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The ultimate goal for any content on the web is to reach as much audience as possible.

The more the people accessing the content, the more potential business is to be had, or
message shared whatever the intent is. There are over a billion websites as of today, and
all of them desire to appear in search engine rankings.

Google is the leading search engine today. Most websites and content creators use their
strategies in order to appear in the Google search rankings. This is called Search Engine
Optimization, better dubbed SEO.

SEO can be divided into two parts, Content Marketing SEO strategies, and Technical

Technical SEO

The other type is Technical SEO. This type of optimization involves setting up websites
so that the search engines are able to interpret, crawl and index web pages. This is done
on top of enabling your user have the best possible experience. The technical
optimization is code based, as opposed to content based. A professional web developer is
needed in technical SEO to do testing and implementation of strategies.

Technical SEO involves many components. This ranges from user experience, where
speeds come into the picture, instructions to search engine crawlers to structuring of
data among others.

Avoiding broken urls

A website should have active urls such that a 404 error is avoided when a user searches
for a resource. There shouldn’t be broken links that would lead to this, and this can be
avoided by redirection whenever a targeted page is moved.

Security – Use of SSL

The websites should be secure, whereby links between a user/browser and the server are
secured by technologies like SSL – Secure Sockets Layer. This can be seen easily when
you view a web address, as secure websites always have an https:// instead of just an

Loading Speed

One of the most important components for a website ranking higher is the speed of the
website. A good website that loads very fast mostly ranks better than those that load
slowly. This has seen many websites favoring static pages, by use of frameworks like
Gatsby, among others. Good speeds can also be achieved by compressing files, limiting
links that redirect and optimizing images.
Other components involve structuring of data, like schema markup that enables the
website to utilize the power of semantic web. Search engines interpret the context of
your content, including media. Structuring of data enables your website to be ranked
well by the search engine, which relies on it when it wants to render your web content as
featured snippets.


Search engines use web crawlers when searching for results. There’s a text file that lives
in a website’s root directory, dubbed ‘robots.txt’. It contains a set of instructions for the
web crawlers on what it has permission to crawl and what it can’t crawl.

This can be utilized in such a way that it eases the work of the crawler by guiding it to
crawl only the important content. This way, the web crawler will spend least time on
your website, which makes your website rank better.

Other Strategies

There are other components like Sitemaps, met robot tags, website architecture,
optimized responsive design that’s mobile friendly and web accessibility, all contribute
to the technical strategies for optimized rankings.

While it is not the only strategy that will guarantee ranking on search engines, Technical
SEO strategies are important in that it enables your web page to be ranked. When used
with other strategies, it can guarantee a good ranking in the niches they’re in.

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