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Q1. FANS stands for

1. Federal Aviation Navigation System 2. Federal Air Navigation System
3. Future Air Navigation System 4. Future Aviation Navigation System

Q2. In considering implementation of new communications, navigation & surveillance system and all of expected
improvement, it can be seen that the overall main beneficiary is likely to be
1. ATM 2. CNS 3. Both 4. None

Q3. Automation refers to a system or method in which many of the processes of production are
1. Manually performed & controlled by self operating machine
2. Automatically performed & controlled by self operating machine
3. Manually performed & automatically controlled by self operating machine
4. None of the above

1. Human factor has acquired a wider meaning, including aspects of human performance & system
2. Ergonomics generally consider aspects of human performance & system interfaces
3. Both

Q5. Ergonomics is the study of principles of interaction between

1. Human & equipment 2. Human & environment
3. Equipment & environment 4. None

Q6. Signal-to-noise ratio is the relationship between

1. Loudness of unwanted sound & that of background noise
2. Frequency of unwanted sound & that of background noise
3. Loudness of wanted sound & that of background noise
4. Loudness of wanted sound & that of background noise

Q7. Human capability to attend to more than one thing at the same time is
1. Selective attention 2. Divided attention 3. Both 4. None

Q8. Environmental stress includes the effect of factors such as

1. Temperature & humidity 2. As in (1) & noise & pressure
3. As in (2) & illumination & vibration 4. None

Q9. The fatigue which is induced by cumulative effects of fatigue over the longer time is termed as
1. Acute fatigue 2. Chronic fatigue 3. Mental fatigue 4. All are correct

Q10. Objective of human factor can be

1. Effectiveness of the system 2. As in (1) & includes safety and efficiency of individuals
3. As in (2) & the well being of individuals 4. Only (4) is correct

Q11. Primary concerns of human factors are

1. An understanding of the predictable human capabilities 2. As in (1) & its limitations
3. As in (2) & the application of the understanding 4. None of the above

Q12. Study of the structure and nature of human being, their capabilities & limitations & their behaviors both
singly &
groups is
1. Home Science 2. Human Science 3. Physiology None

Q13. The study of the efficiency of persons in their working environment is called
1. Ergonomos 2. Ergonomics 3. Psychology 4. None

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Q14. SHEL concept was first developed by
1. Edwards in 1975 2. Hawkins in 1972 3. Edwards in 1972 4. Hawkins in

Q15. In SHEL model, L indicates

1. Leaving standard 2. Live ware 3. Low cost 4. None of the

Q16. In SHEL model which is most critical as well as the most flexible component in the system
1. Software 2. Hardware 3. Environment 4. Live ware

Q17. The edges of the SHEL block are not simple and straight which indicates
1. The other components of the system must be carefully matched to them if stress in the system and
breakdown is to be avoided
2. The components are flexible in nature
3. It is easier to draw 4. None

Q18. Which component is called the hub of the SHEL model of human factor
1. Software 2. Hardware 3. Environment 4. Live ware

Q19. Misinterpretation of checklists or symbols or non-compliance with procedures comes under

1. Live ware – Hardware problem 2. Live ware – Software problem
3. Live ware –Environment problem 4. None

Q20. Need for human factors is based on its impact on

1. Well being of operational personnel 2. As in (1) & Effectiveness of the system (includes safety)
3. As in (1) & Effectiveness of the system (includes efficiency) 4. All

Q21. CHIRP means

1. Continental Human Factors Reporting Program 2. Confidential Human Identity Reporting Program
3. Confidential Human Factors Responding Program 4. Confidential Human Factors Reporting Program

Q22. The quality and effectiveness of communication is determined by its

1. Competitivity 2. Intelligibility 3. Connectivity 4. All

Q23. Prominent benefits of crew co-ordination are

1. An increase in safety by redundancy to detect & remedy individual errors
2. An increase in efficiency by the organized use of all existing resources which improves the in-flight
3. Both (1) & (2) 4. Only (1) is correct

Q24. What are the basic variables which determines the extent of crew co-ordination
1. Attitudes 2. As in (1) & motivation
3. As in (2) & Training of team members 4. As in (3) & Efficiency

Q25. Crew Resource Management Training ensures that

1. The pilot has the maximum capacity for the primary task of flying the aircraft & making decisions
2. The workload is equally distributed among the crew members
3. A co-ordinated co-operation will be maintained under both normal & abnormal conditions
4. All

