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Study note 23/07

>>> Vocabulary quiz: TECHNOLOGY

>>> Commonly confused words quiz

1/ if / whether

- prep. + whether

She is interested in whether he is coming to the party.

- I doubt if .... I don't know whether .......

I doubt if I can drive. My foot really hurts.

I'm not sure whether I should take the course.

- whether or not

Can you tell me whether or not you're interested in the job?

2/ affect / effect

- affect (v) - affected - affected

= influence

- effect (n) - effects + on sth/sb


3/ beside / besides

- beside: preposition of place

- besides: linking device (= furthermore, moreover...)

4/ raise / rise

- raise + Object (transitive V)

She raised the gun.

They raised lots of questions.

I am raising a cat.

- rise + No Object (intransitive V)

The consumption has risen dramatically. (increased)

The sun rises in the east.

5/ uninterested / disinterested

- uninterested (a) (feeling) not interested

- disinterested (a) = unbiased, objective

6/ historic / historical

- historic (a): important in history

historic sites/ moment/ occasion

- historical (a) related to the study of things from the past.

historical novels/objects

to be of historical importance


Exercise 3:

- a direct result of sth

- to have an effect on sb/sth

- to suffer/face the consequences

- a solution to a problem

>>> Homework:

 Vocabulary: Technology
 Vocabulary 7: Science and Discoveries
 Word form online (6)
 Practice test 1 online
Deadline: 10 p.m. Tuesday 27/7/2021

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