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Oracle Applications Cloud

Administering Publisher in Oracle

Transactional Business Intelligence

March 2022
Oracle Applications Cloud Administering Publisher in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence,


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Audience vii
Documentation Accessibility vii
Diversity and Inclusion vii
Related Resources vii
Conventions viii

1 Introduction to Publisher Administration

Introduction 1-1
About the Data Source Connections 1-1
About Report Delivery Destinations 1-2
About Setting Runtime Configuration Properties 1-2
About the Administration Page 1-2
Navigate to the Administration Pages for Pixel-Perfect Reporting 1-2

2 Configure System Maintenance Properties

Configure Processors and Processor Threads 2-1
Scheduler Diagnostics 2-1
Set Report Viewer Properties 2-4
Clear Report Objects from the Server Cache 2-5
Clear the Subject Area Metadata Cache 2-5
Enable Diagnostics 2-5
Enable Diagnostics for Scheduler Jobs 2-5
Enable Diagnostics for Online Reports 2-6
Purge Job Diagnostic Logs 2-7
Purge Job History 2-7
Upload and Manage Configuration-Specific Files 2-7

3 Set Up Data Sources

Set Up a JNDI Connection to Access Audit Data 3-1

Grant Access to Data Sources Using the Security Region 3-1
About Proxy Authentication 3-2
About Pre Process Functions and Post Process Functions 3-2
Set Up a Connection to an HTTP Data Source 3-3
Set Up a Connection to a Content Server 3-4
Set Up a Connection to a Web Service 3-4
View or Update a Data Source 3-5

4 Set Up Delivery Destinations

Configure Delivery Options 4-1
Add a Printer 4-2
Add a Fax Server 4-2
Add an Email Server 4-3
Add a WebDAV Server 4-3
Add an HTTP or HTTPS Server 4-4
Add an FTP or SFTP Server 4-4
SSH Options for SFTP 4-5
Add a Content Server 4-6
Create a Custom Connection 4-7

5 Define Runtime Configurations

Set Runtime Properties 5-1
PDF Output Properties 5-2
PDF Digital Signature Properties 5-5
PDF Accessibility Properties 5-7
PDF/A Output Properties 5-7
PDF/X Output Properties 5-8
DOCX Output Properties 5-10
RTF Output Properties 5-10
PPTX Output Properties 5-11
HTML Output Properties 5-11
FO Processing Properties 5-13
RTF Template Properties 5-15
XPT Template Properties 5-16
PDF Template Properties 5-17
Excel Template Properties 5-17
CSV Output Properties 5-18
Excel Output Properties 5-18
EText Output Properties 5-20

All Outputs Properties 5-20
Memory Guard Properties 5-20
Data Model Properties 5-21
Delivery Properties 5-23
Define Font Mappings 5-23
Make Fonts Available for Publishing 5-23
Set Font Mapping at the Site Level or Report Level 5-24
Create a Font Map 5-24
Predefined Fonts 5-24
Define Currency Formats 5-26
Understand Currency Formats 5-26

6 Secure Reports
Use Digital Signature in a PDF Document 6-1
Prerequisites and Limitations 6-1
Obtain Digital Certificates 6-1
Create PFX Files 6-2
Apply a Digital Signature 6-2
Register Your Digital Signature and Assign Authorized Roles 6-2
Specify the Signature Display Field or Location 6-3
Specify a Template Field in a PDF Template for the Digital Signature 6-3
Specify the Location for the Digital Signature in the Report Properties 6-3
Run and Sign Reports with a Digital Signature 6-4
Use PGP Keys for Encrypted Report Delivery 6-4
Manage PGP Keys 6-4
Encrypt Data Files 6-5

7 View Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects

About Viewing Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects 7-1
Enable or Disable Viewing of Publisher Audit Data 7-1
Specify the Data Source Connection for Publisher Audit Data 7-2
View Publisher Audit Data 7-2

8 Add Translations for the Catalog and Reports

Introduction 8-1
Limitations of Catalog Translation 8-1
Template Translation 8-1
Generate the XLIFF File from the Layout Properties Page 8-2
Translate the XLIFF File 8-3

Upload the Translated XLIFF File to Publisher 8-3
Use a Localized Template 8-3
Design the Localized Template File 8-3
Upload the Localized Template to Publisher 8-3

9 Frequently Asked Questions for Publisher

Top FAQs to Configure and Manage Publisher 9-1

Learn to administer Publisher for pixel-perfect reporting.

• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Related Resources
• Conventions

This document is intended for system administrators who are responsible for configuring

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Support. For information, visit
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Diversity and Inclusion

Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having a
diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative to
build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, and
partners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation.
We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers' existing
technologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industry
standards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitive
terms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.

Related Resources
For a full list of guides, refer to the Books tab on Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Help Center.


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
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Videos and Images

Your company can use skins and styles to customize the look of the application,
dashboards, reports, and other objects. It is possible that the videos and images
included in the product documentation look different than the skins and styles your
company uses.
Even if your skins and styles are different than those shown in the videos and images,
the product behavior and techniques shown and demonstrated are the same.

Introduction to Publisher Administration
This topic describes the tasks required to administer Publisher.

• Introduction
• About the Administration Page
• About the Data Source Connections
• About Report Delivery Destinations
• About Setting Runtime Configuration Properties

You can author, manage, and deliver pixel-perfect reports such as operational reports,
electronic funds transfer documents, government PDF forms, shipping labels, checks, sales
and marketing letters.
The administrator sets up and maintains the following system components.
• Data source connections
• Report delivery destinations
• Runtime configuration settings
For other business roles, see the guides that are outlined in the table below for information
about using the product.

Role Sample Tasks Guide

Data Model Fetch and structure the data to use in Designing Pixel-Perfect Reports in
developer reports Oracle Transactional Business
Report consumer View reports Using Oracle Analytics Publisher in
Schedule report jobs Oracle Transactional Business
Manage report jobs
Report designer Create report definitions Designing Pixel-Perfect Reports in
Design layouts Oracle Transactional Business

About the Data Source Connections

Publisher reports rely on XML data. Publisher supports retrieving data from a variety of data
The following data sources connections must be first set up in Publisher through the
administration page:

Chapter 1
About Report Delivery Destinations

• JDBC and JNDI connections

You can use the provisioned JDBC and JNDI connections. Only to create audit
reports, you are allowed to create JNDI connections to the system-defined data
sources to access the audit data source (AuditViewDB). JDBC connections to
external databases aren't supported.
• Web Service connections
• HTTP XML connections
• Content Server connections
You can also take advantage of the following data sources:
• Oracle BI Analysis
• Oracle BI Server subject area

About Report Delivery Destinations

The Publisher delivery manager supports multiple delivery channels.
Supported delivery channels include:
• Printer
• Fax
• E-mail
• HTTP notification
• Web Folder (or WebDAV)
• Content Server

About Setting Runtime Configuration Properties

Use the Runtime Configuration page to enable configuration settings for your system.
The properties include settings that do the following:
• Control the processing for different output types
• Tune for scalability and performance
• Define font mappings

About the Administration Page

Use the Publisher administration page to configure pixel-perfect reporting.

Navigate to the Administration Pages for Pixel-Perfect Reporting

You can navigate to the Publisher administration page from Oracle Applications Cloud
or by directly accessing Publisher using the /xmlpserver URL (for example: http://

Chapter 1
About the Administration Page

1. To access the Publisher administration page from Oracle Applications Cloud, navigate to
the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence home page.
a. Select Tools from the navigator, and then click Reports and Analytics.
b. Navigate to the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence home page, click My
Profile (user profile icon), and then click Administration.
c. In the administration page, click Manage Publisher.
2. To directly access the Publisher administration page, use the /xmlpserver URL.
a. Log in to Publisher using the URL.
b. On the Publisher home page, click My Profile (user profile icon), and then click

Configure System Maintenance Properties
This topic describes how to configure Publisher maintenance properties.

• Set Report Viewer Properties
• Clear Report Objects from the Server Cache
• Clear the Subject Area Metadata Cache
• Purge Job Diagnostic Logs
• Purge Job History
• Upload and Manage Configuration-Specific Files

Configure Processors and Processor Threads

For each cluster instance that you configure, a processor configuration table is displayed.
Use the tables to enable and disable processors and specify threads for each processor.
The default number of threads for each processor is set by the Threads per JMS Processor
property under JMS Configuration. Edit the threads for a specific processor in the Cluster
Instances region by updating the Number Threads setting. Note that processors that use the
default setting show no entry in the table. Enter a Number Threads value only to set a thread
count for a particular processor to differ from the default. The optimum number of threads per
processor depends on the requirements of the system.
You can use the Scheduler Diagnostics page to help in assessing load in the system.

Scheduler Diagnostics
The Scheduler diagnostics page provides the runtime status of the scheduler. It provides
status of its JMS configuration, JMS queues, Cluster instance status, Scheduler Database
status, Toplink status, and Scheduler (Quartz) status.
The Diagnostics page displays how many scheduled report requests have been received by
the JMS queues, how many of them have failed and how many are still running. The JMS
status can be viewed at the cluster-instance level enabling you to decide whether to add
more instances to scale up by one or more of these JMS processors.
For example, if there're too many requests queued up for the e-mail processor in one
instance, you can consider adding another instance and enabling it to handle e-mail
processing. Similarly, if there're very large reports being processed and showing in the Report
Process queue in running status, then you can add another instance to scale up the Report
Process capability.
Also, the Scheduler Diagnostics page reflects the status of each component to show if any
component is down. You can see the connection string or JNDI name to the database, which

Chapter 2
Scheduler Diagnostics

cluster instance associates to which managed server instance, Toplink connection pool
configuration, and so on.
If an instance shows a failed status, then you can recover the instance and with the
failover mechanism of the JMS set up in the cluster, no jobs submitted are lost. When
the server instance is brought back, it is immediately available in the cluster for
service. The instance removal and addition reflects dynamically on the diagnostic
When an instance is added to the cluster, the Scheduler Diagnostics page immediately
recognizes the new instance and displays the status of the new instances and all the
threads running on that instance. This provides a powerful monitoring capability to the
administrator to trace and resolve issues in any instance or any component of the
The Scheduler Diagnostics page provides information on the following components:
• Cluster
• Database
• Scheduler Engine
The JMS section provides information on the following:
• JMS Cluster Config: This section provides configuration information for JMS setup:
– Provider type (Weblogic / ActiveMQ)
– WebLogic version
– WebLogic JNDI Factory
– Queue names
– Temporary directory
• JMS Runtime: This provides runtime status of all JMS queues and topics, as
shown in the table below.

The Cluster section provides details on the cluster instance, as shown in the figure
below. Use this information to understand the load on each processor.

Chapter 2
Scheduler Diagnostics

• JMS instance config

• JMS Wrapper
• JMS Client - System — Provides status of the BIP System topic. The scheduler
diagnostic page is a subscriber to this topic.
• JMS Client_producer — Not used.
• JMS Client_schedule — Provides status of the job processor and report processor, each
processor showing number of active threads, number of messages received, number of
messages failed, and number of messages running.
• JMS Client_delivery — Provides status of different delivery processors as listeners, each
delivery processor showing number of active threads, number of messages received,
number of messages failed, and number of messages running.
The Database section provides information on these components, as shown in the figure
• Database Config — Connection type, JNDI Name, or connection string
• Toplink Config — Connection pooling, logging level
• Database Schema

Chapter 2
Set Report Viewer Properties

The Quartz section provides information on these components, as shown in the figure
• Quartz Configuration
• Quartz Initialization

Set Report Viewer Properties

The Report Viewer Configuration tab enables you to set the Show Apply Button
report viewer property.
If Show Apply Button is set to True, reports with parameter options display the Apply
button in the report viewer. If you change the parameter values, click Apply to render
the report with the new values.
If Show Apply Button is set to False, the report viewer doesn't display the Apply
button. If you enter a new parameter value, Publisher automatically renders the report
after the new value is selected or entered.
You set this property at the report level to override the system setting.

