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University of Perpetual Help

Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

Sto. Nino, Binan, Laguna

College of Midwifery
Primary Health Care-II Midterm Examination

Name: _________________________________________ Score: _________________

Year and Section: ________________________________ Permit No: _____________

I. Multiple choice. Select the best answer that fits the questions below, shade only 1
box per item, NO ERASURES allowed.

1. What appropriate program of the Department of Health should be given emphasis on

Barangay 5?
a. Maternal and Child Health Program
b. TB Control Program
c. Environmental Sanitation Program
d. Livelihood Programs

2. For Barangay 5 to be called as a self-reliant and a health community, you should know
that the following signs are elements of a healthy community, which is NOT:
a. The officials of barangay 5 conducts seminar on health related matters
b. The residents are able to utilize, manage and distribute locally available resources
c. Every household has cat hole toilet
d. Reduced mortality rates

3. Being a midwife of the barangay it is your responsibility to conduct an epidemiological

investigation of the current outbreak, what plan should you follow to determine the cause
of measles outbreak?
a. Establish: (Fact of Epidemic, Time & Space, Characteristic of community,
b. Establish: (Correlation, Fact of Epidemic, Time & Space, Characteristic of
c. Establish: (Time & Space, Characteristics of the community, Fact of Epidemic,
d. None of the above

4. During your survey at Barangay 5, what particular environmental sanitation scheme

should be practiced?
a. Burning of garbage
b. Proper cooking
c. Insecticide spraying
d. Boiling of kitchen utensils
5. Health education is an important factor in the prevention of spread of the disease, as a
current situation of the barangay, what particular approach will you use to improve health
outcomes at the barangay?
a. Individual approach
b. Community approach and meeting
c. Schools, PTA, church and other congregations
d. Flyers, Tarpaulins and other visual materials

6. Which of the following is not a function of the midwife during a measles outbreak?
a. Maintains surveillance of the occurrence of the disease
b. Renders healthcare and health education
c. Follow up cases and contacts
d. Manage measles with necessary medical treatment

7. What is the current maternal mortality rate of the barangay?

a. 29/10,000 live births
b. 29/10,000 population
c. 3/ 1,000 live births
d. 2/1,000 population

8. What is the current neonatal mortality status of Barangay 5?

a. 33/1,000 population
b. 33/1,000 live births
c. 20% of the population
d. 20/ 1,000 live births

9. What priority measure of the midwife that would improve the hygienic practices of the
community people of Barangay 5?
a. Health education on proper excreta disposal
b. Immunization against measles
c. Coordinate with NGO’s to fund and create additional sanitary toilets
d. All of the above

10. It is the responsibility of the ________________ to monitor and recommend sanitary

disposal of human waste.
a. Rural Health Midwife
b. Municipal Health Officer
c. Public Health Nurse
d. Rural Sanitary Inspector

11. You should also know that the ratio of Midwife to number of population in the
community is:
A. 1:5,000
B. 1:20,000
C. 1:10,000
D. 1:2,786

12. Barangay 5 is classified as what type of community?

a. Rural
b. Urban
c. Suburban
d. City
13. What possible health problem can occur if the crowding index is 4 persons per room in a
household in barangay 5, assuming that the household is densely populated:
a. Tuberculosis
b. Dengue
c. Rabies
d. All of the above

14. What possible health problem can occur if the ratio of communal sanitary toilet is 1 for
every 10 household?
a. Helminths infections
b. Water and food poisoning
c. B only
d. A and B

15. Which of the following practices of Barangay 5 will likely increase the probability of
infecting other people?
a. Sharing of utensils
b. Skin to skin contact
c. Breastfeeding
d. Proper hand washing

16. Which of the following situation would warrant the midwife of barangay 5 that the health
of the community has improved?
a. Decreased in number of maternal mortality rate
b. Decreased in number of neonatal deaths
c. Crowding index reduced
d. High rate of swaroop’s index

17. The environmental health factors of barangay 5 is under the community components of:
a. Housing
b. Health
c. Fire and safety
d. Communication

18. With the current educational attainment of the population of barangay 5, what mode of
health education will mostly be effective?
a. Lectures and seminars
b. Demonstrations and film showing
c. Peer sharing
d. Training

19. Is Barangay 5 a healthy community?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Not sure
20. As a Midwife you should know that the main goal of primary health care is to provide
essential health services to all Filipinos, which of the following is NOT included in this
a. Health services are accessible, acceptable and sustainable to the community people
b. Recognizes inter-relationship between overall socio-cultural, political and economic
development of the community
c. The community is able to afford the cost of their health needs.
d. Active involvement of the community is only limited to their personal needs and

