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Electrical and
Unit 1 Electronics Studies
Page 8

Unit 2 Jobs and Duties Page 18

Unit 3 Tools Page 31

Unit 4 Making Complaints Page 46

Unit 5 Robotics Page 59

Unit 6 Reports Page 69

Unit 7 Project Planning Page 79

Unit 8 Presentation
Page 93

Activity files 103

References 106

Glossary 107

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At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

 Inquire the information of the courses they concern

 Talk about their study at university



 Analogue Electronics (n)  Academic (adj) /ˌækəˈdemɪk/
/ˈænəlɒɡ ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/  Balance (n) /ˈbæləns/
 CAD (computer-aided design) (n)  Equipment (n) /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/
/kæd/,/kəmˈpjuːtə(r) eɪdɪd  Extra-curricular (n) /ekstrə
dɪˈzaɪn/ kəˈrɪkjələ(r)/
 Computer programming (n)  Facility (n) /fəˈsɪləti/
 Guidance (n) /ˈɡaɪdns/
/kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ/
 In terms of (phr.) /ɪn tɜːm ov/
 Digital Electronics (n) /ˈdɪdʒɪtl
 Lab (laboratory) (n) /læb/, /ləˈbɒrətri/
ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/  Lecture /ˈlektʃə(r)/ (n)
 Electrical principles (n) /ɪˈlektrɪkl  Practical (adj.) /ˈpræktɪkl/
ˈprɪnsəplz/  Theoretical (adj.) /ˌθɪəˈretɪkl/
 Reputation (n) /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/
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 Credit (n) /ˈkredɪt/

 Degree (n) /dɪˈɡriː/ C. STUDY SKILLS
 Certificate (n) /səˈtɪfɪkət/
 Note taking skills (n) /nəʊt teɪkɪŋ skɪlz/
 Bachelor (n) /ˈbætʃələ(r)/
 Organization skills (n) /taɪm
 Master (n) /ˈmɑːstə(r)/ ˈmænɪdʒmənt skɪlz/
 Doctorate (n) /ˈdɒktərət/  Time management skills (n) /taɪm
 Entry requirement (n) /ˈentri ˈmænɪdʒmənt skɪlz/
 Full-time (adj.) /fʊl taɪm/
 Semester (n) /sɪˈmestə(r)/

Subject Object Possessive Used for

Who Who(m) Whose People

Which Which Whose Things

That That People and/or

The students met the entry The students who got 7 points in
Who requirements for this university. Maths exam met the entry
They got 7 points in Maths exam requirements for this university.
The student got the best result in the The student whom I met
Whom national exam. I met him yesterday. yesterday got the best result in the
national exam.
I am looking for a college. Its location I am looking for a
Whose is in the city center. college whose location is in the city
I really love experimental I really love experimental
Which equipment. It was upgraded last year. equipment which was upgraded last
I really like the professors, facilities I really like the professors, facilities
That and research. They make the and research that make the
university in the top ten. university in the top ten.

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Task 3 – True or False While-reading – Scanning …………...

Task 4 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 5 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 6 – Matching While-reading – Matching …………...
Task 7 – Matching While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 8 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Writing Email of inquiry
Presentation Email of inquiry …………...
Task 1 – Arranging Email arranging …………...
Task 2 – Arranging
Sentence rearranging …………...
Task 3 – Sentence writing
Sentence writing …………...
Task 4 – Email writing
Email writing …………...


Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to ank and answer to obtain
information about a course.
Warm-up: Watch the video. Answer the following questions:
 What’s the topic?
 What words in unit 1 vocabulary can you think of?
 Work in groups and list them.
Activity 1: Who’s quicker?
 Work in groups. Look at the slides, guess the words. Raise your hand when you have
the answer. Say the whole sentence out loud.
 Turn to page 103. Write down your answer. Check the answer with your partner.
Activity 2: Reading
 Look at the course below. What kind of headings or sub-headings should you read if
you look for the kind of information in the statement. Choose the best answer.
 Read and decide if the course is suitable for the person with the statement? Write Y
for Yes, N for No.

