1 Photoelectrochemical

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A Photoelectrochemical Model

of Proton Exchange Water

Electrolysis for Hydrogen
Jianhu Nie Production
Yitung Chen A photoelectrochemical model for hydrogen production from water electrolysis using
proton exchange membrane is proposed based on Butler-Volmer kinetics for electrodes
Robert F. Boehm and transport resistance in the polymer electrolyte. An equivalent electrical circuit anal-
ogy is proposed for the sequential kinetic and transport resistances. The model provides
Shanthi Katukota a relation between the applied terminal voltage of electrolysis cell and the current density
in terms of Nernst potential, exchange current densities, and conductivity of polymer
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
electrolyte. Effects of temperature on the voltage, power supply, and hydrogen production
University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
are examined with the developed model. Increasing temperature will reduce the required
Las Vegas, NV 89154
power supply and increase the hydrogen production. An increase of about 11% is
achieved by varying the temperature from 30° C to 80° C. The required power supply
decreases as the illumination intensity becomes greater. The power supply due to the
cathode overpotential does not change too much with the illumination intensity. Effects of
the illumination intensity can be observed as the current density is relatively small for the
examined illumination intensities. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2789722兴

Keywords: photoelectrochemical model, electrolysis, PEM, hydrogen production

Introduction companied by water transport 共electro-osmotic drag兲. Although

there are many studies on the theoretical analysis of PEM fuel
Hydrogen is expected to play an important role as an energy
cells 关7–10兴, not much has been reported on the kinetics and po-
carrier of the future as the quality of human life increasingly de-
larization characteristics of the PEM electrolyzer cell. In order to
pends on the availability of energy resources 关1,2兴. Hydrogen may
design and use the PEM electrolyzer effectively, analytical and/or
be used as fuel in almost every application where fossil fuels are
numerical models for the device are necessary so that the system
being used today, but almost without harmful emissions. How-
may be optimized. Onda et al. 关11兴 provided a voltage-current
ever, hydrogen is not an energy source, and it does not occur in relation wherein the cell voltage is described as the sum of Nernst
nature in its elemental or molecular form. Several methods have voltage, anode and cathode overpotentials, and resistive overpo-
been and are being developed for production of hydrogen from tential. Empirical equations were utilized for the anode and cath-
renewable energy sources 关3兴. One of these methods is to capture ode overpotentials as a function of temperature of the electrolytes
the energy that is freely available from sunlight and to directly and current density of the cell. A simple model for electrochemi-
generate hydrogen. Research of photoelectrochemical systems cal process in the water electrolysis cell was developed by Choi et
that produce hydrogen directly from water using sunlight as the al. 关12兴. However, none of such models, to the authors’ knowl-
energy source has received increasing attention for the past de- edge, has been seen in the published literature for the photoelec-
cades 关4,5兴. Moreover, the advent of nanocrystalline semiconduc- trochemical PEM electrolysis cell. The present study is motivated
tor systems has rekindled interest in hydrogen production from by such need to develop a simple but useful first-generation the-
water electrolysis by visible light 关6兴. oretical model to explain the current-potential characteristics of
The water electrolyzer cell with proton exchange membrane photoelectrochemical PEM electrolysis cell based on the involved
共PEM兲 has been utilized in many energy-related fields such as fuel charge and mass balances as well as Butler-Volmer kinetics on the
cell, and solar cell systems. Electrolysis of water using the PEM is electrode surfaces.
considered as a promising methodology for producing hydrogen
because of its advantages over the classical alkaline process in
terms of its simplicity, high energy efficiency, and specific pro- Method Descriptions
duction capacity. Basically, a PEM electrolyzer cell is similar to a
PEM fuel cell. It has a polymer membrane, porous electrodes, Electrolysis of water is the dissociation of water molecules into
current collectors and separator plates, and manifolds. In general, hydrogen and oxygen. A potential is applied across the electro-
the principle of its operation is just reverse of fuel cell operation. chemical cell to induce electrochemical reactions at both elec-
On one electrode 共anode兲, water is split into oxygen, protons, and trodes. A schematic of the water electrolysis cell is shown in Fig.
electrons by applying a DC voltage higher than a thermoneutral 1. Water is introduced at the anode and dissociated into oxygen,
voltage. Protons pass through the polymer electrolyte membrane protons, and electrons. For the pure water electrolysis process, the
and on the other electrode 共cathode兲 combine with electrons to reaction at the anode can be expressed as
form hydrogen. Passage of protons through the membrane is ac- H2O  2H+ + 2e− + 0.5O2 共1兲
Under an electric field, the protons are driven through the PEM
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOUR- to the cathode where they combine with the electrons arriving
NAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received January 26, 2007; final manuscript re- from the external circuit to form hydrogen gas:
ceived March 28, 2007; published online March 18, 2008. Review conducted by
Christopher Dames. 2H+ + 2e−  H2 共2兲

