Research Proposal Group6

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Title: Teencode “abusing or a

modern language”.
Group 6
Trần Hữu Thanh 181701032
Trần Nguyễn Mai Hân 181701051
I. Introduction
Teencode is a term used to allude to one more composed type of Vietnamese. The
primary utilization of this content is intended for encryption. It is gotten from and
created from long range informal communication and online computer games. At first,
it was utilized mostly to stay away from content location by guardians and others.
Teencode comes in various assortments. It has classifications that are created
dependent on the Vietnam cript or freely from the Quoc Ngu script. Notwithstanding
its essential use, it is additionally utilized for stylization or shortened forms.
Today in Vietnam, understudies are effectively available to numerous cutting edge
gadgets, particularly cell phones, or PCs are the fundamental instruments for living in
correspondence, learning and amusement. . While the quantity of individuals utilizing
these electronic gadgets expanded a ton thus another dialect was framed to be more
appropriate for this 4.0 time referred to prominently as Teencode or investigated by
numerous specialists. Etymology breaks down that this is another cutting edge
language as per Academic administrator Pham Van Tinh "teencode exists and
parasitizes in the core of normal Vietnamese, however it's anything but a marvel
special to Vietnam yet happens in numerous nations on the planet like the US, Japan,
Korea ... this method of correspondence is anything but a self-assertive plan of
language characters yet observes its own guidelines, not after the typical Vietnamese
rationale, making anybody whenever contact first individuals will imagine that there is
an issue with Vietnamese, however this is turning into a reality" so the significant
point in this review is to unite information just as assist society with improving.
consciousness of ensuring Vietnamese language, realizing how to pick dialects to try
not to utilize normal Vietnamese in trivial issues Since language is more risky than we
might suspect, even teencode is by all accounts advancing, so it must be reflected in
the most generally and viably to keep terrible conduct from manhandling Teencode.

