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Prepared by

Kunati Suresh (Gurudeva Suresh)

Paper – 2


1. What is Industrial capitalism? (AS1)

A. Industrial capitalism refers to an economic and social system in which trade, industry
and capital are privately controlled and operated for a profit.
2. What is Aggressive nationalism ? (AS1)
A. The aggressiveness between two countries, that will eventually begin a war between two
3. What is Militarism ? (AS1)
A. Militarism is the belief that military might is the best way to ensure security and war is
good way to solve problems.
4. What is Fascism ? (AS1)
A. A form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-
century Europe.
5. What is Imperialism? (AS1)
A. The rivalry in colonial expansion was called Imperialism.
6: What is Nation State? (AS-1)
The people with a common identity live inside a country with firm borders and a single
7: What is the reason for the secret alliances? (AS1)
A. Insecurity.
8: In which year, which countries The Triple Entente were formed? (AS-1)
A. Russia, France and Britain formed their Triple Entente in 1907.
9 : What is the immediate cause for the World War 1? (AS-1)
A. The immediate cause for World War I was the murder on 28th June 1914 of Ferdinand
of Austria by a Bosnian Serb.
10: What is the immediate cause for the World War 2? (AS-1)
A. The immediate provocation for World War II was the German tanks driving into Poland
on September 1, 1939.
11. What were the Triple Alliance countries in World War – 1 (AS1)
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
12. What were the Triple Entente countries in World War – 1 (AS1)
Russia, France, Britain.
13. What were the Axis Powers in World War – 2 (AS1)
Germany, Japan, Italy.
14. What were the Allied Powers in World War – 2 (AS1)
Britain, France, USSR, USA.
15. Expand UNO. (AS1)
United Nations Organisation
16. Expand ILO. (AS1)
International Labour Organisation.
17. Expand UNESCO. (AS1)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
18. Expand UNICEF. (AS1)
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
19. Expand WHO. (AS1)
World Health Organisation. K. GURUDEVA SURESH -
20. When was World War - I was started? (AS1)
A. 28th July, 1914
21. When the British women got the right to vote after a long struggle? (AS1)
A. 1918
22. When was established the United Nations Organisation? (AS1)
A. 24th Oct, 1945
23. Which (vast) country spread over two continents? (AS1)
A. Russia spread over two continents.
24. What was the demand of 1917 Russian revolution? (AS1)
A. „Peace and Bread‟.
25. What is the another name of the first Russian revolution of 1917? (AS1)
A. March Revolution.
26. Who was the leader of Bolsheviks? (AS1)
A. Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924).
27. Who wrote “The History of a Soviet Collective Farm “? (AS1)
A. Fedor Belov.
28. Who wrote „Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village‟? (AS1)
A. Serge Schmemann
29. After the death of Lenin in 1924 Who emerged as the leader of Communist party? (AS1)
A. Stalin
3. When USSR began Five Year Plans? (AS1)
A. USSR began Five Year Plans in 1928.
31. Who introduced „Collective Farms‟? (AS6)
A. Joseph Stalin
32. Which country escaped from the effect of the Depression? (AS1)
A. USSR was able to escape the effect of the Depression.
33. Why USSR was able to escape the effect of the Depression? (AS1)
A. Because it was not integrated with the international market and a planned economy.
34. Who wrote the famous satire novel „Animal Farm‟? (AS1)
A. George Orwell
35. When was began The Great Depression? (AS1)
A. Began in 1929 and lasted in1939.
36. Who announced “the New Deal”? (AS1)
A. Roosevelt, the President of US announced “the New Deal”.
37. Who helped Germany to stabilize during the Great Depression? (AS1)
A. USA helped Germany to stabilize.
38. What is Enabling Act? (AS1)
A. On 24th March 1933, the famous Enabling Act gave Hitler dictatorship in Germany.
39. What security forces were created in Germany by Hitler? (AS1)
A. Special security forces were created in Germany by Hitler. They are
1. Regular police in green uniform
2. The SA or the Storm Troopers
3. The Gestapo (secret state police)
4. The SS (the protection squads)
5. Criminal police and
6. The Security Service (SD).
40. What is Auschwitz? (AS1)
A. Nazis devised killing people by gassing them in various killing centers like Auschwitz.
41. Name the Parliament of Japan? (AS1)
42. What are the super powers after Second World War? (AS1)
A. Two new super powers emerged after World War II, the USSR and the USA.
43. What is Marshall Plan? (AS1)
A. USA came up with Marshall Plan to fund their economic revival.
USSR came up with a package for the revival of East European countries.
