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SoC Design

CEG5010 Tutorial 7
By K. H. Tsoi
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Introduction to SoC in FPGAs

The Suzaku board

Xilinx EDK

Application: Hello World

Application: User IP Adder

Introduction to SoC

SoC = System on Chip

Inside a single chip

Micro Processor



I/O controller

Supporting tools

Software/Hardware co-design


Micro Processor

Soft core: MicroBlaze

Resident in reconfigurable logic

32-bit processor, 32 user registers

Available in: VirtexE/II/II Pro/4, Spartan II/IIE/3

Hard core: PPC450

Dedicated VLSI core in FPGA chip

IBM PPC450 core w/ MMU

Available in: Virtex II Pro, Virtex 4


Bridge between processor & other logics

PLB: Processor Local Bus (fast) (PPC only)

Master/Slave interface

Directly connected to processor

32-bit address, 64-bit data

Data/Instruction memory for PPC

OPB: On-chip Peripheral Bus (slow)

Connected to processor through PLB

32-bit address, 32-bit data

Bus (cont.)

DCR: Device Control Register Bus (PPC only)

Between CPU's general purpose registers (GPRs) and the
DCR slave logic's device control registers (DCRs)

10-bit address, 32-bit data

LMB: Local Memory Bus (fast) (MB only)

Connecting MicroBlaze instruction and data ports to BRAM

FSL: Fast Simplex Link Bus (MB only)

Direct connection hardware core

FIFO using SRL16

Point-to-Point, unidirectional communication

Single Master/Slave for each FSL

Memory & I/O

On-chip memory:

BlockRAM, distribute RAM

Off-chip memory:


Compact Flash


Rocket I/O


Suzaku Development Board

Board Specification

Xilinx Spartan-3 (XC3S400-FT256-4C)

Crystal Oscillator: 3.6864MHz

Power: DC 3.3V 350mA

Free user I/O pin: 86

Configuration: JATG through TE7720

Reset: software reset

Pre-built: uCLinux running on MicroBlaze


Lab Environment

Getting Start

Connect RS232C UART to PC serial port

Open Hyper Terminal on PC

115.2k bps, 8-bit data, 1-bit stop

no parity, no flow control

Connect power (3.3V DC) to Suzaku

Wait for Linux to boot


User: root

Password: root


Programming the FPGA

Through FPGA/Linux (recommended)

Upload CF image to personal web server

Configure the uCLinux eth0 interface

Use the “netflash” utility in Linux to rewrite the
content of CF

Through TE7720

Connect JTAG to CON2 and use “LBPLAY2.EXE”

Directly to FPGA

Connect JTAG to CON7 and use IMPACT
Suzaku MicorBlaze Memory MAP
Start Address End Address Peripheral Device
0x0000 0000 0x0000 1FFF BRAM
0x0000 1000 0x7FFF FFFF Reserved
0x8000 0000 0x80FF FFFF OPB-SDRAM Controller SDRAM 16MByte
0x8100 0000 0xFEFF FFFF Free
0xFF00 0000 0xFF7F FFFF OPB-EMC FLASH Memory 4MByte
0xFF80 0000 0xFFCF FFFF Free
0xFFE0 0000 0xFFEF FFFF OPB-EMC LAN Controller
0xFFF0 0000 0xFFFF 0FFF Free
0xFFFF 1000 0xFFFF 10FF OPB-Timer
0xFFFF 1100 0xFFFF 1FFF Free
0xFFFF 2000 0xFFFF 20FF OPB-UART Lite RS232C
0xFFFF 2100 0xFFFF 2FFF Free
0xFFFF 3000 0xFFFF 30FF OPB-Interrupt Controller
0xFFFF 3100 0xFFFF 9FFF Free
0xFFFF A000 0xFFFF A0FF OPB-GPIO Boot Mode Jumper
Software Reset
0xFFFF A100 0xFFFF FFFF Free


Suzaku Flash Memory Map

Start Address End Address Region Size
0x00000000 0x0007FFFF FPGA bitstream 0x80000 (512KB)
0x00080000 0x0009FFFF Bootloader (don’t touch) 0x20000 (128KB)
0x000A0000 0x003EFFFF uC Linux + User application image (create your own) 0x350000 (about 3.3M)
0x003F0000 0x003FFFFF Config (for what?) 010000 (64KB)

User IPs should make use of the “free” slots in
memory map

New configuration (bitstream) should be
downloaded to 0x00000000 of Flash Memory

New uclinux kernel should be downloaded to
0x000A0000 of Flash Memory

Do NOT confuse MB memory and Flash Memory

Suzaku Booting Process

The configuration (i.e. address 0 of Flash

RAM) is loaded into FPGA via the TE7720

This configuration includes a simple

bootstrap (1st stage boot loader) in BRAM

The 1st stage boot loader copies the 2nd stage

boot loader (in Flash RAM 0x0009FFFF) into

The 2nd boot loader loads the Linux image

and starts the Linux boot sequence


Embedded Development Kit

Xilinx software to build SoC applications

Uses Xilinx Platform Studio interface

Abstraction platform descriptions

MHS: uP hardware specification
Parameters and Port of each module

MSS: uP Software specification
Specify which driver for which module

Wizard to import user peripherals/IPs
EDK (cont.)

