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Situation: Choose one (1) media and information trend and explain how this came

about, including its impact on society and its influence on you.

In recent years, the usage of digital media in personal and professional communication has increased at
a dizzying pace, and the COVID-19 epidemic has further accelerated that trend.

Lockdowns, illness fears, and in-person business restrictions have all driven individuals to utilize the
internet more.

With the pandemic as a starting point, a slew of digital media trends are expected to permanently
impact the digital landscape in ways that communication professionals must be aware of.

The following are a few examples of future digital media trends. (Maryville University)

Trend #1 Youtube & Video

Trend #2 Diversify with Tiktok, Reddit & More (Goodwin, et al.) (2020)

Question: Based on your perception of the current society and the behavior of the
current generation, what future trends do you expect to see in 10 years?

Teenagers today live in a world that is "always connected."

They use the Internet to complete homework, submit papers using Google Docs, Snapchat their buddies,
listen to music on Spotify, watch Netflix instead of television, and stroll through Instagram and

Their college applications are also filed via the internet.

Every element of their lives appears to have a digital component at times.

Is there such a thing as too much technology or being too digital, even though all of these gadgets,
applications, and technologies have made their lives easier, more efficient, and more connected?

The solution is disputed among experts.

They're also split on what this means for the future well-being of the country's youth.

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