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 2008 by ASME APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 042409-1

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Fig. 2 Equivalent circuit for the solar water electrolysis

n␯ =

h 2␯ 2
冊 共7兲
Fig. 1 Schematic of the PEM solar electrolyzer where m is the mass of electron, c is the velocity of light, ␾ M is
the work function of the metal, and ␯ is the frequency of light of
standard intensity I0.
Therefore, the net reaction in the electrolysis cell can be written It is assumed that there are no transport limitations. The Butler-
as Volmer expression utilized for the overall electrochemical reaction
H2O  H2 + 0.5O2 共3兲 at the anode and the charge-transfer reaction under illumination
can be given as 关17兴

冋 冉 冊 冉 冊册
The membrane-electrode assembly 共MEA兲 is the main part of
the PEM water electrolysis cell. The perfluorosulfonic acid poly- ␣A␯−e F␩A 共1 − ␣A兲␯−e F␩A
i = iA0 exp − exp −
mer such as Nafion® has been widely used as the membrane for RT RT

冉 冊
water electrolysis because of its intrinsic properties: excellent
chemical and mechanical stability, high protonic conductivity, and I␯ mc2 ␾M + ␹
+F 1− 共8兲
gas impermeability 关13,14兴. Because of the highly acidic environ- I 0 h 2␯ 2 h␯
ment produced by sulfonic acid groups at the membrane surfaces,
where iA0 is the anode exchange current density, ␯−e is the stoichi-
acid-resistance noble metals or their oxides must be used for elec-
trocatalysts. Platinum provides a significant overpotential and the ometric coefficient of electrons in the anode, ␣A is the transfer
best performance, and it is commonly used for water electrolysis coefficient, ␩A is the anode overpotential, Iv is the intensity of
关14兴. illumination, R is the universal constant of gases, T is the tem-
Before a detailed analysis of the current distributions in the perature, and ␹ is the surface potential difference at the metal-
PEM electrolysis cell, it is important to have a correct description solution surface.
of the constituents of the cell voltage at the macroscopic level. A Assuming that the effective transfer coefficient ␣A = 0.5 and
simplified mathematical model is developed based on appropriate ␯−e = 2 关18兴, the anode overpotential can be written in the following
mass balances, transport, and electrochemical kinetics applied to form:
the PEM electrolysis cell, using the similar model development as
Ref. 关12兴.
First, the anode chamber is assumed to be well mixed. The
冋 冉 冊 冉 冊册
i = iA0 exp
− exp −
+ i␯ 共9兲

冉 冊
mass balances of water and oxygen at the anode and that of hy-
drogen at the cathode can be written as 关15兴 RT i − i␯
␩A = sinh−1 共10兲
F 2iA0
ṄH2O,in − ṄH2O,out = 共4兲 where

冉 冊
I␯ mc2 ␾M + ␹
iA i␯ = F 1−
ṄH2,in − ṄH2,out = − 共5兲 I 0 h 2␯ 2 h␯
Similarly, for the cathode, if Butler-Volmer equation is utilized
iA along with ␣C = 0.5 and ␯−e = −2, the cathode overpotential can be
ṄO2,in − ṄO2,out = − 共6兲 obtained as

冉 冊
where Ṅ, i, A, and F are the molar flow rates, current density, ␩C = − sinh−1 共11兲
F 2iC0
MEA area, and Faraday constant, respectively.
The potential of the electrode when a net current flows through where iC0 is the cathode exchange current density. Here, it should
the electrode 共i ⫽ 0兲 diminished by the equilibrium potential be noted that the solutions are assumed to be well mixed in the
共when i = 0兲 is called the overpotential. The overpotential may be chambers and thus the surface concentrations do not differ appre-
regarded as the extra potential necessary to reduce the energy ciably from the bulk phase.
barrier of the rate-determining step to a value such that the elec- At steady state, the divergence of current density in the PEM is
trode reaction proceeds at a desired rate. The stoichiometric num- zero, i.e.,
ber of a reaction is defined as the number of times the rate- di d␾
determining step takes place for one act of overall reaction. The =0 and i=−␴ 共12兲
effect of light on electrode reactions is akin to its effect on chemi- dz dz
cal reactions 共photochemistry兲. The number of electrons, n␯, emit- where ␴ is the conductivity of the electrolyte and ␾ is the poten-
ted in a second by a metal in a vacuum per unit of incident light tial in the membrane.
energy is given by 关16兴 Figure 2 shows the equivalent circuit for photoelectrolysis pro-

