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Seattle, Washington 98101 ACCOUNTING: 206.359.3143
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5326429 June 04, 2015


Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC 111616.0001 July 04, 2015

Attn: Larry Schneider
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
c/o Walker & Di Marco, P.C.
350 Main Street, First Floor
Malden, MA 02148

Matter Number / Name 111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


$71,231.75 $1,416.63 $72,648.38

Payment due in U.S. Currency


TAX ID#: 91-0591206

For CHECK REMITTANCE make checks payable to For WIRE REMITTANCE please direct to
Perkins Coie LLP Perkins Coie LLP
Attn: Client Accounting US Bank
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900 Bank ABA # 125000105
Seattle, WA 98101 Account # 1 535 5592 1235
Please reference: Swift Code # US BK US 44I MT
Perkins Coie Account No. 111616 and Invoice 5326429 Please reference:
Perkins Coie Account No. 111616 and Invoice 5326429

After 30 days, a monthly late charge of 1% per month from the invoice date (or such lower rate as required by applicable law) will be due. Should a collection action or
proceeding be necessary, attorneys' fees and costs for such collection effort will also be due . Page 1
INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC



05/04/15 J. Crum 0.40 Review draft witness list (.2); conference with E. Sisson regarding document
filing (.1); conference with A. Danneman regarding disclosure statement (.1);

05/04/15 G. Eisenberg 0.20 Review correspondence relating to and arrange for delivery of proposed
witness lists to A. Danneman for inclusion in initial notices; prepare email to
R. DiMarco regarding call on initial disclosures;

05/04/15 R. Sarubbi 0.25 Reviewed proposed witness list;

05/05/15 J. Crum 2.30 Review local discovery rules and begin drafting request for production;

05/06/15 J. Crum 3.10 Draft requests for production (2.6); conference with A. Baranowicz regarding
ongoing discovery (.1); conference with A. Danneman and work on portions
of initial disclosures (.4);

05/06/15 G. Eisenberg 0.40 Conference with R. DiMarco, J. Foster and M. Caixeiro regarding initial

05/06/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Conference call with working group regarding initial disclosures;

05/07/15 J. Crum 2.90 Telephone conference with G. Eisenberg and A. Danneman (.3); work on
initial disclosures and witness list (2.6);

05/07/15 A. Danneman 3.10 Draft initial disclosure statement and discuss with J. Crum and G.

05/07/15 G. Eisenberg 0.70 Conference with R. DiMarco and J. Foster regarding transfer motion;
conference with J. Crum and A. Danneman regarding initial disclosures;

05/07/15 M. Caixeiro 0.20 Review e-mails from client concerning sealing issues; e-mail G. Eisenberg
and R. Sarubbi regarding same;

05/08/15 G. Eisenberg 1.40 Prepare further comments to initial disclosure; prepare emails to working
group regarding draft initial disclosures;

05/08/15 R. Sarubbi 0.75 Reviewed draft initial disclosures;

05/11/15 G. Eisenberg 2.30 Meet with potential expert witnesses regarding damages calculations;
consider damages analysis purchase to be procured and formulated;

05/11/15 M. Caixeiro 1.80 Participate in interview of potential expert witnesses (Recovco);

05/11/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Reviewed revised RICO Statement;

05/11/15 J. Hudson 0.50 attending meeting with M. Caixeiro regarding damage analysis; reviewing
Biotronik v. Conor to analyze most recent NY case law on consequential
damages v. general damages;

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INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


05/12/15 J. Crum 1.00 Revise witness list with descriptions of factual knowledge (.6); conference
with A. Danneman regarding disclosures (.2); telephone conference with G.
Eisenberg regarding disclosures (.2);

05/12/15 A. Danneman 0.20 Attend call regarding initial disclosures;

05/12/15 G. Eisenberg 2.90 Conferences with R. DiMarco, M. Caixeiro and R. Sarubbi regarding experts
to be retained to do damages analysis; conferences with L. Schneider and
J. Walker regarding initial disclosure; prepare revisions to initial
disclosures; conference with J. Crum and A. Danneman regarding revisions
to initial disclosure and witness list; review email from M. Maya regarding
granting of motion in DC for partial unsealing; consider various transfer
motion issues;

05/12/15 M. Caixeiro 1.30 Confer with G. Eisenberg and R. Sarubbi regarding interviews of damages
experts; participate in conference call with G. Eisenberg, R. DiMarco et al.
regarding same; review and provide comments on draft of Rule 26 Initial

05/12/15 R. Sarubbi 1.50 Conference with internal working group and conference call with PC group
and Walker & DiMarco re: damages expert, litigation strategy;

