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1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 EMAIL: clientacct@perkinscoie.

Seattle, Washington 98101 ACCOUNTING: 206.359.3143
PHONE: 206.359.8000 FAX: 206.359.9000


5298967 April 06, 2015


Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC 111616.0001 May 06, 2015

Attn: Larry Schneider
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
c/o Walker & Di Marco, P.C.
350 Main Street, First Floor
Malden, MA 02148

Matter Number / Name 111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


$102,739.50 $4,002.26 $106,741.76

Payment due in U.S. Currency


TAX ID#: 91-0591206

For CHECK REMITTANCE make checks payable to For WIRE REMITTANCE please direct to
Perkins Coie LLP Perkins Coie LLP
Attn: Client Accounting US Bank
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 Bank ABA # 125000105
Seattle, WA 98101 Account # 1 535 5592 1235
Please reference: Swift Code # US BK US 44I MT
Perkins Coie Account No. 111616 and Invoice 5298967 Please reference:
Perkins Coie Account No. 111616 and Invoice 5298967

After 30 days, a monthly late charge of 1% per month from the invoice date (or such lower rate as required by applicable law) will be due. Should a collection action or
proceeding be necessary, attorneys' fees and costs for such collection effort will also be due . Page 1
INVOICE #: 5298967
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC



03/02/15 J. Crum 2.70 Research questions on statutes of limitations and basis for successor
liability and draft portions of research memo regarding same;

03/03/15 G. Eisenberg 2.20 Conference with L. Schneider regarding litigation strategy;

03/03/15 M. Caixeiro 0.20 Review and analyze e-mail string relating to additional letter issued by
chase that references Mortgage Resolution Servicing as a third party
collection agency;

03/04/15 G. Eisenberg 0.90 Conference with R. DiMarco and L. Schneider regarding litigation

03/06/15 J. Crum 0.80 Review letter from Chase's counsel and conference with G. Eisenberg, M.
Caixeiro, and R. Sarrubi regarding motion to dismiss arguments and
transfer of venue;

03/06/15 G. Eisenberg 1.70 Review letter from R. Wicks regarding proposed motions; conferences with
R. DiMarco, L. Schneider, R. DiMarco and M. Caixeiro regarding litigation
strategy in light of Chase letter;

03/06/15 M. Caixeiro 0.80 Participate in conference call regarding litigation strategy; draft and file
certificate of service for RICO statement;

03/06/15 R. Sarubbi 0.75 Reviewed letter from Covington, conference call with working group
regarding response;

03/06/15 S. Dul 2.30 Review letter from Chase regarding intended motions and cases cited;
telephone conference with G. Eisenberg, M. Caixeiro, and J. Crum regarding
Chase letter;

03/09/15 J. Crum 0.80 Review letter from opposing counsel and conference with G. Eisenberg, R.
Sarubbi, and others regarding same;

03/09/15 A. Danneman 0.60 Review defenses to claims;

03/09/15 G. Eisenberg 1.80 Conference with R. Wick regarding filing of amended complaint and seal
motion violation if transfer basis is asserted with respect to pending FCA
claim; conference with working team regarding preparation of amended
complaint; prepare letter to Court regarding request for leave to amended
complaint and proposed schedule; prepare email to L. Schneider and R.
DiMarco regarding agreement with Chase regarding amended complaint;

03/09/15 M. Caixeiro 0.70 Review meet-and-confer letter from Chase's counsel; participate in
conference call with team regarding amendment of complaint;

03/09/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Conference call with working group regarding amended complaint;

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Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/09/15 S. Dul 2.30 Telephone conference with G. Eisenberg, M. Caixeiro, R. Sarubbi and J.
Crum regarding Chase letter; draft email to A. Danneman regarding case
background and upcoming assignments; correspond with J. Crum
regarding assignments for amending complaint; telephone conference with
A. Danneman regarding case background and assignments; review RICO
cause of action section in filed complaint;

03/10/15 E. Sisson 0.20 Respond to attorney request to organize client materials for review;

03/10/15 J. Crum 7.10 Review amended complaint and begin researching and drafting revised
complaint (3.4); conference with B. Dul regarding complaint status (.3);
research and begin drafting memo in response to Covington letter (2.9);
conference with B. Dul and A. Danneman regarding research (.5);

03/10/15 A. Danneman 0.90 Meet with J. Crum and B. Dul; begin research on motion to amend

