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1. Delete National Examination As Graduation Standard

For Students
The National Examination is a system of evaluating the standards of primary
and secondary education nationally and the quality equality of education levels
between regions carried out by the Center for Educational Assessment.
The National Examination aims to measure the achievement of student graduate
competencies at the elementary and secondary education unit levels as a result
of the learning process in accordance with the Graduate Competency Standards
I don't agree with the abolition of the national exam
In 2020 the USBN will be abolished and in 2021 the National Examination will
be abolished which will be replaced with a School Examination and the decision
or assessment criteria will be made by the school itself. However, despite
submitting all decisions to the school, the exam is still based on established
national regulations.
In my opinion, the abolition of the National Examination is not appropriate
because with the abolition of the National Examination, we cannot know the
level of student understanding of the learning carried out by the school.
If there is abolition of the National Examination, the teacher will find it more
difficult to assess the student's learning whether he has succeeded in delivering
the material or not, the teacher will be more difficult to know.
So it's better not to delete it so that the government and related parties (teachers
and students) will be able to evaluate it properly and know how to overcome it.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, discourse has emerged from
various parties to abolish the 2020 National Examination. In addition, starting in
2021 the UN itself is being discussed to be abolished based on the decision of
the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim. The reason usually put
forward as the basis for canceling the 2020 UN is the very high risk of
implementing the UN due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 24, 2020, in a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace, President
Joko Widodo decided to cancel the 2020 National Examination which was held
for SMA or Madrasah Aliah, SMP or Madrasah levels. sanawiyah, and SD or
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah levels. The reason for the cancellation was the Covid-19
pandemic which greatly disrupted the education process in Indonesia. As for
other students who do not carry out the National Examination, the teaching and
learning process has
anticipated by doing learning from home to reduce the spread of the outbreak.
The announcement of the cancellation of the 2020 UN and distance learning
was delivered by Presidential Spokesman Fadjroel Rachman. He also added that
the abolition of the United Nations was an implementation of social distancing
(social restrictions) policies to break the chain of spread of the SARS 2 Corona
virus or Covid-19.
On March 24, 2020, in a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace, President
Joko Widodo decided to cancel the 2020 National Examination which was held
for SMA or Madrasah Aliah, SMP or Madrasah levels. sanawiyah, and SD or
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah levels. The reason for the cancellation was the Covid-19
pandemic which greatly disrupted the education process in Indonesia. As for
other students who do not carry out the National Examination, the teaching and
learning process has
anticipated by doing learning from home to reduce the spread of the outbreak.
The announcement of the cancellation of the 2020 UN and distance learning
was delivered by Presidential Spokesman Fadjroel Rachman. He also added that
the abolition of the United Nations was an implementation of social distancing
(social restrictions) policies to break the chain of spread of the SARS 2 Corona
virus or Covid-19.
In addition, Nadiem Makarim during an online meeting with Commission X
DPR RI on March 24, 2020 also agreed to cancel the 2020 National
My solution regarding the elimination of this national exam, namely:
1. Completing learning programs during the Covid-19 pandemic as evidenced
by report cards each semester.
2. Obtaining a minimum good attitude/behavior value.
3. Take the exam organized by the education unit. The exams in question
include: Portfolio in the form of evaluation of report cards, attitude/behavior
values, and previous achievements (awards, competition results, and so on).
Test Assignment offline or online. Other forms of assessment activities
determined by the education unit. In addition, vocational high school students
can also take the skill competency test in accordance with the provisions of the
5. E-learning is better than offline learning

I don't agree E-learning is better than offline learning.

