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Data Structure Data Structure + A data structure is a specialized format for organizing an memory. General data structure types include array, file, recor tree, graph and so on. = A data structure can be viewed as consisting of a set of algorithms for performing operations on the data it stores. ae | Tear data suture Non inear a [ree] renh storing data in cd, table, 1, Linear Data Structure A linear data structure traverses the data elements sequentially in which only ‘one data element can directly be reached eg., arrays, linked list, stack and queue. 2. Non-Linear Data Structure ‘= Every data item is aitached to several other data items in a way that is specific for reflecting relationships = The data items are not arranged in a sequential structure eg, tree and graph. Memory Allocation in C ‘There are two types of memory allocations in C. 1. Compile-time of static allocation 2, Run-time or dynamic allocation Compile-Time Allocation «= In this type of allocation, the required amount of memory is allocated to the program element at the start of the program. syllabus = Dota, information, Def data structure + Arrays, stacks, Queues, Like Lists, Trees, Graphs, Priory Queues and Heaps * File structure : Fields, Records and Fil ‘= Sequential, Direct, Index sequential and Relative fies ‘= Hashing, Inverted lists and id + Here, the memory to be allocated to the variable is fixed and is determined by the compiler at the compiler time. ‘eg, Consider the following declaration int x, float a5); = When first element is encountered, the compiler will allocate two bytes to each variables x and y + The second statement results into the allocation of 20 byte to the array a Run-Time Allocation € provides the following dynamic allocation and deallocation functions (i) malloc () (ii) free () {)) The Malloc () Function ‘The malloc ( ) function allocates a block of memory in bytes. The syntax of this function is as follows malloc (number of elements * size of each element); 46, (ii) calloc () {iv) realloc () int *ptr; ptr = malloc (10*size of (int)) ‘where, size represents the size of memory required in bytes. {ii) The Calloc ( ) Function This function works exactly similar to malloc ( ) function except for the fact that it needs two arguments fs against one argument required by malloc ( ). £80 int "ptr; pir = [int *) calloc (10, 2); (ii) The Free () Function "The free () function is used to deallocate the previously allocated memory using malloc ( ) or calloc ( ) "functions. ‘The syntax of this function is free (ptr-var); here, ptr-var is the pointer in which the address of the cd memory is assigned. The Realloc () Function function is used to resize the size of memory block is already allocated (i.e, to modify the size of allocated memory block). Syntax ptrvar = realloc (prt_var, new_size); Data Structures where, ptr_var is the pointer holding the starting address of already allocated memory block and new size is the size in bytes you want the system to allocate now, it may be smaller or greater than the size of previously allocated memory block depending upon the requirement. Algorithm Performance = An algorithm is any well defined computational procedure that take some values as input and produces some values as output. = The performance evaluation of an algorithm is obtained by totalling the number of occurrences of each operation when running the algorithm. 1. 6-Notation This notation bounds a function to within constant factors. We can say f(n)=O(g(n)), if there exists positive constant np, C, and C,. 2 (0) Ho) i e910) 7 i Kn) = (a1) Fig. 2 2. O-Notation (Upper Bound) This notation gives an upper bound for a function to within a constant factor. We can write f(n) = O(¢(n)), if there are positive constants ny and C’such that to the right of mo, the value of /(n) always lies on or below Clr). cain) fo) a) = O¢@4n)) Fig. 3 ats cee ns Tack ana 124 3. Q-Notation (Lower Bound) This notation gives a lower bound for a function to within a constant factor. We can write f(n) = O¢(n), if there are positive constants ny and C such that to the right of mo, the value of f(n) always lies on or above Cain). Analysis of Algorithm = The analysis of algorithms is the determination of the amount of resources (such as time and storage) necessary to execute them. = The best, worst and average cases of a given algorithm express what the resource usage is atleast, atmost and on average respectively. + Usually the resource being considered is running time but it could also be memory or other resources 1. Best Case Performance The term best case performance is used in computer science to describe the way, an algorithm behaves under optimal conditions eg, The best case for a simple linear search on a listoccurs when the desired element is the first element of the list. 2. Worst Case Performance ‘The running time for any given size input will be lower than the upper bound except possible for some values of the input, where the maximum is reached. 3. Average Case Complexity ‘The running time for any given size input will be the average number of operations over all problem instances for a given size. Categories of Algorithms, Based on Big Oh notation, the algorithms can be categorized as| : UGC NET Zz» Computer Science & Applications 1. Constant time (0{1)) algorithms 2, Logrithmic time (O(log n)) algorithms 3, Linear time (O(n)) algorithms 4. Polynomial time (0(n"'), for &> I) algorithms 5. Exponential time (O{A"), for k> 1) algorithms Array ‘= A collection of items having same data type stor in contiguous memory allocation. «Elements are stored contiguously with the fig clement stored at the smallest memory address, One-dimensional Arrays A one-dimensional array is one in which only one subscript specification in needed to specify particular element of the array. + One-dimensional array can be declared x follows data_type var_name (Expression]; Data type is the type of elements to be stored a the array, var_name specifies the name of array. eg, int num[10}; Accessing Elements of an Array Byte adress element [x] = base address + size (x-first index) eg, Let the base address of the first clement of te array is 200 and each element of array occupies 4 byte in the memory, then address a fifth element of & one-dimensional array a{10] will be given as— Address of element a5] = 200 + 4 *(5 ~ 0) = 200+4°5 200 +20 220 Stack = A stack is a list to which items are added or fio® which items can be deleted at one end only. TH end is called as top. + Stack follows the LIFO policy because the elem! which is added last will be removed first. Operations on Stack ’ + The insertion operation of elements into stack called push operation. + The deletion of elements from stack is called P% operation. - Uses of Stacks 1. Function Calls When a function is called all local storage for the function is allocated on the system ‘stack’ and the return address is pushed on the system stack 2. Implementing Recursion They can be used to implement recursion, if the programming language does not provide the facility for the same, 3. Reversing a List We can also use stack for reversing a list. 4, Parsing Stacks are used by compilers to check the syntax of the program and for generating executable code. 5. For Evaluating Expressions Example of how a stack can be used for checking for syntax. {a) Infix expression This the one where the binary operator comes between the operand cg, A+B {b) Postfix expression Here, the binary operator comes after the operands. eg, AB+ (0) Prefix expression Here, the binary operator proceedes the operands. eg, + 4B Queues = A queue is an ordered collection of items from which items may be deleted at one end (called the front to the queue) and into which items may be inserted at the