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दक्षिणीरे लवे


मुख्यालय काकायाालय/ Headquarters Office,

पररवहन शाखा/Transportation Branch,
चेन्नई /Chennai – 600 003.
सं/ No.T.157/Amendment to SR/2021 ददनाांक /Date : 23.03.2022.


Correction Memo. No.01/2022 to GRS

1. Substitute the following for S.R 4.65 (viii) ( c ) (11)

S.R 4.65 (viii) ( C ) (11)

In case of wrong line working, on completion of the work, the Track Machine Operator
of the leading machine shall bring his machine to a stop outside the FSS of the right
line or the LSS of the wrong line (on which he is running) , whichever he comes across
first . The Station Master of the station in rear shall arrange to send a competent
railway servant to this location with a written memo .The competent railway servant
shall hand over the written memo to the SSE/JE (P.Way) and pilot the machine upto
the Shunt signal (on which he is running) , where provided. The Shunt signal shall be
taken off to receive the machine (s) to any of the running lines, as operationally
In the event of the Shunt signals not being provided, the Track machines shall be
piloted by a competent railway servant from outside the FSS of the right line or LSS of
the wrong line ,whichever he comes across first into the station, on the written
authority as per the provisions of S.R. 5.10 (i) duly ensuring the correct setting
,clamping and padlocking of Points ,as may be required.

The Points shall not be altered till such time the SSE/JE (P.Way) in charge certifies the
complete arrival of all the track machines in writing. The SSE/JE (P.Way) shall be
responsible to ensure that all the track machines follow each other without delay and
arrive at the station safely.

2. Substitute the following for S.R. 9.12 (iii) (6) (Page-265)

Loco Pilots of all trains on the affected area shall be so advised in writing by the station
in rear of the affected section on which temporary single line working has been
introduced. The Loco Pilots of trains running in the wrong direction shall be given the
prescribed Line Clear Ticket before entering the affected section.

( The phrase “ A written authority (Form T/369 –(3b)) shall also be given to the Loco
Pilots of trains running in the right direction to pass the Last Stop signal “ has been

3. Substitute the following for S.R. 9.12 (iii) (12) (Page-267)

The speed of the first train running in the wrong direction shall not exceed 25
kilometers an hour. Subsequent trains may run at their booked speed, subject to
observance of other speed restrictions in force.

4. Delete the columns indicating the location of Caution indicator, Speed indicator and
Termination indicator given in the specimen forms of T/409 (page No. 6 ) & T/B 409
(page No. 8).

Note: Till such time corrected forms are printed and issued, the SM shall score out
the columns indicating the location of Caution indicator, Speed indicator and
Termination indicator, before issue of caution order. This correction is necessitated to
have uniformity with the ICMS generated Caution order .

This has the approval of the Authorized Officer.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the same and all concerned may please be notified.


Date: 2022.03.23 08:22:32 +05'30'

स. सुरेश/ S.Suresh
वपप्र / नियम/STM/Rules
ु प्र/PCOM
Copy to: -
Secy to GM- for the kind information of GM
Principal/MDZTI/TPJ, Principal/DTTC/GOC, Principal/ZETTC/AVD &
PCOM/SWR, PCOM/SCR &PCOM /KRCL – For kind information.
Sr.DOMs/MAS, SA, PGT, TVC, TPJ & MDU- for information and action please.

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