Chapter 2
Clear Report Objects from the Server Cache

Clear Report Objects from the Server Cache

Use the Manage Cache page to clear the server cache.
The server cache stores report definitions, report data, and report output documents. If you
need to manually purge this cache (for example, after patching) use the Manage Cache
To clear the report objects from the server cache:
1. From the Administration page, select Manage Cache.
2. On the Manage Cache page, click Clear Object Cache.

Clear the Subject Area Metadata Cache

You can clear the subject area metadata cache.
BI subject area metadata such as the dimension and measure names are cached at the
server to quickly open the report in report designer. You can manually clear this cache if the
BI subject area is updated through a binary repository (.RPD) file.
To clear the subject area metadata cache:
1. From the Administration page, select Manage Cache.
2. On the Manage Cache page, in the Clearing Subject Area Metadata Cache section, click
Clear Metadata Cache.

Enable Diagnostics
This topic describes tasks performed by administrators and BI Authors to enable the
diagnostics logs.

• Enable Diagnostics for Scheduler Jobs
• Enable Diagnostics for Online Reports

Enable Diagnostics for Scheduler Jobs

You can enable diagnostics for a scheduler job in the Schedule Report Job page, and
download the diagnostic logs from Report Job History.
You must have BI Administrator or BI Data Model Developer privileges to access the
Diagnostics tab in the Schedule Report Job page. Perform the following steps to enable
To enable and download diagnostics for a scheduler job:
1. From the New menu, select Report Job.
2. Select the report to schedule, and click the Diagnostics tab.
3. Select and enable the required diagnostics.

Chapter 2
Enable Diagnostics

• Select Enable SQL Explain Plan to generate a diagnostic log with Explain
plan/SQL monitor report information.
• Select Enable Data Engine Diagnostic to generate a data processor log.
• Select Enable Report Processor Diagnostic to generate FO (Formatting
Options) and server related log information.
• Select Enable Consolidated Job Diagnostic to generate the entire log,
which includes scheduler log, data processor log, FO and server log details.
4. Submit the report.
5. After the report job runs, in the Report Job History page, select your report to view
the details.
6. Under Output & Delivery, click Diagnostic Log to download the job diagnostic log
and view the details.
Use the Manage Job Diagnostics Log page to purge the old job diagnostic logs.

Enable Diagnostics for Online Reports

In the Report Viewer, you can enable diagnostics for online reports.
Administrators and BI Authors can enable diagnostics before running the online report,
and then download the diagnostic logs after the report finishes. Diagnostics are
disabled by default.
If you enable diagnostics for an online report with interactive output, you can:
• Download the following diagnostic logs in a .zip file:
– SQL logs
– Data engine logs
– Report Processor logs
• View the following details in the diagnostic logs:
– Exceptions
– Memory guard limits
– SQL query
To enable diagnostics and download the diagnostic logs for an online report:
1. If the report is running, click Cancel to stop the reporting process.
2. Click Actions in the Report Viewer.
3. Select Enable Diagnostics from the Online Diagnostics option.
4. Submit the report.
5. To download the diagnostic logs after the report runs:
a. Click Actions in the Report Viewer.
b. Select Download Diagnostics from the Online Diagnostics option.

Chapter 2
Purge Job Diagnostic Logs

Purge Job Diagnostic Logs

You can purge old diagnostic logs to increase the available space on your system.
The retention period of job diagnostic logs is set to 30 days, by default. If you frequently
enable diagnostic logs, these diagnostic logs might consume space in the database, and you
might need to periodically free the space consumed by the old diagnostic logs. You can
manually purge the job diagnostic logs older than the retention period .
To purge the job diagnostic logs:
1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Manage Job
Diagnostics Log.
2. Click Purge log beyond retention period.

Purge Job History

Use the Manage Job Diagnostics Log page to purge old job history.
The retention period of a job history is set to 180 days, by default. You can manually purge
the history of jobs that are older than the retention period. When you purge old job history, the
saved output, saved XML, job delivery info, and the job status details of the old jobs are
To purge old job history:
1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Manage Job
Diagnostics Log.
2. Click Purge scheduler metadata.

Upload and Manage Configuration-Specific Files

Use Upload Center to upload and manage the configuration-specific files for font, digital
signature, ICC profile, SSH private key, SSL certificate, and JDBC client certificate.
To upload and manage the configuration-specific files:
1. On the Administration page, under System Maintenance, select Upload Center.
2. Click Browse and select the file you want to upload.
3. Select the configuration file type.
4. If you want to overwrite an existing file with the new file, select Overwrite.
5. Click Upload.
6. To manage the uploaded files, use the Filter By Type field to filter the files in the table.

Set Up Data Sources
This topic describes how to set up data sources for Publisher.

• Set Up a JNDI Connection to Access Audit Data
• Set Up a Connection to a Web Service
• Set Up a Connection to an HTTP Data Source
• Set Up a Connection to a Content Server
• View or Update a Data Source

Set Up a JNDI Connection to Access Audit Data

You can't create new JDBC and JNDI connections to data sources. You can only use the
provisioned JDBC and JNDI connections. However, to create audit reports, you are allowed
to create JNDI connections to the system-defined data sources to access the audit data
source (AuditViewDataSource).
1. From the Administration page, click JNDI Connection.
2. Click Add Data Source.
3. Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source
selection list in the Data Model Editor.
4. Enter the JNDI name for the connection pool. For example, jdbc/AuditViewDataSource.
5. Optional: In Pre Process Function and Post Process Function fields, enter a PL/SQL
function to execute when a connection is created (Pre Process) or closed (Post Process).
6. Optional: Select Use Proxy Authentication to enable Proxy Authentication.
7. Click Test Connection. You see a confirmation message if the connection is established.
8. Optional: Select Allow Guest Access to enable public access.
9. Define security for this data source connection. Move the required roles from the
Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles in the
Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

Grant Access to Data Sources Using the Security Region

When you set up data sources, you can also define security for the data source by selecting
which user roles can access the data source.
You must grant access to users for the following:
• A report consumer must have access to the data source to view reports that retrieve data
from the data source.

Chapter 3
About Proxy Authentication

• A report designer must have access to the data source to create or edit a data
model against the data source.
By default, a role with administrator privileges can access all data sources.
The configuration page for the data source includes a Security region that lists all the
available roles. You can grant roles access from this page, or you can also assign the
data sources to roles from the roles and permissions page.

About Proxy Authentication

Publisher supports proxy authentication for connections to various data sources
Supported data sources include:
• Oracle 10g database
• Oracle 11g database
• Oracle BI Server
For direct data source connections through JDBC and connections through a JNDI
connection pool, Publisher enables you to select "Use Proxy Authentication". When
you select Use Proxy Authentication, Publisher passes the user name of the individual
user (as logged into Publisher) to the data source and thus preserves the client identity
and privileges when the Publisher server connects to the data source.
Enabling this feature requires additional setup on the database. The database must
have Virtual Private Database (VPD) enabled for row-level security.
For connections to the Oracle BI Server, Proxy Authentication is required. In this case,
proxy authentication is handled by the Oracle BI Server, therefore the underlying
database can be any database supported by the Oracle BI Server.

About Pre Process Functions and Post Process Functions

You can define PL/SQL functions for Publisher to run when a connection to a JDBC
data source is created (preprocess function) or closed (postprocess function).
These two fields enable the administrator to set a user's context attributes before a
connection is made to a database and then to dismiss the attributes after the
connection is broken by the extraction engine.
The system variable :xdo_user_name can be used as a bind variable to pass the login
username to the PL/SQL function calls. Setting the login user context in this way
enables you to secure data at the data source level (rather than at the SQL query
For example, assuming the following sample function:

FUNCTION set_per_process_username (username_in IN VARCHAR2)

return TRUE;
END set_per_process_username

Chapter 3
Set Up a Connection to an HTTP Data Source

To call this function every time a connection is made to the database, enter the following in
the Pre Process Function field: set_per_process_username(:xdo_user_name)
Another sample usage might be to insert a row to the LOGTAB table every time a user
connects or disconnects:


INSERT INTO LOGTAB VALUES(user_name_in, sysdate,smode);
RETURN true;

In the Pre Process Function field enter: BIP_LOG(:xdo_user_name)

As a new connection is made to the database, it is logged in the LOGTAB table. The SMODE
value specifies the activity as an entry or an exit. Calling this function as a Post Process
Function as well returns results such as those shown in the table below.

Set Up a Connection to an HTTP Data Source

HTTP data sources enable your data model designers to build data models from XML, JSON,
and CSV data over the web by retrieving data through the HTTP GET method.
If you want to use an SSL certificate for the connection, upload the SSL certificate in Upload
Center before you define the connection to the data source.
To add an HTTP data source:
1. From the Administration page, click HTTP Connection.
2. Click Add Data Source.
3. Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source
selection list in the Data Model Editor.
4. Select the server protocol.
5. Enter the server name and the server port.
6. Enter the URL context for the HTTP data source connection in the Realm field.
For example, xmlpserver/services/rest/v1/reports
7. Enter the user name and password required to access the data source on the database.

Chapter 3
Set Up a Connection to a Content Server

8. Optional: From the SSL Certificate list, select the SSL certificate you want to use
for the data source.
9. If you're using a proxy-enabled server, select Use System Proxy.
10. Define security for this data source connection. Move roles from the Available
Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles in the Allowed
Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

Set Up a Connection to a Content Server

Content server data source enables you to retrieve a text attachment content stored in
Oracle WebCenter Content (earlier known as UCM) server and display it in the report
of the corresponding document.
To set up a connection to a content server data source:
1. From the Administration page, select the Content Server link.
2. Click Add Data Source.
3. Enter the name in the Data Source Name field.
4. Enter the URL in the URI field.
5. Enter the user name and password in the Username and Password fields,
6. Click Test Connection.
7. Define security for this data source connection. Move roles from the Available
Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles in the Allowed
Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.
8. Click Apply.

Set Up a Connection to a Web Service

You can use a web service as a data source.
If you want to use an SSL certificate for the connection, upload the SSL certificate in
Upload Center before you define the connection to the data source.
To add a web service as a data source:
1. From the Administration page, click Web Service Connection.
2. Click Add Data Source.
3. Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data
Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.
4. Select the server protocol.
5. Enter the server name and the server port.
6. Enter the URL for the web service connection.
7. Optional: Enter the session timeout in minutes.
8. Select the security header from WS-Security.

Chapter 3
View or Update a Data Source

• 2002 — Enables the "WS-Security" Username Token with the 2002 namespace:
• 2004 — Enables the "WS-Security" Username Token with the 2004 namespace:
9. Optional: Enter the user name and password for the web service data source.
10. Optional: From the SSL Certificate list, select the SSL certificate you want to use for the
11. If you're using a proxy-enabled server, select Use System Proxy.

12. Click Test Connection.

13. Define security for this data source connection. Move roles from the Available Roles list
to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles in the Allowed Roles list can
create or view reports from this data source.
14. Click Apply.

