310 Recovery by Vacuum Distillation of Zinc From Zinc Iron W

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Classified abstracts 311--328

for 4½ hours at 750-800°C with a restdual pressure below 1 torr. 41 : 47

i Parucker, A B M Boletin, Assoc Brasil Metals, Sao Paulo, 20 321. Creep in Vacuum of MgO single crystals and the electric field
(85), Nov 1964, 733-757, (in Portuguese). effect. (USA)
W S Rothwell and A S Neiman, J Appl Phys, 36 (7), 1965, 2309.
39. Miscellaneous applications
39 : 30
Solid surfaces in vacuum. See abstract number 275. 42. Glass, ceramics and refractory oxides
39 42 : 30
311. A flexural fatigue machine for high temperature operation at Glass coating by vacuum deposition. See abstract number 273.
resonance in vacuum. (USA) 42
A resonance-type, reversed-bending, high-temperature fatigue ma- 322. Vacuum-fight windows with wide hand transmission characteris-
chine for operation at constant bending amplitude in vacuum has tics. (USA)
been developed. A vacuum-ught barium fluoride window with transmission range
M R Achter et al, Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC, NRL-6275. from 1800 A to 14 t~ is described.
T P Vogl et al, Rev Scient lnstrum, 36 (10), Oct 1965, 1439-1440.
323. Applications of glass, glass ceramics and sintered glass ceramics.
IV. Materials and techniques used in vacuum (Get-many)
technology The possible apphcations of glass, glass ceramics, and sintered glass
ceramics are discussed together with their raw materials, commercial
processes and properties.
40. Gases and vapours W Sack, Chemie lngenieur Technik, 37 (11), Nov 1965, 1154-1165.
312. Shaping vapours into new materials. (USA) 43. Plastics and elastomers
J J Obrzut, Iron Age, 196 (21), 18 Nov 1965, 71-78 43 : 30
40 A revolving multiple electron gun for use in the deposition of thin poly-
313. Ion sputtered coatings provide tailored properties. (USA) mer films. See abstract number 280.
J M Seeman, Mater De~ Engng, 62 (6), Nov 1965, 102-104
314. Effect of translational energy on ion-molecule reaction rates II. 4"/. Outgassing data, vapour pressure data, gettering
( USA ) data, residual gases in vacuum systems, residual gas
K R Ryan and J H Fotrell, J Chem Phys, 43 (9), 1 Nov 1965, 3009- analysis
3014. 47:16
40:47 Application of synthetic zeolites in the production of a clean vacuum.
315. Diffusioual processes in Knudsen cells. (USA) See abstract number 203.
The volume and surface diffusions in Knudsen cells have been 47 : 37
analyzed and their erroneous effects on vapour pressure measure- Omegatron mass spectrometer for analysis of the composition of
ments have been discussed. It is found that the volume diffusion residual gases in high vacuum systems. See abstract number 301.
may be large in some cases. A useful equation has been dertved from 47:40
the relationship of Motzfeld and of Winterbottom and Htrt, ,eading Diffusional processes in Knudsen cells. See abstract number 315.
to a simple graphical method capable of showing measurably large 47:41
contributmns of surface diffusion to effusion. Creep in vacuum of MgO single crystals and the electric field effect.
N A Gocken, JPhys Chem, 69 (10), Oct 1965, 3538-3541. See abstract number 321.
40 47
316. Collision density of hot atoms. (USA) 324. Vapour pressure apparatus for transparent liquids with critical
R M Felder and M D Ko~tin, J Chem Phys, 43 (9), 1 Nov 1965, temperatures less than 1000°C. (USA)
3082-3086. W J Silva et al, Rev Scient Instrum, 36 (10), Oct 1965, 1505-1506
40 47
317. Mass spectrometric investigation of the reactions of 0 atoms 325. A simple reduced equation for the estimation of vapour pressures.
with H= and NHs. (USA) (USA)
E J Wong and A E Potter, J Chem Phys, 43 (9), I Nov 1965, 3371- D Miller, JPhys Chem, 69 (9), Sept 1965, 3209-3212.
3382. 47
40 326. A method of gas dosage with the aid of a volumetric adsorption
318. Correlation between observed and predicted excited-state popula- apparatus, (France)
tions in the helium afterglow. (USA) S Flandrois, Compt Rendu, 260 (5), 1965, 1405-1407.
C B Collins, J Chem Phys, 43 (9), 1 Nov 1965, 3415-3416. 4 7 . 37
327. Investigation of the thermal degassing of metals in the ultra-high
41. Metals and alloys (including mercury) vacuum by means of an omegatron partial pressure vacuum meter.
41 : 11 : 21 (Germany)
Obtaining ultra-high vacuum by means of a heated hydrogen conden- R Jaeckel and G Muschenborn, Forschber Landes Nordrhem-
sation pump. See abstract number 200. Westfalen (Germany), No 1452, 1965, 50pages.
Error in the indications of a compression pressure gauge caused by the 48. Heating, refrigeration, ultrasonics, centrifuging
mercury vapour jet. See abstract number 237. 48:33
41 : 49 : 37 Advances in cryogenic engineering, vo110. See abstract number 289.
Zinc anodizing and properties of the protective film. See abstract
number 299.
41 49. Miscellaneous materials and techniques
319. Vacuum contactor for 300A, (Great Britain) 49 : 37 : 41
A vacuum contactor rated at 300 A for use on ac currents up to 3 3 Zinc anodizing and properties of the protective film. See abstract
kV is announced by the Motor and Control Gear Division of number 299.
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. 49
Anon, The Engineer, 12 Nov 1965, 801. 328. The behaviour of materials in corrosive environments. (USA)
41 Exammahon of the corrosion behaviour of three metals is used to
320. Adsorption and surface diffusion of copper on tungsten. (USA) investigate the corrosion process in general.
A J Melmed, J Chem Phys, 43 (9), 1 Nov 1965, 3057-3062. W C Herren, Industrial Research, Nov 1965, 76-83.


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