II. Problem statement

This research question is about how can we be balanced using between teen
code?. As we probably are aware, other than normal Vietnamese, there are
additionally topographical lingos, social tongues, shoptalk, language... Teencode is a
type of language that makes it simple for youngsters to convey and offer their
viewpoints, sentiments and seeing one another. It likewise assists many individuals
with alleviating pressure, so life is additionally more enthusiastic. However, teencode
is only a parasitic language. It relies upon the "have" being Vietnamese every one
individuals. On the off chance that an excessive number of individuals misuse it, it
will lose its shape and advancement as indicated by the principles of normal
Vietnamese. On the off chance that this language is utilized in the youthful local area,
many individuals will get it. In any case, whenever utilized with individuals who are
old or who don't have a clue, it is befuddling, even moronic.
The difficult problem now is that the knowledge and awareness about protecting
Vietnamese and the balance between Vietnamese and teencode is very limited because
very few articles talk about this incident. Especially during the covid-19 pandemic, it
is extremely difficult to organize a survey or find information. Although previous
research articles mentioned that teencode was being popularized, but there was not
much harm to this because at that time teencode was only in the development stage as
we can see it was only temporarily considered as information. newspaper, but within
the last few years linguists have begun to notice its versatility and danger. This
research paper will both inform and highlight the extent of the damage this language
III. Objective
This research paper can help young people who are fulfilling their academic
obligations. Improve visibility on how to best use teencode and give some appropriate
advice to encourage the spirit of protecting common Vietnamese, sometimes those
who can't learn, this will be suitable research and even this study can reduce the
number of people who are using this new language in a negative way and to achieve
the above achievements, our team has raised 2 research questions: search to find that
Research Question 1: How long does it take to get the necessary data on
whether young people are using teencode more or less Vietnamese or regional
languages to live in a day?
Research question 2: How to build a solid Vietnamese foundation for each
The two questions above help many people imagine that this research will go
deeper into the issue of time to recognize and strengthen and learn how to saturate
yourself in a developing 4.0 environment in which teencode mostly took up a lot. This
study will also partially make up for it or can be understood as making up for the
missing information in previous studies
IV. Literature Review
For quite a while, teencode has turned into an issue that many individuals,
articles... talk about. This type of language mostly utilizes shortenings and letters all
things considered. For the people who are not used to perusing and utilizing it, they
will confront numerous hardships when they need to peruse archives utilizing
There is an assessment that this type of language ought to be and is slowly
being killed and improved to return "the virtue of Vietnamese". Be that as it may,
teencode is as yet well known with numerous youngsters.
These are simply some objective assessments of some linguists
Thanks to the research paper of the VAIS group (hate speech detection system:
A deep learning based approach for system combination, 2019). The group has built a
system to probe bad words on social networks called VAIS. The number of teencode
users and some special characters like emoji icon "emotion-icon" is increasing, but
most of them are figurative and impure. In the research paper, it was shown that once
cooperated with the police of Hanoi capital to track down a criminal who was trying
to approach a young victim when both were using social networks to chat with each
other to avoid Attention, teencode is a very suitable language for this Vietnamese
because the network police or network security does not have any tools to select
content or words that are harassing or illegal.
However, this VAIS tool has been deprecated because of the sophistication of
special language users who have added some special or prominent characters that is
GIfs "an animation" can easily bypass the security of social networks and commit
their violations.
Therefore, the study will help share old information and briefly summarize the
previous research so that people can look back before bad guys are taking advantage
of teencode to perform malicious acts.
Meanwhile in another research paper "why do young people in vietnam use
expletive english words while speaking Vietnamese?,2018" by Vu Hai Ha. The study
shows that teencode abuse in Vietnam is not only happening on social networks, but
recently the influence of teencode is trending in other countries around the world. The
young generation Vietnam has been causing worries to society because of their habit
of using gibberish expletive language. The following study is carried out to determine
the motive of the present-day young people when they use expletive English word
while speaking Vietnamese. By using both the survey questionnaires (N=489) for
individuals and (n=15) for group interview, the study has come to two main
conclusions. First, unlike to the common assumptions that youngsters like to use the
expletive word just for "fun", "styssh" or for "convenience"; the motive of the
youngsters may stem from a series of reasons and more diverse elements. Second, this
behavior may play the role as a trick in communicative activities, a measure taken to
overcome their losses in learning and a mode to settle the inconveniences in reality.
That is why, getting insight into these language behavior could bring about the useful
conclusions for the teaching and learning of English capacity a foreign language in
This study has shown the strength of using vulgar English words in normal
Vietnamese communication sentences, but failed to identify and counter this is
Teencode abuse that young people especially catch. The source is from young people
who are studying and living abroad So to be careful to avoid cases like the meaning of
words being distorted due to use in teencode we need a research paper to complete
these things. information associated with multiple events such as the case above. This
will surely help many individuals realize the purity of the language not only in
Vietnam but also in many other countries.
V. Methodology
The survey subject of our group will be a HIU Student and is studying the same
language as you and me because most of them are 4th year students, so everyone will
have different prejudices so the lesson will be very effective and effective. will get the
required data. To collect the most necessary information, we will do the following
The first test will be translation in which teencode words have been recorded so that
the operator can rely on his knowledge and translate it into a normal Vietnamese
sentence. The test will be performed by 30 people based on To the results as follows,
we will add some research data and give the following results:
Proficiency in the use of teencode words. Survey takers will have 3 correct answers
out of 9 questions, that is the average level of 3 to 6 questions, the remaining level is
considered as proficient through which we can know the ability to absorb words. or
how often teencode and infrequent users use it (for proficiency we will also include a
frequency question to rate the test positively) and more precise).
The second test will still be translation, but in the sentence there will be other English
words including: slang, expletives word, or current hot trend words, the way to get the
data will also be the same level of success. Regular use will also be two factors to
perform data processing
Another form of data collection is to ask 3 questions yes or no
to rate yourself on the 3-point scale of understanding teencode.
Correct one sentence, the result will be that the average person does not have the style
to pay attention to the influence of society and is not aware of how dangerous
teencode will be.
Correct 2 sentences, the result will be the person who learns and knows how teencode
has and formed
Correct 3 sentences, the result will be the person who knows the positive and negative
influence of teencode
Survey 1

Teencode sentence Normal sentence

Thik khum, khum thic thi thou kiu :0
Z tí nua lm = dth hay seo

Test 1

Test 2

Teencode sentence Normal sentence

Dell hiu k gi 
Damn, cái burger này bussing tek nhò

Survey 2
Questions Yes No
Do you like bun real
Do you use teencode everyday

Times Works
Week 1 Find topic and research paper for the topic
Week 2 Dicuss after research and dividing role
Week 3 Contribute one’s idea and write information
Week 4 Make Instruction and complete it
Week 5 Making a survey question and tests
(Research time table)
A Large-scale Dataset for Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media
Texts [Submitted on 22 Mar 2021 v1 , last revised 20 Jul 2021 (this version, v4)]

VAIS Hate Speech Detection System: A Deep Learning based Approach for
System Combination [Submitted on 12 Oct 2019]

Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Vol 7, No 2 (2018)

HA, Vu Hai. Why do Young People in Vietnam Use Expletive English Word
While Speaking Vietnamese?. VNU Journal of Science: Education Research,
[S.l.], v. 30, n. 2, June 2018

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