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I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and choose your answer from the
options given. Write your answers BEFORE the number of each item. Should the
answer be absent from the choices, please write E.

1. Which of the following belongs to the applied social sciences?

a. Psychology b. Counselling c. Ethnography d. Anthropology

2. Which of the following is directly founded on the disciplines and ideas of linguistics?
a. Counseling b. Psychiatry c. Communication d. Social Work

3. Jose works for an NGO that coordinates marginalized job seekers with certified employers. In
which line of the applied social sciences is Jose situated in?
a. Counseling b. Psychiatry c. Communication d. Social Work

4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the relationship between DISS and DIASS?
a. The applied social sciences are founded on the ideas of the social sciences.
b. The social sciences provide scientific principles for the applied social sciences.
c. Practitioners of the applied social sciences usually works independently from one another.
d. DISS and DIASS are often interdependent and inform each other’s respective fields of endeavor.

5. Which of the following disciplines is LEAST connected to social work?

a. Economics b. Political Science c. Sociology d. Linguistics

6. Which of the following is NOT a leading function of communication as an applied social science?
a. Delivery of news as public service.
b. Legal assistance to victims of abuse.
c. Dissemination and information campaigns on national issues.
d. Monitoring and analysis of issues of social/national importance.

7. Which of the following applied social scientists employ ideas from economics, political
science, sociology, and psychology to aid marginalized individuals or those in need of
legal/social assistance?
a. Psychiatrists b. Social Workers c. Journalists d. Counselors

8. The frontliners who deal with the population’s mental health issues are
a. Psychiatrists b. Social Workers c. Journalists d. Counselors

9. Counselors provide invaluable aid to person’s psychological well-being. Which of the

following activities can they NOT do?
a. Guide students in choosing future careers.
b. Counsel persons with tendencies for self-harm.
c. Prescribe psychiatric medicines/drugs for those in need of them.
d. Prepare couples who wish to marry each other for the difficulties of family life.

10. Which of the following is the primary value that guides everyone engaged in communication as
a social science?
a. Objectivity b. Privacy c. Balance d. Safety

11. Nerissa is a counselor working for the local government. She often assists women who
experience domestic violence and guides them to make critical decisions without forcing
anything on them. The goal of counseling reflected on the highlighted text is:
a. Facilitating behavior change c. Clarifying emotional concerns
b. Ensuring productivity d. Deciding without outside influence

12. The local MSWDO takes in delinquent youth from time to time and immerses them in the jails in
the hope that they will change their ways. The goal of counseling met here is:
a. Facilitating behavior change c. Clarifying emotional concerns
b. Ensuring productivity d. Deciding without outside influence

13. Luis counsels many individuals who have social anxiety disorder and depression. He helps them
deal with life and cope up with their daily activities and responsibilities. Which goal of
counseling does Luis ensure?
a. Facilitating behavior change c. Clarifying emotional concerns
b. Ensuring productivity d. Deciding without outside influence

II. Matching Type. Match the terms/principles in Column A with its proper
definition/description in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided for each item.

Column A:
Answers Terms/Princip Column B: Definition/Description
14. a. Do not criticize or comment negatively regarding
patient’s complaints.
Communication b. Identify with the person by putting yourself in his/her
16. c. Treat each and every patient as unique and respect his
problem as well.
17. Non- d. Accept the patient with his physical, psychological,
judgmental social, economic and cultural conditions.
Confidentiality e. Avoid getting carried away by client’s feelings.

19. f. Always keep the patient’s name, and the problem strictly
Individuality secret and assure the patient about the same.
20. Non-emotional g. Employ skillful verbal and non-verbal cues and
Involvement techniques to help the client.

III. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and choose your answer from the
options given. Write your answers BEFORE the number of each item. Should the
answer be absent from the choices, please write E.

