Dela Cruz Finals

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University of Luzon

College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City


DECEMBER 18, 2021

NAME: _JESTIAN RYLL B. DELACRUZ____________________________PERMIT NO.

___775__________ SCORE: _________
1.Discuss the major management functions based on the format given below: 20 PTS

Management Definition or Duties and Example

Function Description Functions of the
Nurse Manager or
Nurse leader

1. Controlling is the practice of The Nurse Manager's The nurse manager is

keeping record of control duties and evaluating a group of
employees' functions include nurse volunteers to be
performance and monitoring the assigned to various
taking action to performance and departments based on
guarantee that the progress of the staff their performance and
expected outcomes nurses under their skills that has been
are attained. This supervision, ensuring observed throughout
managerial function that the team is the training phase.
also aids in ensuring headed in the right
that team members direction,
are consistent and encouraging them to
competent in their provide feedback on
work. the tasks assigned to
them and their
experiences, and
motivating them to
perform better.

2. Directing Directing is the act of The Nurse Manager's The nurse manager
delegating directing role and provided orders for
assignments, tasks, responsibilities the nurses during the
and instructions to include supervising night shift, each staff
the team members or their staff nurses has their own patients
staffs in order to while they do their and the task to do.
achieve their goals assigned tasks to
and objectives within verify that the correct

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

the given timeframe. procedure is

performed on the
correct patient. They
are also in charge of
training and
mentoring newly
hired staff nurses on
their ward.

3. Organizing Organizing is the The nurse manager or The nurse manager

process of nurse leader is divides the staff
determining which responsible for members in night
tasks should be allocating the task shift and morning
accomplished, by that should be done shift. The nurse
whom, how they to the staff nurses. manager puts more
should be arranged, She decide what nurses during the
who should report to tasks should be morning shift more
whom, and what completed, who than the night shift as
choices should be should complete patients are much
made. them, how the tasks more than during the
should be organized, night shift.
who should report to
whom, and what
decisions should be

4. Planning Making a course of The nurse manager or The nurse manager is

action to provide for nurse leader ensures planning to increase
the foreseeable future that the patient's the number of staff in
is known as planning. short- and long-term the ER ward as new
This strategy must be treatment goals are year occasion is
comprehensive, reasonable and approaching.
consistent, adaptable, attainable. They
and exact. It is a decide whether the
decision-making and patient's treatment
predicting thinking or plan is appropriate
mental process. It is for his or her
future-oriented and condition in order to
ensures the most provide the best

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

likely outcomes. possible care. They

Setting objectives assist in ensuring that
and strategies, as well patients receive the
as programs, nursing care they
processes, and require.
regulations to attain
them, are all part of
it. Nursing planning
ensures that patients
receive the nursing
services they demand
and that these
services are delivered
by pleased nursing

2.Enumerate characteristics/ qualities of a Nurse Manager/ Nurse Leader-15 PTS

Characteristics/ Qualities Significance in the Rationale


1. Leadership Acts as a role model which Increases productivity of

motivates and encourage everyone in the team which
members to perform well results to good performance
within the workplace of the department therefore
meets the standard care for
their client.

2. Organization Put everything in the Organization is very

workplace in order to speed importance in order to meet
up task easily. Fixing the goals and objectives. In
schedule, staffing, resources order to meet that, everything
organization are most should be in a system where
common. everyone follows to finish

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

tasks easily.

3. Communication skills Helps promote teamwork and Communication is very

cooperation within the important in order for
workplace. members to cooperate within
the workplace to ensure
everyone is on the same page.

4. Integrity Promotes a trusting Members perform

relationship between confidently when they
members and the leader. believe in their leader which
increases productivity within
the workplace.

5. Critical Thinking Very useful when problems Critical thinking involves

arise within the workplace. problem solving when
Leads its members to solve to problem arises, as a leader, it
the conflict. is your responsibility to lead
and be a role model to your
member to encourage them
and help them solve problems
within the workplace.

3.Give examples and recommendations on the following crimes committed by the nurses in
the workplace: 15 PTS

Crimes committed Example Suggested Rationale

by the Nurse Corrective Action

1. Negligence Failing to properly Monitor the clients Clients with various

monitor a changes on vital sign based in condition needs a
a client’s vital sign. the doctors order or regular checking of
hospital protocol. vital sign to monitor
changes which is
crucial to their care.

2. Felony Administering Nurses should be Nurses are not

unordered or illegal aware that they are allowed to administer
drug medications to not allowed to any drug without

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

client administer any drug doctors order because

without doctors it is beyond the scope
order. of nursing practice.

3. Defamation Saying unnecessary If you have conflict Conflict increases

things about your co within the workplace unproductiveness and
nurse in social media. it should stay there less cooperation in
and try to sort it out the workplace which
in a more affects health care to
professional way. clients.

4. Malpractice Administering Be cautious when Administering a

bronchodilator administering any medication in a
medication in IV medication and different route where
route. always check the it should be
doctors order before administered will
administering. increase its
effectiveness and
importantly causes
major complication to
the client.

