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VECTOR QUANTITY: Co initial, Co terminus, Co planner, Collinear vectors

 A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. Co initial: Vectors having same origin
Ex: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force etc Co terminus: Vectors having same termination (end point)
 It is represented by an arrow. Length of arrow Co Planner: Vectors of same plane
corresponds to the magnitude of vector quantity and Collinear: Vectors lie on same line
direction of arrow is same as that of vector quantity.

For example-
(i) A = 5 m due east (ii) B = 5 m due north –east
(iii) C = 5 m due 300north of east
Unit Vector:
Position vector:
 A vector having magnitude 1 i.e. IAI = 1
Position of a point with respect to origin. Represented as
It can be obtained by dividing vector by its magnitude i.e.
 = A/IAI so A = IAI Â
Unit vector along x axis = î
Unit vector along y axis = ĵ
Unit vector along z axis = k
Displacement vector: Resolution of a vector:
Position of a point with respect to another. Represented as  A vector can be resolved into infinite number of
AB = OB – OA components.
A When a vector is resolved into two components which
B are mutually perpendicular components, components are
called rectangular components.
O So
A = Axî + Ayĵ Y
Types of vectors A = (Acos) î + (Acos) ĵ
Parallel Vectors: Vectors having same direction or same Ax = A cos
Magnitude of A:
unit vector. Their magnitude may or may not be same.
A or IAI = (Ax2 + Ay2) 
Note: If magnitudes of them are same then they are equal
Direction of A : Ay = A sin X
Tan  = Ay/ Ax
Parallel Vectors Equal Vectors
To solve a problem that vector has to be resolved which
B B is neither parallel to motion nor perpendicular.
A=B Addition of vectors:
(i) Triangle law of vector addition/ head to tail method
Antiparallel Vectors: Vectors having opposite direction or (for non co initial vector)
different unit vector. Their magnitude may or may not be
If two vectors are represented both in magnitude and
direction by two sides of a triangle taken in same oreder
Note: If magnitudes of them are same then they are
negative vector of each other then their resultant is represented both in magnitude and
direction by the third side of the triangle taken in opposite
Antiparallel Vectors Equal Vectors order.

A = -B or B = -A
Sine Rule:
SN = R sin  from Δ OSN
And SN = B sin  from Δ PSN
So B sin  = R sin 
or (B/ sin ) = (R/ sin )
also PM = A sin , in Δ OPM
and PM = B sin , in Δ PSM
so B sin  = A sin 
(ii) Parallelogram Law of vector addition: or (B/ sin) = (A/ sin )
If two vectors are represented both in magnitude and hence
direction by two consecutive sides of a parallelogram then (B/ sin ) = (R/ sin ) = (A/ sin )
(iii) Polygon law of vector addition:
their resultant is represented both in magnitude and
It states that if a number of vectors are represented
direction by the diagonal of parallelogram passing through
completely by the side of a polygon taken in order their
point of intersection of those two sides. resultant is fully represented by the closing side of
the polygon taken in opposite order

Analytical Method to find resultant of two vectors:

Let OP and OQ represent the two vectors A and B making an Subtraction of two vectors:
angle Then, using the parallelogram method of vector
addition, OS represents the resultant vector R : Subtraction of vectors can
R=A+B be defined in terms of
SN is normal to OP and PM is normal to OS. addition of vectors. We
define the difference of two
vectors A and B as the
sum of two vectors A and
–B : A – B = A + (–B)
It is shown in Fig The
vector –B is added to
vector A to get R2 =(A– B).

Property of vector addition:

(i) Addition of vector is commutative
Magnitude of R: A + B = B+A
In Δ OSN OS2 = ON2 + SN2 (ONS = 900) (ii) Addition is associative
or OS2 = (OP+PN)2 + SN2 A + (B+C) = (A+B) + C
or R2 = (A+B cos)2 + (B Sin)2 Production of vectors:
(A) Production of vector with scalar:
or R2 = A2+2ABcos + B2cos2 + B2Sin2
Only magnitude of vector quantity gets modified and
or R2 = A2+2ABcos + B2 (cos2 + Sin2) direction remains same.
or R2 = A2+2ABcos + B2 (cos2 + Sin2=1) For Example: 5 m due east x 6 = 30 m due east
or R = ( A2+2ABcos + B2) or 5î x 6 = 30 î
Direction of R: Production of vector with vector:
From P, tan  = SN/ ON There are two types of product of vector with vector
tan  = B sin/ (A + B cos)
(i) Dot product or scalar product:
Similarly from Q, tan  = A sin/ (B + Acos)
It is defined as It is defined as : AXB = AB sin  n,
A.B = AB cos, where  is the angle between A and B (AB sin) gives magnitude and n is called unit vector, It
A.B = A(component of B along A) gives direction to vector AXB. This direction is always
B.A = B(component of A along B) perpendicular to both A and B

This product is also called scalar product because result is a Geometrical Interpretation:
scalar quantity. The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors is
equal to area of the parallelogram formed by the two
Geometrical Interpretation: vectors as its adjacent sides.
Scalar product of two vectors is equal to the product of IAx BI = area of parallelogram OPRQ
magnitude of one vector (A) and component of other Or IAx BI = 2 x area of Δ POQ
vector in the direction of the first vector (B cos).
Special cases:
Special cases: (a) If  = 1800
(a) If  = 900 AXB =0 AXB=0
A.B =0 A.B=0 It is the condition for two vectors to be Parallel..
It is the condition for two vectors to be perpendicular.
(b) If there is vector product of vector with itself i.e.
(b) If there is product of vector with itself i.e. AXA = AA sin 00
A.A = AA cos 00 =0
A.A= A2 (c) Scalar product of base vectors
Note: A  A but A.A= A2
(i) for same base vectors: îxî = ĵxĵ = kxk =0
(c) Scalar product of base vectors (ii) for different base vectors: îxĵ = k
(i) for same base vectors: î.î = ĵ.ĵ = k.k =1 ĵxk = î
(ii) for different base vectors: î.ĵ = ĵ.k = k.î=0 kxî=ĵ
(as î,ĵ and k are mutually perpendicular)
Properties of scalar Product:
Properties of scalar Product:
1. Vector is not commutative (Non commutative)
1. Scalar product is commutative AXB  BxA
A.B = B.A 2. Vector product is associative
2. Scalar product is associative AX(BXC) =( AXB)XC
A.(B.C) =( A.B).C 3. Scalar product is distributive over addition
3. Scalar product is distributive over addition Ax (B+C) =AxB + AxC
A.(B+C) =A.B +A.C
Physical Example of vector addition:
Physical Example of vector addition: Torque  = r x f
Work done = F.S Angular momentum, L = r x P
Instantaneous power = F.v
How to solve cross product of two vectors using
Solution of dot product: determinants:
If A = A1î+ B1ĵ+C1k and B = A2î+ B2ĵ+C2k
A.B = AB cos  Then A x B = î ĵ k
A.B = (A1î+ B1ĵ+C1k)( A2î+ B2ĵ+C2k) A1 B1 C1
= A1 A2+ B1 B2+C1 C2 A2 B2 C2

Or A x B = î(B1C2 – B2C1) – ĵ(A1C2 – A2C1)+ K(A1B2-B2A1)

(ii) Cross product or vector product:

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