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Hitotsubashi University

Flipgrid Guide - students

What is Flipgrid?
Flipgrid is a simple way for you to practice speaking outside of the class. It is an educational
platform where your teacher posts a question and you respond in a video. You can get
creative by adding emoji, texts, drawings etc to support your message. Your classmates
can then post a reply to your video and you can start an online discussion!

Getting Started with Flipgrid

Watch the video to get an overview of Flipgrid

Why use Flipgrid?

PACE is focused on improving your English communication skills, particularly discussion
and presentation. More and more these days, these forms of communication occur online,
as well as face-to-face. Flipgrid enables you engage in tasks that help you to improve your
English communication skills - being able to explain clearly your opinions, developing your
ideas and opinions; listening carefully to classmate’s opinions and responding to precise
points they have made, and most importantly enable you to develop effective presentation
skills (something that is assessed in PACE at the end of the course). Flipgrid also gives you
the chance to gain valuable experience and confidence in communicating effectively online.

You are in control!

You are in control of the task, you can prepare yourself, practice and make the video when
you are ready! If you aren’t happy, you can re-record again.

Remember your English doesn’t have to be perfect. Just focus on communicating and
getting your message across! Don’t worry about mistakes, your teacher will give you some
feedback, especially on presentation skills.

What do students say?

“I like Flipgrid as it helps me to learn how to speak English well in front of the camera.”
“We can practice not only speaking English but also delivery.”

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland)

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Hitotsubashi University
Flipgrid Guide - students
“Over time I improved my speaking ability – by watching some old videos I can see how I
have improved!”

Flipgrid is a Microsoft tool, so maintaining your privacy is a key part of the application. Also,
it is a key concern of the university and PACE. Microsoft pledges to “Not collect, maintain,
use or share student personal information beyond that needed for authorized
educational/school purposes.”

Permissions and Join Codes

At the start of the term, your teacher will create a class for you on Flipgrid. They will use
your name and student ID, so only you can enter the class.

Every Topic (question) your teacher creates has a unique Join Code. Your teacher will
share this code with only you and your classmates. So, when you have a task to do, you
click on the Join Code and then enter your name and student ID to join the discussion on
Flipgrid. This ensures that only you and your classmates can access your videos.

Each video is moderated by your teacher, so no one can post a video to the group without
the teacher agreeing that it is ok.

Video or audio
Recording a video is a great way to practice presenting – eye contact and body language –
though you can also just record audio if you don’t feel comfortable with the video.

Downloading Videos
Your classmates and teacher can only watch and comment on your video. No one can
download the video, only you can do that.

Deleting Videos

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland)

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Hitotsubashi University
Flipgrid Guide - students
At the end of the term, we will delete permanently all the class videos on the site. You of
course can ask us at any time to delete a video, so you always have control of your data.

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland)

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