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Course 1
Introduction to Electronic Systems
Description This course provides a basic introduction to the world of electronic
systems for the complete beginner. It illustrates how real-life problems can
be solved by electronic means.
Award National Certificate
College Paramount University of Technology, USA
Mode Evening
Duration 16 weeks x 2.5 hours
0. I am a complete beginner so I just want to take a basic course.
 Award/ college/ description
Answer: Description- Y
1. I am working in electronics but I want to improve my Title/ award/mode
knowledge in information technology.
2. My company requires me to get a certificate in 1 year. Title/duration/ mode
3. My company doesn’t allow employees days off to go on Mode/ title/duration
any educational courses.
4. I want to get an international certificate. Mode/duration/award
5. I wish to study in a university of technology in Asia. Duration/college/ mode

Activity 3: Lucky star

 Imagine you are a high school student. Make questions using the words given.
 Combine two sentences given using who/whom/which/that to give answers to the
 Work in pairs. Use the questions to ask and answer about your current course
0. Who/course/for? It’s for school leavers. They have just finished high school.
Answer: Who is this course for? It’s for school leavers who have just finished high school.
1. How many/ credit/ students/ take /total?
They take only 130 credits in four years. That means they have time to self- study.

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2. What award/ student/ earn /after / course?
They earn a Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering. It helps them apply for a job.
3. Which mode/ study/ the course?
It’s a full time course. It requires students to take at least 9 credits per semester.
4. How long/ the course/ last?
The training time is 4 years. It is shorter than that of other technical schools.
5. What/ entry requirements/ this course/ last year?
It was 23 points over 30 for 3 subjects. The subjects include Maths, Physics, and Chemistry.
6. Which college/ provide/ this course?
It’s Hanoi University of Industry. It is one of the best technical universities in Vietnam.
7. How /the facilities / that college?
There are over 30 labs. These labs are well- equipped with PCs, kits, gauges and signal
8. What/ basic subjects /students/ study?
Some basic subjects are electrical principles and electronics principles. These subjects
provide students with basic knowledge in electronic and electrical fields.
Activity 4: Meeting a counselor
 Work in pairs.
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 Student A: Look at the table below.

 Student B: Turn to page 103 – 104.
Card 1
Student A: You are a student. You are going to meet a counselor. You want to know some
information about the course, ask him/her some questions.
Course 1
Electronics Engineering
College (1)…………………………………………..
Mode (2)…………………………………………..
Duration (3)…………………………………………..
Award (4)…………………………………………..
Description Entry requirements: (5)………………... (last year)
Facilities: (6)……………………………..
Total credits: (7)…………………………
Basic Subjects: (8)……………………….
A: Good morning. I need some information about an electronics engineering course. Can I
ask you some questions?
B: Sure. Go ahead.
A: Which college provides this course?
B: It’s Hanoi University of Industry, which is one of the best technical universities in Vietnam.
A: ………………………………………………….
Card 2
Student A: You are a counselor. Give information about the course to a student. Add further
explanation to your answer using WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT.
Course 2
Electrical Engineering
Description Entry requirements: 20.5 points in total for maths, physics and
chemistry in National Highschool Exam (last year)
Total credits: 115
Basic Subjects: Electrical principles, Computer Programming, CAD
Facilities: modern labs and equipment
Award Bachelor Degree
College Ho Chi Minh University of Industry, Vietnam
Mode Full time
Duration 4.5 years

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Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about their study at
Warm-up: Quiz
 What type of students are you? Work in pairs to find out.
 Look at your answers and count the number of As, Bs and Cs to know the catergory
you belong to.
1. When do you usually get to school?
a) Early
b) Just in time when the bell rings
c) Often late
2. When do you usually do your homework?
a) As soon as you get it
b) A day or two before you have to hand it in
c) The same day you hand it in
3. What is your average mark in tests?
a) > 7
b) 5 - 6
c) < 5
4. What kind of a relationship do you have with the staff or teachers at school?
a) Great!
b) Not bad
c) Terrible
5. Where do you usually sit in class?
a) At the front
b) In the middle
c) Near the back
6. What do you want to do when you finish university?
a) Study for a Master’s Degree.
b) You don’t know yet.
c) Look for a job

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Activity 1: Running dictation

 Work in groups.
 There is a piece of paper being stuck outside of the class in which there are some
 Stand in lines. One person in each group goes out and reads from the paper, then

whisper to the next person in the line. The last person listens and writes down.

Activity 2: Listening

 Listen and answer: What is this video mainly about?

 Listen again and fill in the blank

I choose New Castle University because it’s got great reputation in terms of students’
experience, academic or (1) ………………..activities. New Castle is in the top ten in the
UK. It’s one of the best places to study. Friendly people, supportive staff, state of the art
(2) ………………… As I’m doing engineering, I always want the best of resources. We‘ve
got brilliant resources here: brand new(3) ……………….., brand new laboratory
equipment, brand new experimental equipment. We’ve got a lot of (4) ………………..,
and support through our lectures, as well as through our tutors. There are a lot of
opportunities for students to meet each other, make friends, and have opportunities to
not just learn about electrical (5) ……………….., but also learn about each other’s
cultures. I think that’s very important. There’s always a good balance between the (6)
………………..part and practical work.

