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A dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy. The kidney’s role of filtration of the blood is
supplemented by artificial equipment for the removal of excess water, solutes, and toxins.
Dialysis ensures maintenance of homeostasis (a stable internal environment) in people
experiencing a rapid loss of kidney function, known as acute kidney injury (AKI), or a prolonged,
gradual loss in renal function, called chronic kidney disease (CKD, previously end-stage renal
disease, ESRD). It may serve to tide over an acute decline in renal function, to buy time until a
kidney transplant is performed or lifelong for those who are not candidates for transplant.
Approximately 2.5 million people worldwide received chronic renal replacement therapy (RRT)
in 2010. It is the mainstay in end-stage renal disease management, a renal condition with a
rising global burden attributed mainly to diabetes mellitus (45%) and hypertension (30%). There
are three primary types of dialysis which are hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and
hemofiltration. This activity reviews the multiple aspects of the conduction and indications of
hemodialysis and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in ensuring adequate
physical, psychological, social, and emotional preparedness of patients on long-term
hemodialysis as well as their caregivers.

 Hemodialysis can help your body control blood pressure and maintain the proper balance of
fluid and various minerals such as potassium and sodium in your body. Normally, hemodialysis
begins well before your kidneys have shut down to the point of causing life-threatening
complications. Actually, one of our duties in the hospital as a student nurse is in the
hemodialysis area so I observe how the machine helps the human body to filter blood and most
importantly to control blood pressure and maintain the balance of fluids in the body and there
are some disadvantages that I observe in the are one of those are Travel to a dialysis center may
be required three times a week, Patients may not be able to set their own treatment schedule,
Permanent access required; usually in the arm for adults and the neck/chest area for children
and Needles are required to access a fistula and also Some patients experience discomforts such
as headaches, nausea, leg cramps, tiredness, and weakness this disadvantage to patient can
help by the emotional support of the family members and also the nurse Because of numerous
dialysis sessions, the patients spent a lot of time with healthcare staff including nurses and
doctors. As such, they expected the medical staff to support them psychologically and
emphasized their empathy Emotional support of the family is another important thing to
comfort the patient There are some patients that are in the old age, underlying diseases, fatigue
and boredom, they often need the help and support of their family for doing daily activities
including healthcare activities.

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