View or Update a Data Source

You can view or update a data source from the Administration page.
To view or update a data source:
1. From the Administration page, select the Data Source type to update.
2. Select the name of the connection to view or update. All fields are editable. See the
appropriate section for setting up the data source type for information on the required
3. Select Apply to apply any changes or Cancel to exit the update page.

Set Up Delivery Destinations
This topic describes the setup required to deliver Publisher reports. It also describes how to
set up the HTTP notification server.

• Configure Delivery Options
• Add a Printer
• Add a Fax Server
• Add an Email Server
• Add a WebDAV Server
• Add an HTTP or HTTPS Server
• Add an FTP or SFTP Server
• Add a Content Server

Configure Delivery Options

You can define the SSL certicate file and set the general properties for e-mail deliveries and
To configure delivery options:
1. From the Administration page, select Delivery Configuration.
2. If you want to use a self-signed certificate, select a file from SSL Certificate File.
3. Enter the From address to appear on e-mail report deliveries. The default value is
4. Enter the From address to appear on notifications deliveries. The default value is
5. Enter the subject text for notification e-mails when the report status is Success, Warning,
Failed, or Skipped.
6. In the Allowed Email Recipient Domains field, enter the domains you want to allow
email delivery. Separate the email domains by a comma. By default, * allows all domains.
Note that if you want to ignore email delivery restrictions for a report delivery, select the
Ignore Email domain Restrictions property of that report.
7. Select Use System Proxy Settings if the Delivery Manager must look up the proxy
server settings from the Java runtime environment.
• Printer, Fax, WebDAV, HTTP and CUPS servers use proxy settings for HTTP
protocol when SSL is not used. When SSL is used, the HTTPS proxy setting is used.
• FTP and SFTP use proxy settings for FTP.

Chapter 4
Add a Printer

• Contents servers and email servers don't support connection over a proxy,
regardless of this setting.
You can override the proxy settings per delivery server, using proxy configuration
fields on the individual server setup page. If a proxy server and ports are
configured for a delivery server, the Delivery Manager uses the proxy server and
port configured for the server instead of the one defined in the Java Runtime
environment. In Cloud installations, Use System Proxy Settings is always
selected, and cannot be turned off or overridden by individual server settings.

Add a Printer
You can set up a printer to print reports.
If you want to print checks on a remote printer, configure your print server with a SSL
certificate supported by Fusion Truststore. Ensure that your server presents the entire
certificate chain during the SSL handshake process. Test and verify that check printing
works. In case check printing fails, review the print server logs. If the failure occurs
during SSL handshake, then verify your print server configuration and make the
necessary corrections.
1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select Printer, and then click Add
2. Enter the server name and URI of the printer.
3. Optional: If your printer or print server doesn't support printing PDF, enter a filter to
call a conversion utility to convert the PDF to a file format supported by your
specific printer type.
4. Enter the user name, password, authentication type (None, Basic, Digest), and
encryption Type (None, SSL).
5. Optional: Enter the host, port, user name, password, and authentication type
(None, Basic, Digest) of the proxy server.
6. Optional: In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
7. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide
access to the delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles
8. Click Apply.

Add a Fax Server

You must set up Common Unix Printing Service (CUPS) and the fax4CUPS extension,
if you want to send fax.
1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select Fax, and then click Add
2. Enter the server name and the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the fax server.
3. Optional: If your fax server doesn't support printing PDF, enter a filter to call a
conversion utility to convert the PDF to a file format supported by your specific fax
4. Optional: Enter the user name, password, authentication type (None, Basic,
Digest), and encryption Type (None, SSL) of the fax server.

Chapter 4
Add an Email Server

5. Optional: Enter the host, port, user name, password, and authentication type (None,
Basic, Digest) of the proxy server.
6. Optional: In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
7. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide access to the
delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles list.
8. Click Apply.

Add an Email Server

You can use the provisioned email server to deliver reports by email.
1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select Email, and then click Add Server.
2. Enter the Server Name and Host of the email server.
3. Optional: Select a Secure Connection method to use for connections with the email
The options are:
• None
• SSL/TLS - Uses secure socket/encrypted connection from the start of the SMTP
• STARTTLS – Uses unencrypted connection at the start of the SMTP session and
then switches to encrypted connection using the STARTTLS command if the server
supports the STARTTLS command. If the server doesn’t support the STARTTLS
command, the SMTP session continues with the unencrypted connection.
• STARTTLS Required - Uses unencrypted connection at the start of the SMTP
session and then switches to encrypted connection using the STARTTLS command if
the server supports the STARTTLS command. If the server doesn’t support the
STARTTLS command, the SMTP session fails without switching to the unencrypted
4. Optional: Enter the port number, user name, and password.
5. In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
6. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide access to the
delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles list.
7. Click Test Connection.
8. Click Apply.

Add a WebDAV Server

You add a WebDAV server from the Administration page.
To add a WebDAV server:
1. From the Administration page, select WebDAV to display the list of servers that have
been added. Select Add Server.
2. Enter the Name and Host for the new server.
3. Optionally enter the following fields if appropriate:
• General fields — Port

Chapter 4
Add an HTTP or HTTPS Server

• Security fields — Authentication Type (None, Basic, Digest) and Encryption

Type (None, SSL).
• Proxy Server fields — Host, Port, User Name, Password, Authentication
Type (None, Basic, Digest)

Add an HTTP or HTTPS Server

You can register an application URL or postprocess HTTP or HTTPS URL as an HTTP
server to send a notification request to after the report has completed.
The HTTP notification sent by Publisher posts a form data for Job ID, report URL and
Job Status to the HTTP Server URL page.
1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select HTTP, and then click Add
2. Enter the server name and the URL of the server.
3. Optional: Enter the host, port, user name, password, authentication type (None,
Basic, Digest), and and encryption type (None, SSL) of the server.
4. Optional: If the notification is to be sent through a proxy server, enter the user
name, password,and the authentication type (None, Basic, Digest).
5. In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
6. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide
access to the delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles
7. Click Apply.

Add an FTP or SFTP Server

You can add an FTP server or SFTP server as a delivery channel from the
Administration page.
If the destination file name supplied to the scheduler contains non-ascii characters,
UTF-8 encoding is used to specify the file name to the destination FTP server. Your
FTP server must support UTF-8 encoding or the job delivery will fail with "Delivery
Failed" error message.
Publisher doesn't support FTP over TLS / SSL (FTPS). You can't use FTP over TLS or
SSL for delivery. Use SFTP for secure file transfer.
1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select FTP, and then click Add
2. Enter the server name, host name, and port number for the FTP or SFTP server.
The default port for FTP is 21. The default port for Secure FTP (SFTP) is 22.
3. To enable Secure FTP (SFTP), select Use Secure FTP.
4. If the FTP server is behind a firewall, select Use Passive Mode .
5. In the Host Key Fingerprint field, enter the host key. The value must match the
fingerprint calculated from server's host key at runtime. If it doesn’t match, an
exception error is thrown. When you connect the first time, the Delivery Manager
API allows you to retrieve the server key fingerprint.

Chapter 4
Add an FTP or SFTP Server

6. Select Create files with Part extension when copy is in process to create a file on the
FTP server with a .part extension while the file is transferring.
When the file transfer is complete, the file is renamed without the .part extension. If the
file transfer doesn't complete, the file with the .part extension remains on the server.
7. Optional: Enter the security information.
a. If your server is password protected, enter the User name and Password.
b. Select the Authentication Type: Private Key or Password
c. Depending on the authentication type selection, select the private key file or specify
the private password.
If you selected Private Key as the authentication type, make sure you upload the
SSH Private Key file in the Upload Center.
8. Optional: Enter the host, port, user name, password, and authentication type (None,
Basic, Digest) of the proxy server.
9. Optional: To deliver PGP encrypted documents to the FTP server:
a. From the PGP Key list, select the PGP keys you uploaded in Security Center.
This step updates the filter command in the Filter Command field.
b. To sign the encrypted document, select Sign Output.
This step adds a -s parameter to the existing filter command in the Filter Command
c. If you want to deliver PGP encrypted document in ASCII armored format, select
ASCII Armored Output.
This step adds a -a parameter to the existing filter command in the Filter Command
10. In the Access Control section, deselect Public.

11. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide access to the
delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles list.
12. Click Test Connection.

13. Click Apply.

SSH Options for SFTP

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is based on the Secure Shell technology (SSH).
Publisher supports the following SSH options for SFTP delivery.

Chapter 4
Add a Content Server

SSH Option Supported Values

Cipher Suites • 3des-cbc
• blowfish-cbc
• aes128-cbc
• aes128-ctr
• aes192-ctr
• aes256-ctr
You can use aes192-ctr and aes256-ctr cipher
suites only when Publisher is running on a
JVM on which the Java Cryptography
Extension (JCE) unlimited strength jurisdiction
policy files are installed.
Key Exchange Method • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
• diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
• diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
• diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
You can use diffie-hellman-group-exchange-
sha256 key exchange methods only when
Publisher is running on a JVM on which the
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) unlimited
strength jurisdiction policy files are installed.
Public Key Algorithm • ssh-dss
• ssh-rsa

Add a Content Server

You can deliver documents to Oracle WebCenter Content.
When you use a content server as a delivery destination:
• At runtime, the report consumer can tag the report with Security Group and
Account metadata (if applicable) to ensure that the appropriate access rights are
applied to the document when delivered.
Publisher communicates with Oracle WebCenter Content Server using the Remote
Intradoc Client (RIDC). The connection protocols therefore follow the standards
required by the RIDC. The protocols supported are:
• Intradoc: The Intradoc protocol communicates to the Content Server over the over
the Intradoc socket port (typically 4444). This protocol requires a trusted
connection between the client and Content Server and will not perform any
password validation. Clients that use this protocol are expected to perform any
required authentication themselves before making RIDC calls. The Intradoc
communication can also be configured to run over SSL.
• HTTP and HTTPS: The HTTP protocol connection requires valid user name and
password authentication credentials for each request. You supply the credentials
to use for requests in the Publisher Administration page.
• JAX-WS: The JAX-WS protocol is supported only in Oracle WebCenter Content
11g with a properly configured Content Server instance and the RIDC client
installed. JAX-WS is not supported outside this environment.
To set up a content server as a delivery destination:

Chapter 4
Add a Content Server

1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select Content Server, and then click
Add Server.
2. Enter the Server Name, for example: contentserver01.
3. Enter the connection URI for your content server. The URI can take any of the following
supported protocols:
• HTTP/HTTPS — Specifies the URL to the Content Server CGI path.
For example:
– http://localhost:16200/cs/idcplg
– https://localhost:16200/cs/idcplg
• Intradoc — The Intradoc protocol communicates to the content server over the
Intradoc socket port (typically 4444). The IDC protocol also supports communication
over SSL. For example:
– idc://host:4444
– idcs://host:4443
• JAX-WS — Uses the JAX-WS protocol to connect to the content server.
For example:
– http://wlsserver:16200/idcnativews
4. Optional: Enter the user name and password of the content server.
5. Optional: To deliver PGP encrypted documents to the content server:
a. From the PGP Key list, select the PGP keys you uploaded in Security Center.
This step updates the filter command in the Filter Command field.
b. To sign the encrypted document, select Sign Output.
This step adds a -s parameter to the existing filter command in the Filter Command
c. If you want to deliver PGP encrypted document in ASCII armored format, select
ASCII Armored Output.
This step adds a -a parameter to the existing filter command in the Filter Command
6. In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
7. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide access to the
delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles list.
8. Click Test Connection.
9. Click Apply.

