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Web Era

The term “web era of education" has become one of the most commonly used terms
in the aftermath of the pandemic. The increased use of online learning tools is the new
normal in education. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted new methods of learning.
Educational institutions all over the world are turning to online learning platforms to help
them continue the process of educating students. The new normal is a transformed concept
of education, with online learning at its heart. COVID-19 pandemic has prompted new
methods of learning. rm "Educational institutions all over the world are turning to online
learning platforms to help them continue the process of educating students. The new
normal is a transformed concept of education, with online learning at its heart. But as web
era students we still need to be much careful of everything we are dealing with on the
internet. We must observe whether it is real or not or what we call fake news. Also other
website platforms that we used in this kind of schooling can help us to create modernized
and well innovative projects.Remember, the goal of online learning is to keep students
engaged academically in order to retain what they have learned.

New Normal way of education

Our new normal way of education is studying at home because of the pandemic
we're facing in our country. The methods that we are using today to study at home are
modular distance learning and online distance learning. It's hard to cope with the new
normal but we'll get used to it just like now. Online distance learning is a method that
teachers and students can interact using gadgets while modular distance learning is a
method that you will learn by yourself because there's no teacher that will teach you. You
can adjust to the new normal in your own way/method. The advantages of the new normal
are, will more appreciate the nature,can save money because of not commuting,have time
to bond with family,can focus more on improving yourself,will be more careful,can discover
a new talent and can improve learning skills.The disadvantages of the new normal are
having poor internet connection,having less communication with your classmates and
teachers because of not meeting in person,can't experience graduation/recognition,can't
experience important activities and events in school just like before but the important thing
of all is we can still learn/study despite of the pandemic we're facing right now.There is a
wealth of online videos out there that features tutorials,exercises,and infotainment to suit
students of every age including kids as young as two. It's a matter of sifting through the
options and finding those that efficiently complement studying in this new normal. It's
flexibility enables individuals to learn at their own pace as they prepare for their future. It fits
the time for COVID-19 pandemic as it ensures that learners will be able to continue their
educational journey at home. This new way of learning brought by covid-19 pandemic can
be an additional challenge during this tough time. And since going back to the "normal"
we're all accustomed to isn't going to happen anytime soon, let's all do the best we could to
adjust to make this current situation work.
Good Sides and Bad Sides of being an online and a modular student

The good thing for online students is that online learning offers teachers an efficient
way to deliver lessons to students. You will also learn how to value your time or what they
call time management. On the other hand the bad side of the online class is that it can
affect your eyes and make it a blurry sight due to the long focus on gadgets, and there is
not much time. Sometimes due to poor connection you won’t be able to attend classes.

The good thing about being modular students is that scholars generally agree that
modular degrees have many advantages for students in terms of their capacity to offer
flexibility, choice, access and mobility. And you will learn to study the lesson or the given
topic on your own. But likewise the online students, modular students have conflict too. Like
not everyone do their modules wholeheartedly.Some parents spoil their and do the deed
instead of their children.Some students tend to copy their answers from others without
reading the module.Also they can’t fully focus on their studies because of the distractions.

So in conclusion, we may have a new system of education but we all know for sure
that the time will come where we can go back to the normal way of education. What we
need to do now is to stay away from any kind of disease, stay at home and do all the health
protocols in order for us students to be united again not in this mobilized world but in the
education which we are accustomed to.

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