Board level simulation

Integrated C compiler

Remote debug feature

Debug programs while running on target board


Standalone Applications

User application is only program run on uP

Direct access to all system resources

Uses C library provided by Xilinx

Compiled by Xilinx’s modified GCC

E.g. mb_gcc

Fast, simple, only Xilinx tool chain required

Limited function: no server, no IPC, etc.

User must handle all communications
Applications With OS

OS (e.g. uC Linux) loaded first into uP

User application run as a normal program
under the OS

OS and user application all compiled using
cross development tools

Complicated and may have OS overheads

Feature rich: all you can get from an OS

User applications access hardware resource
through APIs included in the OS


Environment Setup: uC Linux

On a Linux PC
Download cross development tool chain

Download uCLinux distribution

Download Hello demo program

Extract them all to user home directory
Rename the uClinux directory

mv uClinux-dist-20040408-suzaku4 uClinux-dist
Set the path environment

export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Environment Setup: EDK/ProjNav

On a Windows PC

Download the FPGA Project

Extract to a working directory (no space
allowed in path)

Make sure you have ISE 6.2i and EDK 6.2i

Use the 2005 version of Suzaku project if you
have ISE/EDK 6.3i


Environment Setup: Hardware

Make sure the Linux can boot up correctly

Connect the Suzaku board to PC through
serial port

Make sure the eth0 is up and connected to

Make sure the power supply will not be
interrupted during process

Application I: Hello World!

Only C program require

Left FPGA configuration untouched

Step 1: make kernel image

Step 2: make user application

Step 3: create Linux image

Step 4: download image to Flash memory

Step 5: reboot

Step 6: test user application

cd uClinux-dist
1 make menuconfig

















make clean; make dep; make

Step 2: Compiling User Application

Change directory to Hello World demo

cd $HOME/hello

Compile demo with ZFLAT compression


Check the compression flag of executable

mb-flthdr hello

Install executable into destination

make romfs

Check install complete

ls ../uClinux-dist/romfs/bin/hello

Step 3: Create Linux System Image

Change directory to uCLinux root

cd ../uClinux-dist

Create the romfs.img and combine with the

linux.bin created in Step1 to from image.bin

make image

Check image file is updated

ls -l image

Upload the image.bin file to web server


Step 4: Download Image to Flash

Boot up the Suzaku board

Login as root

Rewrite the Flash memory using netflash


This takes 1 to 2 minutes to finish

The system will reboot automatically and user

will see the login prompt again

WARNNING: DO NOT interrupt power supply

when rewriting the Flash memory!!

Step 6: Testing Application

Login as root

Run the demo application


The following message will be displayed in
console: Hello SUZAKU


Application II: User IP Adder

A hardware IP core is used in the demo

32-bit unsigned 2’s complement adder

Using ISE 6.2i with EDK 6.2i

The EDK project is set to be a sub-module in
complete design

Xilinx Project navigator combines the followings:

Netlist of MicroBlaze base system

Netlist of user IP cores

VHDL and UCF of top level Spartan3 design

User IP core connected to MicroBlaze through OPB

User application accesses IP core through the
mmap() API in uCLinux


Step 1: open demo project

Step 2: import IP template

Step 3: create user IP

Step 4: connect user IP to system

Step 5: generate configuration file (bitstream)

Step 6: create user application

Step 7: create system image

Step 8: download configuration to Flash

Step 9: reboot and test


Step 1: Open Demo Project

Start EDK and open the XPS project


What is inside the FPGA?

Click the “Applications” tag, select the

“Sources” and open “main.c”

This is the 1st stage boot loader which

resides inside the configurable data (BRAM)
and will be loaded to uP once boot

This 1st stage boot loader is a stand alone


The memory will be free and allocated later

by Linux

Step 2: Import IP Template


Select “Tools”  “Import Peripheral Wizard”

Step 2: Import IP Template



Step 2: Import IP Template


PLB is not supported

by MicroBlaze


Step 2: Import IP Template

3 registers are required

for a full adder: A, B, S


12 13
These are I/O register of
our IP core



Step 2: Import IP Template

We will synthesis the core

inside EDK environment

EDK will take care of these


Step 2: Import IP Template




Step 3: Create User IP

The newly created template is located in


There are two VHDL files in the directory


my_adder.vhd : the wrapper connected to IPIF

user_logic.vhd : the wrapper for user logic

All user IP designs should be included under user_logic.vhd
and left the my_adder.vhd untouched

User can find many useful information in the user_logic.vhd

Already existed I/O registers and read/write control

The memory map of the each register

All output signals are already driven as not to confuse uP

Step 3: Create User IP

The template allows uP write to and read

from all three registers
We need to disable the write to sum register,
S, which should be generated by A+B
The output of S must be registered as in the
original codes


