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112 10, 1. 2. 1" UGC NET Ze, computer Science & Applications Exercise In the relational mo {@) number of tuples (©) number of tables des, cardinality is termed as (b) number of attributes (4) number of constraints ‘onal calculus is a fa) procedural ieee ‘ language b) non-procedural language (6) data definition language (4) high level language The view of total database content is (a) conceptual view (b) internal view (6) external view (@) physical view Cantesian product in relational algebra is (a) unary operator (b) a binary operator (©) aternary operator (4) not dened DML is provided for (a) description of logical structure of database (b) addliion of new structures im the database system (c) manipulation and processing of database (d) definition of physical structure of database system ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for (a) selection operation (©) join operation ODBC stands for (a) Object Database Connectivity (b) Oral Database Connectivity (0) Oracle Database Connectivity (d) Open Database Connectivity Architecture of the database can be viewed as (a) two levels (b) four levels (c) three levels (€) one level (b) rename operation (€) projection operation In a relational model, relations are termed as (a) tuples (b) attributes (c) tables (a) rows ‘The database schema is written in (a) HLL (b) DML (c) DDL (@) DCL A schema describes (a) data elements (b) records and files (c) record relationship (4) All of these ‘An embedded pointer provides [UGC NET, Dec 2005} (a) physical record key (b) aan inserted Index ) a secondary access path dd) All of these In an architecture of a database system, extemal level is the ‘a) physical level (b) level ©) conceptual level (@) view level [UGC NET, Dec 2005] 14 15, 16, 1. 8. 1. Which of the following statements is true? entity st that does not have sufficient gy, (an fonm a primary key is & wc ~~ a) strong entity set (b) work entity sy (2 Simple entiy set (2) primary ery yy rimary key for an entity is [UGC Ney, A print kay og. aft) Paya {2 Samigue atinbute —_() a super key in SQL are [Uc ner, ‘Aggregate functions in SQI : CP OREATEST, LEAST and ABS. (b) SUM, COUNT and AVG (c) UPPER, LOWER and LENGTH (a) SQRT, POWER and MOD Ifa relation is in 2 NF and 3 NF forms, then IU ey fa) no non-prime attribute is functionally 4, | dpaasothateonhrcas tetas pene b) no nonprime attribute is Functionally depen Cepia wt eae (9 i Sut re sonal independent (} rine serbote ie foxtlony elrseeaeae io Feil attributes of a ind of an SQL command is denoted by The end of an SQL deed mam (a) an end of line character (b) an enter-key marker (o) entering F4 ke (4) @ semicolon () In a database table, the category of information called (@) tuple (c) record (b) field (@) All of these (b) In primary key field you can enter duplicate value (Q) In an indexed field you may or may not enier duplicate value depending upon setting (a) Foreign key fields do not allow duplicate values | (@) Allof the above Which of the following store command to retrieve | data from database? (a) Forms (b) Reports (0) Queries (@) Tables Which normal form is considered adequate for relational database design? (a) 2NF (b) 3NF ; ( 4NF (a) BCNF A locked file can be {vec ner, xe 8 | 0 accessed by only one user modified by users with the corret password (c) is used to hide sensitive information (@) Both (b) and (¢) The concept of locking can be used to solve the laser i) lost update (b) uncommitted dependency (6) inconsistent data (d) All of these ‘A functional dependency of the form X» ¥ is trivial if @¥ox v) Y 9 xcY ig x If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent fon the primary key, then the relation will be in (a) first normal form (b) secondary normal form (6) third normal form (d) fourth normal form 1 In a hierarchical model records are organized as (@) graph (b) list. (¢) links (€) tree In an ER diagram, attributes are represented by {a) rectangle (b) square (c) ellipse (d) triangle In case of entity integrity the primary key may be (a) not null (b) null (6) Both (a) and (b) (@) any value ‘One approach to standardizing storing of data [UGC NET, Dec 2005] (a) MIs (v) CODASYL (c) structured programming (d) None of these 3, Consider the query = SELECT student_name FROM students WHERE class_name = FROM students WHERE math-marks =100); What will be the output? [Ucc ner, Dec 2007] (a) The list of names of students with 100 marks in ‘mathematics (b) The names of all students of all classes in which atleast one student has 100 marks in mathematics (c) The names of all students in all classes having 100 ‘marks in mathematics (4) The names and class of all students whose marks in ‘mathematics are 100 3% Given relations R(w,s) and S(y, 2), the result of SELECT DISTINCT u, x FROM RK, 5 is guaranteed to be same as R, if (a) R has no duplicates and $ is non-empty (b) Rand S have no duplicates {c) 5 has no duplicates and 2 is non- (d) Rand S have the same number of | 33. The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS in referred to as the () DML ) DDL (c) VDL (d) SDL (SELECT class_name Relational Database Design and SOL 24. A logical schema a) is the entire database 1) is standard way of organizing information into acceanble parts (¢) describes how data is actually stored on disk «d) Both (a) and (c) 38 In an ER diagram, an entity set is represented by 8 a) rectangle (b) ellipse (©) diamond box dd) circle % The //properties of a database is/are (i in'an Tategated collection of logically related records (b) it consolidates separate files into a common pool of data records (@) data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it (d) All of the above 37, In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called [UGC NET, Dec 2008) (a) relations (b) domains (6) queries (@) All of these 38. The data type created by the data abstraction process is called {UGC NET, June 2020) (a) class (b) structure (c) abstract data type (4) user defined data type 38. Generalization is. process. [UGC NET, June 2010] (a) top-down (b) bottom up (c) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of these 40. An entity instance is a single occurrence of on. [UGC NET, June 2005) (a) entity type (b) relationship type {c) entity and relationship type (d) None of these 41. Match List I with List II and select the correct answere using the codes given below the lists. [UGC NET, June 2010) a a P2NF | 1, Transitive dependencies eliminated Q 3NF | 2. Multivalued attribute removed R4NF — |3. Contains no partial functional | dependencies S.5NF | 4. Contains no join dependency Codes CY eS ws ere W412 3 (34 1 2 @i234 42, A superkey for an entity consists of [UGC NET, June 2008) (a) one attribute only (b) atleast two attributes (¢) at most two attributes (d) one or more attributes BO 4”. a UGC NET 77+ computer Science & Applications The DBMS language compon can be embedded in a progam i mt “hich a) the Data Definition Language (DDL) the Data Manipulation Language (DML) (©) The Database Administrator (DBA) (d) a query language A subschema expresses (0) the logical view (b) the physical view ) the external view () All of these Count function in SQL retums the number of () em (b) distinct values ) groups (@) columns Which of the following statements is false? (a) The data disctionary is normally maintained by the database adminiseator = ™Y Maintained by (b) Data elements in the database can be modified by changing the data dictionary ; (©) The data disctionary ‘contains the name and co asin fea data element ) The data dictionary is tool used exclusively by the database administer ca An advantage of the database management approach (a) data is dependent on programs (b) data redundancy increases (c) data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs a (@) None of the above A DBMS query language is designed to (a) support end users who use English-like commands (0) support in the development of complex applications software (c) specify the structure of a database (@) All of the above is possible to define a schema completely using (a) VDL and DDL (b) DDL and DML (c) SDL and DDL (¢) VDL and DML, Data independence means (a) data is defined separately and not included in Programs (b) programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data (©) programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data (2) Both (b) and (c) Which of the following sets of keywords constitutes a mapping in SQL? {UGC NET, June 2008) (a) SELECT, FROM, TABLE {b) SELECT, FROM, WHERE. (c) CONNECT, TABLE, CREATE (d) SELECT, TABLE, INSERT If a relation is in 2 NF, then [UGC NET, June 2008) fe every candidate ey is preiry key ‘b) every nonprime attribute is. fully functionally dependent or each relation key {c) every attribute is functionally independent (d) every relational key is primary key 53, Which of the follo wing is true? (UGC Ney, ane jn 3 NF is always in BCNF fa) relatos in BCNF is