other end (called the rear to the queue). + The terms fronts and rear are used in describing a linear list only when it is implemented as queue. = Queues are also called First In First Out (FIFO) lists. static and Dynamic Lists + A static data structure is a data structure created for an input data set which is not supposed to change within the scope of the problem. Data Structures 12! = When a single element is to be added to deleted, the update of a static data structure incurs significant costs, often comparable with the construction of the data structure. = In real applications, dynamic data structures are used, which allow for efficient updates when data elements are inserted or deleted Circular Queue + A circular queue is one in which the insertion of a new element is done at the very first location of the queue, if the last location of the queue is full. 210) a 44) Co) G21 Fig. 5 +A circular queue overcomes the problem of ‘unutilized space in linear queues implemented as arrays. Double Ended Queues (DEQUE) It is also a homogeneous list of elements in which insertion and deletion operations are performed from both the ends. i.e, We can insert elements from the rear end or from the front ends. It is called as Double Ended Queue (DEQUE). Priority Queues = Priority queues are useful data structures in simulations particularly for maintaining a set of future events ordered by time so that we can quickly retrieve what the next thing to happen is. In priority queue, elements are pulled highest priority first. Linked List + A linked list is a complex data structure, especially useful in systems or applications programming. A linked list is comprised of a series of nodes, each node containing a data element and a pointer to the next node. = A linked list or one way list is a linear collection of data elements called nodes, where the linear fi = applications 126 UGCNETZm Computer Science & Application order is given by the means of pointers. i¢, Each node is divided into two parts, the first part =a contain the information of the element and second parol part called the linked field or next pointer field, (node 1) (Node 2) contain the address of the next node in the list. Fig. 6 Doubly Linked Lists = Linked lists containing integer values or pointers to directions are called the doubly linked lists «= Each element in the list contains a piece of data togethe! elements in the list. = Using these pointers, it is possible to move through the list in Stat data with the ability to iterate over the list in bog - with pointers which link to the previous and neg both directions, ater rs Doo be Dro ot node 3 «t node 1 ode 2 Fig. 7 Doubly linked lists A <= 4p < Ag <2 Ay # Sorting algorithm is an algorithm that pug clements of a list in a certain order. Circular Lists A linked list whose last node points back to the first node instead of containing the null pointer, called a circular linked list. . Selection Sort i This type of sorting is called ‘selection sort? because it Searching works: 5 repeatedly element. It works as follows : A First find the smallest in the array and exchange it with 1. Linear Search 1 the element in the first position, then find the second + Search each record of.the file one at a time unt smallest element and exchange it with the element finding the given name and hence the he second position and continue in this way untl the corresponding record Seilesay nacre = This method of searching for data in an array is ) straight forward and easy to understand. Insertion Sort = To find a given item, begin your search at the ratect Sawai a saitello : s -ps making the left side of the start of the data collection and continue to loop rey sorted uid ie Slee er ea until you have either found the target or a ee je values seen so far and repeatedly insets exaust” gpaes, unseen values in the array into the left sored a 2. Binary Search Compare the given value with the value in the middle of the list list has which half of the list contains value. + It has a time complexity on @(n”), thus being slower than heapsort, merge sort and also shel sort. Sorting Merge Sort ig = Let A be the list of n elements 4,, A,,...,4, in Merge sort has time complexity 0 (n log n) comparisel memory sorting A refers to the operating of based sorting alggrthand Lataieel eee ee rearranging the contents of A so that there are stable, means it preserves the input order of et inerpasing in order that is so that elements in the sorted sequence. SS hhh Z Quick Sort Quick sort sorts by employing a divide and conquer strategy to divide a list into sublists The steps are as folows 1. Pick an element, called a pivot from the list 2, Reorder the list so that all the elements which are less than the pivot come before the pivot and so that all elements greater than the pivot come after it, After this partitioning, the pivot is in its final position. Recursively sort the sublist of lesser elements and the sublist of greater elements. Trees Trees are the types of a non-linear data structure. A data structure accessed beginning at the root node. Each node is either a leaf or an intemal node. An internal node has one or more child nodes and is called the parent of its child nodes. * All children of the same node are siblings. The root is usually depicted at the top of the structure and leaves are depicted at the bottom. Height of Tree "= The maximum distance of any leaf from the root of a tree. If a tree has only one node, the height is zero. The height of a tree is also known as the order. = The degree of a node is the number of subtrees associated with that node. "= A node of degree zero has no subtrees, such a node is called a leaf. Binary Tree A binary tree 7’ is defined as a finite set of ¢ elements, called nodes, such that 1 * 2. an ordered pair of disjoint binary trees 7, and 7 If T does contain a root R, then the two trees 7, and 7, are called respectively the left and right subtrees of R. = It 7, is non-empty, then its root is called the left successor of RSimilarly, if T, is non-empty, then _ its root is called the right successor of R Search Tree ‘Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree (7') in which internal node of T' stores an element such that the T is empty (called the null tree or empty tree). T contains a distinuguished node R called the root of T and the remaining nodes of 7 form Data Structures element stored in the left subtree of 7 is less than or equal to that node end elements stored in the right subtree of T are greater than or equal to that node. Traversing Binary Trees There are three standard ways of traversing @ binary tree T with root R. These three algorithms are called preorder, inorder and postorder. (@ Preorder (a) Process the root R (b) Traverse the left subtree of R in preorder. (c) Traverse the right subtree of R in preorder (ii) Inorder (a) Traverse the left subtree of R in inorder. (b) Process the root R (c) Traverse the right subtree of R inorder. (ii) Postorder (a) Traverse the left subtree of R in postorder. (b) Traverse the right subtree of R in postorder. (©) Process of the root R Breadth First Traversal + The breadth first traversal of a tree visits the nodes in the order of their depth in the tree. = Breadth first traversal first visits all the nodes at depth zero (ie, root), then all the nodes at depth fone and so on. At each depth, the nodes are visited from left to right. ++ Breadth first traversal uses queue for traversing. Depth First Traversal Depth first traversal is an algorithm for traversing or searching a tree, tree structure or graph. One starts at root and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. Height Balanced Tree = A height balanced tree which is also a binary search tree. It supports insert and delete ‘operations in time logarithmic