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Rapid Fire Legacy, Prospect, Legend, and Premier


The Leagues
The Rapid Fire Leagues are all part of the Rapid Fire Organization. These 4 leagues
run in NA and will operate on Eastern Standard Time. The league is a 3v3 Rocket
League format. This outline is made to guide the leagues from season 2 and beyond.
Professional style set up leagues with franchises, GMs, drafts, contracts, and teams
competing to be the power house of their league each season! Open to all platforms.
Everyone who wishes to participate in this league must be in our discord and should be
14+ years of age.

The Roles
There are many roles you could be in while at RFG. Some of these roles require more
work and higher positions in the org, while others are smaller and still help. Any help is

This role is for anyone who would like to be a commentator or streamer for the RFG
twitch. This job requires time to cast matches of the league, broadcast community
events, and other league events. The head of casting is Gummi816#4470. Talk to him if
you have any questions.

General Managers (GM)

General managers are a big part of the org. General Managers are in charge of their
whole franchise including all team levels placed in tiers. GMs make all selections in the
draft and at the start of the season, they get to choose what levels they want their teams
in. Organizing their players, and making sure their franchise can field full rosters on
match days. Give players outlets for improvement. Handling inter-franchise disputes.
Interfacing with members in a mature, responsible way.

This role is for people who play in any of the 4 Leagues or is an FA. Players will have an
mmr based on their ranks. All players must have 40 games played between the current
and last Rocket League season.

League Ranks
Prospect League - Bronze 1 to Diamond 3 (MMR 0 to 1,060)
Legend League - Champ 1 to Champ 3 (MMR 1,075 to 1,420)
Premier League - Grand Champion 1 to SSL (MMR 1,435 to 1,867+)

Team Capacity
Prospect - 3,850 MMR
Legend - 4,900 MMR
Premier - 6,660 MMR

Tryouts will be held for free agents and new players during preseason. Each franchise
can host their own tryouts per league and must be reported to the #tryout-board in the
given format. All teams are expected to be filled by the end of preseason or will receive
a strike.

Signing Day
At the start of every new season there will be an opening signing day. All players are
considered for signing day (people who sign up for the league before the season starts).
After signing is opened, the GMs will sign players on a contract. They are not held to
that contract until roster lock occurs.

Players can get signed to a franchise team by a GM. There are two different contracts
that can be signed: A one season contract or a two season contract. If players rank up
mid contract (2 season), then GMs have an option to promote them to their higher
franchise team or drop them after the first season. The temporary contract allows GMs
to hold onto a player until matchup 3, after matchup 3 they have to decide if they want
to sign the player to a contract or drop them.

Trades can happen during the season until roster lock. Rosters must be locked after
Matchup 6. A trade can consist of rostered players from any team and can be traded
from one franchise to another. GMs, remember that even after trades have been made
they should fit the team capacity.

Each team is allowed to have one player on reserve. The reserve spot player may only
play in two matches of the entire season. Ex) One player played as reserve for two
games and is no longer a reserve. That team cannot have a new reserve play two
games since they already had their reserve spot played twice. In depth, a reserve is a
substitute for a main player in a series. The reserve may only sub for a player that is of
equal or higher value than the reserve.

Free Agents
Free agents are players that are not on a team during the season. All free agents will be
considered for the preseason draft. Free agents can be signed to a roster if a GM
decides to pick them up. If a team has one or more players unavailable, then the team
will be able to pull a sub from the free agency for the duration of that match. If a GM
drops a player from their temporary contract or removes a player due to inactivity during
the season, then they can sign an FA to their team. This action must be taken before
roster lock.

Any player that is currently rostered on a franchise is ineligible to sub for another
franchise team. The only way a rostered player can sub is playing for the team that is a
level above within their franchise. All FA's must be used for a team that still needs a
sub. Going into season 3 all FA's that sub for a team need to be checked in with a staff
member and General Manager of the franchise in which the sub will be playing for. The
value rule will still apply for subs, so a rostered player can only be replaced by someone
equal to or lower than his/her value. Each team can still use a reserve, but refer to the
*reserve rule* for clarity.