21. In counseling, as in most applied social sciences, the core value of beneficence means:
a. developing a client’s ability to be self-directing within therapy and all aspects of life
b. a commitment to promoting the client’s well-being and acting in the best interests
c. avoiding sexual, financial, emotional or any other form of client exploitation
d. acting in accordance with the trust placed in them

22. In counseling, as in most applied social sciences, the core value of non-maleficence means:
a. developing a client’s ability to be self-directing within therapy and all aspects of life
b. a commitment to promoting the client’s well-being and acting in the best interests
c. avoiding sexual, financial, emotional or any other form of client exploitation
d. acting in accordance with the trust placed in them

23. In counseling, as in most applied social sciences, the core value of autonomy means:
a. developing a client’s ability to be self-directing within therapy and all aspects of life
b. a commitment to promoting the client’s well-being and acting in the best interests
c. avoiding sexual, financial, emotional or any other form of client exploitation
d. acting in accordance with the trust placed in them

24. The Philippine Congress moved to professionalize the field of counseling by approving a law
now known as:
a. RA 9258: Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004
b. RA 9258: Guidance and Counseling Act of 2011
c. RA 9852: Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004
d. RA 9852: Guidance and Counseling Act of 2011

25. In the declaration of policy of your answer to item 24, which are identified as direct beneficiaries
of the law?
a. the reading public b. individuals and groups c. global community d. youth

26. Under the law asked for in item 24, what are the proofs that a person is a professional
guidance counselor?
a. Certificate of Registration and College Diploma in Psychology
b. Certificate of Registration and valid Personal Identification Card
c. Certificate of Registration and Passing Percentage in Board Exam
d. Certificate of Registration and Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling
27. Under the law asked for in item 24, which is NOT a requirement for taking the
Licensure Examination for Professional Guidance Counselors?
a. Being a citizen or the Republic of the Philippines/foreigner with reciprocity in the Philippines
b. has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude by a competent court
c. Bachelor’s Degree in Guidance and Counselling or allied disciplines
d. Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counselling accredited by CHED

28. Which of the following is NOT a function of a guidance counselor under the law asked for in
item 24?
a. Psychological testing c. Lobbying of causes
b. Placement d. Research

29. Lilian works for the Guidance Office of a university and administers projective tests to
determine students’ aptitude and mental ability. What function is she fulfilling as a guidance
a. Psychological testing c. Lobbying of causes
b. Placement d. Research

30. Jo works in the human resource development wing of a certain company in the city. His job is
to screen applicants and determine their strengths, weaknesses, and hirability. This function is:
a. Psychological testing c. Lobbying of causes
b. Placement d. Research

31. Which of the following is NOT a subject tested in the Licensure for Guidance Counselors?
a. Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Guidance
b. Counseling Theories, Tools, and Techniques
c. Psychological Testing
d. Group Process and Program Development

32. The law that protects psychology as a profession in the Philippines is:
a. RA 10029: Philippine Psychology Act of 2009
b. RA 10029: Philippine Psychology Act of 2010
c. RA 12900: Philippine Psychology Act of 2011
d. RA 12900: Philippine Psychology Act of 2012

33. Under your answer in item 32, the “practice of psychology” offers three major services. They are:
a. psychological typology, aptitude testing, personality development
b. psychological testing, psychological agencies, psychological theorizing
c. psychological assessment, psychiatric procedures, and guidance and counseling
d. psychological interventions, psychological assessment, and psychological programs

34. Dean recently graduated from his bachelor’s degree in psychology. Which of the following
licensure examinations is he allowed to take?
a. The licensure for psychometricians c. the licensure for guidance counselors
b. The licensure for psychologists d. the licensure for applied psychologists

35. As per legal definition, a natural person who is duly registered and holds a valid certificate of
registration and a valid professional identification card as professional psychologist, issued by
the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology and the Professional Regulation Commission is
a. A professional psychologist c. a professional teacher
b. A professional psychometrician d. a professional guidance counselor

36. Which of the following is NOT a function of a psychometrician?

a. administering and scoring of objective personality tests
b. administering psychological interventions independent of professional psychologists
c. interpreting results of personality tests and preparing a written report on these results
d. conducting preparatory intake interviews of clients for psychological invention sessions

37. Supervised practicum/internship/clinical experience is a requirement before taking the

licensure exam for professional psychologists. How much does the law require?
a. 100 hours b. 200 hours c. 300 hours d. 400 hours

