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Project Outcomes and Group Process Reflection

my reflective essay should talk about our project and our module - Introduction to Business

you must write that in my module I learned about all SDG ( total 17) not only SDG 5 and what benefits I
have, what I learned and how happy I am about it and etc.

overall you are on the right track but there are some parts that are a bit unclear to me or badly written

1. Conclusion

conclusion is badly written. we don't say anything about diabetic and old
people. the conclusion must be longer and talk about our project. what
was its purpose and what benefits we and future users will benefit from
and etc. in the conclusion you must write about my module too. You
have to write that I learned about all SDG not only SDG 5.

below I am sending a link that will help you write the correct conclusion.
the conclusion should be around 150 – 200 words.

Ending the Essay: Conclusions | (

: I copied your conclusion: it is wrong

Succinctly, we not only enjoyed the activity, but we learned a lot. We believe that the device will benefit
women against violence and help anyone, including people with medical conditions, for prompt

The device will specifically benefit people with diabetes when they experience unforeseen changes in
their insulin levels. People with a medical condition can link their GPS microchip to their possible
medical service provider or caregiver. The app will alert the relevant parties for assistance and obtain
timely medicine whenever these individuals are in distress.

2. Introduction
I copied it from google – what you need to include in introduction

Introduction should specify what you're reflecting upon. Make sure that your thesis informs your reader
about your general position, or opinion, toward your subject. State what you are analysing: a passage, a
lecture, an academic article, an experience, etc...) Briefly summarize the work.


Introduction should include information about our project and my module ( SDG) too. Should be
about 120 – 150 words

I am sending links

THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (

Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations Development Programme (

1. First should be introduction. i cannot see anything

The project activity has been not only informative but also interesting.

We enjoyed every part of our project. The team members were quite corporative. In week 3, we
created our group and brainstormed the team members’ ideas. Members agreed that we chose SGD 5
on gender equality. In week 4, our group leader, Edyta assigned each member the part they will focus
on in our project. We researched SGD 5 in week 5 and submitted our first draft of the project proposal
in week 6.


I am sending you in attachment – Project Proposal ( you can find whole

information about first this part )
and after that our leader modul (Chris - teacher) gave feedback (90 percent). I
would like to include this information in my essay. you should also write here
how his feedback was motivating for us
Our proposed solution to the growing violence against women is the introduction of the GPS microchip
on women’s jewelry. We agreed that our devices would be an improvement of the existing solution to
enhance efficiency and reliability.

The device will trigger an alert with a message on the user’s location to the pre-identified contacts,
including the emergency services. The group members agreed that it would only need to press, and the
device will send alerts automatically to the people in their circle.

This device will be a pendant made of smooth leather and rust-proof and a non-corrosive metal
casing, making the device more durable. It will include fashionable colored storage with a safety
mechanism below it. The GPS microchip will be connected to the smartphone app and those in their

In case of an emergency, the user must double-click the device to send instant alerts to friends, family
members, and emergency services. The device will also alert the nearest PCR within the vicinity using
the same application. The alert recipients will be able to track the user’s location because the device
will use GPS.

text highlighted in red. I don't know where you got this information from


We are starting from week 6

I am writing this easy – I cannot call myself Julia……it is wrong

Week 13 Project progress presentation.

2. week 13

Project progress presentation ( we had the first presentation our project)

presentation our sladies plus Foundation project presentation (attachment) without model canvas

and after that Bushr (our teacher) gave feedback 76 percent. You should write some sentences about it.

you have to write here that our teacher gave us some very valuable advice and we used it in the final
In week 6, we started a draft of presentation notes. All the team members worked on their slides as
assigned by our team leader. Each member was requested to carry out detailed research. Julia
researched the selected Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) – SGD 5 –gender equality, Iwona
researched the background of the problem, while Aino focused on the current solution for our problem.
Edyta presented our proposed solution while Vanessa focused on the benefits and conclusion of our
proposed project.

Julia explained that violence against women and girls is a serious human rights issue. Only a few
categories include domestic or intimate relationship abuse, sexual harassment and assault, and gender-
related murders. In her research, she found out that there were an estimated 2.3 million victims of
domestic abuse in the year ending March 2020, with 1.6 million of them being female. Furthermore,
she found that 7 out of 10 women had experienced public sexual harassment. Julia explained that
though countries have established laws to help curb violence against women, violence is still rampant.
Iwona focused on the problem of violence against women. Most of Iwona’s findings were in line with
findings by Julia.

