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Rubric for Nutrition and Digestion Screencast & Display Board Post

Knowledge & Understanding

(Insufficient) (Developing) (Proficient) (Independent)

Characteristics Points __ Points __ Points __ Points __

CLAIM No claim is included The claim provides a basic answer The claim answers the The claim strongly answers the
A statement or conclusion that answer to the research question but research question and research question and explains
the original question. doesn’t explain everything. explains everything it everything it should.
should. The claim is The claim is completely accurate.

In addressing the question does the The answer The answer demonstrates limited The answer demonstrates The answer demonstrates detailed,
presentation demonstrate knowledge demonstrates knowledge and understanding detailed, accurate accurate knowledge and understanding
and understanding of scientific insufficient relevant to the question or uses knowledge and relevant to the question, and uses
terminology, theories, concepts, and knowledge and not
relevant scientific research to understanding relevant scientific research effectively
processes? relevant research in
In addressing the question does the support of the limited effect in the response. relevant to the question, in support of the response. The
presentation demonstrate discipline- response and uses relevant scientific response demonstrates an exceptional
specific skills? research effectively in use of scientific skills.
support of the response.
The response demonstrates
a good use of scientific

Thinking and Transfer

(Insufficient) (Developing) (Proficient) (Independent)

Characteristics Points __ Points __ Points __ Points __

In addressing the question does the The answer lacks The answer offers appropriate but The answer integrates The response to the question
presentation offer a reasoned scientific evidence in support limited evidence of critical thinking relevant and explicit demonstrate critical thinking that is both
argument that is supported with of the thinking and or offers evidence of critical evidence of critical thinking insightful and compelling.
evidence? Does the argument no mention with
thinking that is only implicitly linked in response to the question.
demonstrate the ability to think critically reference to
about the argument? (Analysis, Interpret connection to to the requirements of the question.
and evaluate information/claims) individuals and/or
Does the response to the question offer society
realistic solutions and an explanation as
to why this topic is significant to
individuals and/or society?

(Insufficient) (Developing) (Proficient) (Independent)

Characteristics Points __ Points __ Points __ Points __

Is the narrative clear and concise? The response to the The answer is organized or focused The answer is organized, The answer is well organized, well
Is the argument well organized and well question is either not on the question. However, this is developed and focused on developed and focused on the question.
developed? coherent or is not sustained throughout the the question. The The screencast is within the time limit.
Is the screencast 3-5 Minutes? irrelevant. The
presentation. The screencast is screencast is within the The narrative is clear and well paced to
Has your final thinking been made public screencast is TWO
to the AISC community? (Display Board, minutes over/under ONE minute over/under the time time limit. The narrative is allow for understanding. An insightful
high school students) the time limit. The limit. The narrative is mostly clear. clear and well paced to post of your thinking has been
narrative is NOT A post has been displayed for the allow for understanding.A displayed for the AISC community.
clear. AISC community. post of your thinking has
been displayed for the AISC

This is an additional guideline to work through the project.

● Why is childhood obesity among school children increasing? How to solve this problem?
● Create a presentation that informs others of the dangers associated with poor nutrition and poor fitness habits. Develop lifestyle changes that can help to
combat the problems.
● Is diet or exercise important in maintaining proper weight and health (primarily with reference to digestive system)?. Justify your answer with clear
scientific evidence and reasoning.

Question 1
Knowledge and understanding
What does obesity mean? Causes of obesity, is it prevalent among specific ethnicity? Why a concern among children? How can this be solved? Statistics to
support your knowledge and understanding

Thinking and transfer

● Make use of your knowledge and understanding to look at the impact of obesity on health and day to day activities.
● How would the increase in weight lead to health issues during childhood and later in life.
● Using the knowledge of food choice, lifestyle and exercise come up with a design/plan to overcome the problem of obesity
● Show clear evidence to support your claim (statistics, case study, journals)

● Uses correct scientific terminology and vocabulary in written and verbal to communicate the problems, impact of obesity, realistic solutions to overcome
the problem

● You need to contribute to the display board (Myth and reality/ Iused to think and now I think different/stress management and health?

Question 2
Knowledge and understanding
Definition/meaning of of what poor nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle means. Role of nutrition in keeping proper health of digestive tract and body. Reference to
balanced diet/proper diet/food pyramid

Thinking and Transfer

● Use your knowledge to find the impact of poor nutrition/health/lifestyle have on health and body. Provide support to your claim by providing evidence.
(evidence from at least three or more sources)
● Come up with a proper plan of a good diet/and fitness habits to maintain proper health

● Uses correct scientific terminology and vocabulary in written and verbal to communicate the problems, impact of obesity, realistic solutions to overcome
the problem

● You need to contribute to the display board (Myth and reality/ Iused to think and now I think different/stress management and health?

Question 3
Knowledge and understanding
Clear meaning of what diet is, a food pyramid, different classes of food, exercise, the need for exercise for a healthy life

Thinking and transfer

Role of diet and exercise in maintaining good health and the need to have a proper diet. Consequences of poor diet/exercise. Finding through evidence which one
of the two is important in maintaining health or is there any other solution. Coming up with a proper diet/exercise plan to lead a healthy life for high school students
● Uses correct scientific terminology and vocabulary in written and verbal to communicate the problems, impact of obesity, realistic solutions to overcome
the problem

● You need to contribute to the display board (Myth and reality/ Iused to think and now I think different/stress management and health?

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