Due to the corona virus, several countries have set policies to impose
lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus. In Indonesia itself,
a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to suppress
the spread of this virus. Because Indonesia is currently implementing PSBB, all
activities carried out outside the home must be stopped until this pandemic
Some local governments have decided to implement policies to leave students
and start implementing online learning methods (online) or online. This
government policy came into effect in several provinces in Indonesia on
Monday, March 16, 2020, which was also followed by other provinces. But this
does not apply to some schools in each region. These schools are not ready with
an online learning system, which requires learning media such as mobile
phones, laptops, or computers.
The online learning system (in the network) is a learning system without face to
face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the
internet network. Teachers must ensure that teaching and learning activities
continue, even though students are at home. The solution, teachers are required
to be able to design learning media as an innovation by utilizing online media
This is in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia regarding Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning
the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency Period for the
Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).
The learning system is implemented through a personal computer (PC) or laptop
connected to an internet network connection. Teachers can do learning together
at the same time using groups on social media such as WhatsApp (WA),
telegram, Instagram, zoom applications or other media as learning media. Thus,
the teacher can ensure that students take part in learning at the same time,
although in different places.
But in my opinion learning online is very ineffective because
1. Threat of dropping out of school
Children are at risk of dropping out of school because they are forced to work to
help the family's economy.
2. Decreased learning achievement
The Education Office found differences in access and quality during Distance
Learning. Because it's not
3. Without school, children have the potential to become victims of domestic
violence that the teacher does not detect.
4. Limitations of gadgets and internet quotas as supporting facilities for online
learning. Because not all students in Indonesia have the facilities to study
5. Children are at risk of learning loss or learning loss.
In my opinion, face-to-face learning activities in class result in better academic
achievement than Distance Learning.
6. Children are less sociable. Because the distance is hindered, there is no
socialization between students.
What is online learning and offline:
Understanding online learning in general is a learning that is done electronically
using computer-based media and a network. Online learning is also known as
electronic learning, e-Learning, on-line learning, internet-enabled learning,
virtual learning, or web-based learning.
While the offline learning system is a learning system that requires face-to-face
and does not require an internet network. This offline activity does not use a
computer, because the main media are TV and documents.

7. Ban smoking in public spaces

Indonesia is included in the criteria for big smoke, another term from a country
produce cigarette addicts, both teenagers and adults
large numbers of men and women. Various attempts to overcome
addiction to smokers such as health education, smoking bans
and also socializing to cigarette addicts does not reduce the number of
cigarette addicts, the number of smokers in Indonesia is increasing every year.
In 2009, Indonesia's ranking rose to the top three in the world as a country
cigarette consumption below China and India which reached 65 million smokers
a total of 225 billion cigarettes per year. Data from the Ministry of Health and
the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Day Campaign
The No Tobacco World, which falls on May thirty one, mentions tobacco use
caused illness and death as much as 22.6% of the 3320 deaths in
Indonesia. Tobacco also causes 9.8% of deaths due to chronic lung disease
and emphysema and 5% of stroke cases in Indonesia. Cigarette smoke contains
chemicals and 43 of them cause cancer. More than 70,000 articles have been
conclusively prove that tobacco consumption and exposure to smoke
Tobacco is harmful to health. The evidence is quite strong stating that
tobacco as a cause of cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, pancreas, liver,
kidneys, ureters, bladder, cervix, and bone marrow. Another psychological
effect of smoking is to cause addiction or addiction to the smoker himself.
Smokers will become restless if they do not smoke for a certain time. Cigarette
addiction is a psychological effect because it occurs from the smoker's
subconscious. Furthermore, the effects of smoking addiction will result in an
increase in the number of cigarettes consumed more than usual. Indonesia is
included in the criteria for big smoke, another term from a country that
produce cigarette addicts, both teenagers and adults
large numbers of men and women. Various attempts to overcome
addiction to smokers such as health education, smoking bans
and also socializing to cigarette addicts does not reduce the number of
cigarette addicts, the number of smokers in Indonesia is increasing every year.
In 2009, Indonesia's ranking rose to the top three in the world as a country
cigarette consumption below China and India which reached 65 million smokers
a total of 225 billion cigarettes per year. Data from the Ministry of Health and
the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Day Campaign
The No Tobacco World, which falls on May 31, mentions tobacco use
caused illness and death as much as 22.6% of the 3320 deaths in
Indonesia. Tobacco also causes 9.8% of deaths due to chronic lung disease
and emphysema and 5% of stroke cases in Indonesia. Cigarette smoke contains
chemicals and 43 of them cause cancer. More than 70,000 articles have been
conclusively prove that tobacco consumption and exposure to smoke
Tobacco is harmful to health. The evidence is quite strong stating that
tobacco as a cause of cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, pancreas, liver,
kidneys, ureters, bladder, cervix, and bone marrow. Another psychological
effect of smoking is to cause addiction or addiction to the smoker himself.
Smokers will become restless if they do not smoke for a certain time. Cigarette
addiction is a psychological effect because it occurs from the smoker's
subconscious. Furthermore, the effects of cigarette addiction will result in an
increase in the number of cigarettes consumed more than usual.
The high number of young smokers is also influenced by the environment in
a person interacts and also the social environment that develops in addition to
low social control. There is a shift in the lifestyle that used to be only
considered as a habit but now it has expanded into a more
which is related to the prestige and also the self-image of the smoker himself.
The individual's act of smoking comes from within
the individual itself due to various reasons and purposes, such as;
want to try, get the image of macho, gentleman and fashionable, both from
social, economic and apply prestige from within the smoker himself.
The government itself is still confused in making
the law to stop smoking is proven by an increase in the level of
cigarette consumption in Indonesia. One of the factors in the government's
failure to suppress the rate
Cigarette consumption is caused by various kinds of advertisements and also
youth creativity
supported by cigarette advertising.
There are 3 solutions to ban smoking in public places, namely:
1. Make a ban not to smoke in public places. Because, it is feared that cigarette
smoke will disturb other people and it is feared if there are other people who
have respiratory diseases.
2. Create a special room for smoking in public places so as not to disturb other
people because of the cigarette smoke.
3. Make criminal sanctions for smokers in public places in Article 199 of Law
No. 36 of 2009 concerning health. The article states that anyone who smokes in
a public place will be subject to a 6-month prison sentence and a fine of IDR 50
3. School should banned student to brings mobile phones
to school