44. What is Socialism? (AS1)
A. The system of production, distribution and exchange are owned by the government.
45. What is Communism? (AS1)
A. A theory advocating elimination of private property
46. What is Revolution? (AS1)
A. A sudden, complete change in the way people live, work, etc.
47. What is Centralisation of power? (AS1)
A. The location of all or most main departments and managers at one facility.
48. What is Bolshevik? (AS1)
A. A member of the political party that started to rule Russia in 1917.
49. What is Collectivisation? (AS1)
A. Unified agricultural lands.
50. What is Relief -Recovery – Reform? (AS1)
A. Relief - Immediate action taken to halt the economies deterioration.
Recovery - Temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand.
Reform - Permanent programs to avoid another depression.
51. What is Welfare state? (AS1)
A. A social system in which a government is responsible for the economic and social welfare of
its citizens.
52. What is Indoctrination? (AS1)
A. The process if inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology.
53. What is Propaganda? (AS1)
A. Rumors spread widely to help or harm.
54. What is Racial supremacy? (AS1)
A. The belief that some races are superior to those of all other races.
55. Which country had the third largest population in the world? (AS1)
A. Russia had the third largest (156 million) population in the world after China and India.
56. Who was the ruler during the World War – 1? (AS1)
A. Tsar Nicholas II
57. When was established „Commintern‟ in Russia? (AS1)
A. 1919.
58. Who is the founder of modern China? (AS1)
Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925).
59. Who advocated three principles in modern China? (AS6)
Sun Yat-Sen program was called the Three Principles (San min chi). “Nationalism” - democracy”
- “socialism”.
60. What is meant by “San”? (AS1)
“Nationalism” meant overthrowing the Manchu who was seen as a foreign dynasty.
61. What is meant by “Min”? (AS1)
“Democracy” meant establishing a democratic government.
62. What is meant by “Chui”? (AS1)
“Socialism” meant to regulate industries and land reforms to distribute land to the landless
peasants. K. GURUDEVA SURESH -
63. What is “May Fourth Movement”? (AS1)
On 4th May 1919, an angry demonstration was held in Beijing to protest against the decisions
of the Versailles peace conference called the “May Fourth Movement”.
64. Which parties emerged as major forces striving to unite China and bring stability?
The Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party.
65. Whose ideas became the basis of the political philosophy of the Guomindang? (AS1)
Sun Yat-Sen‟s
66. What „four great needs‟ identified by Sun Yat-Sen? (AS1)
1. Clothing
2. Food
3. Housing
4. Transportation
67. Who launched a military campaign to control the „warlords‟? (AS1)
Chiang Kai-shek.
68. Who encouraged women to cultivate the four virtues? What are they? (AS1)
Chiang encouraged women to cultivate the four virtues of „chastity, appearance, speech and
69. Who started Long March (1934-35)? about 6,000 miles? (AS1)
Mao Zedong started Long March (1934-35) about 6,000 grueling and difficult miles to Shanxi.
70. Who formed The Democratic Republic of Vietnam? (AS1)
In 1945 The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and Ho Chi Minh became
71. What is Agent Orange? (AS1)
Agent Orange means which destroyed plants and trees and made the land barren for a long
72. Name the tribes in Nigeria? (AS1)
1. Northern Nigeria is dominated by the Hausa-Fulani (Muslims)
2. South Eastern Nigeria is dominated by Igbo (eebo)
3. South Western portions are dominated by Yoruba tribes.
73. Who established colonial rule in Nigeria? (AS1)
The British established their rule in 1861 in Nigeria.
74. Who started “The Nigerian Youth Movement” (AS1)
In 1936 The Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) was founded by Nnamdi Azikiwe.
75. Who is One key freedom fighter in the unity of all Africans was from Ghana? (AS1)
Kwame Nkrumah.
76. When was Nigeria became independent? (AS1)
1st October, 1963.
77. Who was an eminent human rights activist and environmentalist in Nigeria? (AS1)
Ken Saro Wiwa.