 What can you remember? Close your book and outline what you can remember
about New Castle University.
 Work in pairs to make a complete presentation.

Students choose New Castle University for the following reasons.

Firstly, ……………………………………………………………………………………

Secondly, ………………………………………………………………………………

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Thirdly/ Next, ……………………………………………………………………………


Also, ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Activity 3: Monotalk

Talk about your education at university using the suggested questions:

 What‘s your major and your mode of study?

 How long does it last?

 What subjects are you currently studying?

 How do you study at your university? (Your study skills)

 Do you like your study at Hanoi University of Industry? Why (not)?


Look at the objectives specified at the beginning of the unit and write down what you
have (not) achieved and what you need to do to improve your English.

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At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

 Talk about some particular job responsibilities related to Electrical and Electronics
Engineering fields.

 Talk about ideal future jobs related to the field.



 Electronics Assembler (n)  troubleshoot (v) /ˈtrʌb.əlˌʃuː.t/
/el.ekˈtrɒn.ɪks əˈsem.blər/  undertake (v) /ˌʌn.dəˈteɪk/
 Electrical Maintenance Engineer (n)  recommend (v) /ˌrek.əˈmend/
/iˈlek.trɪ.kəl ˈmeɪn.tən.əns  accomplish (v) /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/
en.dʒɪˈnɪər/  rework (v) /ˌriːˈwɜːk/
 Quality Control Engineer (n)  kneel (v) /niː:l/
/ˈkwɒl.ə.ti kənˈtrəʊl ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪər/  grab (v) /ɡræb/
 Circuit Designer (n) /ˈsɜː.kɪt  modify (v) /ˈmɒd.ɪ.faɪ/
dɪˈzaɪ.nər/  stoop (v) /stu:ːp/
 Technical Sales Engineer (n)  establish (v) /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/
/ˈtek.nɪ.kəl seɪlz ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪər/  keep in touch with (phr) /kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ

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 negotiate (v) /nəˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/
 assembly (n) /əˈsem.bli/  vacancy (n) /ˈveɪ.kə
 breakdown (n) /ˈbreɪk.daʊn/  recruitment (n) /rɪˈkruːt.mənt/
 fixture (n) /ˈfɪks.tʃər/
 replacement (n) /rɪˈpleɪs.mənt/
 touch-up (n) /tʌtʃ - ʌp/
 standard (n) /ˈstæn.dəd/
 inspection (n) /ɪnˈspek.ʃən/
 circuit board (n) /ˈsɜː.kɪt bɔːd/
 filter (n) /ˈfɪl.tər/
 laboratory test (n) /ləˈbɒr.ə.tər.i test/
 contract (n) /ˈkɒn.trækt/
 term and condition (n) /tɜːm ænd
kənˈdɪʃ. ə n/
 defective (adj) /dɪˈfek.tɪv/
 potential (adj) /pəˈten.ʃəl/
A. Structures and useful expressions to talk about future:
a. Future Simple:
 Positive: Subject + will + V (infinitive)
 Negative: Subject + will + not + V (infinitive)
 Question:
Yes/No Question: Will + Subject + V (infinitive)?
Answer: Yes, Subject + will.
No, Subject + will not (won’t)
WH-questions (Where, When, Why, What, How, etc.):
Question words + will + Subject + V (infinitive)?
b. Note: S + would like, want, expect, intend, etc + to V
B. Structures and useful expressions to talk about job duties:

a. Modals: must, have to, should, need to

 Positive: Subject + modals + V (infinitive)
 Negative: Subject + modals + not + V (infinitive)
 Question:
Yes/No Question: Modals + Subject + V (infinitive)?
Answer: Yes, Subject + modals.

