitude, Eliza grinned. "You're welcome!"

Raiven had a forced smile plastered on his face. "Ah, where did you even buy
this stuff?"

"Somewhere," Eliza answered vaguely while smiling mischievously. "Suki na ako do'n,
kaya ay discounted ang mga 'yan."

Nope. I won't ask how she became an avid costumer. "Thanks for, um, for
these..things. Appreciate them."

"Yay!" Eliza clapped her hands, and Raiven knew he did a good thing accepting her
gifts. He knew Eliza meant no harm and she was just really an unfathomable woman.
"I should buy you-"

"Nope. This is plenty already," Raiven said,

stopping Eliza immediately. "Ah, how about a

different next time? Say, ah, kitchenware...?" Yes. I prefer that than the
butt plugs. "Or maybe small furniture."

"Oh! Sure!" Eliza grinned, and he didn't like that glint in her eyes, but he let it
go and just smiled. "Anyway, hindi ako makakapunta sa kasal n'yo." Humaba ang nguso
ni Eliza. "Ayaw ni Mommy na bumiyahe ako nang matagal dahil sa kondisyon ko.

Tapos si pangit naman hindi pupunta kasi nandoon ang biological father niya."
Pangit was Eliza's endearment for her partner, Khairro.

"It's okay," ani Raiven. "Alam ko naman ang rason kung bakit"

Eliza pouted at Raiven. "But I want to attend! It'll be fun!"

"But you can't and it's okay."

Eliza sighed heavily. "Kaya nga nag-effort na lang ako maghanap ng regalo na
magpapasaya sa inyo."

Raiven secretly grimaced and glanced at the adult toys. You call this effort?

"Anyway" Tumayo si Eliza, "I have to go. I still have some errands to run. See ya,

Raiven nodded and bid his farewell as well and smiled genuinely when Eliza left his
office. He still remembered how shaken, scared, and lost Eliza when he first met
her as his client a few years ago, but now, her smile looked bright, and she was
radiant. Maybe it's because of her partner.
In a way, Raiven was similar to Eliza. He, too, was lost and trapped in his
traumatic past, but thanks to his hun, he was slowly healing and moving forward-he
was getting better day by day. His fear didn't leave immediately, but Raiven knew
he was on the right track.
Raiven took a deep breath and glanced at the adult toys on his table. After putting
it all back in the paper bag, he pushed it to the corner of his wide table and
continued reading.
Some time had passed since Eliza left, and the door to his office opened without
hearing a knock. Without looking up, Raiven knew who it was and even smiled when he
felt an arm wrapped around him from the side.

"Kara." Keiran kissed his temple. "How's your day?"

"Not that busy."

"Great!" Keiran smiled and kissed Raiven on the cheek a couple of times. "T'm free
too. Want to have a date with your hun?"

Raiven looked at Keiran who seemed very happy seeing him. "An innocent date, or the
wild one?"

Keiran chuckled. "Which do you prefer?"


"Then wild date it is."

Raiven chuckled seeing Keiran excited and happy. "How was work?" Raiven asked when
he remembered that Keiran had a different job now He was not a soldier anymore, but
a pledged member of the Organósi. He accepted the job after they talked about it.
He didn't know how Kamden did it, but Keiran was not a soldier anymore. He must've
pulled some strings to make it happen. So now, Keiran had all the time in the
world..except when he was working. But unlike before, Raiven now slept and woke up
with Keiran by his side.
While clinging to Raiven, Keiran saw something from the corner of his eyes-four
paper bags on the table, and when he peeked, he looked at his kara teasingly.

"Kara, I didn't know you're into toys. Keiran nibbled Raiven's ear. "Want to play?"

Raiven didn't let Keiran see a reaction from him. "It's from your best friend."
Keiran didn't need to think twice, he immediately knew who it was. "We..looks like
my brother is a blessed man."

Napailing si Raiven. "Why? Want to be a blessed man too?"

Keiran chuckled. "Would you bless me?"