in the number of nodes in the tree. + Self balancing binary search tree or height balanced binary search tree is a binary search tree that attempts to keep its height or the number of levels of nodes beneath the root, as small as possible at all times, automatically, meena 128 UGC NET Zz computer Science & Applications AVL Tree An AVL tree is a self balancing binary search tree and it is the first such data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the height of the two child subtrees of any node differ by a most one, therefore it is also said to be height balance Graphs +A graph is a set of vertices and edges which connect them + A graph G consists of two things L.A set of vertices V 2. A set of edges E such that each edge ¢ in E is identified with a unique pair [u, 2] of vertices in V, denoted by ¢ = fu, 2} Directed Graph A directed graph G, also called digraph, is the same as a multigraph except that each edge ¢ in G is assigned a direction or in other words each edge ¢ is identified th an order pair (u,v) of nodes in G rather than an d pair |u, v}. imate Leal | ‘Undirected graph Fig. 8 Strongly Connected Graph A directed graph G is said to be connected or strongly connected, if for each pair (u, v) of nodes in G there is a path from u to» and there is also a path from 2 to u. Spanning Tree A spanning tree of graph, G is a set of |o| ~1 edges that, connect all vertices of the graph. Minimum spanning tree The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a graph defines the cheapest subset of edges that keeps the graph in ‘one connected component. Types of Binary Trees 1, Rooted binary tree is a tree with a root node in which every node has atmost two children. 2. A full binary tree (strictly binary tree or 2-tree) is a tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children. A perfect binary tree is a full binary 3 A Pty all leaves are at the same depth or 8 Tevel and in which every parent hy," children 4. A complete binary tree is a binary hich every level, except possibly the ge ® Completely filled and all nodes are as freg® possible. q Propeties of Binary Trees 1. The number of nodes m in a perfect bin am be found using this formula, aera where, A is the height of the tree. 2. The number of nodes n in a complete b tree is aleast m= 2" and atmost n =2!-1.) where A is the height of the tree. 3. The number of nodes m in a perfect bin can also be found using this formula n =L-p where L is the number of leaf nodes inthe tee 4, The number of null links in a complete binay tree of n nodes in (n +1) 5, The number of internal nodes in a compley binary tree of n nodes is | n/2} Heap Tree | = A binary tree has the heap property iff (a) Itis empty or | (b) The key in the root is larger than that in either | ' child and both subtrees have the hes} property. / + Heap can be used as a priority queue. The hight priority item is at the root and is trivaly| | extracted. But if the root is deleted, we are let | - with two subtrees and we must efficiently recs a single tree with the heap property. ' Fig. 9(a) Data Structures 1. Sequential File Organization + A sequential file contains records organized by the order in which they were entered. The order of the records is fixed. = Records in sequential file can be read or written only sequentially 2. Indexed File Organization Maximum heap because maximum lement isa root node + Each record in the file has one or more embedded Fig. 9(b) keys (referred as key data items); each key is = We can create a minimum heap tree when the associated with an index. An index provides a logical path to the data records according to the contents of the associated minimum element is at root node, ile Structure embedded record key data items. Fi = Index files must be direct access storage files. Files = Records can be fixed length or variable length. Afiile can be seen as = Each record in an indexed file must have embedded prime key data item. When records are inserted, updated or deleted, they are identified solely by the values of their prime keys. AStream File ‘= Thus, the value in each prime key data item must le is viewed as a sequ be unique and must not be changed when the ae record is updated. er, a Data semantics is lost : there is no way to get it 3. Relative File Organization =a stream of bytes (no structure) or =a collection of records with fields apart again. ‘= Think of the file as a string of record areas, each ade of which contains a single record. Each record Field and Record Organization area is identified by a relative record number; the access method stores and retrieves a record based on its relative record number. eg, The first record area is addressed by relative Record A collection of related fields. Field The smallest logically meaningful unit of formation in a file. a rd ber 1 and the 10th is Key A subset of the fields in a record used to identify peinterscatetateateen o addressed by eee) a recocl ‘SREiative' files tnt be direct acceat fen lecord Keys 4. Hashing Primary key A key that uniquely identifies a record, ‘= The search time of each algorithm depend on the = Secondary key Other keys that may be used for number n of elements of the collection $ of the Ch. data, A searching technique called hashing or hash addressing which is essentially independent of the Organization number n. ‘+ There are a basic types of organization— ‘= Hashing is used to index and retrieve items in a 1. Sequential database because it is faster to find the item using a the shorter hashed key than to find it using the _B. Indexed sequential (relative) CONS 4. Hashing F Hash Function In all cases, we view a file as a sequence of records A records is a list of fields. Each field has a data * Hash functions are mostly used in hash tables, to type quickly locate a data record given its search key. 3 UGC NET = The hash function is used to m the index of a slot in the ‘able eee Corresponding record is supposedly Following are the different hash Reeeors "4 sh functions (A) Division Method In division remainder method, key k is divided by a number m larger than the number n of keys in k and the remainder of this division is taken as faeces, tak index into the Hk) = k mod m The number m is usually choosen to be a prime number or a number without small divisions, since this frequently minimizes the number of collisions. (8) Mid Square Method In the mid square method, the key is first squared. Therefore, the hash function is defined by a Ak) = p ee pis obtained by deleting digits from both sides of k? Example 1. Consider a hash table with 50 slots ie, m =50 and key values k = 163, 173, 312 Sol. k: 163 173312 H: 26569 29999 97344 A(k) 34" 92" 84 (C) Folding Method In folding method, the key & is partitioned into a number of parts k,, k,,.... 