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No, Subject + modals + not

WH-questions (Where, When, Why, What, How…):
Question words + modals + Subject + V (infinitive)?
b. Useful expressions:
 Be responsible for + V (ing)
 Be in charge of + V (ing)


Look at the list below and tick the online learning tasks you have completed.
Online learning task Task focus Completed
Vocabulary Words and phrases related to
electrical/ electronic jobs and duties
Presentation Pronunciation, meaning and spelling …………...
Task 1 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 2 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 3 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 4 – Ordering Words and phrases – Spelling …………...
Section Test – Self- Words and phrases – Meaning & spelling …………...
Grammar Structures to talk about futures/ job
duties with Modal Verbs
Presentation Structures to talk about futures/ job …………...
duties with Modal Verbs …………...
Task 1 – Multiple choice Verb forms …………...
Task 2 – Gap filling Verb forms …………...
Task 3 – Gap filling Modal verbs …………...
Section Test – Self Error correction …………...
Listening Talks about operations
Task 1.1 – Multiple choice While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 1.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 2.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 2.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 3.1 – True or False While-listening – A talk …………...
Task 3.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 4.1 – True or False While-listening – A talk …………...
Task 4.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – A talk …………...
Task 5.1 - Multiple choice While-listening – A talk …………...

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Task 5.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...

Task 6.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A talk …………...
Task 6.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Reading Advertisements/articles/passages
about jobs/ duties
Task 1 – Short answers While-reading – Skimming & Scanning …………...
Task 2 – True or False While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 3 – True or False While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 4 – Matching While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 5 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 6 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 7 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 8 - Multiple choice While-reading – Scanning …………...
Writing Email of application in response to a
job advertisement
Presentation Email of application in response to a …………...
job advertisement
Task 1 – Matching Email completion …………...
Task 2 – Reordering Sentence rearranging …………...
Task 3 – Email writing Email writing …………...


Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about a
particular job in an advertisement.
Warm-up: Amazing Crosswords
 Work in two groups.
 There are ten cross words to guess.
 There is a key word down which can be guessed after finishing 5 cross words.
Activity 1: Who has better memory?
 Work in 2 teams.

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 Look at a list of 8 jobs on the slide.

 One of these jobs will disappear for each time shown on the slide.
 Each team is asked to remember and speak out the missing job and make a
sentence of the duties of that job.
Activity 2: Reading
Read the following job vacancy of Samsung Electronics Company in a local
newspaper. Then, choose the correct answers.
Electronics Technician (295500)
Management Support, Regular Full-Time
Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC, Austin Texas

Dec 28, 2016

General Description:
Job Description/Specific Job Duties:
Perform test and troubleshoot on printed circuit boards.
Primary Responsibilities:
• Test, diagnose, and troubleshoot circuit board failures
• Replace and/or repair faulty components using solder techniques
• Conduct testing and troubleshooting functions with the assistance of information in the
form of written or verbal descriptions/diagrams
• Research component specifications and performance data
• Perform quality inspections for all completed processes
• Provide a safe work environment for shift staff
Necessary Skills / Attributes:
Specific Certifications:
• Related work experience
• BA degree in electronics with 2-year minimum related experience.
Skills, Software Knowledge, Toolsets:
• System and computer skills / experience (user)
• Extensive experience in troubleshooting, soldering, and repairing multi-layered circuit
boards down to the component level
• Ability to view and handle very small components while working in a fast-paced
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• Effective communication skills

Adapted from articles in Ccipower


There will usually be some words in the text that you don’t understand. The important
thing is to be able to ‘read around’ the unknown words. These tips will help you learn
how to do this.

 Don’t worry about difficult vocabulary.

 Use the context to help you understand the meaning. Read the whole sentence
and the sentences before and after.
 What type of word is it? A noun? A verb? An adjective? An adverb?
 Does the word have a positive or negative meaning?
 Look for synonyms in the text. Well written texts use synonyms rather than
repeating the same word. If you don’t know the word, it may be a synonym of
another word in the text.
 Think about the topic. Which words do you know related to the topic?
 Is the word similar to another word you know? E.g. birth is similar to birthday.
 Is the word similar to a word in your language?
Adapted from articles in Learnenglishteen

1. What is the purpose of the advertisement?

A. to inform people that the company has moved

B. to state the reasons why new clients are needed

C. to announce a job opening at a company

D. to list the benefits working at a company

2. What position is the company seeking?

A. full-time Electronics Technician

B. part-time Electronics Technician

C. full-time Manager

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D. full-time recruiter

3. What are mentioned as the specific job duties in the vacancy?

A. to perform test on printed circuit boards.

B. to troubleshoot printed circuit boards.

C. to meet customers and deal with complaints

D. both A & B

4. What is the meaning of “diagnose” according to your understanding?

A. to identify problem by examining it

B. to ignore the problem

C. to draw a diagram

D. to keep nose out of others’ business

5. Can you guess the meaning of the word “fast-paced” without looking up the

A. slow-moving C. far away

B. happening very quickly D. normal speed

Activity 3: Peer conversation

Turn 1

 Student A: One of your friends is looking for a job and you’ve read a recruitment advertisement
of Canon Company in the newspaper. Call your friend to inform him/her about the job.
 Student B: You are a job hunter. Listen to your friend calling and ask him/her for more information
in details.