05/13/15 J. Crum 1.30 Review and revise draft witness list and conference with G. Eisenberg and A.
Danneman regarding same;

05/13/15 A. Danneman 1.20 Revise initial disclosures and attend team call;

05/13/15 G. Eisenberg 5.20 Prepare revisions to initial disclosures; examine law of venue transfer and
considerations; conceptualize venue transfer opposition; conference with L.
Schneider and team regarding initial disclosures;

05/13/15 M. Caixeiro 1.20 Participate in conference call regarding sealing issues; review e-mail to
opposing counsel regarding same; send e-mail to R. Sarubbi and G.
Eisenberg regarding strategy relating to sealing issues; review list of
potential witnesses in initial disclosures and e-mail team regarding same;

05/13/15 R. Sarubbi 0.25 Conference with G. Eisenberg regarding response to M. Maya at Covington;

05/13/15 A. Baranowicz 2.40 Conference with G. Eisenberg regarding motion to transfer venue; research
regarding chase's involvement in motions to transfer venue;

05/14/15 J. Crum 3.00 Review and summarize Chase's initial disclosure (.3); revise draft witness
list (1.4); conference with G. Eisenberg and A. Danneman regarding witness
list and disclosure (.8); review and revise draft initial disclosure (.5);

05/14/15 A. Danneman 1.80 Revise initial disclosures and file;

05/14/15 G. Eisenberg 5.40 Prepare revisions to initial disclosures; conferences with L. Schneider
regarding transfer motion; initial disclosures and strategy on motions;

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INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


05/14/15 M. Caixeiro 5.70 Interview potential damages experts and confer with R. Sarubbi and G.
Eisenberg regarding same; review various drafts of initial disclosures and
witness lists and participate in multiple conferences with G. Eisenberg, R.
Sarubbi, and L. Schneider regarding same; review articles provided by L.
Schneider; review and analyze defendant's initial disclosures; review and
analyze defendants' motion to dismiss;

05/14/15 R. Sarubbi 0.25 Conference with M. Caixeiro and G. Eisenberg regarding initial disclosures;

05/14/15 A. Baranowicz 1.00 Conferences with J. Hudson, review second amended complaint materials;
review motion to dismiss;

05/15/15 J. Crum 1.00 Prepare for and attend telephone conference with team regarding motion to
dismiss response and next steps;

05/15/15 G. Eisenberg 3.30 Review and analyze motion to dismiss; coordinate distribution of work
assignments on response to motion to dismiss; conference with L.
Schneider and Boston team regarding motion to dismiss;

05/15/15 M. Caixeiro 1.00 Participate in conference call with team regarding opposition to motion to
dismiss; confer with J. Hudson and A. Baranowicz regarding same;

05/15/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Reviewed JPM's motion to dismiss;

05/15/15 A. Baranowicz 1.40 Review motion to dismiss; conference with M. Caixeiro and J. hudson;
conference with M. Caixeiro, G. Eisenberg, J. Hudson, J. Crum, A.
Danneman regarding response;

05/15/15 J. Hudson 2.50 Reviewing the motion to dismiss and memo of law in support; attending
phone conference with M. Caixeiro, A. Baranowicz, G. Eisenberg, J. Crum,
and A. Danneman re: motion to dismiss;

05/16/15 R. Sarubbi 0.25 Conference with G. Eisenberg regarding Covington's motion to dismiss;

05/17/15 J. Hudson 5.30 Reviewing the motion to dismiss and memo of law in support to isolate the
sections complaining of flaws in the complaint; reviewing the second
amended complaint to determine which paragraphs address those alleged
flaws and creating a chart summarizing those findings;

05/18/15 G. Eisenberg 0.30 Conference with M. Caixeiro regarding allegations of insufficient pleading
and preparation of response;

05/18/15 M. Caixeiro 1.30 Review J. Hudson's memorandum regarding supposed pleading

deficiencies; review complaint to assess same; confer with G. Eisenberg
regarding same;

05/19/15 J. Crum 4.70 Draft and revise draft document request (1.5)); begin drafting shell and
researching case law l for motion to dismiss response (1.7); conference
with M. Caixeiro and prepare summary of retaliation allegations in complaint
and related documents (1.5);

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INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


05/19/15 G. Eisenberg 0.20 Conference with Judge Francis (magistrate judge) regarding magistrate

05/19/15 M. Caixeiro 1.80 Participate in conference call with Magistrate Judge Francis; review and
analyze multiple e-mails from L. Schneider regarding factual background
and case strategy; review defendant's motion to file under seal; confer with
G. Eisenberg regarding same; send e-mail to opposing counsel regarding