Create a Custom Connection

You can use a custom connection for Oracle WebCenter Content server to deliver files from
Publisher to Oracle WebCenter Content server.
FA_UCM_Provisioned, a provisioned connection to Oracle WebCenter Content server, uses a
provisioned FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID user to connect to Oracle WebCenter
Content server with security groups and accounts to support the most common use cases.
You can't delete the FA_UCM_Provisioned connection, but you can disable the connection.

Chapter 4
Add a Content Server

Configure a custom connection to Oracle WebCenter Content server if you want to

access Oracle WebCenter Content server using user credentials other than
FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID or if you want to deliver PGP encrypted files from
The custom connection to Oracle WebCenter Content server must use the same
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as the provisioned connection, but should have its
own user name and password.
1. In the Publisher Administration page, navigate to the Content Server tab in the
Delivery section, and click Add Server.
2. Enter the same URI used by the provisioned FA_UCM_Provisioned Oracle
WebCenter Content server.
3. Enter the server name, user name, and password.
4. Leave Enable Custom Metadata deselected. Custom metadata isn't used.
5. In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
6. Select one or more roles you want to provide access to the server, and click Move
to add them to the Allowed Roles.
7. Click Test Connection to ensure that you can connect to Oracle WebCenter
Content server.
8. Click Apply.

Define Runtime Configurations
This topic describes processing properties for PDF document security, FO processing, PDF
accessibility, and specific properties for each output type.

• Set Runtime Properties
• PDF Output Properties
• PDF Digital Signature Properties
• PDF Accessibility Properties
• PDF/A Output Properties
• PDF/X Output Properties
• DOCX Output Properties
• RTF Output Properties
• PPTX Output Properties
• HTML Output Properties
• FO Processing Properties
• RTF Template Properties
• XPT Template Properties
• PDF Template Properties
• Excel Template Properties
• CSV Output Properties
• Excel Output Properties
• EText Output Properties
• All Outputs Properties
• Memory Guard Properties
• Data Model Properties
• Delivery Properties
• Define Font Mappings
• Define Currency Formats

Set Runtime Properties

The Runtime Configuration page enables you to set runtime properties at the server level.

Chapter 5
PDF Output Properties

These same properties can also be set at the report level, from the report editor's
Properties dialog. If different values are set for a property at each level, then report
level takes precedence.

PDF Output Properties

Generate the type of PDF files you want by setting available output properties.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Compress PDF output Specify "true" or "false" to true pdf-compression
control compression of the
output PDF file.
Hide PDF viewer's Specify "true" to hide the viewer false pdf-hide-menubar
menu bars application's menu bar when the
document is active. The menu
bar option is only effective when
using the Export button, which
displays the output in a
standalone Acrobat Reader
application outside of the
Hide PDF viewer's tool Specify "true" to hide the viewer false pdf-hide-toolbar
bars application's toolbar when the
document is active.
Replace smart quotes Specify "false" if you don't want true pdf-replace-
curly quotes replaced with smartquotes
straight quotes in the PDF
Disable opacity and Specify "true" if you don't want false pdf-dvt-no-
gradient shading for opacity and gradient shading for opacity-no-
DVT chart the PDF output. This reduces gradient-shading
the size of the PostScript file.
Enable PDF Security Specify "true” if you want to false pdf-security
encrypt the PDF output. You
can then also specify the
following properties:
• Open document password
• Modify permissions
• Encryption Level
Open document This password is required for N/A pdf-open-password
password opening the document. It
enables users to open the
document only. This property is
enabled only when "Enable PDF
Security" is set to "true". Note
that Adobe's password
restrictions apply. The password
must contain only Latin-1
characters and must be no more
than 32 bytes long.

Chapter 5
PDF Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Modify permissions This password enables users to N/A pdf-permissions-
password override the security setting. password
This property is effective only
when "Enable PDF Security" is
set to "true". Note that Adobe's
password restrictions apply. The
password must contain only
Latin-1 characters and must be
no more than 32 bytes long.
If you set a password in the
pdf-open-password property
without setting a password in
the pdf-permissions-
password property, or if you set
the same password in both the
pdf-open-password and pdf-
properties, the user gets full
access to the document and its
features, and permission
settings such as "Disable
printing" are bypassed or
Encryption level Specify the encryption level for 2 - high pdf-encryption-
the output PDF file. The level
possible values are:
• 0: Low (40-bit RC4, Acrobat
3.0 or later)
• 1: Medium (128-bit RC4,
Acrobat 5.0 or later)
• 2: High (128-bit AES,
Acrobat 7.0 or later)
This property is effective only
when "Enable PDF Security" is
set to "true". When Encryption
level is set to 0, you can also set
the following properties:
• Disable printing
• Disable document
• Disable context copying,
extraction, and accessibility
• Disable adding or changing
comments and form fields
When Encryption level is set to
1 or higher, the following
properties are available:
• Enable text access for
screen readers
• Enable copying of text,
images, and other content
• Allowed change level
• Allowed printing level

Chapter 5
PDF Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Disable document Permission available when false pdf-no-changing-
modification "Encryption level" is set to 0. the-document
When set to "true", the PDF file
cannot be edited.
Disable printing Permission available when false pdf-no-printing
"Encryption level" is set to 0.
When set to "true", printing is
disabled for the PDF file.
Disable adding or Permission available when false pdf-no-accff
changing comments "Encryption level" is set to 0.
and form fields When set to "true", the ability to
add or change comments and
form fields is disabled.
Disable context Permission available when false pdf-no-cceda
copying, extraction, "Encryption level" is set to 0.
and accessibility When set to "true", the context
copying, extraction, and
accessibility features are
Enable text access for Permission available when true pdf-enable-
screen readers "Encryption level" is set to 1 or accessibility
higher. When set to "true", text
access for screen reader
devices is enabled.
Enable copying of text, Permission available when false pdf-enable-
images, and other "Encryption level" is set to 1 or copying
content higher. When set to "true",
copying of text, images, and
other content is enabled.
Allowed change level Permission available when 0 pdf-changes-
"Encryption level" is set to 1 or allowed
higher. Valid Values are:
• 0: none
• 1: Allows inserting,
deleting, and rotating pages
• 2: Allows filling in form
fields and signing
• 3: Allows commenting,
filling in form fields, and
• 4: Allows all changes
except extracting pages
Allowed printing level Permission available when 0 pdf-printing-
"Encryption level" is set to 1 or allowed
higher. Valid values are:
• 0: None
• 1: Low resolution (150 dpi)
• 2: High resolution

Chapter 5
PDF Digital Signature Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Use only one shared The default mode of Publisher true pdf-use-one-
resources object for all creates one shared resources resources
pages object for all pages in a PDF file.
This mode has the advantage of
creating an overall smaller file
size. However, the
disadvantages are the following:
• Viewing may take longer for
a large file with many SVG
• If you choose to break up
the file by using Adobe
Acrobat to extract or delete
portions, then the edited
PDF files are larger
because the single shared
resource object (that
contains all of the SVG
objects for the entire file) is
included with each
extracted portion.
Setting this property to "false"
creates a resource object for
each page. The file size is
larger, but the PDF viewing is
faster and the PDF can be
broken up into smaller files
more easily.
PDF Navigation Panel Controls the navigation panel Bookmarks pdf-pagemode
Initial View view presented when a user first Open
opens a PDF report. The
following options are supported:
• Panels Collapsed - displays
the PDF document with the
navigation panel collapsed.
• Bookmarks Open (default) -
displays the bookmark links
for easy navigation.
• Pages Open - displays a
clickable thumbnail view of
each page of the PDF.

PDF Digital Signature Properties

You set properties at the report level to enable digital signature for a report and to define the
placement of the signature in the output PDF document.
Note that to implement digital signature for a report based on a PDF layout template or an
RTF layout template, you must set the property Enable Digital Signature to "True" for the
You also must set the appropriate properties to place the digital signature in the desired
location on your output report. Your choices for placement of the digital signature depend on
the template type. The choices are as follows:

Chapter 5
PDF Digital Signature Properties

• (PDF only) Place the digital signature in a specific field by setting the Existing
signature field name property.
• (RTF and PDF) Place the digital signature in a general location of the page (top
left, top center, or top right) by setting the Signature field location property.
• (RTF and PDF) Place the digital signature in a specific location designated by x
and y coordinates by setting the Signature field x coordinate and Signature
field y coordinate properties.
If you choose this option, you can also set Signature field width and Signature
field height to define the size of the field in your document.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable Digital Set this to "true" to enable false signature-enable
Signature digital signature for the report.
Existing signature field This property applies to PDF N/A signature-field-
name layout templates only. If the name
report is based on a PDF
template, then you can enter a
field from the PDF template in
which to place the digital
Signature field This property can apply to RTF N/A signature-field-
location or PDF layout templates. This location
property provides a list that
contains the following values:
Top Left, Top Center, Top Right.
Choose one of these general
locations and Publisher inserts
the digital signature to the
output document, sized and
positioned appropriately. If you
choose to set this property, do
not enter X and Y coordinates
or width and height properties.
Signature field X This property can apply to RTF 0 signature-field-
coordinate or PDF layout templates. Using pos-x
the left edge of the document as
the zero point of the X axis,
enter the position in points that
you want the digital signature to
be placed from the left. For
example, if you want the digital
signature to be placed
horizontally in the middle of an
8.5 inch by 11 inch document
(that is, 612 points in width and
792 points in height), enter 306.

Chapter 5
PDF Accessibility Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Signature field Y This property can apply to RTF 0 signature-field-
coordinate or PDF layout templates. Using pos-y
the bottom edge of the
document as the zero point of
the Y axis, enter the position in
points that you want the digital
signature to be placed from the
bottom. For example, if you
want the digital signature to be
placed vertically in the middle of
an 8.5 inch by 11 inch document
(that is, 612 points in width and
792 points in height), enter 396.
Signature field width Enter in points (72 points equal 0 signature-field-
one inch) the desired width of width
the inserted digital signature
field. This applies only if you're
also setting the Signature field
x coordinate and Signature
field Y coordinate properties..
Signature field height Enter in points (72 points equal 0 signature-field-
one inch) the desired height of height
the inserted digital signature
field. This applies only if you're
also setting the Signature field
x coordinate and Signature
field Y coordinate properties.

PDF Accessibility Properties

Set the properties described in the table below to configure PDF accessibility.

Property Name Description Default

Make PDF output accessible Set to “true” to make the PDF outputs False
accessible. Accessible PDF output contains
the document title and PDF tags.
Use PDF/UA format for Set to “true” to use the PDF/UA format for the False
accessible PDF output accessible PDF outputs.

