Questionnaire Bar Operation in Queen Elizabeth Cruise Ship - Gorgonio

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Research Title: Measuring Service Quality in Bar Operations: A Case in Queen Elizabeth
Luxury Cruise Ship

I. Profile of Respondents:

Name: __________________________ (optional)

Age: ____________ Gender: _________
Nationality: __________________
Bar outlet visited:
What are the bar outlets you visited? (check if you have visited the following:)
__hotel bars ___nostalgia bar ____ live music joints ____ high concept bar
__ specialty bar ___ The Pub ___ sports bar ____cocktail bar
____ others (pls specify type of bar visited)

II. Level of Service Quality

Please rate the following services in the bar operations in Queen Elizabeth Luxury Cruise Ship
using the scale below:

1- Strongly disagree 2 - disagree 3- neutral 4- agree 5 – strongly agree

Put a check on your choice of answer

Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Queen Elizabeth cruise ship has bartenders and bar staff
members who are clean, neat, and appropriately dressed.
2. Cruise ship’s bar facilities and equipment are up-to-date
3. Cruise ship’s bar facilities are visually appealing and clean
4. Ambiance, lighting, sound and acoustic design, lay-out and
standards of service are satisfactory in the bar operations of the
cruise ship
5. The cruise ship has comfortable bar counters and dining areas
6. Bartenders served customers on time
7. When customers have problems bar staff is sympathetic and
8. Bar staff is dependable and consistent
9. Bartenders served customers drinks, liquors accurately
10. Bar staff personnel in the cruise ship have excellent services
11. Bar operations in the cruise ship provides prompt and quick
12. Bar personnel shift to help each other maintain speed and
quality of service
13. Bar personnel and staff gives extra effort to handle special
14. Bartenders instill confidence to customers
15. Customers feel safe in their transactions with bartenders
16. Customers can trust bar staff and personnel
17. Bar operation in cruise ship has personnel who seem well
trained, competent, and experienced.
18. Bartenders makes you feel comfortable and confident in your
dealings with them.
19. Bartenders make you personally safe
20. The cruise ship Bar management seems to give employees
support so that they can do their jobs well.
21. The Bar in the cruise ship has employees who are sensitive to
your individual needs and wants, rather than always relying on
policies and procedures.
22. Queen Elizabeth Bar makes you feel special.
23. Bartenders anticipates your individual needs and wants.
24. Queen Elizabeth Bar has employees who are sympathetic and
reassuring if something is wrong.
25. Queen Elizabeth Bar personnel seems to have the customers’
best interests at heart

Thank you for your response and cooperation.

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