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Uncontrolled When Printed Railway Group Standard

Issue TWO
Date August 2000

Requirements for

This document sets out the design
requirements for structures

Submitted by

This document is the property of

Railtrack PLC. It shall not be
reproduced in whole or in part without
the written permission of the Controller,
Dean Benson Railway Group Standards,
Standards Project Manager Railtrack PLC.

Published by
Authorised by Safety & Standards Directorate
Railtrack PLC
Railtrack House DP01
Euston Square
London NW1 2EE
Brian Alston
© Copyright 2000 Railtrack PLC
Controller, Railway Group Standards
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Railway Group Standard
Design Requirements for Structures Issue Two
Date August 2000
Page 1 of 7

Section Description Page

Part A
Issue Record 2
Responsibilities 2
Compliance 2
Health and Safety Responsibilities 2
Supply 2

Part B
1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Definitions 3
4 Principles 4
5 Duties and Competency 4
6 Intended Use and Life 4
7 Structural Adequacy 4
8 Materials and Workmanship 5
9 Adequacy of Structure Gauging, Clearances and Dimensions 5
10 Execution / Decommissioning 5
11 Future Maintenance 5
12 Compatibility with Other Infrastructure 6
13 Operational Safety 6
14 Design Control Procedures 6
15 Limitations on Use 6
16 Identification of Structures 6
17 Structures Owned by Outside Parties 6
18 Records 6

References 7

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Railway Group Standard
Issue Two
Date August 2000
Design Requirements for Structures
Page 2 of 7

Part A
Issue Record
This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete

Revisions in this document will be marked by a vertical black line in the right
hand margin adjacent to the revision.

Issue Date Comments

One January 1996 Original Document
Two August 2000 Updated to cover introduction of high speed

Due to the restructuring of the document it

was deemed inappropriate for this issue to
identify revisions by a vertical black line in
the adjacent margin

Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group *
and apply to all relevant activities that fall into the scope of each individual’s
Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a contractor, the
contractor’s obligation in respect of Railway Group Standards is determined by
the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where a contractor is
a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway Group Standards apply
directly to the activities described in the Safety Case.

* The Railway Group comprises Railtrack and the duty holders of the Railway
Safety Cases accepted by Railtrack.

The provisions in this document are to be complied with from
2 December 2000.

Health and Safety

In issuing this document, Railtrack PLC makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with all or any documents published by the Safety &
Standards Directorate is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or
operation. Each user is reminded of its own responsibilities to ensure health and
safety at work and its individual duties under health and safety legislation.

Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this document may be obtained from the
Industry Safety Liaison Dept, Safety and Standards Directorate, Railtrack PLC,
Railtrack House, DP01, Euston Square, London, NW1 2EE.

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Railway Group Standard
Design Requirements for Structures Issue Two
Date August 2000
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Part B
1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to set out the requirements for the design of

2 Scope
The overall scope of Railway Group Standards is as specified in Appendix A of

Specifically the requirements of this document apply to all structures on, over,
under or adjacent to the areas of railway infrastructure identified in Railway
Group Standard GA/RT6001 “Railway Group Standard Change Procedures”
(including all temporary works provided for the execution of such structures).

This document covers structural aspects of design and those relating to:

• safe movement of users (including clearances)

• provision of adequate protection to users.

It does not cover other safety related aspects of design (eg, those relating to
ventilation, means of escape, access platforms and ladders).

The requirements for structures that are owned by outside parties and whose
failure has the potential to affect the safety of train operations are set out in
section 17 of this document.

This document contains requirements which are applicable to the duty holders of
the following categories of Railway Safety Case :

• Infrastructure Controller
• Station Operator.

3 Definitions
The removal, demolition or other means of taking a structure out of use.

The activity of creating a structure, including work on site and fabrication of
components off site and their subsequent erection on site.

Outside Party
Any person, or organisation, other than a Railway Group member. An outside
party also includes a Railway Group member acting outside the scope of its
Railway Safety Case accepted by Railtrack.

