Environmental Health Programs Vision

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Part I.

Based on the given assignment last February 28 on DOH Programs

choose the most program significant to your community.



Environmental Health (EH) related diseases are prevented and no longer a

public health problem in the Philippines (based on on-going Strategic Plan


To guarantee sustainable Environmental Sanitation (ES) services in every



Expand and strengthen delivery of quality ES services

Institute supportive organizational, policy and management systems

Increase financing and investment in ES

Enforce regulation policy and standards

Establish performance accountability mechanism at all levels

Program Components

Drinking-water supply, Sanitation (e.g excreta, sewage and septage

management), Zero Open Defecation Program (ZODP), Food Sanitation, Air
Pollution (indoor and ambient), Chemical Safety, WASH in Emergency
situations, Climate Change for Health and Health Impact Assessment (HIA)

Part II. Strategic Planning

State your local barangay. As a Public Health Nurse - PLAN and Create an
activity on chosen DOH Program on which the community would enhance their
awareness and participation.




To have a clean environment to improve the daily lifestyle of the

community on brgy Laoag in 2022.


To encourage the collaboration of other public sector responsible for the

environment thus motivating the community to contribute for the betterment of
the environment by enlightening them the benefits of having a sound
environment and how it contributes on their lifestyle.

 Collaborating with the environment sector branch by the DENR in the
brgy in order to formulate a plan interrelating improvement of
environment to have an impact in the health of the people in the

 Provide various activities that relates the awareness of people in the

community which are led and facilitated by barangay health workers.

 Orientation to be done for brgy. health workers as they will act as leader
during those programs.

 Enhance the knowledge and awareness of the people in the community

about the effect of the environment in our health.


 Proper waste segregation- providing a lecture on how to properly

segregate waste, including activities for the people in order to gain their
participation and attention on the certain activity. Information about the
effect of improper waste segregation can be an eye opener for most
clients thus understanding the most common factors that contributes to
having an illness due to unregulated environment or surrounding.

 Tree Planting/Avoiding Kaingin- One of the major factors are trees that
helps us in our daily living, oxygen. Trees produces oxygen which are
very important for us humans. Nowadays, most people in every
community cut down trees for what? infrastructure and money. But little
did they know that these little changes contribute on the dilemma we are
going on right now. Global warming, floods, etc. because of cutting trees.
Motivating the people of the community plant trees will really help to
improve the health of the wholeness but also improve the appearance of
the community. You can divert the tree planting into an art where some
people will be happily joining the activity.

 Water Sanitation- encourage people to use water from the municipal

project provided named NAWASA where water is provided and sanitized
for safe use. Encourage proper storage of water to avoid insect
manifestation that may cause disease like Dengue.

PART III. Evaluation.

State some challenges you might encounter on creating such activity

 Proper waste segregation

1. Lack of knowledge with regards to identifying biodegradable and non-

biodegradable wastes.

2. Lack of cooperation with the said activity especially with the help
workers and people of the community.

3. Hard time segregating because the environment is already polluted.

 Tree Planting/ Avoiding Kaingin

4. People cut trees without permission because of personal interest like for

5. Lack of cooperation with the said activity especially with the help
workers and people of the community.

6. Lack of equipment.

7. Lack of budget.

 Water Sanitation

8. Some people does not have right equipment for proper storage of water.


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