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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3


PR 1 Grade 11
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 3 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 1
Qualitative Research

Development Team of the Module


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What I need to know?

-Designs a research project related to daily life

-Writes a research title
-Provides justifications/reasons for conducting the research

Do you have a topic in your mind?

Do you conceive a topic that you are eager to study?
Why do you choose those topics?
Are they relevant to your daily life as son/daughter of the family, senior
high school student, and as member of society?
Check ( / )the probable topic/project related to your daily life
_____1. Perception of baking cookies as snacks
_____2. Write a discourse on the involvement of media people in the
spreading of fake news.
_____3. The unemployment impact of pandemic in Cainta.
_____4. The perception of online selling during the time of pandemic
_____5. The narrative analysis of barter among the netizen.

Write your own topic that is not listed above.

Ilagay ang kahon na may kulay kapag hinhayaan ang mag-
aaral na sumagot sa sagutang papel

I What is new?

What are issues that affect your daily life now? Check issues listed below.
__________pandemic __________mental health ________sexual abuse

__________bankruptcy ___________school closure _________unemployment

__________sickness/illness ___________environmental recovery _______violence

—————-criminalities __________ teenage pregnancy ________poverty

From the list that you have chosen, select 3 and explain why do you need to pursue to study them.
1. 2. 3.



In planning a project/research, you need to see how you can do it.

1. Improve vocabulary
2. Develop to communicate with others using newly learned words
3. Distinguish a good research topic from a bad one
4. Identify and characterize good topic for research
5. Simplify a broad topic to smaller one
6. Select a good research topic.

Topic is researchable if the knowledge and information are supported by proofs that is observa-
ble, factual and logical.
Observable: if the topic can be seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled– senses can perceive
Factual: if the topic is tangible, true, visible, and real
Logical: if the topic can be conceived by our human mind

D What I know?

How do you choose something for yourself?_________________________________________

In making a research, there are tips to be observed:

Check the tips:
_______Personal Choice and resources _________Availability of data/information
______Interest in the topic _________Relevance and time frame of the topic
______Broad topic _________Limitation of the topic
Task # 1: Identification
Tell what tips are being expressed in the statement. Write the LETTER of
the correct answer.
A. Personal Choice and resources B. Availability of data/information
C. Interest in the topic D. Relevance and time frame of the topic
E. Limitation of the topic

______1. The Grade 12 Automotive students to see the effect of ICT skills..
______2. Baking of different fruit tarts as variables of their study.
______3. The effects of ignorance of health protocols from the first tri-
mester of the fiscal year.
_______4. Grade 12 ABM female students’ interest in business transac-
tion analysis.
________5. Gr.11 ICT student perceives animation as future trend due to
his exposure to his computer work in the computer café.

D What is in?

Why do you need to make a research in the present time? _____________________________

Are research work relevant and beneficial to you as students? ___________________________
Research Problem—is a situation in need of a solution, improvement or alternation or a discrepan-
cy between what is and what is ought to be.

Research question—is an explicit query about a problem or issue that can be challenged, exam-
ined, and analyzed and will yield useful new information
Task # 2 Making Research Problem
A. Make research problems in statements form.
B. Justify why are they considered Research problems?
There are Guidelines in Formulating Research Questions:
1. Establish a clear relation between the research questions and the
problem or topic.
2. Review of Related Literature (RRL) would be the basis of research ques-
3. Formulate research questions that can arouse curiosity and surprise
with the discoveries or findings
4. State the research questions with all dependent and independent vari-
ables referred to by theories, principles or concepts underlying the top-

D What is in?

There are Guidelines in Formulating Research Questions:

6. The set of research questions or sub-problems be preceded by one
question expressing the main problem of the research.
7. Avoidance of research questions that are answerable by “yes or no”
and the use of “how” questions only in a quantitative research.
8. Formulation of research question will be based on the SMART (specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound).

Samples of Research Questions and Explanations

1.What effect does daily use of Facebook have on the attention span of
Senior High School students?
Wrong: What effect does social media have on people’s minds?
Explanation: The question defines its concepts more clearly. It is re-
searchable through qualitative and quantitative data collection.
2. What impact have business sectors’ policies had on the availability and
affordability of housing in Cainta?
Wrong: Why is there a housing crisis in Cainta?
Explanation: Starting with “why” often means that your question is not
focused enough: there are too many possible answers and no clear start-
ing point for research. By targeting just one aspect of the problem and us-
ing more specific terms, the second question offers a clear path to finding
an answer.
3. How do Cainta and Taytay compare in health outcomes and patient
satisfaction among low-income people with chronic illnesses?
Wrong: Does Cainta or UK have a better healthcare system?
Explanation: The first question is too broad and overly subjective: there’s
no clear criteria for what counts as “better”. The second question is much
more researchable. It uses clearly defined terms and narrows its focus to
a specific population.

D What is in?