Information The Informer The Job Hunter

Position Electronics and Communication (1)………………………….

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Location BacNinh province (2)………………………….
Working hours Mon-Sat, 8a.m-5p.m (3)………………………….
Duties - design new systems and circuit (4)………………………….
- write specifications and technical
- supervise technicians
Salary $800 (5)…………………………

Turn 2
 Student A: You are a job hunter. Listen to your friend calling and ask him/her for more information
in details.
 Student B: One of your friends is looking for a job and you’ve read a recruitment advertisement
of Samsung Electronics Vietnam on the official website. Call your friend to inform him/her about
the job.

Information The Informer The Job Hunter

Position Quality Control Engineer (1)………………………….
Location Thai Nguyen province (2)………………………….
Schedule Mon-Sat, 8a.m-5p.m (3)………………………….
Duties - review production standards (4)………………………….
- test the products with regulations
- select the best techniques for a
given process
Salary $1000 (5)…………………………

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Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their ideal job.

Warm-up: Personalising

 Work individually.
 Fill in the questionnaire.
 Discuss your answers with the partner.

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Activity 1: Reading
 Read a passage of some interviewees talking about their ideal jobs and match
the new vocabulary in the passage with the suitable meanings. There are more
synonyms and meanings than needed.
How would you describe your ideal job?


I would describe the ideal job that makes the most of my qualifications and abilities, and gives me a
chance to constantly challenge myself. My ideal job is a job that provides opportunities to learn,
progress, and contribute to the organization. I look for a stable job with quality supervision and a positive
work culture at a successful company that I’ll encourage me to work at my best.

I would like to work in a professional place where everyone helps
each other as a team. My dream job would be the job where I
can use my creative abilities to support, aid, and mentor other I intend to apply at Intel next year.
professionals. My workplace would give me enough space and My ideal job would be open,
well-equipped. There would also be healthy team work, good supportive, and focused on
communication, and mutual understanding between members. fostering strengths. I love solving
problems either creating something
new which helped need something
more efficient. Doing electrical and
JAE WOO, SOUTH KOREA electronics engineering seems to
--------------------- be the most obvious to me because
the world is more created every
When I graduate, my dream career may be an electrical
engineer because it sounds very fun and interesting job, year. I just thought it would be great
and I like to work with all electrical things so it would be nice to be involved in that creation
job for me. And all electrical things are going to frequent so process to see how the world
it should be very easy to get good and well paid job. works. Additionally, I really want to
Electrical engineer job is installing and correcting every kind create something myself that
of electrical equipment, meters, lamps, electrical centers,
hundreds of people use it every

New vocabularies Synonyms and meanings

1. Qualification A. experience
2. Foster B. improve
3. Mutual C. difficulties
4. Challenge D. working effectively in an organized way
5. Efficient E. trainer
6. Mentor F. doing the same thing to or for each other
G. background knowledge

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 Read the passage one more time and find the words or phrases which indicate:

Job duties Working conditions

supporting supportive

 Work in pair. Read again and decide who:

1. expects to work at a well-equipped workplace …………………

2. intends to become an electrical engineer …………………

3. thinks that the world is more created every year …………………

4. is looking for a stable job …………………

5. likes to work with all electrical things …………………

6. wants to create something herself/himself …………………

Activity 2: Discussion

Work in pair and discuss about “ideal job” based on the passage you have read.

Suggestd ideas Question Answer

Ideal job  Could you describe your ideal  Well, my ideal job would
job? be…
 What’s your ideal job?  I would like to be…
 What kind of job is ideal for  I would like to work
you? in/for…
 What would be your ideal job?

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Workplace and  What kind of working hours  I would like full-time work.
Working hours would you prefer?  I’m flexible, but I prefer
Duties/  What will your job involve?  I will be responsible for
Responsibilities my boss, who is…
 I will be in charge of….
Best things  What is the best thing about  The thing that I love the
your job? most is…
Reasons for  Why do you love that job?  Well, I love this job
choosing because…

Activity 3: Mono talk

Talk about your ideal job.

 What is your ideal job? (Job title, workplace)

 What does your job involve? (Who are you responsible to, what are
you responsible for?)

 What are the job’s requirements? (Optional)

 What is the best thing about your job? (Salary, working conditions,
caring policies)

 Why do you love this job?

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