21. The legal basis of Primary Health Care in the Philippines:

a. Letter of Instruction 949
b. Letter of Instruction 929
c. Republic Act 7392
d. Executive Order No. 51

22. Under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization, the 1st international conference
in Primary health Care was held in what country?
a. United States of America
c. Philippines
d. Turkey

23. Which of the following is NOT a component of Primary Health Care:

a. Immunization
b. Health education
c. Treatment of locally endemic diseases
d. None of the above

24. A Midwife assigned in Brgy. X wants to determine the characteristics of health in the
said community, which of the following observation of the midwife would indicate that
Brgy. X is healthy?
a. The members of the community are not fully aware of their health needs
b. People are concerned with their personal health needs
c. The Brgy. Officials has a strong governing body
d. All of the above

25. A type of community where residents are mostly involved in agricultural activities and
living conditions is less dens:
a. Suburban
b. Urban
c. Rural
d. City

26. An industrialized community is also knows as:

a. Suburban
b. Urban
c. Rural
d. Open-lands
27. Brgy. X is located on the capital of a Cagayan province, which of the following is a
characteristics of living conditions of the residents?
a. Mixed agricultural and industrial livelihood
b. More open spaces and less dense community
c. Mostly populated
d. Technology is the center of livelihood

28. The primary unit of the community is the:

a. Individual
b. Family
c. Community
d. Group Leaders

29. The main focal person and head of the Brgy. Health Unit is the:
a. Nurse
b. Doctor
c. Midwife
d. Barangay Health Worker

30. This refers to the science that deals with collection, organization, analysis and
interpretation of numerical data.
a. Biostatistics
b. Statistics
c. Vital Statistics
d. Health Statistics

31. This is a broad term applied to the practices and academic disciplines of civic leaders, activists,
involved citizens and professionals.
a. Community economic development
b. Community development
c. Community organization
d. Primary health care

32. Which of the following sustainable goals represents Millennium Development Goal 4 and 5?
a. Reduce inequalities
b. Good health
c. No poverty
d. Climate action

33. This is the action taken locally by a group of community to provide economic opportunities and
improve social conditions in a sustainable way.
a. Capacity building
b. Participatory planning
c. Environmental sustainability
d. Community economic development

34. Which of the following is the time frame of the sustainable development goals?
a. Year 2015-2030
b. Year 2000-2015
c. Year 1991-2000
d. 2000-2030
35. Which of the following agency is concerned with the development of international goals for
a. Department of Health
b. United Nations System
c. Non-Government Organizations
d. Supreme Court

36. This often refers to assistance which is provided to entities, usually developing countries
a. Social capital
b. Capacity building
c. Civil society
d. Sustainable development

37. This is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human need while preserving the environment
a. Environmental sustainability
b. Community development practice
c. Community participatory research
d. Sustainable development

38. The process of ensuring that processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the
idea of keeping the environment
a. Empowerment
b. Community based participatory research
c. Capacity building
d. Environmental sustainability

39. Increasing spiritual, political, social and economic strength of an individual is referred to as:
a. Community mobilization
b. Empowerment
c. Civil society
d. Asset based development

40. A research that is based as an equal partnership between traditionally trained experts in the
a. Community practice
b. Empowerment
c. Environmental sustainability
d. Community based research

II. Matching type. Match the statements from column A to the correct items in
column B

41. Selecting a host family a. Pre-entry Phase
42. Structures and skills development b. Entry Phase
43. Determine factors to ensure sustainability c. Helping Phase
44. Community profiling and analysis d. Phase out
45. Integration with the community
46. Provision of basic health services
47. Preparation of criteria and guidelines
48. Implementation of activities
49. Information campaign on health programs
50. Collection of primary data
III. True or False. Shade letter A if the statement is true or shade letter B if the
statement is false (10points)

51. Direct setting is sealed by the members of the community to develop their own initiative and
52. Helping phase is also known as community involvement phase
53. Skills and development refers to organizational structures both in the partnerships and in the
54. Conduct of an impact assessment done during the phase out phase
55. Collection of primary data are through interview with neighbors
56. In general community organization is more effective when it has immersion
57. Establishment of linkages with local leaders are done during the helping phase
58. Phase out is done when the programs are already community managed
59. Community planning is the formulation of measures to address the problem in a system
60. PHC is the core responsible program in the implementation of community development

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