Sorsogon State University

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Republic of the Philippines


Technology Department

Sorsogon City

Name of student : Jayona, Alyanna R.

Course/Yr. & Sec. : BET - Architectural Drafting 1B

Date : August 29,, 2021

Activity #1

1. Why are rules important to social being? What would happen if there are no rules in our

• Rules are important to social being because rules are made to build harmony and oneness to
humans and to our society.

• If there are no rules, our society would be in great chaos thus without it people will commit
crimes and murders freely and there would be no punishments for them. Without rules, justice
will no longer exist.

2. Based on your experience, what rules do you find restricting? List down five rules that restrict
you. Why?

This are the rules I found restricting based on my experience:

• “No ID, No entry”.

• Not allowed to sleep overs .

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• Not allowed to drink alcoholic drinks whatever age it is .

• Do not disobey the rules of our family.

• Do not Break our (parents) trust and do not lie.

I found this rules restricting because as a teenager I am at the stage wherein I want to explore
things and step out of my comfort zone. I am at the moment that I wanted to find myself alone
as a student, a daughter , a friend and what role I have as a member of our community and the
society. Because of this rules it is hard for me to do things that I want as a already grown up
child. But as a daughter who loves her parents a lot, I always follow the rules they taught me
since I was a young child.

3. What is ethics? What are the reasons why we should study ethics?

• Base on the internet (google) “ ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that
involves systematizing, defending, recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior” which
means ethics has something to do

With philosophizing personal behaviors. Another definition from the Google “ moral principles
that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity” .

• The reason why we should study ethics because ethics includes moral, integrity, honesty,
fairness, conscience, responsibility, honor, choice, value and righteousness , and this things are
very much important to us -individual and the society.

4. Think of a game that you used to play. Identify the rules involved in the game. What will
happen if there will be no rules in that game.

• Game title: Hide and Seek

• Game Rules: Rule #1 – Hide

Rule #2 – seek

Rule #3 – no cheating

• Without the rules the game is nonsense.

Rules provides sense of consistency and predictability to us, it serves as directions and guide
actions towards something we wanted to accomplish and towards desired results. Hence, rules
are regulations that each and every one of us- people under a government – needs to follow.
Rules are very much important as it brings peace, civil behavior, organized and more harmony in
the community.

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