Step 3: Create User IP

In file user_logic.vhd
Comment from line 176 and line 192–196
Insert the following after line 201
ADDER_CIRCUIT: process ( Bus2IP_Clk ) is

if Bus2IP_Clk'event and Bus2IP_Clk = '1' then

if Bus2IP_Reset = '1' then
slv_reg2 <= (others => '0');
slv_reg2 <= slv_reg0 + slv_reg1;
end if;
end if;

end process ADDER_CIRCUIT;

Step 4: Connect User IP

We need to tell the system where and how

our IP will be connect to the other parts of the
We use the first free slot in the system
memory 0x81000000 (as shown in previous
Select “Project”  “Add/Edit Cores …”


Step 4: Connect User IP

Step 4: Connect User IP

If any message about old core appear, just ignore it.


Step 4: Connect User IP

Use “Project” “View Block

Diagram” to verify the

Step 5: Generate Configuration File

Execute under the “Tools” main menu

1. “Generate Libraries and BSPs”
2. “Build All User Applications”
3. “Generate Netlist”

You should not see any errors in the process

All this can be done through the GUI

1 3

Step 5: Generate Configuration File

Create a new Xilinx project to include the top
level design and generated netlists

Step 5: Generate Configuration File

Empty simulator
field if you don’t
have ModelSim


Step 5: Generate Configuration File

All VHDL files

are ready. We
don’t need to
create new.

Step 5: Generate Configuration File
Open “top.vhd” and
“top.ucf” from the
parent directory.


Step 5: Generate Configuration File


Step 5: Generate Configuration File

Add the EDK project to the ISE project

Select “top-imp (top.vhd)” in “Module View”

Select menu “Project” “Add Source …”

Open the “xps_proj.xmp” in directory ..\xps_proj

Create Configuration bit file

Select “top-imp (top.vhd)” in “Module View”

Select “Generate Programming File” in Process View

Select menu “Process” “Rerun All”

The process should finish without error.


Step 5: Generate Configuration File

The top.bit file includes information header which
should not appear in Flash

Download and compile the bit2flash utility

gcc –Wall –o bit2flash bit2flash.c

Use the nohead utility to remove the header

bit2flash top.bit new.bit

Post the new configuration file new.bit on
personal web server

WARNING: This is a alpha test program, use it at
your own risk.

Step 6: Create User Application

We can start from the “Hello world!”
example by copying the hello directory to
my_adder directory
cp -r hello my_adder

Create a new C source file called

We will use the GPIO API in uCLinux to
access our IP core


Step 6: Create User Application

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
int main(void) {
int fd;
int *p;
fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
p = (int *)mmap(0, 256, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0x81000000);
if (p == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("Err: cannot access adder!\n");
return -1;
printf("input two numbers: ");
scanf("%d", p);
scanf("%d", p+1);
printf("%d + %d = %d\n", *p, *(p+1), *(p+2));
munmap(p, 256);
return 0;

Step 6: Create User Application

Edit the Makefile

Replace all instances of “hello” with

Compile the application
make -FLTFLAGS=-z

Install application and create system image
as in the “Hello world!” example


Step 7: Download Configuration

Login Suzaku as root

Through network
netflash –bn -r /dev/flash/fpga

In local file system

Store the new.bit in /var/tmp either through
system image or serial console
flashw -f /var/tmp/new.bit /dev/flash/fpga

WARNING: Do NOT reboot if download fails.
Try to download again.

Step 8: Reboot and Test

Remember to download the system image
and reboot again as shown in previous slides

After both FPGA configuration and system
image have been downloaded

Login as root

Run the your demo program




A better way to install user applications: FTP.

Bring up eth0 of Suzaku

Start FTP server in Suzaku: ftpd

Upload user application to /var/tmp

Do we really need 3 registers in the adder
example? No, it’s possible to use only one or
two registers to compute S=A+B.


The best way to recover is rewrite the Flash
memory with original images

This require a dump of the
/dev/flash/all and backup it in a safe
place (your PC)

Use netflash to cover the corrupted portion
of Flash memory

In case the system cannot boot up, user can
use the JTAG cable to download the FPGA
configuration as shown in next slices.

Step 5: Generate Configuration File

The Suzaku board accept MCS PROM
format for configuration
1 Select “Generate PROM, ACE, or 2
JTAG File” in Process View

Select “Process” “Run” from

main menu

Step 5: Generate Configuration File

6 7


Step 5: Generate Configuration File


11 Add top.bit in demo project


Step 5: Generate Configuration File


15 Exit iMPACT without

13 saving anything

top.mcs will be generated in the demo directory.

This file can be downloaded to Flash memory using JTAG.


Step 7: Download Configuration

The configuration file top.mcs must be
downloaded through TE7720 using JTAG

Make sure the JTAG cable is connected to
the CON2 port of Suzaku correctly.

Download the configuration using the lbplay2

..\lbplay2.exe -deb top.mcs

(Assume you are in the demo directory)

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