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Human Factor Module-9 set series-6

01. There are many errors occurs because of interface between the elements of shell
model.which of following
is related to environment
a. L-H interface b. L-S interface C)L-E interface
d. None
02. when an organization carrying there work on homogenious basis,then to achieve the
maximum safety for
organization is a
a. challenge b. Possibility c. Meraly possible matter
03. there are many aspects related to person such as health,medicine,drug,alcohol,fitness
there are generally
described the state of person
a. psychological fit to perform work b.Physically fit to perform work
c. Mentally fit to perform work d. None are correct
04. there are many types of error occurs related to tasks,which of thr following is not true
(there is no
possibility of error)
a. One time task b. Complex task c. Replaced task
05. it is to determined that to give more information to the person when working in a
condition of
a. fatigue b. Cheerful c.both are correct
06. A person is most susceptible to the injury or damage when there is a
a. loud noise b. Poor light c. High pitch sound
07. Effective communication can be in the form of
a. written b. Verbal c. Both d,. None
08. which of the following is in the dynamic display
a. Altimeter b. Sign., tags and charts
09. Nonverbal communication includes
a. Facial expression b. Body language c. Hand and arm
movements d. All
10. the factor of dirty dozen which effect the performance of individual working with a team
a. lack of team work linked with poor communication b) team co-ordination c)both
11. a well team working can
a. improve performance b. Improve effectiveness
c. Improve cleaniness d. All are correct
12. which is most important factor related information processing
a. Remembering b. Ability to speak c. Ability to listen
13. which is most important factor related to technical performance when working at hangar
a. Inadequate space b. Low light c. extreme ambient temperature.
14. which of the following is an active failure
a. a truck driver fails to apply the brake with in time and rammed in a parked aircraft.
15. the study of body dimension is known as
a. Anthropometry
16. The biomechanics is the study of human body
a. body motion b. leverage c. strength d. All are
17. MESH stands for
a. managing engineering safety health
18. The objective of training programme
a. the objective of training programme b. to know about factors causes aircraft
c. both a and b d. None are correct
19. Task analysis include
a. Actual users b. End users c. Sources of error
d. All
20. by providing good training we can
a. improve productivity b. improve workers satisfaction c. both
21. Reasons model provide guidance for
a. Preventive measure b. Managing hazard c. Both d. None
22. there are many aspects related to person such as health,medicine,drug,alcohol,fitness
there are generally
described the state of person
a. psychological fit to perform work b.Physically fit to perform work
c. Mentally fit to perform work d. None are correct
23. it is to determined that to give more information to the person when working in a
condition of
a. fatigue b. Cheerful c.
24.which is most adversely affects to the human performance
a. low light level b. Noise c. High pitch sound
25. the error differ from violatioins are
a. Delibarate b. usually occurs as result of some misunderstanding c.

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