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cess represented by a series of resistances. The overall applied cell
potential is thus composed of the cell Nernst potential 共V0兲, anode
共␩A兲 and cathode 共␩C兲 overpotentials, overpotential due to mem-
brane 共␩ M 兲, and interfacial resistance 共␩I兲. It can be written as
V = V0 + ␩A − ␩C + ␩ M + ␩I 共13兲
where the interfacial overpotential 共␩I兲 may be written in terms of
interfacial resistance RI and current density as ␩I = RIi.
The Nernst potential or equilibrium open circuit potential 共V0兲
is empirically expressed as 关19兴

V0 =
⌬G ⌬S
2F 2F
共T − Tref兲 +
ln共PH2兲 + ln共PO2兲
册 共14兲

From the reaction as shown in Eqs. 共1兲–共3兲, the equilibrium po-

tential can be expressed as
V0 = 1.23 − 0.9 ⫻ 10−3共T − 298兲 + 2
ln共PH P 兲
2 O2
The overpotential due to membrane resistance can be obtained Fig. 3 Comparisons of the computed results with the mea-
by integrating Eq. 共12兲: sured data

␩M = 冉 冊
i 共16兲
RC =
where L M is the thickness of the PEM, and ␴ M is the conductivity 共2FiC0兲冑1 + 共iC/2iC0兲2
of the electrolyte. The membrane’s resistance depends mainly on
the temperature and moisture content in the membrane. Conduc- R M = L M /␴ M 共25兲
tivity of Nafion® can be described by the following relation 关20兴: It should be noted that iC = i − i␯.

␴M = ␴ref
M exp 1268 冋 冉 1

Tref T
冊册 共17兲 Results and Discussions
The voltage-current density curves are presented in Fig. 3 for
Therefore, the overall cell voltage-current relation for the elec- pure water electrolysis 共without photocurrent兲 at the temperature
trolysis cell can be obtained by combining the above equations: of T = 80° C. Values of the physical properties are listed in Table 1.

冋 冉 冊册 冋 冉 冊册
During the present modeling, the conductivity of the electrolyte at
RT 1 i − i␯ RT 1 iC the reference state 共␴m ref
兲, which appears in Eq. 共17兲, is determined
V = V0 + sinh−1 + sinh−1
F 2 iA0 F 2 iC0 to be 0.072 S / cm at the reference temperature of Tref = 298 K. In

+ 冉 冊
i + R Ii 共18兲
addition, a correction factor of 1.75 from computer optimization is
used in Eqs. 共8兲 and 共11兲, because there is a limitation for mass
transfer, e.g., oxygen diffusion from catalyst site to gas bubble
Then, the required power density can be obtained by P = Vi as across a diffusion film near electrodes. Such value is selected as

冋 冉 冊册
fitting parameter in order to optimize the match with the experi-
RT 1 i − i␯ mental data, as shown in Fig. 3. The exchange current density, i0,
P = V 0i + sinh−1 i
F 2 iA0 depends on the temperature at the electrode surface and also the

冋 冉 冊册 冉 冊
roughness factor, which is defined as the electrochemically deter-
RT 1 iC LM 2 mined electrode area divided by the geometric area: i0 = ␥ M
+ sinh−1 i+ i + R Ii 2 共19兲
F 2 iC0 ␴M ⫻exp关−E / R共共1 / T兲 − 共1 / Tref兲兲兴iref
0 , where E is the activation en-
The rate of hydrogen production is derived in a way similar to ergy. It can be seen that comparisons between the computed re-
hydrogen usage in the PEM fuel cell, except that there are two sults and the measured data 关13兴 are in very favorable agreement.
moles of electrons to generate a mole of hydrogen, and hence the Effects of different temperatures on the voltage-current density
hydrogen production rate is written as follows: curves are shown in Fig. 4. The anode and cathode overpotentials
are presented in Fig. 4共a兲 as a function of the current density. It
i can be seen that the anode and cathode overpotentials become
H2,production = 共20兲 greater as the temperature decreases, as a result of the decreasing
exchange current density with the increase of temperature. For the
The electrolysis process has been represented by an equivalent purpose of clarity, the membrane Ohmic drop and the equilibrium
electrical circuit consisting of a series of resistances standing for voltage are exhibited in Fig. 4共b兲. Both the membrane Ohmic drop
each individual steps. In analogy to linear Ohm’s law, a differen- and the equilibrium voltage become greater as the temperature
tial resistance Rd can be defined for an electrolysis cell as 关18兴 decreases.
Figure 5 shows the differential resistances for water electrolysis
d共V − V0兲
Rd = 共21兲 cell for different temperatures. The membrane differential resis-

d␩A d␩C d␩ M d␩I Table 1 Model parameters for water electrolysis cell
Rd = − + + = RA + RC + R M + RI 共22兲
di di di di
Parameters iA0,Pt iA0,Pt iC0 LM ␥M
Values 10−9 8 ⫻ 10−7 3 ⫻ 10−3 178 150
RT Dimensions A / cm2 A / cm2 A / cm2 ␮m 1
RA = 共23兲
共2FiA0兲冑1 + 共共i − i␯兲/2iA0兲2