Something designed to support a load. The term includes bridges; viaducts;
tunnels; culverts; retaining walls; coastal and estuarial defences; gantries, posts
and stanchions carrying overhead line equipment, lighting or signals; train sheds;
platform canopies; platforms; buildings; water retaining structures;
embankments; cuttings; temporary works or temporary works attached to a

The term includes any permanent access features.

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Railway Group Standard
Issue Two
Date August 2000
Design Requirements for Structures
Page 4 of 7

4 Principles
Structures are designed so that:

• they are capable of carrying and transferring the loads applied to

them (HMRI Principle)
• there are adequate clearances between trains on adjacent tracks and
between trains and structures and fixed equipment to ensure safe passage
(HMRI Principle)
• they provide for the free and safe movement of people (HMRI Principle)
• in the case of station platforms, they will allow for the safe waiting of people,
their boarding and alighting from trains (HMRI Principle)
• they can be executed, inspected, maintained and decommissioned safely
(CDM Regulations)
• future, reasonably foreseeable developments are considered.

In addition, appropriate means to identify particular locations on the

infrastructure are provided for the safe operation and maintenance of the railway
(HMRI Principle) (see section 16).

5 Duties and
The responsibilities and duties of all persons responsible for the design of
structures shall be clearly defined in writing and understood by these persons.

The skill, expertise, training and experience of those employed shall be

appropriate to the nature and complexity of the structures being designed. This
competency shall be assessed by the person making the appointment.

The CDM Regulations set out requirements for those managing construction /
design work with respect to competency.

6 Intended Use and Life

The following shall be specified for the design of the structure:

• the traffic (including type and intensity where appropriate), persons and / or
equipment that the structure is required to support and / or the level of
protection to be provided taking into account foreseeable future traffic;
• the intended life of the structure (where reasonably appropriate).

7 Structural Adequacy
The structure shall be designed with reasonable professional care to provide
adequate resistance to the intended applied loads (including its self weight) and
the likely effects of external influences during its intended life assuming
appropriate standards of execution and maintenance.

The structure shall also be designed and executed with sufficient robustness so
that it will not be damaged by accidental events (for example, train derailment) or
vandalism, to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.

Where the traffic loading is the responsibility of another authority, the loading
together with any requirements for controlling the loading shall be agreed with
that authority.

The loading and resistance requirements shall be based on suitable standards

(eg, European or British standards and codes of practice), current best practice
or appropriate risk assessment.

Attention is drawn to the following Railway Group Standards:

GC/RT5112 Loading Requirements for the Design of Bridges

GC/RT5161 Station Design and Maintenance Requirements

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Railway Group Standard
Design Requirements for Structures Issue Two
Date August 2000
Page 5 of 7

8 Materials and
Suitability of Materials and Workmanship
Suitable materials and standards of workmanship shall be specified for the
structure, including any processes required for the approval of new materials.
Both structural and health and safety aspects shall be considered.

9 Adequacy of Structure
Gauging, Clearances and
9.1 General Requirements
The location and dimensions of the structure (including any intended equipment
that it is designed to support) shall provide, where appropriate:

• for the safe movement of vehicles, persons (including those whose mobility
is impaired) and / or equipment
• adequate protection and / or deterrence from unauthorised access
(eg, trespass or vandalism)
• adequate protection to vehicles or persons using or affected by the

Attention is drawn to the following Railway Group Standards:

GC/RT5161 Station Design and Maintenance Requirements

GC/RT5164 Design Requirements for Roofs and Glazing
GC/RT5203 Infrastructure Requirements for Personal Safety in Respect of
Clearances and Access
GE/RT8029 Management of Clearances and Gauging
GM/RT2149 Kinematic Gauging Requirements for Railway Vehicles
GM/TT0101 Clearance Requirements for Electrified Lines and T&RS

9.2 Structures over Electrified Railway

The following requirements apply to parapets of structures that are over railways
electrified on the 25kV overhead or conductor rail system and where
pedestrians, animals, pedal cycles and vehicles drawn by animals are not
excluded by Order.

