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A.C. Cortes Ave., Looc, Mandaue City

Econ 225 – Economic Development

Learning Exercises
Case 1

Name: Kyrel T. Manching Date: 3/9/2022

Rubrics Clarity of the content 50%

Organization of thought 50%

Growth is generally necessary, though not sufficient, for achieving development. Growth has been erratic, with
substantial swings over time. Data for growth of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita are sometimes presented and this
appears to suggest remarkable stability.
Its percentage share of manufactured exports grew, although this share of exports increased and gain substantial
drag on growth performance, as were continued problems with infrastructure.
Technology transfer is critical to more rapid growth, competing internationally, and beginning to catch up with
advanced countries. Our country is viewed as the cutting edge of agricultural research and extension in commercially
successful export crops.

a. Briefly describe the various activities (identify at least 3) that you have observed in terms of making our country
grow in terms of alleviating poverty.

First, our country has been trying to have greater access to education. Illiteracy is one of the factors of our
major problem, poverty. We have been carrying this over the generations that passed by. It is time to think
about how to alleviate poverty and education is one of the keys to surpass it.
Second of all, the government also focuses on Economic Improvement, with the goal of reducing poverty by
strengthening economics. President Duterte signed the Rice Tariffication Law which is beneficial to our
agriculture because it prioritizes our local rice production.
Lastly, an activity under President Duterte’s administration using his strategy AmBisyon 2040. He plans to
eradicate extreme poverty by 2040. These are just the few that I can name.

b. What do you hope to gain from the transition of technology in the aspect of Philippine economic development?

I hope to gain advance health technologies so that we won’t have to send ourselves to hospitals abroad just
because we lack technology. We need to focus on being skilled and advanced so that we won’t be left behind
and our medical professionals will choose to stay in our country.
Another thing I hope to gain is agricultural technology, our farmers need tools to increase production in order
to supply enough food. We need something more advanced to help them make their work easier and faster.
Let’s improve our agricultural system.

c. How does a concept of “capabilities to function” help us gain insight into development of economic goals and

Basically, resources without knowledge is just useless. We need to study how it all works so that we are capable
to function. The concept of capabilities to function help us gain insight into development of economic goals and
achievements. Even if we already have the money to buy something, we can’t use it according to its purpose if
we don’t know how to manipulate it. This is similar to economic goals and achievements. We need to educate
ourselves because money and resources is not enough to make the country grow. We need people with big
brains that understands the concept and importance of “capabilities to function”.
Life expectancy is similar to the prevalence of child malnutrition and dramatically fallen to the inequality of
distributing resources. One of the challenging parts that our country is facing nowadays is on the aspect of recovering from
the pandemic. It is important to note that it is a social progress to everyone’s concern as to grow slowly or even moving
forward to the edge of considerable benefits for medical professionals as well as the patients.

a. Explain the distinctions of the benefits received from the low levels from the high levels of income in terms of
availing the medical services in our country.

The distinctions of benefits to the low levels of income from high levels of income are the free healthcare
policy. High levels of income can avail any medical services but low levels depend on the government’s aid. This
is because hospital bills are expensive that sometimes they just ignore their illnesses or diseases. They set aside
the money for their family to feed. Low levels only afford public hospitals while high levels have the privilege to
transfer themselves in private facilities.

b. Do you believe that there is still a strong relationship with people in terms of health with people under low
income level? Explain your answer

Yes, low income level doesn’t mean you purposely abandon your health. There are many who are still conscious
about how to take care of themselves. The only thing that’s keeping them to seek professional advice and
regular check-ups is the money that they’ll be paying for, when low level income people have lots of priorities
and responsibilities to take care of. They just settle for over the counter medications and cheaper options just
to avoid hospital bills because deep down they know that they can use the money for something else. If only
money isn’t a problem, they won’t hesitate to have professional aids.

c. In your own understanding, what is the status of our country in terms of economic, social and political

The status of our economy right now is not in good condition especially in this trying time. We are in the middle
of pandemic, recently recovered from typhoon Odette and now we have the Russian-Ukraine war. We have
been experiencing increase in price levels as we are affected economically by the war of Russia and Ukraine. We
all know it doesn’t stop there because majority of the goods requires transportation and oil price is at its
highest level. We are doomed but hopefully, we can overcome this economic crisis.

Our social structure composes three primary social classes, the low-income class, the middle-income class, and
the high-income class. According to Philippine Statistics Authority, majority of Filipinos belong to low-income
class and that is why we can’t deny the poverty. We see where this is coming from. Our country is slowly
developing and we need to do something to improve our social structure.

In terms of Philippines’ political structure, our country is a republic with a presidential form of government
wherein power is equally divided among its three branches namely, executive, legislative, and judicial. The
government seeks to act in the best interests of its citizens through this system of check and balance. We are
under democratic and republican state.

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