There are 16 franchises in the league and the league is split into two conferences. The
franchise names are LA Assassins, Seattle Stars, Nashville Hazard, Pittsburgh
Predators, Philadelphia Phantoms, San Diego Spartans, San Francisco Sharks, New
York Ninjas, Baltimore Blazers, Miami Mafia, Denver Dragons, Dallas Diamonds, New
Orleans Knights, Chicago Clowns, Houston Heatwave, and Kansas City Kings.

Eastern Conference Western Conference

Nashville Hazard Los Angeles Assassins

Philadelphia Phantoms Dallas Diamonds

Cleveland Cyclones Houston Heatwave

Pittsburgh Predators San Francisco Sharks

Miami Mafia Seattle Stars

New York Ninjas Denver Dragons

New Orleans Knights Kansas City Kings

Chicago Clowns San Diego Spartans

● Streaming match schedule will be sent out before the season starts.
● Make sure to dm the staff members/casters at least 24 hours before the game
● All names of players should be appropriate.
● Arrive 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the match.
● Do not wear any restricted item. (Check Rules)

Each team will play their entire conference at least once and 4 teams from the other
conference during the season. The season will be 6 weeks long. Each team will play 2
matches each week, one during the week and one on the weekend. The date and times
will be posted after the draft. All matches in the season will be Best of 5. If a player
disconnects/leaves during the game they will not be allowed to rejoin until the next
game. Subs are only allowed between games, not during one. If a team is unavailable
or does not arrive on time for the scheduled game then that results in a forfeit which is a
3-1 for the present team. The present team must wait for 15 minutes after scheduled
time to see if the opposing team shows up. There MUST be one PC spectator/player in
the match that saves the replays of each game. Those replays must be sent to
SoccerStar02#2181. If a match is not played before the deadline, then it will result in a
double forfeit for both teams. All matches should be played on USE servers unless
agreed by both teams.
● Points will be awarded to teams based on the following
○ Win 3-0 - 4 Points
○ Win 3-1 - 3 Points
○ Win 3-2 - 2 Points
○ Loss 2-3 - 1 Point
○ Loss - 0 Points
● Top 2 teams from each conference by the end of the season will make the
● All playoff matches will be streamed on the Rapid Fire’s Twitch account.
● All playoff matches will be Best of 5 and all will be played on USE servers.
● The finals match will be a Best of 7 and will be played on USE servers.
● If a player disconnects/leaves during the game they will not be allowed to rejoin
until the next game.
● No free agents are allowed in any playoff matches.
● Subs are only allowed between games, not during one.
The staff will award the tiles below
-MVP of playoffs
-Overall MVP
-Western MVP
-Eastern MVP
-All-Stars of Eastern Conference
-All-Stars of Western Conference
-Season (#) Champions
Strict Rules
● Prior to this rule change, decals interfering with lobby colors on a streamed
match were forbidden. With some discussion and suggestions, we've come to a
compromise between players, staff, and casters. The rule update will allow
players to wear decals that are "interfering" as long as the color of that decal is
the same as the color of their franchise/lobby color. Decals that do not match the
colors will still remain forbidden.
● Matches can only be played on the fields listed below
○ Mannfield
○ Neo Tokyo
○ DFH Stadium
○ Urban Central
○ Utopia Coliseum
○ Champions Field
● If a player uses a prohibited item, the game they are using it will be ended
immediately and replayed.
● If it happens a second time in the same series, that game will result in a FF.
● If these Uniform guidelines are not followed, then the following consequences will
○ Level 0: Warning
○ Level 1: 2 Series Suspension
○ Level 2: 3 Series Suspension
○ Level 3: 1 Season Suspension
○ Level 4: Ban from Rapid Fire
● No toxicity, sand-bagging, smurfing, etc. will be tolerated. If this happens and
there is proof, then the players doing this will be banned.
● If a rostered player is inactive for three or more days without notice, then the GM
gives them a warning. If this happens again, then the GM can choose to drop the
player if they wish.
● You are not allowed to leave the server once a season is underway. If you
happen to leave, then you will be put on a list showing your ineligibility.
● Admins have the right to edit the rules at any point in time as they see fit.
● All Rapid Fire Esports Discord Rules apply

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