4, where each part, except possibly the last, has the same number of digits as the required address. Then, the parts are added together, ignoring the last carry ie, Hh) =k, +k ++ hy where, the leading digits carries, if any, are ignored. Example 2. Consider a hash table with 10 slots i, m =100 and key values k = 73, 76, 162, 361 Sol. eet FT [xe hia || 6632-0 mod 10 2 1=10>140=1mod 10 [1 In last key, sum of parts come 10 and if we take mod 10, then it (A) will come 0 but Oth place is filled, then a «@* Computer Science & Applications be broken into 1, 0 and we will again 10 will qf oarts 1201 and will do mod of 1, it will » ome place Resolving Collisions + Hash collision is the process in which more ‘one key is mapped to the same memory log. in the table '°Cig eg, If we are using the division remainder with following hash function meth Then, key =4 and key =7 both map; same location of the table Pot Ak) = 4mod 3 Hk) =7 mod 3 ~]Hash cotisg + The efficiency of a hash function with a resolution procedure is measured by the avers umber of probes (key comparisions) needed’® find the location of the record with a given key = The efficiency depends on the load factor i, (2) = average number of probes for a succeny search Ul) = average number of probes for unsuccessful search + Load factor (4) is the ratio of the number of: in the & to the number m of hash address in This ratio, 2 = n/m is called load factor, 1. Collision Resolution by Separate Chaining In this method, all the elements where keys hash tothe same hash table slot, are put in a one linked list. Table o 1 2 3[ Na Fig. 10, 2. Collision Resolution by Linear Probing The linear probing uses the following hash function Ak, i) = |W’ (k) +i] mod m fori =0, 1, 2...,m~1 where, mis the size of the hash table and fi (A) = kms! m, the basic function and i is the probe number. Itilist Organization a multilist organization, records which have valent values for a given secondary index item are ked together to form a list. Since, a particular item lly assumes a number of values, say m, then n lists created, one for each iter value yack of Multi-list Organiztion disadvantage is that on order to respond to a query th @ conjunctive terms all records corresponding to term having the shortest list must be individually + One way of overcoming the major disadvant the multilit approach is to remove all linkages from the file are to place the list in the secondary index, that is to create an inverted list = An inverted list can appear as a sequential, indexed or direct file depending on how quickly we desire a response to a query «Ifa list is not extremely long, then it may be possible to retain it in main memory while processing user requests. Tree = Bure is balanced trees that are optimized for situations when part or the entire tree must be maintained secondary storage such as a magnetic dhl. Since, dk acccues am peutve operations Bue ues to minimize the number of disk accesses, Data Structures have many children es, fa Btree node has & keys children + q Ger = For Brees Lower bound Every node other than root must keys and at least ¢ ehildren. Upper bound Every node can contain af most 2 Lkeys Every internal node has at most 2¢ children, B Tree + The B-tree is the classic disk based dats structure for indexing records based on an ordered key set. © The BY tree is a variant of the Buee which all records are stored in the and all leaves are linked sequentially. + AB" tree is a type of tree which represents sorted data in a way that allows for efficient -tree, in contrast o « Biree, all records are stored at the lowest level of the tree; only keys are ‘stored in interior blocks Data Structure pefinition Syllabus. e gzytre can be defined as mathematical or logical model of organization» Definition Des sfned inthe compuer system, We can classy the data structure into simple and Composite structures joi | Simple data structure 9, Compound data structure ‘arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queves Prionty queues * Binary trees, B-trees 1. simple Data Structure structure are those data structure which are built from ie simple di ‘na data types such as integers, floating point numbers, characters and sa values. The simple data structures can be classified into arrays and srt 2, Compound Data Structure ple data structure are combined to form more complex data nature, then i said to be compound data structure. Compound data structure fa be farther classified into two sub categories— (@) Linear data structure Sich data structure are one level or single level data structures. Among these dia ssuctures there are linked lists, queues and stacks. {)) Non-linear data structure Beh vps of data suctures are mulilevel data structures tee graphy pee Operations Performed in Data Structures The main operations performed in the data structures are as follows ()) Traversals refers visiting or accessing the data items stores in a data structure. Searching ing refers finding the location of a particular record in the stored data Te eee eee a core ee en 596 (©) Insertion Adding a new record in an existing data structure. (d) Deletion Deleting or removing a data or a record from a given data structure (e) Sorting Sorting refers to the operation, which involves arranging the records of a data structure in sorted structure, () Merging Merging refers combining two or more than two data structure into a one structure in sorted order. Arrays ‘An array is a subscripted variable, in which we can store various values of same data types into a single identifier. It means in an array two different types of data values cannot be stored. In an array of integers all the values will be integers. Similarly in an array of float all values of array will be of float only. Arrays are probably the most common data structure used to store collections of elements. In most languages, arrays are convenient to declare and provide the handy [] syntax to access any element by its index number, ‘An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. Instead of that, using an array we can store multiple values of the same type, with a unique identifier. There are two types of arrays namely one dimensional array and multi-dimensional array. General syntax for declaration of an array will be type name [elements]; where, type is a valid type (like int, float...), name is a valid identifier and the elements field (which is always enclosed in square brackets {)), specifies how many of these elements the array has to contain. Initializing Arrays When declaring a regular array of local scope (within a function, for example), if we do not specify otherwise, its elements will not be initialized to any value by default, so their content will be undetermined until we store some value in them. The elements of global and static arrays, on the other hand, are automatically initialized with their default values, which for all fundamental types this means they are filled with zeros. UGC NET Zczr Computer Science & Applications In both cases, local and global, when ay, we have the possiblity (o ani iggy each one of its elements by enclosing iho 't,* braces { }. For example, va int num [5] = (16, 2,77, 40, 1207}; This declaration would have created an ar leg (od ee iG 2 7 40 | | [0 Tr} ‘The amount of values between braces ( ) muy larger than the number of elements that we deci the array between square brackets []. For exagtlt the example of aay we have declared th ste elements and in the list of initial values within be we have specified five values, one for each elem When an initialization of values is, provided array, C++ allows the possibility of leaving the 1 ® brackets empty []- In this case, the comps’ assume a size for the array that matches the mings’ values included between braces {}. @ int num (] = ( 16, 2, 77, 40, 1207 }; After this declaration. The size of array num since we have provided fivelvaldes//saaiiaimmnala um [5] = Accessing the Values of an Array In any point of a program in which an array is vis we can access the value of any of its lem individually as if it was a normal variable, thus able to both read and modify its value. The formatiss simple as name [index} Following the previous examples in which aay ht five elements and each of those elements was of tye int, the name which we can use to refer to each element is as following : name(0] | name[1] | name[2__ | name(3] 16 2 7 40 wo For example, to store the value 75 in the third elemett of num, we could write the following statement : num[2] = 75; and for example, to pass the value of the third elem of num to a variable called a, we could wile *= num(2]. ee In C++, it is syntactically correct to exceed the range of indices for an array. This can create OOS since accessing out of range elements do not compilation errors but can cause runtime errors. — = it