5. Illegal Threatening a client The nurse should Therapeutic

Detention to not give her food practice autonomy of relationship between
if he allowed her the client to promote client and a nurse is
loved one to enter the therapeutic very important to
room. relationship. easily facilitate health

4.Modalities of care applicable in the following areas: 15 pts

Areas Modality of Care/ Examples of care to Rationale

Describe or define be rendered

1.OB- GYNE Ward Modality of care is Working with the It's critical to educate
Primary Nursing. pregnant mothers to the mother about the
This mode is when a explain the process of labor and delivery

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

nurse is identified to labor and child birth process so she knows

be the primary what to expect.
caregiver for a
patient during his or Routine examinations,
Performing routine
her hospital stay. such as fetal heart rate,
checkups with
effacement, and cervix
expecting mothers.
dilatation, are
Diagnosing and
necessary to be
treating conditions that
informed of the
affect women
mother's condition and
Providing childbirth
for the nurses to
and postpartum care
prepare whatever type
for new mothers
of treatment to

2.Pediatrics Ward The goal of primary Administer high risk Immunosuppressive

nursing is for a team medications, including therapy is a drug
to work immunosuppressive regimen that patients
democratically. In medications use to lower their
the team, an RN is bodies' immune
assigned as a Team Avoid interactions response. These drugs
Leader for a group with clients with help doctors stop the
of patients. communicable immune system from
diseases overreacting and
Wear gloves and damaging transplanted
mask. Perform aseptic organs and tissues.
technique Most everyone has to
drugs when receiving
an organ transplant.

3.Emergency is in charge of A patient arrived in the Stopping the bleeding

Department providing medical hospital with a gunshot and avoiding
and surgical wound in the leg. occurrence of infection
treatment to patients Cleanse the wound. is the main focus of
who arrive at the Stop the bleeding. this case. As the client
hospital in need of Prepare for possible experienced a gunshot
rapid attention. operation. where the bullet

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Certain events lacerated the inner part

within the hospital, of the leg muscles and
such as cardiac skins, bleeding is more
arrests, may require likely. Providing a
the assistance of cleansing agent to
emergency avoid occurrence of
department infection.

4.Surgical ward Patients on a Example client who Client in the PACU

surgical ward are undergone unit are those client
receiving pre and gastrectomy where the undergone surgery
post-op treatments. client is in the pacu which they are still
Their care can unit. Rendered care unconscious and need
involve surgeons include, risk for to be stable first before
and other kinds of aspiration, avoiding going to the ward.
specialists. Patients occurrence of Vigorous monitoring
with surgical infection, and vital signs and
disorders such as monitoring vital signs avoiding any risk that
laminectomy, to be stable. might occur during
craniotomy, recovery or phase
septoplasty, where anesthesia is
appendectomy, removed.
hysterectomy, and
surgery are cared for
in the surgical ward.
This implies that
procedures are
complicated and, at
times, dangerous to
the patient.

5.Intensive Care Intensive care units A client who reported Nurses role here is
Unit (ICU) (ICUs) are angina while resting preparing the client for
specialized hospital and left arm numbing surgery mentally and
wards that treat and which is immediately emotionally, assisting
monitor critically ill transferred to be ICU the physician with

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

patients. They're as suspected to be a assessments.

staffed by properly heart attack. Monitoring vital signs,
trained healthcare Administering and administering
personnel and have inotropic medications medications to treat
cutting-edge or possible preparation the condition.
monitoring for surgery if it’s
technology. suspected as blockage.


Salient Points

Qualification of Applicants To be allowed to the examination, the applicant

must be a citizen of the country that will allow
them to practice inside its borders, have a good
moral character, and hold a bachelor's degree
from a university.

Ratings To pass the exam, an examinee must score at

least 75 percent on all subjects and not less than
60 percent on any of them. However, if the
examinee receives a 75 percent or better in any
subject but only a 60 percent in one, the
examinee will only be allowed to retake the

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

failed subject.

Registration by Reciprocity Reciprocity is defined as mutuality in the

awarding and enjoyment of benefits between
persons or nations. The most important aspects
of Reciprocity registration are the following:
first, the person must be a registered nurse under
the laws of her nation. Second, the individual
must have lived in the country for at least three
years. Third, those who are registered nurses in
the country who wish to practice in the country
or foreign state are provided the same
advantages as its inhabitants and are enforced by
the country's law. Finally, the requirements for
professional registration in the foreign country
where the individual applying is registered as a
nurse are nearly identical to those set forth in
this act. Some documentation should be kept as
verification that the visitor will be remaining in
the nation for three months.

Practice through special/ temporary permit The most important features are that people who
are registered nurses on medical missions in
another country are entitled to free service in a
hospital, center, or clinic. Second, those
registered nurses from other countries who are
recognized as great specialists in a particular
nursing specialty or as well-known individuals,
their services are either free or chargeable.
Finally, registered nurses from foreign countries
who worked as an exchange professor in a
nursing specialization may be eligible for a
temporary permission.

Revocation and suspension The Board shall have the power to revoke or
suspend the certificate of
registration/professional license or cancel the
special/temporary permit of a nurse upon any
unprofessional or unethical conduct, for gross

University of Luzon
College of Nursing
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

incompetence or serious ignorance, for

malpractice and negligence in the practice of
nursing, for the use of fraud, deceit, or false
statements in obtaining a certificate of
registration/professional license or a
temporary/special permit, For violation of this
Act, the rules and regulations, Code of Ethics for
nurses and technical standards for nursing
practice, policies of the Board and the
Commission, or the conditions and limitations
for the issuance of the temporary/special permit,
and for practicing his/her profession during
his/her suspension from such practice. Provided,
however, That the suspension of the certificate
of registration/professional license shall be for a
period not to exceed four (4) years



Prepared by:

Maribeth J. Dulnuan, RN, MAN,MBA,PhD, DBA


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