05/19/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Conference with G. Eisenberg regarding response to JPM motion; reviewed
draft document response;

05/20/15 E. Sisson 0.20 Respond to attorney request to organize client materials for review;

05/20/15 G. Eisenberg 0.90 Conference with L. Schneider, J. Walker and J. Foster regarding motion

05/20/15 M. Caixeiro 0.40 Participate in call with G. Eisenberg, R. DiMarco, et al. regarding case

05/20/15 A. Baranowicz 3.50 Review second amended complaint in conjunction with motion to dismiss,
correspond with J. Crum, M. Caixeiro and G. Eisenberg regarding factual

05/21/15 J. Crum 0.60 Conference with A. Danneman and G. Eisenberg regarding motion to
dismiss response;

05/21/15 A. Danneman 1.20 Research motion to dismiss;

05/21/15 G. Eisenberg 0.90 Conference with L. Schneider and J. Walker regarding transfer motion
issues and defenses; review email from M. Maya regarding ceiling issues;
conference with A. Danneman and J. Crum regarding motion to dismiss;

05/21/15 R. Sarubbi 0.25 Conference with G. Eisenberg regarding transfer motion;

05/21/15 A. Baranowicz 5.30 Review statute of limitations research; research concerning defamation
claims based on property filings;

05/22/15 E. Sisson 0.60 Respond to attorney request to organize client materials for review;

05/22/15 J. Crum 3.90 Telephone conference with G. Eisenberg and team (.5); research arguments
for motion to dismiss and begin drafting portions of the response (2.7); pull
and circulate copies of motion to transfer and conference with G. Eisenberg
regarding same (.7);

05/22/15 G. Eisenberg 1.70 Conferences with L. Schneider and J. Crum regarding transfer motion;
conference with team regarding motion to dismiss response; negotiate time
periods for response to transfer motion;

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INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC


05/22/15 R. Sarubbi 0.50 Conference call with working group regarding response to motion to

05/22/15 A. Baranowicz 1.20 Review materials concerning transfer motion; conference with J. Hudson
and G. Eisenberg; conference with G. Eisenberg, J. Hudson, J. Crum
regarding motion to dismiss;

05/22/15 J. Hudson 1.80 Attending meeting/phone conference with G. Eisenberg, A. Baranowicz, and
other team members regarding motion to dismiss; reviewing RICO claim
arguments and case law in support; reviewing motion to transfer submitted
by Chase;

05/23/15 R. Sarubbi 1.00 Reviewed JPM Venue transfer motion;

05/26/15 A. Baranowicz 3.30 Review transfer motion and related FCA complaint; review relevant case law;

05/27/15 J. Crum 2.00 Work on draft of response to motion to dismiss and research local rules
regarding same;

05/28/15 G. Eisenberg 0.50 Conference with R. DiMarco and R. Sarubbi regarding current status of

05/28/15 G. Eisenberg 0.30 Coordinate motion to extend briefing schedule on transfer motion;

05/28/15 M. Caixeiro 1.30 Participate in multiple conferences with R. Sarubbi and G. Eisenberg
regarding case strategy and status of oppositions to pending motions;

05/28/15 R. Sarubbi 1.25 Conferences with G. Eisenberg and M. Caixeiro; conference call with G.
Eisenberg, R. DiMarco and J. Foster regarding responses to Chase

05/28/15 A. Baranowicz 2.10 Research regarding transfer motion;

05/29/15 J. Crum 2.70 Research and draft portions of motion to dismiss response;

05/29/15 A. Baranowicz 1.00 Correspond with G. Eisenberg and coordinate filing with N. Vargas;

05/29/15 N. Vargas 0.60 Review, scan and E-File letter to Magistrate Francis; fax file stamped copy of
the Judge's chambers;





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INVOICE #: 5326429
Mortgage Resolution Servicing, LLC
111616.0001 / Dispute with Chase Home Finance, LLC



Telephone conference calls $18.46

Computer research - Lexis/WestLaw $1,396.47

Computer Research $1.70






0 - 30 31 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 120 121+ TOTAL

Fees: $114,937.75 $102,739.50 $0.00 $62,082.73 $0.00 $279,759.98

Costs: $3,779.38 $4,002.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,781.64
Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Late Charges: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Total: $118,717.13 $106,741.76 $0.00 $62,082.73 $0.00 $287,541.62

The Accounts Receivable Total may not include all late charges on outstanding invoices . Late charges accrue based on
the terms of your Letter of Engagement.

Page 7

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