is important to be able to clearly mpewween the two uses that brackets [ ] have ycith Oe They perform two different tasks, one Hoa ge of arTays when they are declared roe Oy one is (0 specify indices for concrete 30 so BP es Pen example in C++ to find the sum of gory an array ays example jude Py = {161 2s 77 40, 12071}; um so, sees cout << result; return 0; ) pe adres of element [x] = base + size (x - first index) qulti-dimensional Arrays \isdimensional arrays can be described as arrays of ins, For example, @ two-dimensional array can be ned as a two-dimensional table made of elements, ‘Guithem of a same uniform data type. Suppose, we fie declared a two-dimensional array as int mydata [ptt will ook like as follows 0 L 2 3 4 o l 1 a ‘ai for example, the way to reference the second ‘neat vertically and fourth horizontally in an ‘azesion would be; mydata(1} [3]. We know that in C+ the array indices always begin with zero. Jc wodimensional array, array [r] [e] means that r ‘hor number of rows ¢ shows the number of columns. ‘ov, we want to access the element in two-dimensional ‘my then there are two methods. |) Row major ordering se all together. For example, consider an array ~-Ui)\|, ... Ub,] and BA is Base Address of the Data Structure given array, Cis the size of an element then location of Ali)[j] be found as follows : Loc (4,,,) =BA + [(i - &,)(UB, - i, +1)+(j - a) (i) Column major ordering Columns are all together. For example, consider an array fl, ... Ub,] [iby ... Ub] and BA is the base address of this array, C is the size of an element, the location of array f[j] can be found as follows Loc (4, ,)= BA + C[(j - By) (Ub, - , +0) +(- 4) Lists A linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence. Under the simplest form, each node is composed of a datum and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows for efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position in the sequence. A linked list is a data structure which can change during execution-successive elements, which are connected by pointers and last element points to null. It can grow or shrink in size during execution of a program. It can be made just as long as required. It does not waste memory space ‘A linked list whose nodes contain two fields, an integer value and a link to the next node. The last node is, linked to a terminator used to signify the end of the list They can be used to implement several other common abstract data types, including stacks, queues, associative arrays and symbolic expressions, though it is not uncommon to implement the other data structures directly without using a list as the basis of implementation, The principal benefit of a linked list over a conventional array is that the list elements can easily be inserted or removed without reallocation or reorganization of the entire structure because the data items need not be stored contiguously in memory or on disk. Linked lists allow insertion and removal of nodes at any point in the list and can do so with a constant number of operations, if the link previous to the link being added or removed is maintained during list traversal. On the other hand, simple linked lists by themselves do not allow random access to the data or any form of efficient indexing. Thus, many basic operations such as obtaining the last node of the list (assuming that the last node is not maintained as separate node reference in the list structure) or finding a node that contains a UGC NET Zz, computer Science iven datum or locating the place where a new node should be inserted, may require scanning most or all of the list elements. Inserting an Element into a Linked List For insertion + A record is created holding the new item. + The nextpointer of the new record is set to link it to the item which is to follow it in the list. + The nextpointer of the item which is to precede it must be modified to point to the new item. Pictorially, it can be shown as follows 4T+—{2 T+ +e [4+-4 feotet a Gi) ett Lx] Fig. 1 Deleting an Element froma Linked List To delete an element from a linked list the next pointer of the item immediately preceding the one to be deleted is altered and made to point to the item following the deleted item. We can show the deletion pictorially as follows : Item to be deleted (xT}-* 1+ Tt 5 Selchs a} Fig. 2 Data Types of Linked Lists Before writing the code to build the above list, we need two data types. (a) Node The type for the nodes which will make up the body of the list. These are allocated in the heap. Each node Applications contains a single client data element ang the next node inthe list. Type: struct nog* Pi struct node { int data; struct node* next; hk (0) Node Pointer The type for pointers to nodes. This wil aoe bed poiaer and the next fields tnaae pe In C and C++, no separate type gei® we required, since the pointer type is just folowed by a" Type : struct node? = Side Various Implementation of Linkeg Lists (a) Dummy Header Forbid the case, where the head pointer i Gioore as a representation of the empty By Seek dummy node whose data field is mane Tt sdvaniage of this technique is that the pe inter (reference parameter) case docs nol cms For operations such as Push). Also, some a iterations are now a litle simpler since they can assume the existence of the dummy heador an Gisvantage & that allocating an emp be ax fequires allocating (and wasting, memory, algorithms have an ugliness (3 tesa aaa rer a realize that the dummy node does not coust Mast the dummy header is for programmers to avoid ugly reference parameter issues in functions Push. Languages which do not allow seagull jeters, such as Java, may ies fi Feeder as a workaround. - oil : é (©) Circular Instead of setting the .next field of the last n0 set it to point back around to the first node. hich contains a head pointer, a tail pointer pF yn length to make many operations more ergy of the reference parameter problems go anyat functions can deal with pointers to the nether it is heap allocated or not). This is ch (0 use ina language withont such as Java. : se es PP y asamelers yy Linked List uP sf just a single .next field, each node both next and previous pointers. and deletion now requir more but other operations are. simplified fr to a node, insertion and deletion ned directly whereas in the singly i eve, the iteration typically needs to locate hed just before the point of change in the list feinext pointers can be followed downstream, nk List Gnifd of storing a single client element in each batt ore a litle constant size array of client Menents in each node. Tuning the number of ae Memance characteristics, many elements per Mmenis per node has performance more like a ied lst The chunk list is a good way to build a Inked list with good performance. 