I don't agree with schools forbidding students to bring cellphones to school

In several schools in Indonesia and abroad, it is forbidden for students to bring
cellphones to school, this is due to many reasons, such as students not
concentrating in learning, when the Anti-Pornography Bill was widely
discussed (which began with this quite fierce pro-con debate) HP students
participated become a victim of the "eradication of pornography". And it's true
that in various sweeps carried out by police officers at certain schools who are
suspected of having a lot of "exciting scene" files on their multimedia cellphone
memory, as well as those carried out by the school itself, it is found that many
students, both male and female, have collected pornographic films on their own.
Her mobile phone. The student's cellphones that stored the pornographic files
were confiscated and their parents were summoned to the school. But students'
cellphones that are not multimedia (can't save files) or are clean from
pornographic viruses are still safe and unnetted.
So the essence of banning students from bringing cell phones to school is
actually because of the following: cellphones can be a means of "cheating"
answers during the test. HP can interrupt the teaching and learning process by
ringing sound when there is an incoming call. HP can be a means of storing as
well as media for playing pornographic videos that can damage students' men
Bringing cellphones to school is not always bad but has several benefits such as:
HP has a function to call both parents after school.
A cellphone connected to the internet will have wider access than the printed or
printed books we use so that the information obtained will be more extensive.
At least parents feel comfortable because they can communicate with their
children in case of schedule changes, emergency conditions, and the like that
are important. If students don't bring cellphones to school, parents will need to
call the school number which is usually busy, or there are parents who bother
coming to school and it will take a lot of time.
Cell phones can be used as a tool, especially phones equipped with several
accessories, such as calculators, cameras and the internet.
8. social media brings more harm than good

I do not agree that social media will bring harm because actually there are many
advantages / benefits that we can get from social media depending on how we
select which ones can give harm or provide benefits, advantages / benefits of
social media such as:
One of the benefits of social media is connectivity. One can find all kinds of
people from anywhere. It is not limited to the existing distance. Therefore, even
though they are far away, one can stay connected.
Social media is not only for connecting with other people, but also for
education. Through social media, one can gain new knowledge. Existing
knowledge also consists of various fields so as to increase knowledge as well.
Social media can help when you need help. Through the distribution of existing
information, such as donations, social media can spread to various regions. This
can invite other people's empathy to help someone or social institutions in need
The benefits of social media that are quite felt are the dissemination of existing
information. Even though they don't pay attention to the news on television or
newspapers, with social media the information can still be obtained.
Social media can also be used as a means of information. This is because social
media can be seen by anyone so that the products offered can be known to many
people. In addition, social media can also be used for advertising and connected
with the chosen target market.
Social media makes a person to do various innovations. This can be related to
the profession they have. Through social media, one can use it to help things
related to the profession.
7. Help fight crime:
Social media is also very useful for fighting crime. For example, if there is a
fugitive who has run away, sharing his photo on social media can help the
police to find him. When someone sees it can report it.
8. Help build community:
Social media can help to build a community based on many things. Usually this
community is formed because they have the same preferences, ideology,
religion, or other things. With social media, all these people can connect with
each other.
9. Improving Literacy, communication, and reading skills:
the fact that students get bored easily with reading and writing. However, social
media provides a lot of online information that students tend to read. Online
messages, commentary, news, articles, and eBooks offer an endless list to read.
This will help students in learning.

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