PDF/A Output Properties

Set the properties described in the table below to configure PDF/A output.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

PDF/A version Set the PDF/A version. PDF/A-1B pdfa-version

Chapter 5
PDF/X Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

PDF/A ICC Profile Data The name of the ICC profile data Default profile pdfa-icc-profile-
file, for example: data provided data
CoatedFOGRA27.icc by JVM
The ICC (International Color
Consortium) profile is a binary file
describing the color characteristics
of the environment where this
PDF/A file is intended to be
The ICC profile that you select
must have a major version below
To use a specific profile data file
other than the default settings in
the JVM, obtain the file and place
it under <bi publisher
Configuration. When you set
this property, you must also set a
value for PDF/A ICC Profile Info
PDF/A ICC Profile Info ICC profile information (required sRGB pdfa-icc-profile-
when pdfa-icc-profile-data is IEC61966-2.1 info
PDF/A file identifier One or more valid file identifiers Automatically pdfa-file-
set in the xmpMM:Identifier field of generated file identifier
the metadata dictionary. To specify identifier
more than one identifier, separate
values with a comma (,).
PDF/A document ID Valid document ID. The value is None pdfa-document-id
set in the xmpMM:DocumentID
field of the metadata dictionary.
PDF/A version ID Valid version ID. The value is set in None pdfa-version-id
the xmpMM:VersionID field of the
metadata dictionary.
PDF/A rendition class Valid rendition class. The value is None pdfa-rendition-
set in the xmpMM:RenditionClass class
field of the metadata dictionary.

PDF/X Output Properties

Configure PDF/X output by setting the properties described below. The values that you
set for these properties will depend on the printing device.
Note the following restrictions on other PDF properties:
• pdf-version — Value above 1.4 is not allowed for PDF/X-1a output.
• pdf-security — Must be set to False.
• pdf-encryption-level — Must be set to 0.
• pdf-font-embedding — Must be set to true.

Chapter 5
PDF/X Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

PDF/X ICC Profile Data (Required) The name of the ICC None pdfx-dest-output-
profile data file, for example: profile-data
The ICC (International Color
Consortium) profile is a binary file
describing the color characteristics
of the intended output device. For
production environments, the color
profile may be provided by your
print vendor or by the printing
company that prints the generated
PDF/X file. The file must be placed
under <bi publisher
Profile data is also available from
Adobe support or
PDF/X output condition (Required) The name of one of the None pdfx-output-
identifier standard printing conditions condition-
registered with ICC (International identifier
Color Consortium). The value that
you enter for this property is a valid
"Reference name," for example:
Choose the appropriate value for
the intended printing environment.
This name is often used to guide
automatic processing of the file by
the consumer of the PDF/X
document, or to inform the default
settings in interactive applications.
PDF/X output condition A string describing the intended None pdfx-output-
printing condition in a form that will condition
be meaningful to a human
operator at the site receiving the
exchanged file. The value is set in
OutputCondition field of
OutputIntents dictionary.
PDF/X registry name A registry name. Set this property http:// pdfx-registry-name
when the pdfx-output-
condition-identifier is set to
a characterization name registered
in a registry other than the ICC
PDF/X version The PDF/X version set in PDF/ pdfx-version
GTS_PDFXVersion and X-1a:2003
GTS_PDFXConformance fields of
Info dictionary. PDF/X-1a:2003 is
the only value currently supported.

Chapter 5
DOCX Output Properties

DOCX Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control DOCX output files.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable change Set to "true" to enable change false docx-track-
tracking tracking in the output document. changes
Protect document for Set to "true" to protect the false docx-protect-
tracked changes document for tracked changes. document-for-
Default font Use this property to define the Arial:12 docx-output-
font style and size in the output default-font
when no other font has been
defined. This is particularly
useful to control the sizing of
empty table cells in generated
reports. Enter the font name
and size in the following format
<FontName>:<size> for
example: Arial:12. Note that the
font you choose must be
available to the processing
engine at runtime.
Open password Use this property to specify the NA docx-open-
password that report users must password
provide to open any DOCX

RTF Output Properties

Configure RTF output files by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable change Set to "true" to enable change false rtf-track-changes
tracking tracking in the output RTF
Protect document for Set to "true" to protect the false rtf-protect-
tracked changes document for tracked changes. document-for-

Chapter 5
PPTX Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Default font Use this property to define the Arial:12 rtf-output-
font style and size in RTF output default-font
when no other font has been
defined. This is particularly
useful to control the sizing of
empty table cells in generated
reports. Enter the font name
and size in the following format
<FontName>:<size> for
example: Arial:12. Note that the
font you choose must be
available to the processing
engine at runtime. See Define
Font Mappings for information
about installing fonts and for the
list of predefined fonts.
Enable widow orphan Set to "true" to ensure that the false rtf-enable-widow-
document includes no “hanging orphan
paragraphs”. Suppose the last
para in a page contains an
orphaned line and the remaining
lines of the paragraph continue
on the next page. With this
setting enabled, the starting line
of the paragraph moves to the
next page to keep all the lines of
the paragraph together for
improved readability.

PPTX Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control PPTX output files.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Open password Use this property to specify the NA pptx-open-password
password that report users must
provide to open any PPTX report.

HTML Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control HTML output files.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Show header Set to "false" to suppress the true html-show-header
template header in HTML output.
Show footer Set to "false" to suppress the true html-show-footer
template footer in HTML output.
Replace smart quotes Set to "false" if you don't want curly true html-replace-
quotes replaced with straight smartquotes
quotes in the HTML output.

Chapter 5
HTML Output Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Character set Specify the output HTML character UTF-8 html-output-charset
Make HTML output Set to "true" to make the HTML false make-accessible
accessible output accessible.
Use percentage width Set to "true" to display table true html-output-width-
for table columns columns according to a in-percentage
percentage value of the total width
of the table rather than as a value
in points. This property is
especially useful if the browser
display tables with extremely wide
columns. Setting this property to
true improves the readability of the
View Paginated When you set this property to true, false
HTML output will render in the
report viewer with pagination
features. These features include:
• Generated table of contents
• Navigation links at the top and
bottom of the page
• Ability to skip to a specific
page within the HTML
• Search for strings within the
HTML document using the
browser's search capability
• Zoom in and out on the HTML
document using the browser's
zoom capability
Note that these features are
supported for online viewing
through the report viewer only.
Reduce Padding in When you set this property to true, false html-reduce-padding
Table-cell cells in HTML tables are displayed
without padding, which maximizes
the page space available for text.
Embed images and When you set this property to true, true html-use-data-uri
charts in HTML for charts and images are embedded
offline viewing in the HTML output, which is
suitable for viewing offline.
Use SVG for charts When you set this property to true, true html-use-svg
charts display as a SVG (Scalable
Vector Graphic) to provide a higher
resolution in the HTML output.
When you set this property to
false, charts display as a raster
Keep original table width When you set this property to true, true html-keep-original-
if a column in a table is deleted, table-width
the original width of the table is

Chapter 5
FO Processing Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable horizontal When you set this property to true, false html-enable-horiz-
scrollbar automatically a horizontal scroll bar is added to table-scroll
for html table a table that doesn't fit within the
current size of the browser
Enable html table When you set this property to true, false html-enable-table-
column size auto adjust the column widths in a table are col-size-auto-
automatically adjusted to the size adjust
of the browser window.
Set zero height for When you set this property to true true html-set-empty-
empty paragraph and the output is HTML, the height paragraph-zero-
of an empty paragraph (that is, a height
paragraph without text) is set to
zero points.

FO Processing Properties
The table below describes the properties that control FO processing.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Use BI Publisher's XSLT Controls the use of parser. If set to true xslt-xdoparser
processor false, then XSLT isn't parsed.
Enable scalable feature Controls the scalable feature of the false xslt-scalable
of XSLT processor XDO parser. The property "Use BI
Publisher's XSLT processor" must
be set to "true" for this property to
be effective.
Enable XSLT runtime When set to "true", the overall true xslt-runtime-
optimization performance of the FO processor optimization
is increased and the size of the
temporary FO files generated in
the temp directory is significantly
decreased. Note that for small
reports (for example 1-2 pages)
the increase in performance isn't
as marked. To further enhance
performance when you set this
property to true, set the Extract
attribute sets property to "false".
Enable XPath When set to "true", the XML data false xslt-xpath-
Optimization file is analyzed for element optimization
frequency. The information is then
used to optimize XPath in XSL.

Chapter 5
FO Processing Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Pages cached during This property is enabled only when 50 system-cache-page-
processing you specify a Temporary Directory size
(under General properties). During
table of contents generation, the
FO Processor caches the pages
until the number of pages exceeds
the value specified for this
property. It then writes the pages
to a file in the Temporary Directory.
Bidi language digit Valid values are "None" and National digit-substitution
substitution type "National". When set to "None",
Eastern European numbers are
used. When set to "National",
Hindi format (Arabic-Indic digits) is
used. This setting is effective only
when the locale is Arabic,
otherwise it's ignored.
Disable variable header When set to true, prevents variable false fo-prevent-
support header support. Variable header variable-header
support automatically extends the
size of the header to
accommodate the contents.
Enable multithreading If you have a multiprocessor false fo-multi-threads
machine or a machine with a dual-
core single processor, you might
achieve faster document
generation by setting this option to
Disable external When set to true, disallows true xdk-secure-io-mode
references importing of secondary files such
as subtemplates or other XML
documents during XSL processing
and XML parsing. This increases
the security of the system. Set this
to "false" if the report or template
calls external files.
FO Parsing Buffer Size Specifies the size of the buffer for 1000000 fo-chunk-size
the FO Processor. When the buffer
is full, the elements from the buffer
are rendered in the report. Reports
with large tables or pivot tables
that require complex formatting
and calculations may require a
larger buffer to properly render
those objects in the report.
Increase the size of the buffer at
the report level for these reports.
Note that increasing this value
affects the memory consumption
of the system.
FO extended When set to true, punctuation, true fo-extended-
linebreaking hyphenation, and international text linebreaking
are handled properly when line
breaking is necessary.

Chapter 5
RTF Template Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable XSLT runtime Provides an option to perform XSL true xslt-do-import
optimization for sub- import in FOProcessor before
template passing only one XSL to XDK for
further processing. This allows
xslt-optimization to be applied to
the entire main XSL template
which already includes all its
The default is true. If you call the
FOProcessor directly, the default is
Report Timezone Valid values: User or JVM. User fo-report-timezone
When set to User, Publisher uses
the User-level Report Time Zone
setting for reports. The User
Report Time Zone is set in the
user's Account Settings.
When set to JVM, Publisher uses
the server JVM timezone setting
for all users' reports. All reports
therefore display the same time
regardless of individual user
settings. This setting can be
overridden at the report level.
PDF Bidi Unicode Specifies the Unicode version (3.0 4.1 pdf-bidi-unicode-
Version or 4.1) used to display the BIDI version
strings in the PDF output.

RTF Template Properties

Configure RTF templates by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Extract attribute sets The RTF processor automatically Auto rtf-extract-
extracts attribute sets within the attribute-sets
generated XSL-FO. The extracted
sets are placed in an extra FO
block, which can be referenced.
This improves processing
performance and reduces file size.
Valid values are:
• Enable - extract attribute sets
for all templates and
• Auto - extract attribute sets for
templates, but not
• Disable - do not extract
attribute sets

Chapter 5
XPT Template Properties

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Enable XPath rewriting When converting an RTF template true rtf-rewrite-path
to XSL-FO, the RTF processor
automatically rewrites the XML tag
names to represent the full XPath
notations. Set this property to
"false" to disable this feature.
Characters used for The default PDF output font Albany WT rtf-checkbox-glyph
checkbox doesn't include a glyph to J;9746;9747/
represent a checkbox. If the A
template contains a checkbox, use
this property to define a Unicode
font for the representation of
checkboxes in the PDF output. You
must define the Unicode font
number for the "checked" state and
the Unicode font number for the
"unchecked" state using the
following syntax:
fontname;<unicode font
number for true value's
glyph >;<unicode font
number for false value's
Example: Albany WT
J;9746;9747/A Note that the font
that you specify must be made
available at runtime.