Aino research on some of the available solutions to the problem we had identified. We can attest that
we learned a lot regarding some of the available devices in the market to protect women. Some of the
devices identified by Aino included InvisaWear, Buddi, and Rape Alarms. We learned the strengths and
problems of these devices; this allowed us to identify the existing gaps for our device.

Edyta presented our idea. We learned a lot about his research. The group members collaborated in
finding necessary resources that would help us develop our project.


Based on our research, we decided that our device will be available in three options Emerald Green,
Sapphire Blue, and Stones-Onyx Black, and it will be water-resistant. It will be stylish to ensure that
users confidently wear different dresses. It will be available in both bracelets and pendants. Stolen
devices will not work without being paired with a phone. The user will be required to mark their
devices to be lost on the app if it is stolen. The device can be tracked and retrieved back if is lost.

where do you get this information?

we are not talking about it in our project
Vanessa concluded our presentation by highlighting the benefits of our project. She explained that our
goal is to assist not only women, even though this is our core mission, but all individuals in feeling secure
in society. We all hope that, more than ever before, human equality will be established, and that we will
all feel safe in any situation at any time. The primary goal of establishing this device is to help make
women safe. It will reduce cases of violence against women by ensuring that emergency cases involving
women are attended to on time. The project will promote human equality by preventing abuse against
women. It is a significant step towards providing an accessible, affordable and effective solution to the
problem of violence against women. The crimes against women have been a significant concern
towards achieving sustainable development goals (Krahé, 2018). Safety gadgets are available in the
market, such as pepper spray is available in the market, but how efficient are they? If a woman is
attacked, how long does it take for them to fetch a spray from their handbag, or how long does it take
for the device to send a signal. The proposed device will address the current gaps in efficiency and
promote women’s safety. The wearer can choose those who can get alerts when the user is in
emergency or distress.


From week 15

Week 15 Model canvas, every team member to attempt to complete – part of individual
Week 16 Slides, what needs to be changed, model canvas – progress to be checked with group
Week 17 Extend speeches from total of 10min to 20min – what needs to be changed and/or
Week 18 Model canvas – meeting on Friday at 3pm. First draft of final model.
Week 19 Slides update, what can be removed to fit model canvas discussion.
Week 20 Model canvas to be completed.
Week 21 Presentation review before Turnitin upload. Meeting at 3pm on Friday at campus.
Week 22 Monday – Turnitin upload!! Friday – meeting at 3pm on campus to practise
Week 23 Tuesday 4pm – zoom meeting to practise presentation, Wednesday final presentation.
Week 24 Essay Turnitin upload + model canvas, project planner and 17 SDG logs.

OUR final presentation – week 23

as you can see we worked for a few weeks to improve our presentation and we added a canvas model
to our presentation.

We partially changed and added new information to our parts after getting advice from our teacher
and social model canvas

In our presentation (slides). Can you check information about it there., please?
there is a slide called the social model canvas. You will find all the additional information that must be
included in this part of essay. You write about the costs of our project. check the information contained
in the social canvas (coast of delivery) you will find information that the project costs are pilot for a
group of 20 women.

Please put in this section also information that I wrote social canvas with iwona and it was a very hard
work. you have to show that we have searched a lot of websites and etc

I am sending you it

Slide 6, Model canvas Aino and Edyta

We've completed the Social Business Model Canvas, which outlines our desired social effect,
how our initiative will be implemented, the beneficiaries we'll be targeting, and critical finances.
Support from charities and foundations, as well as sponsors, would be critical in getting the
initiative off the ground. Because the issue we're addressing is relevant to SDG 5, Equality, and
in particular women's equality, we'd like to form partnerships with foundations that focus on
women's safety and support for victims of violence. Another crucial part is marketing, which
ensures that people are aware of a product's existence and advantages. We'd aim to reach out to
potential clients via social media, partnerships with charities, and possible sponsors, as well as
via schools to promote awareness and educate the next generation.
We'd have to concentrate on manufacturing as well, but first and foremost, we'd like to start with a 20-
woman pilot. For that, we came up with an approximate estimate, which I'll attempt to summarise for
you based on the results of our research. We would buy a half-finished bracelet from the Chinese
website, China Wholesale Jewelry Beads & Jewelry Making Supplies. With a purchase of 20
bracelets, the price of the bracelet (buy cost + delivery) ranges from $5 to $6. Pendants are estimated to
cost between £40 and £50. We will use existing semi-products, such as tags, which are used in the care
support sector, to lower the project's cost by roughly 50%.