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Fig. 4 Effects of temperature on the voltages of the water elec-
trolysis cell

tance increases with the decrease of temperature. As the tempera-

ture becomes smaller 共such as T = 50° C and 30° C兲, the anode and
the cathode differential resistances become closer to each other. At
T = 30° C, they almost overlay with each other. Effects of tempera-
ture on the power supply are presented in Fig. 6. The minimum
power supply in this figure is the required power supply for over-
coming the equilibrium open circuit potential. The required power
supply increases as the temperature decreases. This can be seen
more clearly for the power supply due to anode overpotentials.
Hydrogen production rates for different temperatures are exhibited
in Fig. 7. For the same power supply, the hydrogen production
rate becomes greater with the increase of temperature. For in-
stance, the hydrogen production rate increases by approximately
11% from the temperature of 30° C to 80° C.
Effects of the illumination intensity on the voltage-current den-
sity curves are presented in Fig. 8 for I␯ / I0 = 0, 0.5, and 1. The
temperature is taken as a constant of T = 80° C. The frequency of
the incident light is typically taken as 6.5⫻ 1015 Hz. The surface
potential 共␹兲 is assumed to be 0.1 eV, although different values
Fig. 5 Effects of temperature on differential resistances for
can be examined without a lot of difficulties. Both the anode and water electrolysis
the cathode overpotentials decrease as the illumination intensity
increases. This can be seen more clearly as the magnitude of the
current density is small. Effects of the illumination intensity be-
come less significant as the current density increases. This is be- the current density increases, the electrochemical current becomes
cause for the selected illumination intensities, the photocurrent more predominant and then effects of the photocurrent become
plays a more important role than the electrochemical current. As less significant.

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Fig. 7 Effects of temperature on hydrogen production rate

illumination intensity becomes greater. The power supply due to

the cathode overpotential does not change too much with the illu-
mination intensity. Illumination intensity effects on the hydrogen
production are presented in Fig. 10. Effects of the illumination
intensity can be observed as the current density is relatively small
for the examined illumination intensities.

A photoelectrochemical model is developed for the water elec-
trolysis process. Electrolysis process is represented by the equiva-
lent electric circuit. Effects of temperature on the voltage, power
supply, and hydrogen production are examined with the developed
model. Increasing temperature will decrease the required power
supply and increase the hydrogen production. An increase of
about 11% is achieved by varying the temperature from
30° C to 80° C. The required power supply decreases as the illu-
mination intensity becomes greater. The power supply due to the
cathode overpotential does not change too much with the illumi-
nation intensity. Effects of the illumination intensity can be ob-
served as the current density is relatively small for the examined
illumination intensities.

Fig. 6 Effects of temperature on required power supply for

water electrolysis

The power supplies due to the anode and cathode overpotentials

for different illumination intensities are plotted in Fig. 9. Effects
of the illumination intensity can be observed as the current density Fig. 8 Effects of illumination intensity on voltage-current den-
is relatively small. The required power supply decreases as the sity curve

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P ⫽ pressure
R ⫽ universal constant of gases= 8.314 J / 共mol K兲
RA ⫽ anode differential resistance
RC ⫽ cathode differential resistance
RI ⫽ interfacial differential resistance
RM ⫽ membrane differential resistance
T ⫽ temperature
Tref ⫽ reference temperature
V ⫽ voltage
V0 ⫽ equilibrium voltage
Greek Symbols
␣ ⫽ transfer coefficient
␹ ⫽ surface potential difference at the metal-
solution interface
␥M ⫽ roughness factor
␴B ⫽ conductivity of the electrolyte
␾M ⫽ work function of the metal
␯ ⫽ frequency of light
Fig. 9 Effects of illumination intensity on electrode ␩ ⫽ overpotential
overpotentials ␩A ⫽ anode overpotential
␩C ⫽ cathode overpotential
␩I ⫽ overpotential due to interfacial resistance
␩M ⫽ overpotential due to membrane

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