03/10/15 G. Eisenberg 0.30 Prepare email to working group on choice of law and related amendment
issues on amended complaint;

03/10/15 A. Baranowicz 0.50 Review pleadings in case and conference with M. Caixeiro regarding case
status; correspond with S. Dul regarding research;

03/10/15 S. Dul 4.50 Conference with J. Crum and A. Danneman regarding case background and
assignments; exchange emails with G. Eisenberg and M. Caixeiro regarding
amended complaint and Florida law; review RICO allegations in complaint
and RICO case statement; review RICO cases cited in Chase letter; draft
revisions to RICO allegations in complaint;

03/11/15 J. Crum 1.20 Research Covington's arguments related to claims 4 and 5 and prepare
memo in response;

03/11/15 A. Baranowicz 5.60 Review pleadings and correspondence regarding case issues; research
regarding choice of law procedures in new york state; research regarding
necessity to name state's laws in common law pleadings; conferences with
M. Caixeiro regarding same; draft correspondence to G. Eisenberg, R.
Sarubbi, M. Caixeiro, B. Dul, A. Danneman and J. Crum regarding status of

03/11/15 S. Dul 2.00 Review RICO allegations in complaint and RICO case statement; review
RICO cases cited in Chase letter; draft revisions to RICO allegations in

03/11/15 N. Vargas 0.40 Review, scan and E-File letter to Judge Swain requesting filing of an
Amended Complaint;

03/12/15 J. Crum 0.60 Research and draft response to motion to dismiss arguments on claims;

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INVOICE #: 5298967
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/12/15 G. Eisenberg 0.70 Prepare response to J. Black regarding transfer motion considerations;
review and prepare responsive emails to working group on choice of law
and amended complaint issues;

03/12/15 M. Caixeiro 0.30 Review A. Baranowicz' research regarding which state's law applies; confer
with R. Sarubbi regarding case status;

03/12/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Reviewed draft amended complaint; conference with M. Caixeiro regarding
JPm venue transfer motion;

03/12/15 A. Baranowicz 3.50 Conduct legal research concerning failure to name states in common law

03/12/15 S. Dul 5.30 Review email memorandum from A. Baranowicz regarding choice of law;
review loan purchase agreements for choice of law provisions; exchange
emails with A. Baranowicz and G. Eisenberg regarding choice of law issues;
correspond with J. Crum regarding assignments of legal research and
amending complaint; revise RICO cause of action section in filed complaint;

03/13/15 J. Crum 0.40 Email A. Baranowicz regarding research for motion to dismiss response
and amending complaint (.2); review research regarding statutes of
limitations and forward same to A. Baranowicz (.2);

03/13/15 A. Danneman 2.00 Research viability of claims at motion to dismiss;

03/13/15 S. Dul 3.90 Telephone conference with A. Danneman regarding negligent servicing,
good faith and fair dealing, and conversion claims; review cases cited by
Chase regarding tortious interference with contractual relations and tortious
interference with prospective economic advantage; review complaint
sections regarding tortious interference claims;

03/14/15 A. Danneman 6.50 Research viability of claims on motion to dismiss;

03/15/15 A. Danneman 1.20 Research viability of claims in light of motion to dismiss;

03/16/15 J. Crum 4.60 Research claims on unfair competition, conspiracy, and fraud and revise
complaint to prevent motion to dismiss arguments;

03/16/15 G. Eisenberg 0.30 Exchange correspondence with B. Dul regarding complaint amendment

03/16/15 R. Sarubbi 0.75 Reviewed revised second amended complaint;

03/16/15 A. Baranowicz 5.30 Conduct legal research concerning defamation claims; allegations in the
complaint and injurious falsehood claims; correspond with B. Dul and J.
Crum regarding same;

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INVOICE #: 5298967
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/16/15 S. Dul 6.20 Research tortious interference with contract and tortious interference with
prospective economic advantage claims; draft email memorandum to G.
Eisenberg and team regarding research findings and proposed edits to
complaint; revise tortious interference sections of complaint;

03/17/15 J. Crum 6.60 Complete claim by claim analysis of suggested revisions to amended
complaint and begin revising draft of complaint to incorporate suggested
edits (4.2); review research by A. Baranowicz and A. Danneman and
research additional arguments regarding claims (.5); research good faith
and fair dealing claim and revise claim to prevent duplication (1.9);