XPT Template Properties

Configure XPT templates by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default

XPT Scalable Mode for When you set this property to true, the
Offline Reports scheduled reports that use the XPT
template and include a large amount of
data run without memory issues. The first
100,000 rows of data in the report are
stored in memory and the remaining rows
are stored in the file system.
When you set this property to false, the
scheduled reports that use XPT template
are processed in-memory. Set this
property to false for reports that contain
less data.

Chapter 5
PDF Template Properties

Property Name Description Default

XPT Scalable Mode for When you set this property to true, the False
Online Static Output online reports that use the XPT template
and include a large amount of data run
without memory issues. The first 100,000
rows of data in the report are stored in
memory and the remaining rows are
stored in the file system.
When you set this property to false, the
online reports that use XPT template are
processed in-memory. Set this property to
false for reports that contain less data.
Enable Asynchronous When you set this property to true, True
Mode for Interactive Output interactive reports that use the XPT
template make asynchronous calls to
Oracle WebLogic Server.
When you set this property to false,
interactive reports that use the XPT
template make synchronous calls to
Oracle WebLogic Server. Oracle
WebLogic Server limits the number of
synchronous calls. Any calls that are
stuck expire in 600 seconds.

PDF Template Properties

Generate the types of PDF files you want by setting available PDF template properties.

Property Name Description Default Configuration Name

Remove PDF fields from Specify "true" to remove PDF false remove-pdf-fields
output fields from the output. When PDF
fields are removed, data entered in
the fields cannot be extracted.
Set all fields as read By default, all fields in the output true all-field-readonly
only in output PDF of a PDF template is read
only. If you want to set all fields to
be updatable, set this property to
Maintain each field's Set this property to "true" if you false all-fields-
read only setting want to maintain the "Read Only" readonly-asis
setting of each field as defined in
the PDF template. This property
overrides the settings of "Set all
fields as read only in output."

Excel Template Properties

Configure Excel templates by setting the properties described in the table below.

Chapter 5
CSV Output Properties

Property Name Description Default

Enable Scalable Mode When set to true, large reports that use false
Excel template run without out of memory
issues. Data overflows automatically into
multiple sheets if a group of data in a
sheet exceeds 65000 rows. This
overcomes the Microsoft Excel limitation
of 65000 rows per sheet.
When set to false, large reports that use
Excel template can cause out of memory

CSV Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control comma-delimited value output.

Property Name Description Default

CSV delimiter Specifies the character used to delimit the Comma (,)
data in comma-separated value output.
Other options are: Semicolon (;), Tab (\t)
and Pipe (|).
Remove leading and Specify "True" to remove leading and false
trailing white space trailing white space between data
elements and the delimiter.
Add UTF-8 BOM Signature Specify "False" to remove the UTF-8 true
BOM signature from the output.

Excel Output Properties

You can set specific properties to control Excel output.

Property Name Description Default

Show grid lines Set to true to show the Excel table grid false
lines in the report output.
Page break as a new sheet When set to "True" a page break specified true
in the report template generates a new
sheet in the Excel workbook.
Minimum column width When the column width is less than the 3 (in points, 0.04 inch)
specified minimum and it contains no
data, the column is merged with the
preceding column. The value must be set
in points. The valid range for this property
is 0.5 to 20 points.
Minimum row height When the row height is less than the 1 (in points, 0.01 inch)
specified minimum and it contains no
data, the row is removed. The value must
be set in points. The valid range for this
property is 0.001 to 5 points.

Chapter 5
Excel Output Properties

Property Name Description Default

Keep values in same Set this property to True to minimize False
column column merging. Column width is set
based on column contents using the
values supplied in the Table Auto Layout
property. Output may not appear as neatly
laid out as when using the original layout
Table Auto Layout Specify a conversion ratio in points and a N/A
maximum length in points, for example
6.5,150. See example.
For this property to take effect, the
property "Keep values in same column"
must be set to True.
This property expands the table column
width to fit the contents. The column width
is expanded based on the character count
and conversion ratio up to the maximum
Example: Assume a report with two
columns of Excel data -- Column 1
contains a text string that's 18 characters
and Column 2 is 30 characters long.
When the value of this property is set to
6.5,150, the following calculations are
Column 1 is 18 characters:
Apply the calculation: 18 * 6.5pts = 117
The column in the Excel output will be
117 pts wide.
Column 2 is 30 characters:
Apply the calculation: 30 * 6.5 pts = 195
Because 195 pts is greater than the
specified maximum of 150, Column 2 will
be 150 pts wide in the Excel output.
Maximum allowable nested Specify the maximum allowable row count 20,000
table row count for a nested table. Allowed values are
15000 to 999,999.
During report processing, nested inner
table rows cannot be flushed to the XLSX
writer, therefore they stay in-memory,
increasing memory consumption. Set this
limit to avoid out-of-memory exceptions.
When this limit is reached for the size of
the inner table, generation is terminated.
The incomplete XLSX output file is
Open password Use this property to specify the password NA
that report users must provide to open
any XLSX output file.
Configuration name: xlsx-open-

Chapter 5
EText Output Properties

Property Name Description Default

Enable row split When set to "true", avoids stretching a True
row to a large height, and allows the row
to be split into multiple rows.

EText Output Properties

The table below describes the properties that control EText output files.

Property Name Description Default

Add UTF-8 BOM Signature When set to true, the Etext output is in false
UTF-8 Unicode with BOM format.
Enable bigdecimal When set to true, you enable high- false
precision numeric calculation of the Etext

All Outputs Properties

The properties in the table below apply to all outputs.

Property Name Description Default

Use compatibility Reserved. Do not update unless False
mode instructed by Oracle.
Ignore case for catalog Specifies whether to ignore the case of False
object path the catalog object path while locating a
catalog object.
Allow fallback to seeded Specifies whether to fallback on or to skip True
report execution of the corresponding seeded
report (pre-defined report) when you don’t
have permission to run the custom report.
When set to true and the user doesn’t
have permission to run the custom report,
the corresponding seeded report
executes. When set to false, you get an
error when the custom report execution

Memory Guard Properties

The Runtime Configuration page lists the default values of the memory guard
properties. The values of the memory guard properties depend on the compute shape
used for your instance.

Property Description Default Value

Maximum report data size Limits the data size for online reports. 300MB
for online reports

Chapter 5
Data Model Properties

Property Description Default Value

Maximum report data size Limits the data size for scheduled reports. 500MB
for offline (scheduled)
Maximum report data size Limits the data size for bursting reports. 500MB
for bursting reports
Free memory threshold Ensures a minimum available free 500MB
memory space.
Maximum report data size Limits the data size of a report when the 50MB
under the free memory Free memory threshold property is set to
threshold a positive value.
Minimum time span Ensures a minimum time gap in seconds 300 (seconds)
between garbage collection between any two subsequent garbage
runs collection runs.
Maximum wait time for free Limits the time in seconds for a run-report 30 (seconds)
memory to come back request to wait for the free JVM memory
above the threshold value to exceed the threshold value. This
property value takes effect only if you
specify a positive value for the Free
memory threshold property. If free
memory is still below the threshold value
after the specified wait time, the run-
report request is rejected.
Timeout for online reports Specifies the timeout value in seconds for 535 (seconds)
processing an online report (includes the
time for data extraction and report
Maximum rows for CSV Limits the rows for reports in CSV format. 1000000

Data Model Properties

The Runtime Configuration page lists the values of the data model properties. The values of
the data model properties depend on the compute shape used for your instance.

Property Description Default

Maximum data size limit for Limits the size of XML data that can be 500MB
data generation generated by executing a data model.
Maximum sample data size Limits the size of a sample data file that can 1MB
limit be uploaded from the data model editor.
Enable Data Model scalable Prevents out of memory conditions. When set True
mode to true, the data engine takes advantage of
the disk space while processing data.

Chapter 5
Data Model Properties

Property Description Default

Enable Auto DB fetch size Avoids out of memory conditions, but can True
mode significantly increase the processing time.
This setting is recommended only for
frequently processing complex queries of
hundreds of columns. When set to true, the
database fetch size is set at runtime
according to the total number of columns and
the total number of query columns in the
dataset. Ignores the DB fetch size setting.
This property overrides the data model-level
database fetch size properties.
DB fetch size Limits the database fetch size for a data 20 (rows)
model. This property value takes effect only
when Enable Auto DB fetch size mode is
set to False.
SQL Query Timeout Specifies the timeout value for SQL queries 600 seconds
for scheduled reports. This value is based on
the compute size of the instance. The value
for online reports is 500 seconds and is the
same for all implementations. You can't
modify the value for online reports.
Enable Data Model Writes the dataset details, memory, and SQL False
diagnostic processing time information to the log file
when set to true. Oracle recommends setting
this property to true only for debugging
purposes. If you enable this property, the
processing time is increased.
Enable SQL Session Trace When set to true, for every SQL query that's False
processed, Publisher writes a SQL session
trace log to the database. A database
administrator can examine the log.
Enable SQL Pruning Applies only to the Oracle Database queries False
that use Standard SQL. If your query returns
many columns but only a subset are used by
your report template, SQL pruning returns
only those columns required by the template.
If you enable this property, the processing
time and the memory usage reduces. SQL
pruning is not applicable for PDF, Excel, and
E-text template types.
Enable FA Session Language When set to true, Publisher uses the locale False
Preference for Fusion DB configured in Oracle Applications Cloud (FA)
to gather data from the data source and
generate the report.
Enable Data Chunking When set to true, you can enable XML data False
chunking for individual data models, reports,
and report jobs.
Select this property and specify an
appropriate value for the Data Chunk Size
property to process large and long-running
Data Chunk Size Specifies the data size for each data chunk. 300MB
Applies only when the Enable Data
Chunking property is set to true.

Chapter 5
Delivery Properties

Property Description Default

DV Data Row Limit Limits the number of rows that can be 2000000
retrieved from a dataset.
Trim Leading and Trailing Trims the leading and trailing spaces from the True
Spaces From Parameter parameter values of data models.
Exclude Line Feed And Select this option to exclude carriage returns False
Carriage Return for LOB and line feeds in the data.
Enable SSL for When set to true, Publisher supports SSL False
webservice,HTTP connection for webservice and HTTP data
Datasource source, and automatically imports the self-
signed SSL certificate from the server. If the
certificate isn't self-signed, use Upload
Center to upload the SSL certificate, and use
the uploaded SSL certificate to configure the

Delivery Properties
The properties in the table below apply to report delivery.

Property Name Description Default

Enable FTP/SFTP delivery If a delivery through an FTP or SFTP delivery True
retry channel fails, Publisher makes another
attempt to deliver, 10 seconds after the first
attempt fails.
This setting affects all FTP and SFTP
delivery requests, and can't be configured for
individual servers.

Define Font Mappings

Map base fonts in RTF or PDF templates to target fonts to be used in the published
You can specify font mapping at the site or report level. Font mapping is performed only for
PDF output and PowerPoint output.
There're two types of font mappings:
• RTF Templates — for mapping fonts from RTF templates and XSL-FO templates to PDF
and PowerPoint output fonts
• PDF Templates — for mapping fonts from PDF templates to different PDF output fonts.

Make Fonts Available for Publishing

A set of Type1 fonts and a set of TrueType fonts are available for publishing. You can select
any of the fonts in these sets as a target font with no additional setup required.