5 pynamic Array Insead of using a linked list, elements may be sed in an array block allocated in the heap. Itis gossble to grow and shrink the size of the block as feeded with calls to the system function realloc( ). Managing a heap block in this way is a fairly omplex, but can have excellent efficiency for sore and iteration, especially because modern memory systems are tuned for the access of ‘contiguous areas of memory. In contrast, linked list ‘an actually be a litte inefficient, since they tend to ‘rate through memory areas that are not adjacent. eue ston in which the entities in the collection are kept. ‘ic and the principal (or only) operations on the ion are the addition of entities to the rear Portion and removal of entities from the front ‘This makes the queue a First In First data structure. In a FIFO data structure, lement added to the queue will be the first one ‘moved. This is equivalent to the requirement damenh dn sdadlsall glmmais ant were Data Structure 9 added before have to be removed before the new element can be invoked. A queue is an example of & linear data structure Queues provide services in computer science, transport and operations research where various entities such as data, objects, persons or event are stored and held t0 be processed: later. In. these the queue Performs the function of a buffer. Queue Implementation Theoretically, one characteristic of a queue is that it does not have a specific capacity. Regardless of how many elements are already contained, a new element can always be added. It can also be empty, at which point removing an element will be impossible until a new element has been added again. Fixed length arrays are limited in capacity and inefficient because items need to be copied aia head of the queue. However conceptually they are simple and work with early languages such as FORTRAN and BASIC which did not have pointers or objects. Most modern languages with objects or pointers can implement or come with libraries for dynamic lists. Such data structures may have not specified fixed capacity limit’ besides memory constraints. Queue overflow results from trying to add an element onto a full queue and queue underflow happens when trying to remove an element from an empty queue. A bounded queue is a queue limited to a fixed number of items. There are several efficient implementations of FIFO queues. An efficient implementation is one that can perform the operations, enqueuing and dequeuing in O{)) time. (2) Linked List Implementation +A doubly linked list has O(l) insertion and deletion at both ends, so it is a natural choice for queues. +A regular singly linked list only has efficient insertion and deletion at one end. However, a small modification keeping « pointer to the last node in addition to the first one will enable it to implement an efficient queue. (b) A deque implemented using a modified dynamic array. Double Ended Queue ‘A double ended queue (dequeue, often abbreviated to deque, pronounced deck) is an-abstract data type that implements a queue for which elements ean only be 7 cance & Applications ” 600 UGCNETZ.zr Computer Science Application: .st_priority_elem atlded to or removed. from the front(head).or back 9 Pull. bighee™ PE ome stn (al). It is also often called a head-tail linked list. sony and. return it alg! Se WAly Deque is sometimes writen dequeue but this use i pop element), geL.maximum elt Wy generally deprecated in technical literature or technical get front(most)_element; some my NY writing because dequeue is also a verb meaning (© Consider lower priorities to be higher, or \! remove from a queue. Nevertheless, several libraries cone known as get_minimum ea? ty nd some writers, such as Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman Often referred to as get-min in the tee a in their textbook Data Structures and Algorithms, spell cee ee also. sometimes ple, a it dequeue. John Mitchell, author of Concepts in peek at_highest_priority_element I Programming Languages, also uses this terminology. Belt slement functions, which ean beg af DEQ and DQ are also used. to produce pull highest priority element Nl Distinctions and Sub Types Stack This differs from the queue abstract data type or First ei In First Out (FIFO) list, where elements can only be A stack is a Last In First Out (LIFO) abstr added to one end and removed from the other. This general data class has some possible sub types data type as an element, but is characterized three fundamental operations; push, pop and yey An Input Restricted Deque The push operation adds a new item tothe yg It is one where deletion can be made from both ends, stack, or initializes the stack if it is empty. Ifthe, but insertion can only be made at one end. full and does not contain enough space to given item, the stack is then considered to het ap Cuttent Restricted Ogaue overflow state. The pop operation removes a It is a type of deque where insertion can be made at from the top of the stack. A pop eth both ends, but deletion can be made from one end — previously concealed items or results in an empy, only. but if the stack is empty then it goes into Both the basic and most common list types in state. It means no items are present in stack computing, queues and stacks can be considered removed. The stack top operation gets the data specializations of deques and can be implemented the top-most position and returns it to the user deleting it. The same underflow state can also ocars stack top operation if stack is empty. Priority Queue A stack is a restricted data structure, because ea A pony is an abstract data type which is like a ‘all number of operations are performed oni regular queue or stack data structure but additionally, "ature of the pop and push operations also mea stack elements have a natural order, Elements act di ‘and linear data structure. A stack can have any 4. | ey using deques. each element is associated with a priority. semoved fom ihe Gitta the = Stack Elements are pulled in las in frst out order der of their addition therefore, the lower (eg., a stack of papers) are those that have been on the stack the longest = Queue Elements are pulled in first in first out order (eg, a line in a cafeteria). Basic Architecture of a Stack «Priority queue Elements are pulled highest typical stack, storing local data and call priority first (¢., cutting in line, or VIP service). for nested procedure calls (not necessarily tis a common misconception that a priority queue isa procedures!). ‘This stack grows downward heap. A priority queue is an abstract concept like a list origin, The stack pointer points to the current or @ map, just as a list can be implemented with a datum om the stack. A push operation decrem! linked list or an array, a priority queue can be pointer and copies the data to the stack and 2 implemented with a heap or a variety of other Operation copies data from the stack and | methods. increments the pointer. Each procedure called A priority queue must at least support the following program stores procedure retum information 34 operations— data by pushing them onto the stack. This type o® = Insert_with priority Add an element to the implementation is extremely common, queue with an associated priority. vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks. A typi! memory with a fixed origin and a lly the size of the stack is zero. A in the form of a hardware register, inter Tost recently referenced location on the 0 ck has a size of zero, the stack pointer pet agin ofthe stack oe erations applicable to all stacks are— gn operation ‘on, in which a data item is placed at the id to by the stack pointer and the address Jjusted by the size of the data Init push OP ine Pinter i ad te * gp or Pull operation all operation, a data item at the current p oF P stack pointer is removed and Foe is adjusted by the sizeof the data item, ee pany variations on the basic principle of ge ons, Every stack has a fixed location in opr ch it begins. As data items are added to mine sack pointer is displaced to indicate the 5 ff the stack, which expands away from tent of ot ex rg. {printers may point to the origin of a stack or to a a range of addresses either above or below the depending on the direction in which the stack ®) however, the stack pointer cannot cross the ofthe stack. In other words, if the origin of the jis at address 1000 and. the stack grows rivards (towards addresses 999, 998, and so on}, ‘ack pointer must never be incremented beyond io 1001, 1002, etc,). If a pop operation on the causes the stack pointer to move past the origin of Sack, a stack underflow occurs. If a push operation es the stack pointer to increment or decrement yond the maximum extent of the stack, a stack most two child nodes, usually distinguished as left ‘ight. Nodes with children are