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24/1/22 15:55 tareas remotas

Flamingo Bullet Point Categorization Refactor Instructions | v.1.0

Table of Contents
Category definitions

Summary of Task

General Guidelines

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
How to use a VPN

Category Definitions

Category definitions - open this document in a new tab for your reference!

This document has details about all categories - search for more information about a specific category if needed! These details
will also be shown to you in the task page.

Summary of Task
*Instructions are included on the task interface on each task*
In this task you will be reviewing short phrases and selecting the appropriate category from the list of categories on the side.
Read the red box with the Bullet text
Use the product page/title/url/images to gain context about the Bullet
Make your most accurate choice of categories
Use the right sidebar to select your choices and copy/paste the specific words that fit a given category

General Guidelines

STEP #1: Read the bullet point text provided in the red box.

This may be just a few words or a full sentence.

Read through the entire bullet and think about all of the pieces of information included 1/10
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STEP #2: Open the product page and review the product

Example Product page:

Note: Try to find exactly where the Bullet text is found on the Product Page to gain as much context as possible!

For example, the bullet phrase accompanied with the product page in the image above.
Bullet: ‘otherdetails: burn time: up to 40 hours, made in usa, single wick’ 2/10
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We can find the provided bullet information in this section of the product page after scrolling down.

STEP #3: Identify any elements in the bullet that fits a specific category and select those categories

A specific word or phrase should only be tagged if: the information can clearly and objectively be classified into one
of the available tags. If you are unsure, do not tag!

Please select this checkbox at the top and move onto the next task IF:

Bullet is not specific to the product

Bullet is not readable in English

Contains any bits of code such as HTML, JSON, markdown - look for words enclosed in braces such as

< p>

< div>

< a>

[ lining:cotton, sizes:4,5,6 ]

None of the bullet text can be categorized into any category

Ex: This should be labeled as Junk! 3/10
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Examples of not understandable bullet text:

Care: < div> id="tab-3" style="display: none;"< p> Spot clean. < /p>< /div>

This contains bits of code, like < p> and < /div>!


This is not understandable!

Hecho de algodón y lana

This is not in English!

[https: //]

This is just a URL / link!

This is just a URL / link, and it is not specific to the product!

This company was founded in 1950 in New York City!

This is not specific to any product!

Some examples that are understandable, even though they might not be very helpful at first glance:

L (This is most likely talking about the size of a product "Large")

Style: WBS2015-LWI (This is most likely mentioning a products variant ID or product ID)

In each task, you will be provided with a 2 or 3 attribute paths: 4/10
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Depending on the product provided in a task, the “Product-Specific Attributes” will change.
If the product is t-shirt/clothing, “Product-Specific Attributes” will ONLY provide options related to the product.
This is meant to help narrow down the available options! If you think there is text that fits into a category that does
not exist as an option, DO NOT label it.
ONLY use the category options provided in the task!
Every possible category that you will need to use is available in each task.
Note: If you are coming from the old Bullets project, you will notice that some categories DO NOT exist anymore such as:
Display Color
Product Type
If you see text that fits into these categories, please IGNORE them. If there is other text that can be categorized into the
attributes provided, please label those, and ignore the rest.

Note: You can use the search bar to type in keywords to find category matches as well

Hints and Checkboxes (IMPORTANT!)

After you have made a category selection, you will be provided with Hints and examples for each category, along with
Checkboxes for you to make final checks on your category choice before moving on to the next step!
These should help guide you to make the most accurate category selection.
Please Read Them Carefully! 5/10
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In the green box will be an explanation about the selected category along with examples.

You are required to Check Your Work before continuing as shown in the yellow box below.

Please read each checkbox carefully to ensure you are making the most accurate category selection and check each
of them off!

Below is the Dimensions category example of required checkboxes.

Here is an example of the category Origin Country being selected and displaying hints, examples and guidance on
how to properly extract the correct text from the bullet phrase: 6/10
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STEP #4: For each category you select, copy and paste the text from the bullet that fits that category into the
correct text box

Select ALL the text that is relevant to the category, but ONLY that text
Don’t interrupt a sentence in an awkward way!
Intro phrase (before the colon “:”):
If it is describing the name of the category, don’t include it
Example: Pattern: Stripes
If it is describing a feature of the product, do include it
Example: Lining: 100% cotton
If you are copy/pasting text that includes parentheses, brackets, quotation marks, etc… you MUST make sure to
include both ends.
Correct example: (model is wearing sm)
Incorrect example: (model is wearing sm
It is incorrect to leave out one of the parentheses here!

How to Use a VPN

Get VPN browser 

Download the FREE Opera browser from this link: 7/10
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Set up VPN

Step 1: Enable VPN in Opera:

Go to your Settings (Alt+P)

Select Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Features

Under VPN, toggle on Enable VPN

Step 2: Turn on VPN in Opera:

Click on settings to turn on the VPN for the first time

Click on the VPN key next to the URL button to turn on the VPN 8/10
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Step 3: Make sure the VPN is on and works for the region you're visiting

Step 4: Select region of the country's website: a good guess is Americas or Europe 9/10
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