Q27. Effectiveness off the system can be

1. Safety 2. Efficiency 3. Well being of operational personnel 4. Both (1) & (2)

Q28. Acute fatigue is induced by

1 Long duty periods 2. Cumulative effects
3. Emotional stress 4. Disturbance of body rhythms

Q29. Sleep is a restrictive function and is essential for

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1. Mental performance 2. Physical performance 3. Attention 4. Alertness

Q30. Skills, knowledge or attitudes gained in one situation can often be used in another. This phenomenon is
1. Negative Transfer 2. Positive Transfer 3. Neutral Transfer 4. Either (1) or (2)

Q31. Centralization depends on its

1. Stability 2. Predictability 3. Environment 4. Both (1) & (2)

Q32. The problem is acknowledged and global action taken, such action is
1. Denial Action 2. Repair Action 3. Reform Action 4. Both (1) & (2)

Q33. The duration of short term memory can be extended through

1. Rehearsal 2. Encoding 3. Motoring 4. Both (1) & (2)

Q34. The actual or perceived pressure which an individual may feel

1. Peer pressure 2. Pear pressure 3. Hawthorne effect 4. Motivation

Q35. The process whereby the individual changes the situation itself
1. Coping 2. Relaxation 3. Adjust 4. Imposed

Q36. Skills, knowledge or attitudes gained in one situation can often be used in another. This phenomenon is

1. Negative Transfer 2. Positive Transfer 3. Human Transfer 4. Either (1) or (2)

Q37. When previous learning interferes with new learning then this phenomenon is called
1. Negative Transfer 2. Positive Transfer 3. Human Transfer 4. Either (1) or (2)

Q38. Storage of information which will be starved & quickly forgotten is called
1. STM 2. LTM 3. LLTM 4. None

Q39. Reflecting the difference between what a person can be actually will do is called
1. Application 2. Human performance 3. Motivation 4. None

Q40. Three major factors that can influence the well-being of operating personnel are
1. Fatigue 2. As in (1) & body rhythm disturbance
3. As in (2) & sleep deprivation or disturbance 4. As in (4) & humidity

Q41. Condition reflecting inadequate rest as well as a collection of the symptoms associated with displaced or
disturbed biological rhythms called
1. Fatigue 2. Body rhythm disturbance 3. Sleep deprivation 4. None

Q42. Long duty period or string of particularly demanding tasks performed in a short term induces
1. Chronic fatigue 2. Mental fatigue 3. Acute fatigue 4. All

Q43. Cumulative effects of fatigue over the long term induces

1. Chronic fatigue 2. Mental fatigue 3. Acute fatigue 4. All

Q44. Emotional stress, even with normal physical rest causes

1. Chronic fatigue 2. Mental fatigue 3. Acute fatigue 4. All

Q45. The most powerful agents which maintains body rhythms are
1. Light 2. As in (1) & darkness 3. As in (1) & meals 4. Meals &physical

Q46. Disturbance & de-synchronization of body rhythms (especially in case of long distance trans-median air
1. Jet lag 2. Time lag 3. Jet lap 4. None

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Q47. Condition where a person has difficulty in sleeping or when the quality of sleep is poor is called
1. Ergonomics 2. Hypoxia 3. Insomnia 4. All

Q48. Difficulty in sleeping in particular situations where biological rhythms are disturbed and is the one we are
concerned about in long range trans-median flying is called
1. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder 2. Rhythm sleep disorder
3. Primary insomnia 4. None

Q49. When insomnia occurring under normal conditions & in phase with the body rhythms, it is called
1. Primary insomnia 2. Secondary insomnia 3. Tertiary insomnia 4. All

Q50. Two different approaches to control human errors are

1. Ensuing levels of staff competence, designing controls so that they match human characteristics
2. As in (1) & by cross- monitoring & crew cooperation
3. As in (1) & by proper training to the people
4. Either (1) or (2) or (3)

Q51. Different aspects of teaching process are

1. Education 2. Training 3. Recreation 4. Only (1) & (2)

Q52. Process of developing specific skills, knowledge or attitudes for a job

1. Education 2. Training 3. Recreation 4.None

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Aviation Legislation (JOHN KHAN)

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