parent nodes and odes may contain references to their parents. the tree, there is often a reference to the root the ancestor of all nodes), if it exists. Any node in structure can be reached by starting at root ‘nd repeatedly following references to either the Data Structure € = A directed edge refers to the link from the parent to the child. + The root node of a tree is the node with no parents. There is at most one root node in a rooted tree. + A leaf node has no children. = The depth of a node n is the length of the path from the root to the node. The set of all nodes at a given depth is sometimes called a level of the tree. The root node is at depth zero. + The height of a tree is the length of the path from the root to the deepest node in the tree. A (rooted) tree with only one node (the root) has @ height of zero, Siblings are nodes that share the same parent node. = A node p is an ancestor of a node q, if it exists on the path from q to the root. The node q is then termed a descendant of p. = The size of a node is the descendants, it has including itself. «In degree of a node is the number of edges arriving at that node. = Out degree of a node is the number of edges leaving that node. + The root is the only node in the tree with Incdegree =0. number of Types of Binary Trees (a) Rooted Binary Tree A rooted binary tree is a tree with a root node in which every node has at most two children. (b) Full Binary Tree A full binary tree (sometimes proper binary tree or 2tee or strictly binary tree) is a tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children. Sometimes a full tree is ambiguously defined as a perfect tree. (c) Perfect Binary Tree A perfect binary tree is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth or same level and in which every parent has two children. This is ambiguously also called a complete binary tree. (d) Complete Binary Tree A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled and all nodes are as far left as possible. \ UGC NET 7-4, (e) Infinite Complete Binary Tree An infinite complete binary tree is a tree with a countably infinite number of levels, in which every node has two children, so that there are 24 nodes at level d. The set of all nodes is countably infinite, but the set of all infinite paths from the root is uncountable; it has the cardinality of the continuum. These paths corresponding by an order preserving bijection to the points of the Cantor set or (through the example of the Stern-Brocot tree) to the set of positive irrational numbers. (f) Balanced Binary Tree A balanced binary tree is commonly defined as 4 binary tree in which the height of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more than one although in general, itis a binary tree where no leaf is much farther Seay from the root than any other leaf. Binary trees that are balanced according to this definition have a predictable depth (how many nodes are traversed from Tre root to 2 leaf, root counting as node 0 and subsequent as 1, 2, depth). This depth is equal to the integel part of log) (n), where ms the number of nodes on the balanced tree. eg. (i) Balanced tree with 1 node, log (1) = 0 (depth = 0) eg. (ii) Balanced tree with 3 nodes, log, (3) =1.59 (depth = I. eg. (iii) Balanced tree with 5 nodes, log ,(5) =2.32 (depth of tree is 2 nodes). (g) Degenerate Tree A degenerate tree is a tree, where for each parent node, there is only one associated child node. This means that in a performance measurement, the tree will behave like a linked list data structure. Properties of Binary Trees = The number of nodes n in a perfect binary tree can be found using this formula n = 2h+1-1, where his the height of the tree = The number of nodes n in a complete binary tree is at least n = 2h and at most n= 2h+1~1, where his the height of the tree. = The number of leaf nodes L in a perfect binary tree can be found using this formula L = 2h, where ‘his the height of the tree. = The number of nodes n in a perfect binary tree can also be found using this formula n= 22 +1, where L is the number of leaf nodes in the tree. = The number of null links (absent children of nodes) in « complete binary ice, of » nodes i Computer Science * Applications = The number of internal nodes binary tree of n nodes is ma = For any non-empty binary tree odes and a, nodes of degree 2,q, "t Proof net Let 1 =the total number of nodes B = number of branches ng, n, and n, represent the number of children, a single child and (0 children reece B=n-1 (since all nodes except the root from a single branch.) ode Ban, +2*n, n=n,+2*n, +1 nm, +2*n, +1=M +n, +m Tree Traversal Tree traversal refers 10 the process of visinge inva tee, exactly once. Such traversal are casa the order in which the nodes are visited. yl 1. Preorder Traversal To traversal a non-empty binary tree in perform the following operations recursh er aartng with the TooPnods a (a) Visit the root (b) Traverse the left subtree . (c) Traverse the right subtree 2. Inorder Traveral To traverse a non-empty binary tree is inorder, the following operations recursively at each (a) Traverse the left subtree (b) Visit the root (c) Traverse the right subtree 3. Postorder Traversal To traverse a non-empty tree in depthfint perform the following operations recursively hoe : (a) Traverse the left subtree (b) Traverse the right subtree (c) Visit the root B-Tree ‘ to Knuth's:definition, « Baree of (the maximum number of children for each tree which satisfies the following properties (i) Every node has at most m a node (except root) has at least m/2 paren pl" pas atleast two children, if tis not a ia Ts node i es appear he sme Teel and carry oY penation Si teat node with k children contains (k—1) Ho ode's elements act as separation values pet fab tees, For example, if an internal die es (or sub-tees) then it mus have Pa aang rer elements a, and a. All values in be less than @,, all values in be between a, and a, and all b-aree will be greater than a, pepe sab-tree will ae subaree wil isp rightmost su al Nodes re all nodes except for leaf nodes and They are usually represented as an if elements and child pointers, Every saontains a maximum of U children and a [¢hildren. Thus, the number of elements fan the number of child pointers (the between L - Land U—1). Umust ‘efore each internal node is at The relationship between Uand L implies | el ‘nodes can be joined to make a legal a 0 ll node can be split nto two legal nodes es foo to push one element up nto the parent) ier 00T T mnake it possible to delete and insert tern In 1} nodes #1 1 aot node: ays | a ‘ofelements is eiher 2L oF 2L-ly ther Pe The Root Node He root node's number of children has the same upper lar x internal nodes, but has no lower limit. For femple, when there are fewer than Ze elements in te enire tee, the root will be the only node in the ee, with no children at all. ) ems as a Betree of depth n but the cost of search, and delete operations grows with the depth of the As with any balanced tree, the cost grows much slowly than the number of elements. balanced trees store values only at leaf nodes and kinds of nodes for leaf nodes and internal 603 Data Structure C nodes, Brees keep values in every node in, the ee and may use the same structure for all nodes. Howeve? since leaf nodes never have children, the Burees benefit from improved performance, if they use a specialized structure. In computer science, a B-tree is a tree data struct that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions and deletions in logarithmic, WE The Bitree is a generalization of a binary search fer that anode can have more than two children. Unlike selfbalancing binary search trees, the Butree | '® Optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data. It is commonly used in databases and file systems. Overview