38. What is the primary academic requirement for those wishing to take the licensure exam
for psychologists?
a. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology c. Doctorate in Psychology
b. Master’s Degree in Psychology d. Post-graduate in Psychology

39. Some women experience postpartum depression after childbirth. Counselors attending to them
are in which setting?
a. Hospitals c. Mental Health Facilities
b. Detoxification Centers d. Correctional Facilities/Prisons

40. Retirees have specific psychological need as well. Counselors attending to them are in
which setting?
a. Religious institutions c. Retail businesses
b. Geriatric-related facilities d. The educational system

41. Priests and religious sisters often have degrees in counseling because they have to take care
of their flock’s spiritual well-being. In which setting are they?
a. Religious institutions c. Retail businesses
b. Geriatric-related facilities d. The educational system

42. Eliz helps couple prepare emotionally and psychologically for marriage and eventual family
life. What role is she fulfilling?
a. Sexual Counseling c. Career Counseling
b. Spiritual Counseling d. Marriage Counseling

43. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is a grim reality among soldiers sent out to fight in
the battlefields. Counselors dealing with them are in which setting?
a. Geriatric-related facilities c. Veterans Affairs
b. Private/Public Practice d. Religious Centers

44. Teenagers often have to deal with fast-paced changes happening both in their own bodies,
psyches, and how they relate to the environment. Counselors who attend to them are those
usually in which setting?
a. Religious institutions c. Retail businesses
b. Geriatric-related facilities d. The educational system

45. Under the code of ethics for guidance counselors, minors, incapacitated adults, etc. must give
their voluntary consent to receive counseling services. This statement is
a. True b. False

46. Under the code of ethics for guidance counselors, they are prohibited from having sexual
and/or romantic relationships with former clients because:
a. It is shameful. c. It may become exploitative/harmful.
b. It is not practical. d. It is unacceptable and very scandalous.

47. Professional guidance counselors are prohibited from having counseling relationships with
friends and family members because:
a. The service will be for free. c. The client may not be honest.
b. The procedure will be informal. d. The counselor may not be objective.

48. As professionals, counselors in the private practice or in other settings may require fees.
What should a counselor consider in establishing his/her fees?
a. The costs of running an office c. His/Her academic qualifications
b. The financial status of clients/locality d. The costs of his/her education/training

49. The code of ethics for counselors usually confine them to professional relationships with
clients. However, should counselors wish to extend counseling boundaries, what should the
a. Informed consent from the client c. Proper consultations
b. Proper supervision d. Proper documentation

50. Counselors may refrain from making and/or reporting a diagnosis if they believe that it would
cause harm to the client or others. This statement is:
a. True b. False

IV. Logical Arrangement. Below is a matrix showing the process

of counseling. Arrange the terms given in the word pool to

5 52. 53.
chronologically describe the American Counseling Association’s (ACA)
guidelines for the process of counselling.
Opening Exploring Client Understanding

V. Matching Type. Match the terms/principles in Column A with its proper

54. 55. 56.

definition/description in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space

provided for each item.

Column A:
Answers Terms/Principl Column B: Definition/Description
57. view all human troubles and conflicts as a familial
Psychoanalyti unit. The theory is focused on the idea that family
c Theory is the primary source of emotions and
58. Person- approach lends its practice to the theory that
Centered human problems stem from faulty patterns of
Therapy thinking.
59. operates on the assumption that every
human being has the ability to fulfil their full
potential and involves self-actualization,
Therapy (CBT)
empathy, and
unconditional positive regard
60. includes skills such as dream analysis, free
The Family
association, resistance analysis, and transference
analysis. Much of the personality is thought to
have developed in childhood

VI. BONUS. In the spaces provided below, write 5 concepts/ideas/arguments

that you learned in my DIASS class that were NOT INCLUDED/MENTIONED in
this exam. (2 points each).

Concept/Idea/Argument Definition/Short Discussion





“Benedicat tibi Dominus et custodiat te.”

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Subject Teacher Master Teacher I D.
Principal III

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