Chapter 5
Define Font Mappings

The predefined fonts are located in <oracle_home>/oracle_common/internal/

fonts. To map to another font, place the font in this directory to make it available for
publishing at runtime. If the environment is clustered, then you must place the font on
every server.

Set Font Mapping at the Site Level or Report Level

A font mapping can be defined at the site level or the report level.
• To set a mapping at the site level, select the Font Mappings link from the
Administration page.
• To set a mapping at the report level, view the Properties for the report, then select
the Font Mappings tab. These settings apply to the selected report only.
The report-level settings take precedence over the site-level settings.

Create a Font Map

Provide the base font and target font.
1. From the Administration page, under Runtime Configuration, select Font
2. Under RTF Templates or PDF Templates, click Add Font Mapping.
3. Provide the details for the base font.
• Base Font: Enter the font family to map to a new font. Example: Arial
• Style: Normal or Italic (Not applicable to PDF Template font mappings)
• Weight: Normal or Bold (Not applicable to PDF Template font mappings)
4. Provide the details of the target font.
• Target Font Type: Type 1 or TrueType
• Target Font: Select a target font.
If you selected TrueType, you can enter a specific numbered font in the
collection. Enter the TrueType Collection (TTC) Number of the desired font.

Predefined Fonts
The following Type1 fonts are built-in to Adobe Acrobat and by default the mappings
for these fonts are available for publishing.
You can select any of these fonts as a target font with no additional setup required.
The Type1 fonts are listed in the table below.

Number Font Family Style Weight Font Name

1 serif normal normal Time-Roman
1 serif normal bold Times-Bold
1 serif italic normal Times-Italic
1 serif italic bold Times-BoldItalic
2 sans-serif normal normal Helvetica

Chapter 5
Define Font Mappings

Number Font Family Style Weight Font Name

2 sans-serif normal bold Helvetica-Bold
2 sans-serif italic normal Helvetica-Oblique
2 sans-serif italic bold Helvetica-BoldOblique
3 monospace normal normal Courier
3 monospace normal bold Courier-Bold
3 monospace italic normal Courier-Oblique
3 monospace italic bold Courier-BoldOblique
4 Courier normal normal Courier
4 Courier normal bold Courier-Bold
4 Courier italic normal Courier-Oblique
4 Courier italic bold Courier-BoldOblique
5 Helvetica normal normal Helvetica
5 Helvetica normal bold Helvetica-Bold
5 Helvetica italic normal Helvetica-Oblique
5 Helvetica italic bold Helvetica-BoldOblique
6 Times normal normal Times
6 Times normal bold Times-Bold
6 Times italic normal Times-Italic
6 Times italic bold Times-BoldItalic
7 Symbol normal normal Symbol
8 ZapfDingbats normal normal ZapfDingbats

The TrueType fonts are listed in the table below. All TrueType fonts are subset and
embedded into PDF.

Number Font Family Style Weight Actual Font Actual Font Type
1 Albany WT normal normal ALBANYWT.ttf TrueType (Latin1
2 Albany WT J normal normal ALBANWTJ.ttf TrueType (Japanese
3 Albany WT K normal normal ALBANWTK.ttf TrueType (Korean
4 Albany WT SC normal normal ALBANWTS.ttf TrueType (Simplified
Chinese flavor)
5 Albany WT TC normal normal ALBANWTT.ttf TrueType (Traditional
Chinese flavor)
6 Andale Duospace normal normal ADUO.ttf TrueType (Latin1
WT only, Fixed width)
6 Andale Duospace bold bold ADUOB.ttf TrueType (Latin1
WT only, Fixed width)

Chapter 5
Define Currency Formats

Number Font Family Style Weight Actual Font Actual Font Type
7 Andale Duospace normal normal ADUOJ.ttf TrueType (Japanese
WT J flavor, Fixed width)
7 Andale Duospace bold bold ADUOJB.ttf TrueType (Japanese
WT J flavor, Fixed width)
8 Andale Duospace normal normal ADUOK.ttf TrueType (Korean
WT K flavor, Fixed width)
8 Andale Duospace bold bold ADUOKB.ttf TrueType (Korean
WT K flavor, Fixed width)
9 Andale Duospace normal normal ADUOSC.ttf TrueType (Simplified
WT SC Chinese flavor,
Fixed width)
9 Andale Duospace bold bold ADUOSCB.ttf TrueType (Simplified
WT SC Chinese flavor,
Fixed width)
10 Andale Duospace normal normal ADUOTC.ttf TrueType (Traditional
WT TC Chinese flavor,
Fixed width)
10 Andale Duospace bold bold ADUOTCB.ttf TrueType (Traditional
WT TC Chinese flavor,
Fixed width)

Define Currency Formats

Currency formats defined in the Administration Runtime Configuration page are
applied at the system level. Currency formats can also be applied at the report level.
The report-level settings take precedence over the system-level settings here.

Understand Currency Formats

The Currency Formats tab enables you to map a number format mask to a specific
currency so that your reports can display multiple currencies with their own
corresponding formatting. Currency formatting is only supported for RTF and XSL-FO
To apply currency formats in the RTF template, use the format-currency function.
To add a currency format:
1. Click the Add icon.
2. Enter the ISO currency code, for example: USD, JPY, EUR, GBP, INR.
3. Enter the format mask to apply for this currency.
The Format Mask must be in the Oracle number format. The Oracle number
format uses the components "9", "0", "D", and "G" to compose the format, for
example: 9G999D00
9 represents a displayed number only if present in data

Chapter 5
Define Currency Formats

G represents the group separator

D represents the decimal separator
0 represents an explicitly displayed number regardless of incoming data
The figure below shows sample currency formats.

Secure Reports
This topic describes how to secure pixel-perfect reporting.

• Use Digital Signature in a PDF Document
• Use PGP Keys for Encrypted Report Delivery

Use Digital Signature in a PDF Document

You can apply digital signatures to PDF output documents.
Digital signatures enable you to verify the authenticity of the documents you send and
receive. You can upload your digital signature file to a secure location, and at runtime sign the
PDF output with the digital signature. The digital signature verifies the signer's identity and
ensures that the document hasn't been altered after it was signed.
For additional information, refer to the Verisign and Adobe websites.

Prerequisites and Limitations

When you use digital signatures with documents in Publisher , you must be aware of a few
Keep the following limitations in mind:
• You can register only a single digital signature with Publisher.
• Only the reports scheduled in Publisher can include the digital signature.
• The digital signature is enabled at the report level; therefore, multiple templates assigned
to the same report share the digital signature properties.

Obtain Digital Certificates

You can obtain a digital certificate either by purchasing one or by using the self-sign method.
To obtain a digital certificate:
• Perform one of the following:
– Purchase a certificate from an authority, verify and trust the authenticity of the
certificate, and then use Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later to create a PFX file
based on the certificate you purchased.
– Create a self-signed certificate using a software program such as Adobe Acrobat,
Adobe Reader, OpenSSL, or OSDT as part of a PFX file, and then use the PFX file to
sign PDF documents by registering it with Publisher. Bear in mind that anyone can
create a self-signed certificate, so use care when verifying and trusting such a

Chapter 6
Use Digital Signature in a PDF Document

Create PFX Files

If you obtained a digital certificate from a certificate authority, you can create a PFX file
using that certificate and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or later.
You don't need to create a PFX file if a self-signed certificate PFX file already exists.
To create a PFX file with Microsoft Windows Explorer 7 or later:
1. Ensure that your digital certificate is saved on your computer.
2. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
3. From the Tools menu, click Internet Options and then click the Content tab.
4. Click Certificates.
5. In the Certificates dialog, click the tab that contains your digital certificate and then
click the certificate.
6. Click Export.
7. Follow the steps in the Certificate Export Wizard. For assistance, refer to the
documentation provided with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
8. When prompted, select Use DER encoded binary X.509 as your export file
9. When prompted, save your certificate as part of a PFX file to an accessible
location on your computer.
After you create your PFX file, you can use it to sign PDF documents.

Apply a Digital Signature

You can set up and sign your output PDF documents with a digital signature.
To apply a digital signature:
1. Register the digital signature in the Publisher Administration page and specify the
roles that are authorized to sign documents.
2. Specify the display field location.
3. Select the Enable Digital Signature property for the report.
4. Log in as a user with an authorized role and submit the report through the
Publisher scheduler, choosing the PDF output. When the report completes, it is
signed with your digital signature in the specified location of the document.

Register Your Digital Signature and Assign Authorized Roles

Publisher supports the identification of a single digital signature.
You must upload the digital signature file in Upload Center.
To register a digital signature:
1. On the Administration tab, under Security Center, click Digital Signature.
2. Select the digital signature file you uploaded in Upload Center and enter the
password for the digital signature.

Chapter 6
Use Digital Signature in a PDF Document

3. Enable the Roles that must have the authority to sign documents with this digital
signature. Use the shuttle buttons to move Available Roles to the Allowed Roles list.
4. Click Apply.

Specify the Signature Display Field or Location

You must specify the location for the digital signature to appear in the completed document.
The methods available depend on whether the template type is PDF or RTF.
If the template is PDF, use one of the following options:
• Specify a template field in a PDF template for the digital signature.
• Specify the location for the digital signature in the report properties.
If the template is RTF, specify the location for the digital signature in the report properties.

Specify a Template Field in a PDF Template for the Digital Signature

Include a field in the PDF template for digital signatures.
Report authors can add a new field or configure an existing field in the PDF template for the
digital signature. See Add or Designate a Field for a Digital Signature.

Specify the Location for the Digital Signature in the Report Properties
When you specify a location in the document to place the digital signature, you can either
specify a general location (Top Left, Top Center, or Top Right) or you can specify x and y
coordinates in the document.
You can also specify the height and width of the field for the digital signature by using runtime
properties. You don't need to alter the template to include a digital signature.
To specify the location for the digital signature:
1. In the catalog, navigate to the report.
2. Click the Edit link for the report to open the report for editing.
3. Click Properties and then click the Formatting tab.
4. Scroll to the PDF Digital Signature group of properties.
5. Set Enable Digital Signature to True.
6. Specify the location in the document where you want the digital signature to appear by
setting the appropriate properties as follows (note that the signature is inserted on the
first page of the document only):
• Existing signature field name — Doesn't apply to this method.
• Signature field location — Provides a list containing the following values:
Top Left, Top Center, Top Right
Select one of these general locations and Publisher places the digital signature in the
output document sized and positioned appropriately.
If you set this property, then don't enter X and Y coordinates or width and height

Chapter 6
Use PGP Keys for Encrypted Report Delivery

• Signature field X coordinate — Using the left edge of the document as the
zero point of the X axis, enter the position in points to place the digital
signature from the left.
For example, to place the digital signature horizontally in the middle of an 8.5
inch by 11 inch document (that is, 612 points in width and 792 points in
height), enter 306.
• Signature field Y coordinate — Using the bottom edge of the document as
the zero point of the Y axis, enter the position in points to place digital
signature from the bottom.
For example, to place the digital signature vertically in the middle of an 8.5
inch by 11 inch document (that is, 612 points in width and 792 points in
height), enter 396.
• Signature field width — Enter in points the desired width of the inserted
digital signature field. This applies only if you're setting the X and Y
• Signature field height — Enter in points the desired height of the inserted
digital signature field. This applies only if you're setting the X and Y

Run and Sign Reports with a Digital Signature

If you've been assigned a role that's been granted the digital signature privilege, you
can sign a generated report with a signature, if the report has been configured to
include signatures. You can sign only scheduled reports with signatures.
To sign reports with a digital signature:
1. Log in as a user with a role granted digital signature privileges.
2. In the catalog, navigate to the report that has been enabled for digital signature,
and click Schedule.
3. Complete the fields on the Schedule Report Job page, select PDF output, and
then submit the job.
The completed PDF displays the digital signature.