In Btrees, internal (non-leaf) nodes ean have @ number of child nodes within some predefined range, When data is inserted or removed from a node, its number of child nodes changes. In order to maintain the predefined range, internal nodes may be joined or split. Because a range of child nodes is permitted, Betrees do not need rebalancing as frequently as other self balancing search trees, but may waste some space, since nodes are not entirely full. The lower and upper bounds on the number of child nodes are typically fixed for a particular implementation. For example, in a 2-3 Bttree (often simply referred to as a 2-3 tree), each internal node may have only 2 or 3 child nodes. Each internal node of a B-tree will contain a number of keys. Usually, the number of keys is chosen to vary between d and 2d. In practice, the keys take up the most space in a node. The factor of 2 will guarantee that nodes can be split or combined. If an internal node has 2d keys, then adding a key to that node can be accomplished by splitting the 2d key node into 2d key nodes and adding the key to the parent node. Each split node has the required minimum number of keys. Similarly, if an internal node and its neighbour each have d keys, then a key may be deleted from the internal node by combining with its neighbour. Deleting the key would make the internal node have d- | keys, joining the neighbour would add dkeys plus one more key brought down from the neighbour's parent. The result is an entirely full node of 2d keys. ‘A Bure is kept balanced by requiring that all leaf nodes are at the same depth. This depth will increase slowly as elements are added to the tree but an increase in the overall depth is infrequent and results in all leaf nodes being one more node further away from the root. variable 604 UGC NET Zezer Computer Science & Applications Burees have substantial advantages over alternative implementations when node access times far exceed access times within nodes because then the cost of accessing the node may be amortized over multiple operations within the node. This usually occurs when the nodes are in secondary storage such as disk drives. By maximizing the number of child nodes within each internal node, the height of the tree decreases and the number of expensive node accesses is reduced. In addition, rebalancing the tree occurs less often. The maximum number of child nodes depends on the information that must be stored for each child node and the size of a full disk block or an analogous size in, secondary storage. While 2-3 B-trees are easier to explain, practical B-trees using secondary storage want a large number of child nodes to improve performance. B* and B* Trees The term B-tree may refer to a specific design or it may refer to a general class of designs. In the narrow sense, a B-tree stores keys in its internal nodes but need not store those keys in the records at the leaves. The general class includes variations such as the B*-tree and the B*-tree. = In the 8*-tree, copies of the keys are stored in the internal nodes, the keys and records are stored in leaves; in addition, a leaf node may include a pointer to the next leaf node to speed sequential access « The B*tree balances more neighbouring internal nodes to keep the internal nodes more densely packed. This variant requires non-root nodes to be at least 2/3 full instead of 1/2. To maintain this, instead of immediately splitting up a node when it gets full, its keys are shared with a node next to it. When both nodes are full, then the two nodes are split into three. Counted B-trees store, with each pointer within the tree, the number of nodes in the sub tree below that pointer. This allows rapid searches for the nth record in key order or counting the number of records between any two records and various other related operations. Graph A tree is a special case of the more general graph (or net). Graphs have vertices (or nodes) and edges (which ‘can be one way or undirected). Edges can have a cost associated with them and the cost may depend on the direction taken along the edge. Popular graph related puzzles include: a « Finding whether one can traverse al traversing any twice (an Euler pathy he « The travelling salesman problem - " Al the nodes at a minimal cost” POW «= Finding the shortest (least cost) pay, =a vertices. « Finding the minimal spanning tree a (with the least cost edges) that inca, More formally, a graph is a pair (7, £) yy 2% finite set and E is a binary relation on ppt? vertex set whose elements are called verte Ue collection of edges, where an edge is a pais u,0 in V. In a directed graph, edges are orgyt!) connecting @ source vertex to a target yon! undirected graph, edges are unordered «* by connect the two vertices in both directions, pra™ & undirected graph (u,v) and (0,1) are tye writing the same edge. wang If some edge (u, ») is in graph, then vertex to vertex u. In a directed graph, edge (y <2 out-edge of vertex u and an in-edge of verter, © © undirected graph edge (1, ) is incident on ce and v, In a directed graph, the number of outejut* vertex is its out-degree and the number of ined!” in-degree. For an undirected graph, the muthe'® edges incident to a vertex is its degree. a A path is a sequence of edges in a graph s target vertex of each edge isthe seures vegas ail next edge in the sequence. If there is a path sag vertex wand ending at vertex x we say th $y reachable from u. A path is simple if none of vertices in the sequence are repeated, A path isa if the first and last vertex in the path are the same § graph with no cycles is acyclic. ‘ “ Graph Traversal Graphs can be traversed much as trees can (depth fire breadth first, etc.), but care must be taken not to gi stuck in a loop-trees by definition don't have cycles iat in a tree there’s always only one path from the reoios node whereas in a graph there may be many pals between any pair of nodes. The following directed graph has 6 nodes The Dijkstra-Moore algorithm can be used to find shortest path from a given node to each of the ote long as costs are not negative. A breadth fist se from the first node radiates out across the grap reaches an unvisited node, it sets its distance fom first node to be the distance of the previous node fas Gepieanadeiplubs l of the edge from previous node. If a node’s already been visited, = na distance from the first node the shortest distance, the current So, a comparison is done and the vet to the minimum. as “: graph below, suppose that A was 20 Fave shorter Mode. In the first stage, node B’s distance feo 7 and node C’s distance to 1. During 2 routes from nodes B and © would be 400% hen node Be reached from node C, the we whee go node B’s distance from Ais reset to eis 1* 5.077 As the algorithm progresses, node a ori iter be reset t© 5, which is the final 3 ‘The algorithm terminates ples ample Data Structure have 1n all of the routes will than after 5 stages because by thei have more been traversed routes can't number_of_vertices 1 edges. Implementing Graph Algorithms Graphs provide useful source material [01 practising Cok, inheritance provides a useful mechanioy for integrating node, edge and graph structnt™® and the sacdiard Rbrary takes away much of the chore Some issues to bear in mind are~ = You could start by writing 50 code to deal with the earlier examp! forget that trees are a subset of BraP! your code should be generalisable. sh information will + Think about how the tree/grap! be setup. If files are to be read in, what format should the files have? = As with the standard containers and algorithms, it might be worth trying to separate the graph information from the operations 10 be performed on the graph. me tree traversal jles but don’t yhs and that

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