03/17/15 A. Danneman 0.30 Review claims for dismissal;

03/17/15 A. Baranowicz 7.10 Edit research to defamation claim in complaint, research regarding slander
of title claim in complaint; draft summary analyzing strength of argument;
research regarding injurious falsehood claim in complaint; draft summary
analyzing strength of argument; research regarding prima facie tort claim in
complaint; draft summary regarding strength of argument; analyze validity of
arguments advanced by Covington and edit summaries to reflect same;

03/17/15 S. Dul 4.50 Review email memorandum from A. Danneman regarding breach of good
faith and fair dealing, conversion, and negligent servicing claims; telephone
conference with J. Crum regarding A. Danneman's research and
compilation of edits to complaint; review, revise and comment on
memorandum from J. Crum regarding legal research, Chase allegations,
and edits to complaint; review email and comment on email memorandum
from A. Baranowicz on defamation, injurious falsehood, slander of title, and
prima facie tort claims;

03/18/15 J. Crum 0.50 Revise complaint and conference with B. Dul regarding same;

03/18/15 A. Danneman 1.30 Review claims in preparation for amending complaint;

03/18/15 S. Dul 0.70 Telephone conference with A. Danneman regarding follow-up research;
review emails from J. Crum regarding research findings;

03/19/15 J. Crum 4.20 Attend telephone conference to discuss status and edits to complaint (1.5);
revise draft complaint and research additional changes to causes of action

03/19/15 A. Danneman 5.50 Attend team call; review claims in preparation to amend complaint;

03/19/15 M. Caixeiro 3.20 Review current draft of amended complaint; articipate in conference call with
G. Eisenberg and client regarded amended complaint; participate in
conference call with team regarding amendments to complaint; confer with
A. Danneman regarding amendments to breach of contract claim;

03/19/15 R. Sarubbi 2.00 Reviewed draft of Amended & Restated Complaint, conference call with
working group;

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Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/19/15 A. Baranowicz 1.50 Conference call with M. Caixiero; R. Sarubbi, G. Eisenberg, J. Crum, B. Dul,
A. Danneman; regarding amended complaint;

03/19/15 S. Dul 1.00 Telephone conference with G. Eisenberg, M. Caixeiro, R. Sarubbi, A.

Baranowicz, A. Danneman and J. Crum regarding follow-up research and
amending complaint; review email from A. Danneman regarding follow-up

03/20/15 J. Crum 1.00 Revise draft amended complaint implementing G. Eisenberg's edits and
suggestions and circulate new draft;

03/20/15 A. Danneman 0.80 Review claims in preparation to amend complaint;

03/20/15 G. Eisenberg 3.40 Prepare further revisions to draft amended complaint;

03/20/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Reviewed revised draft Amended Complaint;

03/20/15 S. Dul 0.90 Exchange emails with G. Eisenberg, M. Caixeiro, and J. Crum regarding
revisions to complaint; exchange emails with A. Danneman and J. Crum
regarding revised negligence claim;

03/22/15 S. Dul 0.50 Review G. Eisenberg's edits to draft amended complaint;

03/23/15 J. Crum 5.50 Research causes of action and revise complaint (2.1); research prayer for
relief formatting and conference with G. Eisenberg regarding same (1.8);
begin drafting individual prayers for relief (1.6);

03/23/15 G. Eisenberg 0.70 Review rules regarding separate prayers for relief; exchange
correspondence with J. Krum regarding revised draft amended complaint;

03/23/15 A. Baranowicz 3.00 Review complaint, review research concerning defamation and related
actions, edit draft complaint, edit prayers for relief; correspond with J. Crum
regarding same;

03/23/15 S. Dul 0.80 Review G. Eisenberg's edits to draft amended complaint; revise draft
amended complaint;

03/24/15 J. Crum 2.50 Draft and revise portions of amended complaint, including individual prayers
for relief (1.0); implement changes to defamation and related claims; (.7);
conference with G. Eisenberg and B. Dul regarding consolidated prayer for
relief (.3); revise draft with consolidated prayer and email to team with
instructions to research damages on individual claims (.5);

03/24/15 A. Danneman 1.70 Research negligence claims;

03/24/15 M. Caixeiro 0.40 Confer with A. Danneman regarding pleading of negligence claim; review
e-mail from A. Danneman regarding research relative to same;

