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Lesson 11

Activity 1 A.

Name: __________________________________ Date Submitted;__________

Course/Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

Questions for Reflection

1. How did the printing press change the course of history? What ideas were
spread using this invention?

A breakthrough in the 15th century allowed people to spread knowledge more

swiftly and broadly. Civilization did not revert to its previous state. As the saying goes,
information is power, and the creation of the mechanical moveable type printing press
enabled knowledge to be disseminated broader and faster than ever before.

The advent of the printing press expanded the notion of Christianity even further
across Europe, and soon to other countries across the world, thanks to the widespread
availability of Bibles. Printing also aided the spread of Protestant religious concepts
such as Lutheranism during the Reformation.

2. Social Media is a technology which facilitates the sharing of information, ideas,

and other content in different parts of the globe. If social media was deactivated
for a month in the country, what could possibly happen?

There would be huge anarchy if any of the social media platforms in a country
were to be shut down.

I recall that in one country, one social media platform (I will not name the country or the
platform) was filtered (and it is still filtered in that country). All of the businesses that
relied on that social networking platform went bankrupt, and many people lost their jobs
and sources of income.

After a while, some firms used VPNs to re-enter that social media. But they'll never be
able to make up for the loss.

It's worth noting that the aforementioned social media platform is still the most popular
in that country, with the majority of people continuing to use it as a symbol of opposition
to the government's misguided policies.
3. Social Media also poses certain risks especially in the dissemination of false
information. As a student, how will you use social media to ensure that you do
not propagate inaccurate and unreliable information?

Activity 2.

Name: __________________________________ Date Submitted;__________

Course/Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

A substitution cypher is a method of encrypting a message in which the letters of a

plaintext are with different ones in a systematic manner. In a simple substitution, the
codes may simply be rotated or shifted alphabet. For Example

The cipher above shows a left shift on one. Using the cipher, the sentence “ I know you”
can be written as “ J lopx zpv”. This technique, also called Caesar cipher, was used by
Julius Caesar in his private correspondence (Singh, 2000).




22 | P a g e G E - S T S / S c i e n c e, T e c h n o l o g y, a n d S o c i e t y

Decode the cypher style sentence below and write its normal writing in the space

Ariola, Mariano M. (2018). Science, Technology and Society, Unlimited Books Library

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