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Arellano University

S.Y. 2021-2022

Daily Learning Plan in Personal Development


I. TOPIC: Career Development

II. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. Understand the concept of social influence, leadership and follower-ship.
b. Analyze the importance of the Social Influence in pursuing goals and aims in life.

REFERENCES: Social Influence by:McGraw Hill, 2009

A. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Classroom Management
B. Motivation
C. Development of the Lesson
A. Activity
Concept note no.


Social influence – is the process by which individual’s attitudes, beliefs or behavior are modified by the
presence or action of others. With three (3) areas such as Conformity, Compliance and obedience.


“Social influence comprises the ways in which individuals change their behavior to meet the demands of a
social environment. It takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer
pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing.” - herbert Kelman

“Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other
members of an organization.- Mary K. Prat

“Followership is a straightforward concept.  It is the ability to take direction well, to get in line behind a
program, to be part of a team and to deliver on what is expected of you.  It gets a bit of a bad rap!  How well
the followers follow is probably just as important to enterprise success as how well the leaders lead”- John
S. McCallum

Leadership and Social Influence Processes

1. Status and Power

2. Leadership
3. Followership
4. Contingency Theory
5. Group Norms: Social Influence and Conformity’
6. Group Development

is the level of social value a person is considered to hold. More specifically, it refers to the relative level of
respect, honour, assumed competence, and deference accorded to people, groups, and organizations in a society
defined as "the ability to set standards, create norms and values that are deemed legitimate and
desirable, without resorting to coercion or payment", is a central part of contemporary international politics.


Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other
members of an organization. 

Three types of leadership styles

1. The autocratic leader
The autocratic leader understands the strength of authority. Autocratic leaders are not interested in opening up
the decision-making process to the entire group. Instead, they choose to bear the leadership completely alone.
They expect those who fall under their authority to follow orders.

2. The democratic leader

A democratic leader encourages the free exchange of ideas throughout the team. All members have a valued
voice and the leader acts as a spokesperson or facilitator. Democratic leaders rely on the participation of every
member of the group. They emphasize the value and expertise each member brings to the table. Every team
member shares the freedoms and responsibilities of leadership.

3. The laissez-faire leader

Laissez-faire leaders are the hands-off type. They assign tasks and give general direction but they’re usually
uninvolved in day-to-day tasks. Employees decide on the best approach to fulfill their responsibilities. Laissez-
faire leaders put a great amount of faith in the individual. They trust them to remain self-motivated, on-task, and
accountable. If issues arise, these leaders are available to offer direction, but only upon request. Laissez-faire
leaders allow each member of their team to succeed or fail based on their own abilities.

B. Analysis
What is your perception in dealing social influence?
C. Abstraction
Why is it important to have a good leadership?

D. Application/Assessment
Direction:Cite a scenarios that shows Social Influence from a politician versus a
normal citizen.

Politician Normal Citizen

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