Use PGP Keys for Encrypted Report Delivery

You can deliver PGP encrypted reports through FTP server or Content server.
You can configure the FTP server and Content server delivery channels to use the
PGP public keys to deliver PGP encrypted files in binary or ASCII format.
Use Security Center to upload and download the PGP keys. The "BI Publisher Public
Key" file is verifying the signature on signed files. If you configure a delivery channel to
send signed documents, download the "BI Publisher Public Key" file (either in binary or
ASCII format), and import the keys in the destination PGP system used to verify
signature and decrypt the files delivered by Publisher.

Manage PGP Keys

You can upload and delete your PGP keys.

Chapter 6
Encrypt Data Files

1. From the Administration page, under Security Center, select PGP Keys.
2. To upload PGP keys to keystore, click Choose File, select the PGP key file, and then
click Upload.
3. To delete the PGP keys you uploaded, in the PGP Keys table, click the delete icon
corresponding to the PGP keys.
4. To download the PGP public keys for signature verification, click the download icon
corresponding to the public key file.

Encrypt Data Files

Encrypt the data files used as data source for data models.
If you enable data file encryption, Publisher can encrypt the data files (XML, Excel, or CSV)
uploaded as data source for data models, and then decrypt the data files to generate reports.

You can set the password only once and the password you set can't be changed.
Note down the encryption password for future use because the password can't be

1. From the Administration page, under Security Center, select File Data Encryption.
2. Select Enable File Data Encryption.
3. Enter the encryption password and click Apply.

View Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects
An administrator can enable or disable viewing of the audit data of Publisher catalog objects,
configure a connection to the audit data, and create reports to view the audit data.

• About Viewing Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects
• Enable or Disable Viewing of Publisher Audit Data
• Specify the Data Source Connection for Publisher Audit Data
• View Publisher Audit Data

About Viewing Audit Data of Publisher Catalog Objects

You can view the audit data of Publisher catalog objects.
You can find out the time of access and who accessed the Publisher catalog objects such as
reports, data models, sub-templates, style templates, and folders.
Audit data helps you track:
• Report start, process, end, and download
• Report job pause, resume, and cancellation
• Publisher resource creation, modification, copy, and deletion
• Publisher resource access

User session data (User Login and User Logout events) isn't included in the audit
data. Only the reporting activities performed in the host:port/xmlpserver Publisher
interface pages are included in the audit data. The reporting activities performed in
the host:port/analytics interface pages aren't included in the audit data.

Enable or Disable Viewing of Publisher Audit Data

Administrators can enable or disable viewing the audit data of publishing activities.
1. Navigate to the Server Configuration page.
2. To enable viewing of audit data, select Enable Monitor and Audit and set Audit Level
to Medium.
3. To disable viewing of audit data, deselect Enable Monitor and Audit.

Chapter 7
Specify the Data Source Connection for Publisher Audit Data

Specify the Data Source Connection for Publisher Audit

Configure a data source connection for the audit data.
1. In the Administration page, click JNDI Connection.
2. Click Add Data Source.
3. In the Data Source Name field, enter AuditViewDB.
4. In the JNDI Name field, enter jdbc/AuditViewDataSource.
5. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection to the AuditViewDB data source.
6. Define security for this data source connection. Move the required roles from the
Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on
the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.
7. Click Apply.

View Publisher Audit Data

You can download and use the sample reports for viewing the audited information.
Make sure you select Enable Monitor and Audit in the Server Configuration page to
log audit data, and then configure the JNDI connection to the AuditViewDB data
source to view the audit data.
The sample reports use the JNDI connection to fetch data from the data source for
auditing. The report layout and data model are pre-designed in the sample reports.
You can customize the report layout, but don't change the data model in the sample
reports. The sample reports are configured to run as a scheduled job because the size
of auditing data can be large. If you want to view an audit report online, select the Run
Report Online property and make sure you don't select the Auto Run property of the
1. Download the sample audit reports from the Publisher home page in Oracle
Technology Network.
2. Upload the sample audit reports to a shared folder in the catalog.
3. Schedule the sample audit reports you want to view.
a. Navigate to the sample audit report in the catalog.
b. Click Schedule.
c. In the General tab, specify the dates for the Date From and Date To
d. In the Output tab, make sure the output format is PDF.
You can add delivery destinations if required.
4. After the scheduled job completes, view the report in the Report Job History page.

Add Translations for the Catalog and Reports
This topic describes how to export and import translation files both for the catalog and for
individual report layouts.

• Introduction
• Template Translation
• Use a Localized Template

Publisher supports two types of translation: Catalog Translation and Template (or layout)
Catalog translation enables the extraction of translatable strings from all objects contained in
a selected catalog folder into a single translation file; this file can then be translated and
uploaded back to Publisher and assigned the appropriate language code.
Catalog translation extracts not only translatable strings from the report layouts, but also the
user interface strings that are displayed to users, such as catalog object descriptions, report
parameter names, and data display names.
Users viewing the catalog see the item translations appropriate for the UI Language they
selected in their My Account preferences. Users see report translations appropriate for the
Report Locale that they selected in their My Account preferences.
Template translation enables the extraction of the translatable strings from a single RTF-
based template (including sub templates and style templates) or a single Publisher layout
template (.xpt file). Use this option when you only need the final report documents translated.
For example, your enterprise requires translated invoices to send to German and Japanese

Limitations of Catalog Translation

If you have XLIFF file translations for specific reports and then you import a catalog
translation file for the folder in which the existing translations reside, you overwrite the
existing XLIFF files.

Template Translation
RTF and Publisher (.xpt) templates can be translated from the Properties page.
Template translation includes:
• RTF templates
• RTF sub templates

Chapter 8
Template Translation

• Style templates
• Publishertemplates (.xpt)
To access the Properties page, click the Properties link for the layout in the Report
Editor, as shown below.

From the Properties page you can generate an XLIFF file for a single template. Click
Extract Translation to generate the XLIFF file.

Generate the XLIFF File from the Layout Properties Page

Generate the XLIFF file for report layout templates, style templates, and sub
To generate the XLIFF file for report layout templates:
1. Navigate to the report in the catalog and click Edit to open it for editing.
2. From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the
layout (RTF or XPT) to open the Layout Properties page.
3. In the Translations region, click Extract Translation.
Publisher extracts the translatable strings from the template and exports them to
an XLIFF (.xlf file).
4. Save the XLIFF to a local directory.
To generate the XLIFF file for style templates and sub templates:
1. Navigate to the style template or sub template in the catalog and click Edit to open
the Template Manager.
2. In the Translations region, click Extract Translation.
Publisher extracts the translatable strings from the template and exports them to
an XLIFF (.xlf file).

Chapter 8
Use a Localized Template

3. Save the XLIFF to a local directory.

Translate the XLIFF File

When you download a XLIFF file, it can be sent to a translation provider, or using a text
editor, you can enter the translation for each string.
A "translatable string" is any text in the template intended for display in the published report,
such as table headers and field labels. Text supplied at runtime from the data is not
translatable, nor is any text that you supply in the Microsoft Word form fields.
You can translate the template XLIFF file into as many languages as desired and then
associate these translations to the original template.

Upload the Translated XLIFF File to Publisher

You can run the Template Manager to upload the translated XLIFF file to Publisher.
To upload a translated XLIFF file:
1. Navigate to the report, sub template, or style template in the catalog and click Edit to
open it for editing.
For reports only:
From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the layout to
open the Template Manager.
2. In the Translations region, click the Upload toolbar button.
3. In the Upload Translation File dialog, locate the file in the local directory and select the
Locale for this translation.
4. Click OK to upload the file and view it in the Translations table.

Use a Localized Template

You can create localized templates for reports.
If you need to design a different layout for the reports that you present for different
localizations, then you can create new RTF file designed and translated for the locale and
upload this file to the Template Manager.
The localized template option is not supported for XPT templates.

Design the Localized Template File

Use the same tools that you used to create the base template file, translating the strings and
customizing the layout as desired for the locale.

Upload the Localized Template to Publisher

Upload localized template files in rtf format.
To upload a localized template:
1. Navigate to the report, subtemplate, or style template in the catalog and click Edit to
open it for editing.

Chapter 8
Use a Localized Template

For reports only:

From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the
layout to open the Template Manager.
2. In the Templates region, click the Upload toolbar button.
3. In the Upload Template File dialog, locate the file in the local directory, select rtf as
the Template Type and select the Locale for this template file.
4. Click OK to upload the file and view it in the Templates table.

Frequently Asked Questions for Publisher
This section provides answers to frequently asked questions for configuring and managing

• How do I configure a delivery channel for Publisher?
• How do I restrict access to delivery channels?
• How do I configure FTP and SFTP delivery retry?
• How can I enable the viewing of audit data in Publisher?
• How do I upload the configuration-specific files?
• How do I add a custom connection to Oracle WebCenter Content (UCM) for multiple
• How do I disable caching for Publisher?

Top FAQs to Configure and Manage Publisher

The top FAQs for configuring and managing Publisher are identified in this topic.

How do I configure a delivery channel for Publisher?

Use the Publisher administration page to add a connection to a delivery channel and test the

How do I restrict access to delivery channels?

You can configure role-based access for delivery channels. In the delivery channel
configuration page, from the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to
provide access to the delivery channel, and add them to the Allowed Roles list.
Users with the administrator roles can access the delivery channel even if the access to the
delivery channel is restricted based on roles. If you don't want users with administrator roles
to access a delivery channel, remove the delivery channel configuration from the system.

How do I troubleshoot common errors related to printer configuration?

See the printer configuration tips in My Oracle Support note Doc ID 2140116.1.

How do I configure FTP and SFTP delivery retry?

When the Enable FTP/SFTP delivery retry runtime property value is true (default), Publisher
makes another attempt to deliver reports to the FTP or SFTP delivery channel, if the first
attempt fails. Publisher retries delivery 10 seconds after the failure of the first delivery. The
retry count and intervals aren't configurable.

Chapter 9
Top FAQs to Configure and Manage Publisher

How can I enable the viewing of audit data in Publisher?

Use the Enable Monitor and Audit property in the Publisher Server Configuration
page to enable or disable viewing of the audit data of Publisher catalog objects.

How do I upload the configuration-specific files?

Use Upload Center in the Publisher system administration page to upload and manage
configuration–specific files for font, digital signature, ICC profile, SSH private key, and
SSL certificate.

How do I add a custom connection to Oracle WebCenter Content (UCM) for

multiple accounts?
In the Schedule Report Job page, the provisioned FA_UCM_PROVISIONED
connection shows only the accounts that the FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID
user has access to in Oracle WebCenter Content. If you need to use other accounts,
make sure you have access to the accounts you want to use, and then create a
custom connection to those accounts. See Create a Custom Connection.

How do I disable caching for Publisher?

You can't disable Publisher server caching. The Publisher cache expiry time is 30
minutes. Use the Clear Object Cache option in the Manage Cache tab in System
Maintenace page to clear the Publisher server cache. At the report level, report data
caching isn't enabled by default. However, you can enable report data caching and
speciy the duration for caching. Publisher caches report document (data and the
layout) by default. See Set the Caching Properties.


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