Technical Hydraulics - Exam June B: Important Notes

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Name: ………………………………………..

Student number: …………………


Important notes:
- All calculations can be done on the accompanying scrap paper. These notes
however, will NOT be considered in the assigning of the points.
- Most answers need to be filled in on the multiple choice answer page. The matching
multiple choice question is indicated in the question [MC#]. Do not forget to fill in
your student number on the multiple choice answer sheet.
- The other, drawing-related questions need to be answered on the attached figures.
Do not forget to write your name and student number on the figure answer sheet.
- In the rest of this exam, assume the gravitational acceleration to be g . 1 [m s-2],
water’s kinematic viscosity to be ν 1∙10-6 [m2 s-1] and water’s density to be
ρ 1∙103 [kg m-3].

Question / points
3 -1
A discharge of Q 16.0 [m s ] flows with a normal depth h1 Dn,1 2.0 [m] in a rectangular
channel of width b1 4.0 [m] wide. In a certain finite, short reach the width is reduced to
b 3.50 [m] and the bed level is raised by ΔZ. The water surface elevations in the
transitions are analyzed for two different values of ΔZ.

cross section 1 cross section 2

1. [MC1] Calculate the critical depth Dc,1 for the unperturbed channel. (3 points)
2. [MC ] Is the normal flow sub- or supercritical? (2 points)
3. [MC ] Is the slope mild or steep? (2 points)
4. Draw the specific energy curve for the upstream reach (section 1) in the
attached diagram. Represent the points for flow depths of 0.5 [m],
0. 5 [m], and 3. [m]. Represent also the critical and normal flow depths
of the upstream reach on the specific energy curve. (5 points)
Assume the first case where the height of the bottom perturbation ΔZ 0.20 [m].
5. [MC ] Calculate the critical depth above the perturbation Dc, (measured
from the top of the perturbation). (3 points)
6. The specific energy is normally determined with respect to the local
bottom level. In this case however, it will be determined with respect to

Name: ……………………………………….. Student number: …………………

the bottom level of the unperturbed channel for the sake of easier
comparison. Draw the specific energy curve with respect to the
unperturbed bottom level (section 1) for the reach above the
perturbation (section 2) in the attached diagram. Represent the points for
flow depths of 0.6 [m], 0. [m], 2.3 [m] and 3.5 [m]. Represent also the
critical flow depth above the perturbation on the specific energy curve. (5 points)
. [MC ] By how much will the upstream (section 1) water surface elevation
rise ( ) or drop (-)? (5 points)
. [MC ] Which backwater curve describes the water surface in the
upstream section 1? (3 points)
. [MC ] What is the change in water surface elevation in section 2
(compared to the unperturbed state) induced by the perturbation? (5 points)
Assume the second case where the height of the bottom perturbation
ΔZ 0.35 [m].
10. [MC ] Calculate the critical depth above the perturbation Dc, (measured
from the top of the perturbation). (3 points)
11. The specific energy is normally determined with respect to the local
bottom level. In this case however, it will be determined with respect to
the bottom level of the unperturbed channel for the sake of easier
comparison. Draw the specific energy curve with respect to the
unperturbed bottom level (section 1) for the reach above the
perturbation (section 2) in the attached diagram. Represent the points for
flow depths of 0.6 [m], 0. [m], 2.3 [m] and 3.5 [m]. Represent also the
critical flow depth above the perturbation on the specific energy curve. (5 points)
12. [MC ] By how much will the upstream (section 1) water surface elevation
rise ( ) or drop (-)? (5 points)
13. [MC10] Which backwater curve describes the water surface in the
upstream section 1? (3 points)
14. [MC11] What is the change in water surface elevation in section 2
(compared to the unperturbed state) induced by the perturbation? (5 points)

Name: ……………………………………….. Student number: …………………

Question / points
A pipe and a pump are used to transport water up from a stream into a manmade channel
for irrigation purposes. During the design process, two options are considered: option 1 in
which the pipe outflow releases a jet in the air and option 2 where the pipe outflow is
located under water. In both cases, the pipe has a diameter of D 0.5 [m] and an equivalent
roughness of ks 2.5∙10-3 [m]. The pipe is not straight, but includes several bends, which
introduce minor energy losses parameterized by a loss coefficient K 0.5 [ ] (in total). Minor
energy losses at the pipe inflow can be neglected.

In design option 1, the pipe has a length of L1 0 [m]. In design option 2, the pipe has a
length of L 0 [m] and its underwater outflow induces additional minor losses which are
parameterized by a loss coefficient K 1 [ ]. A sketch of the side view of both designs is
shown below.
option 1
46 masl
465 masl
460 masl

450 masl

option 2
46 masl
465 masl
460 masl
455 masl
450 masl

During operation, the pipe has to transport a discharge of at least Q 1.5 [m3 s-1].
1. [MC1 ] Calculate the minimum energy head the pump needs to produce
in design option 1. ( points)
2. [MC1 ] Calculate the minimum energy head the pump needs to produce
in design option 2. ( points)

A scale model of both designs is built as a test. The lab pump is able to produce 1/10th of the
discharge projected for the real case.
3. [MC1 ] The scale model is based on a so-called Reynolds similarity, which
means that the Reynolds number is the same in the real case and in the
laboratory scale model. Determine the pipe diameter in the laboratory
scale model. (3 points)
4. [MC1 ] Determine the pipe roughness ks in the model so that also the
Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient is conserved. (3 points)

Name: ……………………………………….. Student number: …………………

Question / points
Water is pumped out of a pipe with cross-sectional area S1 0.1 [m ] at a velocity of
V1 5 [m s-1] before it hits a stationary plate that is tilted at an angle α 50 [°] relative to
the incoming jet. The incoming jet is split into two outgoing jets. Assume that the effects of
gravity (i.e. the weight of the fluid) can be neglected, and that energy losses can also be
neglected. The jet is surrounded by air at atmospheric pressure. The figure pictures the top
view of the jet exiting the pipe and hitting the plate.


1. [MC1 ] Which of the following statements concerning the velocities of

the incoming and outgoing jets is always correct due to conservation
principles: V1 V V , V1 V V , 2V1 V V , or V 2V ? (4 points)
2. [MC1 ] Which of the following statements concerning the cross-sectional
areas of the incoming and outgoing jets is always correct due to
conservation principles: S1 S S , S1 S S , 2S1 S S , or S 2S ? (4 points)
3. [MC1 ] Calculate the x-component of the total force Fflow the jet exerts on
the plate. Assume that S 2S . ( points)
4. [MC1 ] Calculate the y-component of the total force Fflow the jet exerts on
the plate. Assume that S 2S . ( points)
5. [MC 0] Calculate the magnitude of the angle β between the direction of
the total force Fflow and the incoming jet. (4 points)

Name: ……………………………………….. Student number: …………………

Question / points
Consider a funnel of conical shape (𝑉 𝜋𝑅 𝐻, α 30 [°]) as sketched in the figure. The
funnel of height H 0.3 [m] is flipped upside down and put on a horizontal table. The funnel
is slowly filled up to a height h 0.15 [m] with a liquid of density ρ 0. ∙103 [kg m-3] through
a pipe at its top, which has negligible diameter and remains open.

1. [MC 1] Determine the direction and sense of the resulting hydrostatic

force on the funnel. (6 points)
2. [MC ] Determine the total horizontal, radially outward hydrostatic force
Fr exerted by the water on the funnel. ( points)
3. [MC ] Determine the vertical hydrostatic force Fz exerted by the water
on the funnel. ( points)
4. [MC ] Determine the minimum required weight of the funnel W in order
to avoid being lifted from the table. (5 points)

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