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AXM Framework

App Market Solutions from Yexle

AXM Framework
Business Need Concept
Data in the form of Q&A, Feedback and surveys to be collected by
organisations need them to be either developed specifically for applications or This framework enables organizations to create questions, attach these
organisations have to depend on other survey sites to create questionnaire and to dynamic layouts and roll these out either as Q&A, Feedback or survey
obtain feedback. Combined with different surveys being triggered at different forms
points of times too, this results in outcomes being disjointed, cumbersome to
track progress and to consolidate results of assessments, root causes and Weightage can be assigned to questions/layouts too enabling
conduct review / remedial actions. Our AXM Framework enables organisations
organizations to obtain weighted survey scores and take the appropriate
configure Q&As, feedback, surveys, collate reviews and provide significant ROI
to surveys through relevant actions and drive overall compliance supporting the next steps. Trends of these scores can be tracked and monitored to
wider agenda of organisations and service specifications improve customer journeys and User experience

Features Impact to Customer

Define Questions Customer can create, attach and roll-out questionnaire/surveys within minutes rather than to
Define Layout & Assessment develop a question pack
questions with Weightages Automatic weightages associated to each questionnaire / forms help determine RAG statuses /
various options Define if the
of capturing layout is for Assign Groups & Roll-out survey outcomes immediately and alert customers to take corrective actions
Q&A, for Assign
answers weightage to Next Actions
(Textbox, obtaining Roll these Organisations can provide end-users a seamless (everything on Appian) user experience rather
feedback or appropriate
dropdown etc) answers layouts to than having to either redirect them to other survey sites or spend additional effort towards
rolling out specific groups Depending on integrating survey outcomes
surveys. or trigger them the results, the
based on framework can
automatically The framework can be more 'pervasive' and can be used to create multiple types of surveys or
events (End of questionnaires and provide a comprehensive view of these across different points of times (trend
process, forms trigger the
next actions analysis)
(Tasks or
processes) Customers can triggers these assessments at various points of the User journey to obtain
weightages that can help them improve overall customer experience

AXM – Potential Areas of Usage
(Scalable to do repeatable activities but for various parameters)

Different sets / Create different Include / Attach

Collected Data
layouts using Assign the form these to the
sections of data the ‘Q&A’ to groups existing
used through
to be collected the application
format processes

Role based / Create different

Assign different Include these to Collected Weightage
layouts using
Flow based the ‘Feedback’
forms to the processes Feedback with based Results /
Feedback different flows (start / end) weightages Next Steps?

Flow based Create layouts Collect and Aggregate

Assign Survey to Assessments /
using ‘Survey’ collate survey Reports based
Survey end of flows Next Steps?
format outcomes on weightages

…and many
Any questions?
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Yexle Limited 4

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