always in 3 NF a ©) JON and 3 NE are totally diferent | BONTaom in BCNF is 9 2 NF but notin yp Consider the query SELECT student name )M student_data WHERE roll_no (SELECT roll_no IM student_marks F ee ERE SEM1_MARK =SEM2_ MARK); Which of he folowing (te? [USC NET, ang Ug) gives the name of the student whose ma Jemester | and semester 2 are same Tegives all the names and roll numbers of Surfents whose marks in semester 1 and yma are same )) It gives the name of all students whose 0 eeiectand menor area ) It gives roll number of all students whose mariy (2 Beer I and semester 2 are same a “The ER model is expressed in terms of I. entities IL the relationship among entities IIL. The attributes of the entitites IV. Functional relationship {UGC NET, Dee zaey (a) Land If (b) I, Hand IV ( I, Mand IV TT and II ng a o) Specialization is... process. [UGC NET, Dec 2005) (2) top-down (b) bottom up (c) Both (a) and (b) —_(@) None of these 1. Match List I with List If and select the comect answer using the codes given below the lists, [UGC NET, Dec 2003 List I List B. Determinants |. No attribute can be added Q Candidate key | 2. Uniquely identified a row R Nonedundancy | 3. A constraint between two attributes S. Functional 4 Group of attributes on the dependency left hand side of arrow of functional dependency Codes Rs mirt § a . (4324 @12 34 A function that has no ‘partial functional dependencies are in . form. [UGC NET, Dec 208] (@) 3NF (o) 2NF (0 4NF (@) BCNF Which of the following statements is wrong? ; [UGC NET, June 2009) (a) Two phase locking protocol suffers from deadlocks {b) Timestamp protocol suffers from more abort (@) Timestamp protocol suffers from cascading rollbacks Where as two phase locking protocol do (@) None of the above Which of the following statements is wrong? 1. Two phase locking protocol suffer from deadlock IL, Time stamp protocol suffer from more aborts. MILA black hole in a DFD is a inbound follows, IV. Multivalued dependency checked at 3 NF level V. An entity relationshij ‘event model. (a) 1, Hand (>) U1, 1 and IV (o) THI, IV and v (@) 11, IV and V Which data management language component enabled the DBA to define the cheats commonere? (Uc wer, June 2006) (@) DML. (b) Subschema DLL. (¢) Schema DLL (@) All of these A subclass having more than one super class is called (UGC NET, June 2006) (b) classification (4) partial participation Immediate updates as a recovery protocol is preferable, when [UGC NET, June 2006] (a) database reads more than writes (0) writes are more than reads {¢) it does not matter as itis good in both situations (d) there are only writes A. relation R=(4, B,C,D,E,F) is given with following set of functional dependencies : F={A—>B,AD >C,8->F,A>E) Which of the following is candidate key? [UGC NET, June 2006) [a) A (b) AC (e) AD (@) None of these The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is, (a) alter (c) create data store with only among attribute is ip diagram is a tool to represent [UGC NET, Dec 2008) (a) category (6) combination (b) update (3 sect . ER model uses this symbol to represent weak entity set (a) dotted rectangle {b) diamond (0 doubly outlined rectangle (@) None of these produces the relation that has attributes, “of, ‘ee 0 oe product {b) Difference (c) Intersection (d) Product Relational Database Design and SQL 68. The file organization that provides very fast access (o any arbitray record of a file is (a) ordered fi (b) unordered file (©) hashed file (d) Bere 62, The ER model is expressed in terms of I. Entities IL. The relationship among entities IIL. The attributes of the entities Then, [UGC NET, Dec 2004) (a) Land 111 (b) Land IL (¢) Wand 111 (d) None of these 70. The completeness constraint has rule [UGC NET, Dec 2004] (a) supertype, subtype (b) total specialization, partial specialization (@) specialization, generalization (4) All of the above 7. An entity has I. a set of properties IL. a set of properties and values for all the properties. IIL. a set of properties and the values for some set of properties may non-uniquely identify an entity IV. a set of properties and the values of some set of properties may uniquely identify an entity. Which of the above are valid? (UGC NET, Dec 2005] (a) Only —(b) Only It () Only LIT (d) Only IV 72. Which of the following is correct? (a) a SQL query automatically eliminate duplicates (b) SQL permits atiibute names tobe repeated in the same relation (€) aSQL query will not word if there are no indexes (@) None of the above 73. Suppose R is a relation schema and F is a set of functional dependencies on R. Further, suppose R, and R, form a decomposition of R. Then, the decomposition is a lossless jon decmposition of R provided that [Use NET, Dec 2008] (@) ROR, +R, isin F* (b) ROR, > R, isin F* (9 both ROR, +R, and ROR, > R, functional dependence are th F (a) atleast one rom ROR, > R, and R, OR, > R, is 7A, Aggregation is [UGC NET, Dec 2008) (@) an abstraction through which relationship are treated as lower level entities (b) an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher level entities (©) an abstraction through which relationships are not treated at all as entities (a) None of the above 75, I. DML includes a query language based on both relation algebra and tuple calculus. II. DML includes a query language based on tuple calculus, 116 2. Which of the following | Which of the followin, UGC NET Zezer Computer Science & Applications MIL DML includes a query language based on relational algebra, nn IV. DML includes a query language based on none of the relational algebra and tuple calculus Which one is correct? [UGC NET, June 2008] (a) Only 1 (&) Only 11 (©) Only nr (@) Only IV ‘There exists a construct which retums a value ‘true’ if {he argument subquery is [UGC NET, une 2008) (a) empty (b) non-empty (©) in error (@) None of these . Which cons truct in SQL is used to test whether a subquery has any tuples in its result? [UGC NET, June 2009), (a) UNIQUE, (b) EXISTS () GROUP By (@) EXCEPT Oracle supports (a) inner join and outer join () outer join and semi join {c) inner join, outer join and semi join {@) inner join, outer join, semi join and ant join Operations is used we are interested in only certain columns of a table? (a) PROJECTION (b) SELECTION () UNION (@) JOIN 1. Which of the following is a valid SOL type? (@) CHARACTER” (yy NUMMRIS (c) FLOAT (d) All of these ic 1 operations needs the pacipating relations to be union compatible? a) UNION (b) INTERSECTION (o) DIFFERENCE (d) All of these The result of the UNION operation between R, and R, is a relation that includes (@f all tuples of &, (b) all tuples of (c) all the tuples of R, and (@) all the tuples of R, ce which have common columns A WINDOW into a portion of a database is (UGC NET, June 2005) (b) view (@) data dictionary (a) schema (©) query . Multivalued dependency among attribute is checked at which level? (a) 2NF (b) 3 NF () 4NF (@) 5 NF A block hole ina DFD is @ {UGC NET, June 2005), (a) a data store with no in bound flows (b) a data store with only in bound flows (@) a data store with more than one in bound flow (d) None of the above : entity relationship diagram is a tool to represent OE Saale (b) process model (@ Ger el [UGC NET, June 2005) (a) data model (c) event model fm, The PROJECT command will create ney has usc ney a & (a) more fields than the original table an (b) more rows than original table (c) Both (a) and (b) () None ofthe above BMS, deferred update means 8 InD oe (a) all he updates are done frst but the ene ® made in the log file later al {b) all the log files entries are made first but updates are done later (¢ every update is done fist followed by a wring the ser % the lag file (@) changes in the view are defered il «query gy for a view #8, NULLis a) the same as 0 for integer ame {c) the same as 0 for integer and blank for character (@) not a value . 0. A file manipulation command that extracts some g he ons EE ol am a) SELECT, 8 JOIN (d) PRODUCT 31. An instance of a relational schema R(A, B,C) has distinct values of A including NULL values, Wasa one of the following is true? (a) Aisa candidate key (b) A is not a candidate key (c) Aisa primary key () Both (a) and (e) 82. The natural join is equal to (a) cartesian product (b) combination of union and cartesian product (©) combination of selection and cartesian product (@) combination of projection and cartesian product 8 To delete a particular column in a relation, the command used is (@) UPDATE(b) DROP () ALTER (d) DELETE $4. The «00: operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified (a) BETWEEN (b) ANY (IN (@) ALL $5. Two phase protocol in a database management system is [UGC NET, Dec 2006) (a) a concurrency mechanism that is not deadlock frez 1) a secovery protocol used for setoring a database after a crac (c) any update to the system log done in tworphases G mi diemre actos te 9%. Which possibility among the following is invalid in case of data flow