Parapets shall not be less than 1500mm high (1800mm where the bridge is
frequently used by equestrian traffic), shall have an inner face which is smooth
and imperforate over its full height without hand or footholds and shall be
provided with steeple copings or equivalent. In addition, parapets shall extend at
least 3000mm beyond any uninsulated overhead equipment.

Consideration shall be given to providing additional protective measures on

footbridges where vandalism is known to be a problem in the area.

10 Execution /
The structure shall be designed so that there is at least one safe and feasible
method for its execution and for its subsequent decommissioning.

11 Future Maintenance
The structure shall be designed so that future foreseeable maintenance
requirements can be carried out safely including, where appropriate:

• examination of the structure;

• replacement of components, materials (eg, paint) or equipment with a
planned life less than that of the structure.

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Railway Group Standard
Issue Two
Date August 2000
Design Requirements for Structures
Page 6 of 7

12 Compatibility with
Other Infrastructure
The structure shall be designed so that:

• the structure itself and any equipment it supports does not affect the safe
functioning of any adjacent, proposed or existing structure or equipment
• adjacent proposed or existing structures or equipment will not affect the safe
functioning of the structure or the equipment it supports.

13 Operational Safety
Other influences or requirements which may affect the safety of railway
operations or the safety of persons whose duties take them on or near the line
shall be considered and taken into account, including:

• the safety of train operations of other railway infrastructure owners that are
likely to be affected by the structure
• sighting of train control equipment or other lineside signs
• the safety of staff on platforms
• provision for staff on or about the track including the provision of positions
of safety
• aerodynamic effects of passing trains
• potential arcing of electric power equipment
• ground water where this has the potential to affect train control or other
safety critical equipment (eg, in tunnels).

GK/RT0037 sets out the requirements for signal sighting.

14 Design Control
The design control procedures for the structure are given in GC/RT5101,
Technical Approval Requirements for Changes to the Infrastructure.

15 Limitations on Use
Any limits on the use of the structure shall be stated, recorded and controls put
in place for the limitations to be observed (for example notices and / or physical

16 Identification of
GC/RT5100 sets out the requirements for the identification of structures.

17 Structures Owned by
Outside Parties
Procedures shall be in place to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable,
the requirements of this document are applied to intended structures that fall
within the scope of this document and that are owned by outside parties.

18 Records
Procedures shall be in place for records of the drawings, calculations, risk
assessments, limits on use and other relevant information which relate to the
fitness for purpose of the structure to be prepared and retained for the life of the
structure by the Railway Group member responsible for the safety of the
structure. Copies of the records shall be made available to the person or
organisation responsible for maintaining the structure as required.

Requirements for the management of Safety Related Records of Elements of the

Infrastructure are given in GI/RT7001.

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Railway Group Standard
Design Requirements for Structures Issue Two
Date August 2000
Page 7 of 7

Railway Group Standards
GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Change Procedures
GC/RT5100 Safe Management of Structures
GC/RT5101 Technical Approval Procedures for Changes to the Infrastructure
GC/RT5112 Loading Requirements for the Design of Bridges
GC/RT5161 Station Design and Maintenance Requirements
GC/RT5164 Design Requirements for Roofs and Glazing
GC/RT5203 Infrastructure Requirements for Personal Safety in Respect of Clearances and
GE/RT8029 Management of Clearances and Gauging
GI/RT7001 Management of Safety Related Records of Elements of the Infrastructure
GK/RT0037 Signal Sighting
GM/RT2149 Kinematic Gauging Requirements for Railway Vehicles
GM/TT0101 Clearance Requirements for Electrified Lines and T&RS (to be superseded by
GM/RT8025 Electrical Clearance Requirements for Electrified Lines).

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994, (CDM Regulations)

Other Publications
HMRI Railway Safety Principles and Guidance

Other Associated Publications

Meeting the Needs of Disabled Passengers – A Code of Practice produced by
the Office of the Rail Regulator

The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards
CD-ROM give the current issue number and status of documents published by
the Safety & Standards Directorate.


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