Raiven rolled his eyes, sensing the sexual tone in Keiran's voice. "Look at the
butt plug first before you want to be blessed"

Keiran reached for the papers bags and looked for the butt plug. And what he saw in
the box made his eyes widen in shock. "..The fuck is this? This is one mean looking
butt plug"

Raiven shrugged. "I am not putting that one in there"

"Agree." Keiran tossed the box to the trashcan.

"You ass is mine and mine alone, kara."

Raiven felt his face heat up, but he made use of his poker face so Keiran wouldn't
tease him. "Don't throw it away, though. If Eliza finds out, you'll never hear the
end of it."

Keiran leaned on Raiven's table, facing Raiven while examining the other adult
toys. Keiran even opened them to see them up close. And that was when Tiffa entered
his office and her eyes bulged seeing the toys in Keiran's hands.

"I didn't see anything, Attorney!" Tiffa shouted in panic, her face beet red, and
left his office in a hurry.
Raiven glared at Keiran. "Stop traumatizing my staff"
Leiran just chuckled before he leaned down to kiss Raiven's irritated lips. "Love
you, kara."

Raiven was irritated, but still replied, "Love you too, hun"

Keiran smiled and returned all the adult toys in the paper bag, and he also
returned to hugging Raiven and clinging to him. "How long before you finishwork?"

"Give me an hour"

"Okay" Pinupog ng halik ni Keiran ang mukha ni Raiven bago nito tinungo ang sofa
para doon maupo at maghintay.

While waiting for Raiven, Keiran just kept staring at his kara. Raiven could feel
it, but he was already used to Keiran staring intently at him while waiting for
him, so he was not bothered. And Raiven was still not bothered or surprised when
Keiran suddenly went back to his side and hugged him like he missed him. Raiven
even smiled.



When Keiran didn't answer, Raiven turned his head, only for Keiran to swoop in and
claim his lips, sliding his tongue inside. Raiven felt the warm and tingling
sensation of Keiran's mouth, opening his own widely to accommodate his hun. He
kissed his hun back with the same fervor until Raiven was clinging to Keiran's
neck, their breathing ragged and their body wanting more. But before they could get
down and dirty, the unlocked door to Raiven's office opened and a groan of protest
was heard from the door.

"Seriously, Kuya! Lock the door!" It was Raizen, and he looked beet red.

Raiven reluctantly let Keiran go. "You should've knocked."

Raizen sighed and shook his head at his older brothers. "I'm only here to give this
to you two." Raizen placed an envelope on his big brother's table. "Now. I'm out.

Raizen left in a hurry and the two inside the office knew exactly why. Raizen was a
prude when it came to his older brother's sexual relationship with Keiran because
Raiven kept telling him how good it felt.

Shaking his head, Keiran picked up the envelope and open it. The only contents of
the envelope were two passports with a visa pasted inside. A visa from the country
they chose to tie the knot.

Raiven forced a smile because he already had an idea what kind of gifts they were-
the kind that would make anyone wince and grimace if they conservative-like me.

Eliza sat on the visitor's chair before placing the paper bags on the floor next to
her. "Anyway, sorry just barged in, but I'm excited to give you my gifts since
yours and Keiran's wedding is next month. Can't wait!"

Raiven just smiled at Eliza. They invited Eliza to their wedding, and they
immediately got a 'yes She was supportive and Raiven could tell that she was happy
for Keiran.

"Your gifts." Raiven started, "t-they're not those things, right...?"

Eliza stilled and smiled at Raiven innocently. "What things..?"

Raiven didn't want to say it, so he changed the topic. "Never mind. Anyway, want
something to drink?" he offered. "Want some cookies? Keiran's mom sent me a cookie

"Food!" Eliza squealed adorably while eyeing the cookie jar that he placed on the
table-the reason why Raiven couldn't really dislike Eliza.

Raiven opened the cookie jar and pushed it to Eliza.

"You're here early," he said. "How's your pregnancy going?"

And seeing this, Raiven and Keiran exchanged glances.

"Four weeks from now, huh.." Raiven muttered.

"Hmm." Keiran kissed Raiven's temple. "Are you ready to be my partner for life,

Raiven chuckled at how easy it felt to answer

Keiran. "Yes, hun. I am."

Keiran smiled and pressed his lips lovingly against Raiven's forehead. "As am I,

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