4. What are the most effective communication strategies for increasing

enrollees turnout among Grade 11 students in Cainta?
Wrong: What should DepedRizal do about low enrollees turnout in Cain-
It is generally not feasible for academic research to answer broad ques-
tions about “what should be done”. The first question is more specific, and
aims to gain an understanding of possible solutions in order to make in-
formed recommendations.
5. How have economic, political and social factors affected patterns of
homelessness in Cainta over the past ten years?
Wrong: Has there been an increase in homelessness in Cainta in the past
ten years?
The first question is more complex, requiring in-depth investigation and
the development of an original argument. The second question is too sim-
ple: it can be answered with a simple yes or no.
6. What effect do different legal approaches have on the number of people
who drive after drinking in Cainta?
Wrong: How can drunk driving be prevented?
The first question is a clearer comparative question, but note that it may
not be practically feasible. For a smaller research project or thesis, it
could be narrowed down further to focus on the effectiveness of drunk
driving laws in just one or two towns. The second question asks for a
ready-made solution, and is not focused or researchable.
7. How have modern adaptations of OPM dealt with the theme of national-
ism through rhythm and lyrics to contemporary music?
Wrong: How is nationalism represented inOPM?
The first question takes a specific angle with scope to make an original ar-
gument, and has more relevance to current social concerns and debates.
The second question is not original or relevant — it has been answered so
many times that it would be very difficult to contribute anything new

D What is in?

8. How do Cainta women perceive and relate to Taytay women’s garment

business movement?
Wrong: What factors led the women gaining garment business practice in
Rizal in 2019?
The first question identifies an underexplored aspect of the topic that re-
quires investigation and discussion of various primary and secondary
sources to answer. The second question is too broad and not very original.
It has been extensively researched by garment business people, and it
would be very difficult to contribute new knowledge.
9. How can sexual health clinics in Rizal develop their services and com-
munications to be more LGBT-inclusive?
Wrong: How can sexual health services and LGBT support services in Ri-
zal be improved?
The first integrates the two problems into one focused, specific question.
The second question is not focused enough: it tries to address two differ-
ent practical problems (the quality of sexual health services and LGBT
support services). Even though the two issues are related, it’s not clear
how the research will bring them together.
10. What are the similarities and differences in the experiences of recent
Angono, Binangonan, and Cardona of COVID –19 positive?
Wrong: Where do the majority of COVID-19 positive come from?

The first is a more complex comparative question that requires data col-
lection and detailed discussion to answer. The second question is too sim-
ple, asking for a straightforward fact that can be easily found online.

E What is more?

Task # 3 Formulating Research Questions

1. Online Mode of learning

2. Unemployment

3. Learning Continuity Plan

4. Working mothers

5. New Normal –Social Aspect

Task # 4 : Research Title Making

Based on the research questions’ made above, construct a declarative statement as your Research Title

Question #1:_______________________________________________________________________

Title: A___________________________________________________________________________


Question #2:______________________________________________________________________

Title: A___________________________________________________________________________


Question #3:______________________________________________________________________

Title: A__________________________________________________________________________


Question #4:______________________________________________________________________

Title: A___________________________________________________________________________


Question #5:______________________________________________________________________

Title: A___________________________________________________________________________


Task # 5 Narrative

Write what insights or realization, do you discover upon doing the research questions and research title.

E What I can do?

Task # 6 : Formulate Research Title

Using the SMART guide, formulate 5 research titles related to the following:
A. Online learning

B. Modular learning

C. Face to Face Classes

D. Health Protocol

E. Reading Comprehension of Senior High School students

Task # 7: Justification Arguments

Make a justification narratives, why Grade 11 students need to make a research that are
related to present issues in their chosen strand.

E What else can I do?

Task # 8: Flow Chart Making

Make a Plan of Action on how to do the process of making a research.


A What I have learned?

Task # 9: Evaluation
Write the correct answer on the blank provided.
_______1. It is a body of knowledge or information that is supported by evidence that is observable,
factual and logical.
________2. It is a situation that needs solution, improvement or alternation or a discrepancy be-
tween what is and what is ought to be.
________3. It is an explicit query about a problem or issue that can be challenged, examined and
analyzed and will yield useful new information.
_________4-8 What does SMART signify?
_________9-10. List two concepts that you have learned in this topic.
I realized that __________________________________________________________________.

A What I can achieve?

Task # 10: Infographic Making

Based on the lessons learned, make an Infographic to illustrate what you understood in this lesson.

Content -10
Presentation- 5
Total 15


Task # 1 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B
Task # 2 A. Answers vary
B. Answers vary
Task # 3 Answers vary
Task # 4 Answers vary
Task# 5 Answers vary
Task # 6 Answers vary
Task #7 Answers vary
Task # 8 Answers vary
Task # 9
1. Topic 2. Research Problem 3. Research Question 4. Specific 5. Measurable 6. Attainable
7. Realistic 8. Time-Bound 9. –10. Answers vary
Task # 10 Answers vary


McCombes , Shona, question-examples/

published April 18, 2019, updated: June 5, 2020

Salkind, Neil J. DOI: ,published: 2010


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