diagram? [UGC NET, Dee 2006) (a) A process having inbound data flows more they utbound data flows (b) A data flow between two processes ———— (€) A data flow between two data stores (@) A data store having more than one inbound data #7. Which is one function of a Database Management ‘System (DBMS)? (a) Ensuring usability (b) Identifying what a user needs (€) Deciding what to do with legacy systems (@) Preventing errors arising, while enabling multiple simultaneous users a a 3 98. If system can enforce referential integrity, then this ensures that (a) @ record can never contain a null value for a foreign key attribute (b) @ non-null foreign key attribute always refers to another record (€) a foreign key attributes in a record always refers to another record which contains nulls (d) a foreign key attribute in a record always refers to another record which does not contain nulls A set_of FD’s is given for a relation R(A,B,C,D, E, F,G)(A~» B, BC > BE, AEF -G} What is the cosure of (4, C)’ under this set? () 4B, (0) 4, B,0,D () 4.B,C,D, EF (@ ABCDE 0. 3 NF is preferred than BCNF because L we normally choose to retain dependency preservation. 1 a high penalty in system performance isto be paid’ or ish the integrity of the dala in our database III, there is not any problem of repetition of information. IV. Given statement is wrong, (a) Only IV is true (b) M1 and IIT are true (0 Tand Il are ture (@) Only 111 is true 101. A lack of normalization can lead to which one of the following problems? (a) Insertion problems (b) Deadlock (©) Lost updates (@) Deferred updates ‘2, Which of the following is an optimistic concurrency control method? [UGC NET, Dec 2010) (a) Validation based (b) Timestamp ordering (©) Lock based (d) None of these M2. The dependency preservation decomposition is a property to decompose daiabaseechema D, i which functional dependency X'—» Y specied in F, [UGC NET, Dec 2010} (a) appeared directly in one of the relation schemas R, the decomposed D (b) could be inferred from dependencies that appear in some R, (6) Both (a} and (b) {@) None of the above Relational Database Design and SQL 117 104. Which of the following cannot be restorted? (a) Transaction aborted dur to software error (b) Transaction aborted due to hardware error (c) Transaction aborted due to hardware or software error that was created by internal logic (€) Observable external writes 105. Locking was introduced into data bases so that (a) keys can be provided to maintain security {b) all simultaneous transactions are prevented (c) passwords can be provided to maintain security (4) consistency can be enforced 106. Which of the following is true for two-phase locking {a) lock acquisition in the second phase (b) locks can be acquired at any time (¢) locks are acquired in the first phase (d) None of the above Directions (Q. Nos. 107 to 114) Each of the following questions has two options (a) and (b). You are to study the question carefully and ‘© mark (a), if the given statement is true ‘+ mark (b), if the given statement is false. 107. A candidate key which is not a primary key is known as a alternative key. 108. Join is one of the traditional set operator defined on relational algebra. 108. A tuple resembles a record. M0. IfR.A>RBand RB>RC then RAR. M11. Any relation can be non-loss decomposed into an equivalent collection of 4 NF relations. 112, Relation R(4, B,C)] is equal to the join of its projections R,(4, B) and R,(4,C) if the FD A—>B holds in R. 113, A database system is fully relational if it supports relational data bases and a language as powerful as relational algebra. 114, The function of a database is to collect and organize input data, 115. A good query system (a) can accept English language commands (b) allows non-programmers to access. information stored in a database (0) canbe accessed only by data processing professionals (@) Both (a) and (b) 116. A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is (a) insert, (b) modify (c) look-up (d) All of these 197. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then storage space is wasted cee GeaMMMMEEnL ne epot wal conse’ dan inconsistency UGC NET Zev c) it-can be more easily accessed «d) Both (a) and (b) M8 In order to use a DBMS, understand a) the physical schema b) all subchemas that the system supports (6) one subschema i (@) Both (a) and (b) Ma. When performing a look-up operation using a form, {@) you enter the search value into the form {b) you look at each farm sequentially until you see the fone you want (©) you type the key in an entry line and the correct form is displayed Ht ; (@) All of above 120. A compound key (a) is made up of several pieces of information (b) uniquely identifies an item in a list {@) Both (a) and (b) (4) is a combination of each unique 121. Report generators are used to (a) store data input by a user (b) retrieve information from files (@) answer queries (@) Both (b) and (c) ‘22. Subschema can be used to (a) create very different, personalized views of the same data {b) present information in different formats (©) hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the subschema’s description. (d) All of above ‘Wa. In order to use the record management system (a) you need to understand the lower level details of how information is stored (b) you need to understand the model the record management system uses (c) Both (a) and (b) (@) All of the above 124, The database environment has all of the following components except (a) users {b) separate files (@) data base (@) database administration 125. Data security threats include (a) hardware failure (b) privacy invasion (©) fraudulent manipulation of data (@) All ofthe above 128. A customer's telephone number is stored in a ‘customer file a sales agent files and in an invoice file. In database, this is known as (a) transparency (b) availability (c) redundancy (a) integrity it is important. to Computer Science & Applications 1. To be considered minimally relational the nd ile support the following key relational fun, Day (a) SELECT, UNION, INTERSECT (b) SELECT, UNION, JOIN (c) SELECT, PROJECT, JOIN (@) SELECT, PROJECT, UNION 128, The schema of a table is an example of (a) relationship (b) entity (c) metadata (€) atomicity 129, Match List I with List IT and select correct an, using the codes given below the lists. we List List P. SELECT 1h Vertical subset of table hy tion, Q PROJECT 2. Horizontal subset of a table Se ee Codes BBO) (a) 3 2 o) 31 (21 (d) 1 2 190. Database that are designed and managed specifically to met information needs are called (a) database management system (b) data warehourses (c) transaction databases (@) production databases 131. The data retrieval time factor is most exitcal for (a) data warehouse (b) decision DBMS (©) transactional DBMS (4) Both (a) and (b) 182A file system is said to exhibit data dependence becnute (a) when any of the file's data characteristics change all data access programs are subject to change (6) data is the most important part of a file system Which also includes hardware, software pepole and procedures (© organization of the data, within the file is determined by the data’s expected use (d) a change in any file’ structure such as the addition ‘or deletion of a field requires the modification ofall programs using that file 183. Which of the following is a database administrator's function? (a) User coordinator (b) Performance monitoring (6) Backing up the database (d) Allof the above 14, Which to files are used during operaton of the DBMS? (a) Data dictionary and query language (b) Data dictionary and transaction log (6) Data manipulation language and query language (@) Query language and utiles a a oo 15. A transparent DBMS (a) keeps its physical structure hidden from users (b) keeps its logical structure hidden rom usere (c) cannot hide sensitive information from users (@) Both (a) and (b) 43. A phone number in a database is an examy le of a (a) file (b) sort " (© field (@) record 431. A race condition occurs when a) two users of the DBMS are interacting wit Sidimetiee a We meee oat ea (b) two concurrent activities interact to cause a ose ert (@) Both (a) and (b) (€) None of the above 18, The distinguishable parts of a record are called (a) database (b) fields (© data (@) files ti The logical data structure with a onetomany relationship is a (a) relational rca 1, In a large DBMS (3) ah Sbachema contains every eld in the geal (b) each user can access every subschema {csgeschiiverseanee outs call partie tatents database (d) Alll of the above M1, A network schema (allaeees detalii (0) permits many to many relationships (c) restricts the structure to a one-to-many relationship (@) None of the above 142, Goals for the design of the logical schema includes (@) being able to access data efficiently (b) being able to construct queries easily (6) avoiding data inconsistencies (d) All of the above 443. When several users access the database at the same time, it is said to be (a) concurrent storing (b) connection trap (@) database management (d) integrated data. 14. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a DDA? (a) Deciding access strategy (b) Deciding the storage structure and access strategy (c) Marketing the software ) Deciding the information content ofthe database M5, When using a database management sysem, the first thing that we must do is to (a) load the software into our micro-computer (0) activate ie editor (¢) create « database fle (@) Keep « Boppy dik in readies —_ -, (b) chain (d) network rr rr Relational Database Design and SQL 119 446 Which of the following in an advantage of the database approach? (a) Program/data independence (b) Elimination of the data redundancy (c) Ability o associate related data (d) All of the above 7. Spurious tuples are (a) the multiple entries with same value (b) the tuples with null values, that exist in the original relation (the tuples with null values, that did not exist in the original relations (d) the tuples with null values 448. A primary key if combined with a foreign key creates (a) many to many relationship between the tables that ‘connect them (b) network model between the tables that connect them () parent child relationship between the tables that connect them (4) None of the above 1448. Which of the normal form is considered adequate for nomal relational database design? (a) 2NF (b) SNE (@ ANE (@) 3NF 480. Which one of the following statements about normal forms is false? (a) BCNF is stricter than 3NF (b) Lossless, dependency preserving decomposition into 3NF is always potsble (c) Loss-less, dependency-preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible (@) Any relation with two attributes is BCNF 151. Which of the following is used to add new attribute (column) in the existing relation schema? (a) DROP. (b) CREATE (©) INSERT (@) ADD 182. Sophisticated report generators can (a) print row-oriented reports (b) perform arithmetic operations (o) selectively retrieve and print portion of list (@) All of the above 453. A large computer information system maintains many different computer files. Which amongst them is called a perpetual file? (a) Specialized file (6) Master file (b) Log file (d) Update file 154 The highest level in the hierarchy of data ‘organization is called (a) databank (b) database (6) data file (@) data record 185, Internal auditors should review data system design before they are (a) developed (b) implemented (6) modified {d) Allof these 120 186. Batch processing is appropriate if a) a large computer system is available {b) only a small computer system is available «) only a few transactions are involved ‘d) None of the above 157. Which isthe correct order, if all the six clauses given below appears ina query? (@) SELECT, FROM, | WHE! P BY, HAVING, ORDER By? GROUP BY ») SELECT,’ FROM, WHERE, HAVING, GROUF py Sees (0 SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING, ORDER o Stizer reo ) 3 FROM, WHERE, HAVING, 6: om RE, HAVING, GROUP {58 An operation that will increase the length of a list is (a) modify pe (6) insert (@) All of these 152 In SQL, which command is used to add a column line integrity constraint to a table (a) ALTER TABLE (b) MODIFY TABLE (9 INSERT COLUMN (4) ADD COLUMN ‘60. In SQL, which command(s) is (are) used to remove rows form a table? (a) TRUNCATE () REMOVE, 161. RAID stands for (a) Rapid Action In Disaster (b) Randon Access Internal Disks (6) Rapid Application Interface Design (d) Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks 82. A tree is said to balanced if (a) it has even number of leaf nodes (b) ithas even number of nodes exclusing root (q) it, has even number of nodes including root (a) None of the above Atomicity is ensured by the component (a) observable external writer (b) transaction-management component (c) recovery-management component (d) concurrency-control component 164, Insolation is ensured by the component (a) observable external writer (b) transaction-management component (c) recovery-management component (@) concurrency-control component (b) DELETE (@) Both (a) and (b) UGC NET Zz» computer Science & Applications 165. Durability is ensured by the component (a) observation external writer {b) transaction-management component (¢) recovery-management component (@) concurrency-control component 16 Which of the following schemas are ayo, ensuring atomicity? le (a) Log with deferred modification (b) Log with immdiate modification (6) Shadow paging (d) All of the above ich of the follownig scenarios may lead 4, Mie Woventle croc ina daabuoe ter st A transaction wites data tem ae it i rag ‘an uncommitted transaction (b) A transaction reads a data item after its read by ‘uncommitted transaction (@) transaction read a data item after i writen y committed transation (@) A transaction reads a data stem after iis writen y ‘an uncommited transaction 168, Amongst the ACID properties of a transaction, the durability property requites that the change made’ the database by a successful transaction persist (a) except in case of an operating system crash {b) except in case of disk crash (c) except in ease of power failure (@) always even it theresa failure of any kind 169. A hash function f is defined as @) AG) =i? mod 8 Find the value of A(8) and A(18), (a) 0,4 (b) 0,2 14 (@) 1,2 170. The concept of locking can be used to solve the problem of (a) deadlock (b) lost update (e) inconsistent data (@) All of the above 1, In SQL, GRANT command is used to {a) choosing auditing for specific SQL commands (b) grant sysem privileges, roles and object privileges {Ouse and roles oP (c) allow user to create databases . {d) allow user to access data bases n. 21. 31. a 7. Bi. 91. 101. 11. 421. 131. sai. 151. 161. a7. 31. 54, Relational Database Design and SOL Answers . (a) 2. (0) 3. (a) 4. (0) 5. (c) a 10. («) @) 12. (0) 13. (4) 14. (b) 15. (c) @ a. (6 © 22. (0) 23. (a) 24. (4) 28. (a) - fe) 7. © 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a) © «(a (a) $2 (4) 43, () aa Ke) 65. a) @ s0. (@) 0) 52. (b) 53. (b) 54. (6) 55. (4) @) «. © 62. (¢) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (a) ©) 7 a 72. (d) 73. (4) 74. (0) 75. (0) @ =. (@) 82d) 83.) Be) 88, (8) . (b) Se. (b) 92. (4) 93. (c) 94. (a) 95. (a) @ 100. (4) 102. (a) 103. (c) 104. (c) 105. (d) () 110. (a) fa) 42.) 113. (a) 116. (@) 5.) © 120. (¢) (122, (4) 123. (0) 124. (b) 125. (0) 127. (¢) () 129. (@) 130. () (132. (a) 133. (4) 134. (b) 135. @) 137. (b) &) 139. (@) 140. (4) O 2G MG) uO 14 ur ©) (49. (@) 150. (6) (@) 152. (4) «153. (€) 154. (b) 155. (a) 157. (a) (a) 159. (4) 160. (4) (@) 162. (d) 163. (b) 164, (d) 168, (c) 167. (4) (2) 169. (a) 170. (4) © Hints and Solutions ‘A functional dependency can be trivial and non-trivial. If FD is trivial (X > Y), then X >Y (X is superset of Y) If FD is non-trivial (XY), then X #Y (There is nothing. common attributes in X,Y) ‘This query will be executed as follows In where clause, in class_name variables, those class name will be ineluded which belongs to the students having 100 marks in math and so this compete query wil give the name ff those students in all classes which have 100 marks in ‘mathematics, The query will be executed as follows : In where clause, roll number variables contains those roll ‘number of students who have equal marks in semester 1 and semester 2 and this complete query will give the name of all students whose marks in semester 1 and semester 2 are same. A, B,C, D, E, F) FD set F=(4—>B, AD-+C, B > F,A->B) ‘To find a candidate key, we have to find the attribute closure \f atibute closure contains all the attributes which are given ‘in relations then that will be candidate key. (Ay = (ABFE} (Not all the attributes so A is not the candidate key [AD}’ ~ |ABDCEF) contains all the attributes which are given tn relation. the candidate key. ACBEF) not all atributes so AC is not a candidate 99. Given, relation R:(4, B,C, D, E, F,G) FD: F =(4-»B, BC + DE, AEF »G) {4,C) =(4,C, B, DB) Mo. IRA > RB and RB RC So, by the transitive property of dependency, we can say that A> Band BC A3C So, here RA > RC Hence, this statement is true. SELECT yields value for all attributes found in a table. SELECT can be used to list all of the row’s values for each attribute or it can yield selected row values for each attribute In other words, SELECT yields a horizontal subset of a table. Project produces a list of all values for selected attributes. In other words, PROJECT yields a vertical subset of a table. M6, The correct order is, SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY. Only’ the first) two are compulsory, but we cannot use a HAVING clause without a GROUP BY clause. Whichever additional clauses appear must be in the order listed above. 151. The tree is balanced means that all paths from the root to & leaf have the same length. Ai) =? mod 8 (8) = 64 mod 8 = 0 A{18) = 324 mod 8 = 4 158.

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