03/24/15 A. Baranowicz 1.40 Edit defamation and slander of title claims; correspond with J. Crum
regarding same;

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Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/24/15 S. Dul 1.00 Review prayer for relief section of draft amended complaint; telephone
conference with J. Crum regarding damages and prayer for relief section of
complaint; telephone conference with J. Crum and G. Eisenberg regarding
same; conference with A. Danneman regarding negligence claim;

03/25/15 J. Crum 0.20 Revise draft complaint with additional research on damages;

03/25/15 A. Danneman 0.20 Research negligence claim;

03/26/15 E. Sisson 0.30 Respond to attorney request to organize client materials for review;

03/26/15 J. Crum 0.20 Review new evidence received from client and email E. Sisson regarding

03/27/15 J. Crum 1.50 Research availability of punitive damages on several claims (.9); review and
revise draft complaint (.3); conference with A. Danneman regarding research

03/27/15 A. Danneman 0.90 Research negligence claims;

03/27/15 G. Eisenberg 0.40 Exchange corresponence with R. DiMarco and M. Caixeiro regarding draft of
amended complaint;

03/27/15 M. Caixeiro 0.30 Confer with A. Danneman regarding pleading of negligence claim, and
research relating thereto;

03/27/15 S. Dul 1.30 Review and revise updated draft amended complaint;

03/28/15 J. Crum 0.40 Review research on negligence and conference with A. Danneman
regarding same;

03/28/15 A. Danneman 4.60 Research availability of negligence claim and punitive damages;

03/28/15 S. Dul 1.00 Review and revise updated draft amended complaint;

03/29/15 A. Danneman 4.00 Research availability of punitive damages;

03/29/15 M. Caixeiro 0.30 Review A. Danneman's research regarding negligence claim;

03/29/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Reviewed revised draft Amended Complaint;

03/29/15 S. Dul 2.50 Review and revise updated draft amended complaint;

03/30/15 J. Crum 7.30 Research and draft claim for negligence (3.4); conference with G. Eisenberg
regarding draft complaint (.2); research availability of punitive damages for
certain asserted claims (2.1); revise draft complaint to include revisions
from G. Eisenberg and others (1.6);

03/30/15 A. Danneman 0.20 Review damages research;

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111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


03/30/15 G. Eisenberg 3.70 Prepare revisons to second amended complaint; conferences with M.
Caixeiro and R. DiMarco regarding second amended complaint; conference
with J. Krum regarding revisions to causes of action section of second
amended complaint;

03/30/15 M. Caixeiro 3.70 Review updated drafts of amended complaint, including changes proposed
by L. Schnieder; confer with G. Eisenberg, R. Sarubbi and J. Crum regarding
same; perform legal research regarding elements of fraudulent omission
claim and duty to disclose;

03/30/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Conference call with working group regarding revised Amended Complaint;

03/31/15 J. Crum 7.10 Revise and finalize second amended complaint and prepare for filing (5.8);
conference with M. Caixeiro, R. Sarrubi, and G. Eisenberg regarding draft
complaint and filing (.6); research rules regarding service, updated
summons, and certificate of service (.7);

03/31/15 G. Eisenberg 3.80 Prepare further revisions to amended complaint; conference with R. DiMarco
regarding discovery issues; conference with L. Schneider regarding further
revisions to complaint; coordinate finalization of amended complaint with J.
Krum and M. Caixeiro;

03/31/15 M. Caixeiro 2.20 Review, analyze and provide comments no multiple drafts of second
amended complaint;

03/31/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Reviewed final revised draft amended complaint;





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INVOICE #: 5298967
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC



Staff overtime assistance - meals - Seamless North America, LLC - Staff overtime $21.98
assistance - meals - G. Eisenberg, 2/23

Photocopies and printing $41.20

Telephone conference calls $24.27

Computer research - Lexis/WestLaw $3,893.51

Computer Research $1.30

Staff overtime assistance $20.00






0 - 30 31 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 120 121+ TOTAL

Fees: $102,739.50 $117,054.00 $0.00 $23,304.09 $0.00 $243,097.59

Costs: $4,002.26 $1,724.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,726.90
Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Late Charges: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Total: $106,741.76 $118,778.64 $0.00 $23,304.09 $0.00 $248,824.49

The Accounts Receivable Total may not include all late charges on outstanding invoices . Late charges accrue based on
the terms of your Letter of Engagement.

Page 9

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