To reduce cost, we'd want to join the National Network to End Domestic Violence app as a community.
The anticipated cost of joining the application is determined by reprogramming the application rather
than the number of individuals who use it. There are two options for collaboration.

- reprogramming charges of roughly £ 5,000; alternatively - long-term collaboration consisting of a 10%

profit transfer from bracelet sales to the National Network firm for reprogramming applications in line
with our concept.
When it comes to financing and financial assistance, we'd want to collaborate with organisations like
Victim Support to develop and promote our product as a violence prevention tool.

Bright Sky is a free website and mobile application that may be used to share project information.

Woman's Aid — we might be able to gain help from them through a social media connection. Victims
presently has over 112,000 Twitter followers and around 51k Facebook fans. Approximately 5 million
people have visited their website.

Safe Spacer is available at TSB banks and in Boots, Morrison, Superdrug, and Well pharmacies. These are
locations where you can get professional information on violence..

As part of the SDG2030 programme, collaboration with MDX and other institutions and businesses
would be considered. 


I am sending a link

In-Text Citations - Essay Writing - Monroe College LibGuides at Monroe College

When do I need a reference?

It is important to provide correct references for any information which you give in your
essay.  Information could include ideas, facts, phrases, or anything else.

I checked our parts of essay I think that we need about 25 references


I am sending you again

Reflective essay

Assignment structure and format

The reflective essay should be structured as follows (My essay must include):

1. Introduction to the project: which Sustainable Development Goals focussed on and

why - 200 words.

2. Background to the SDG and problems. 200 words.

3. Findings: Review of existing solutions. 200 words.

4. Your proposed new solution. 200 words.

5. Your reflections on the project outcomes and group process. 1200 words.
(Main body) Please pay special attention to the part of the project that talks about
our solution.

 Introduction: The introduction should orientate your reader to the topic, focus and importance
of your report.
 Main body: This should directly address the topic of the report. Break the topic into paragraphs
and use appropriate topic sentences for each. You should also include academic and business
sources to support your analysis/arguments.
 Conclusion: This part concludes the report by summarising the main arguments made.
 References ( each part of essay) : A complete list of the sources that you have used in your

1. Introduction to the project: which Sustainable Development Goals focussed on and why - 200 words.

you have to write about all SDG ( 17 goals) with the indication that we have chosen sdg goal 5

YOU need to do some introduction to the topic. for example to start with the fact that on my module -
introduction to business we learned about all goals and solutions. however, goal 5 was the closest for us
and that's why we decided to make a presentation about it.

It cannot be like that -

Sustainable Development Goal 5 concerns gender equality. The United Nations established the goal to
promote equality and empower women and girls. Gender equality is a right. Fulfilling this right
addresses a lot of challenges that women face – from economic crisis to violence against women.
Eliminating gender-based violence is the priority under this sustainable development goal because it is
one of the pervasive human rights violations in today’s world (Chhabra, Fiore & Pérez-Villanueva, 2020).
According to GOV (2021), 1 in 5 women and girls under the age of 50 experience gender-based violence
by those who are around them including their intimate partners. They experience harmful practices
such as sexual violence which steal the childhood of more than 20 million girls below 18 years (Office for
National Statistics, 2021). Sexual and productive rights are critical right that is still violated in
contemporary society. Though different countries have developed laws and policies that help curb
these forms of violence and discrimination facing women, the world still has a long way in achieving
gender equality (UN Women, 2016). Therefore, there is a need to focus on sustainable development
goal 5 and solutions that help address problems facing the achievement of the goal. This paper will
evaluate the sustainable development Goal 5 on gender equality, problems facing the goal, and
proposed solutions.


Background to the SDG and Problems – same here – you should write about SDG – all goals…..

3. Findings: Review of existing solutions. 200 words.

this part should have some introductory sentences ( 2 or 3 ) to our project

5 Proposed Solutions – it is ok

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