78. What were the major political parties in China? (AS1)
1. The Guomindang (The National People‟s Party also called KMT).
2. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
79. What is Pan Africanism? (AS1)
Pan Africanism is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of
country or tribe. One key person in this regard was Kwame Nkrumah.
80. What is 1935 Act? (AS1)
The Government of India Act was passed in 1935 by the British parliament.
According to the 1935 Act, elections may be held in the provinces.
81. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the time of the Second World War? (AS1)
Winston Churchill (Conservative party).
82. Which party was more willing to help Indians in Britain? (AS1)
The Labour party.
83. Name the policy followed by the British? (AS1)
„Divide and Rule Policy‟.
84. When wad formed The Muslim League party? (AS1)
85. Expand RSS. (AS1)
Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh.
86. Who is the writer of “Sare Jahan Se Achha”? (AS1)
Mohammad Iqbal (Urdu).
87. How the name Pakistan derived? (AS1)
The name Pakistan or Pak-stan derived from the words Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sind and
88. Who is the „Father of the nation‟? (AS1)
89. What is Divide and rule? (AS1)
The policy of maintaining control over one's opponents by encouraging dissent between
them, thereby preventing them from uniting in opposition.
90. Define Privy-Purse. (AS1)
The princes were given pension funds called privy- purse to meet their personal expenses.
91. Federalism taken from which Constitution? (AS1)
American Constitution.
92. How many principal forms of the Constitutions are there? What are they? (AS1)
“Two principal forms of the Constitutions are there. They are: 1. Unitary, 2. Federal.
93. Which type of Constitution gives more powers to the governments at the Centre?
A. The Unitary system of Constitution gives more powers to the governments at the Centre.
94. Which type of Constitution gives definite powers to both Central and State
governments? (AS1)
A. The Federal System of Constitution gives definite powers to both Central and State
95. Define Federalism. (AS1)
A. “Two principal forms of the Constitution are known - one is called Unitary and the
other Federal.
96. What are the essential characteristics of a Unitary Constitution? (AS1)
A. The two essential characteristics of a Unitary Constitution are:
(1) The supremacy of the Central Polity
(2) The absence of subsidiary Sovereign polities.
97. What are the essential characteristics of a Federal Constitution ? (AS1)
A. The two essential characteristics of a Federal Constitution are:
(1) By the existence of a Central polity and subsidiary polities side by side.
(2) By each being sovereign in the field assigned to it.
98. What is Concurrent List? Give examples. (AS1)
Both the Central and the State Government can make laws on the Concurrent list.
1. Laws of Marriage
2. Divorce.
3. Education.
4. Inheritance.
99. Define Drafting committee. (AS1)
A preliminary constitution version of a piece of writing committee.
100. What is Preamble? (AS1) K. GURUDEVA SURESH - 5
A preliminary statement of the constitution.
101. Differentiate the Presidential system and Parliamentary system. (AS1)
The system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by the
A system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is
held by the parliament.
102. In which year women in Switzerland got the right to vote? (AS1)
103. Who wrote the book “The Indian Experience with Democratic Elections”? (AS1)
Margaret W. Fisher and Joan V. Bondurant.
104. Who became the first Prime Minister of India? (AS1)
Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India.
105 . Who sacrificed his life for the separate Telugu speaking state? (AS1)
Potti Sriramulu demanding the formation of a separate Telugu speaking state died after 58
days of fasting in October 1952.
106. Write about States Reorganisation. (AS1)
1. In August 1953 the States Reorganisation Commission (SRC) was appointed with Fazl
Ali, K. M. Panikkar and Hridaynath Kunzru on the basis of the linguistic principle.
2. State Reorganisation Act, 1956 led to the creation of 14 states and six union territories.
107. How many wars faced India with Pakistan? (AS1)
India had to face wars:
1. With Pakistan in 1948 for Kashmir.
2. With China in 1962.
3. With Pakistan in 1965.
108. When was passed the Official Languages Act? (AS1)
109. When was introduced Green revolution? (AS1)
Between the years 1964-67.
110. Name the common capital of Haryana and Punjab. (AS1)
Chandigarh is the common capital of Haryana and Punjab.
111. Using by which slogan “Garibi Hatao” the Congress won in 1971. (AS6)
“Garibi Hatao”.
112. What reforms done by the Indira Gandhi? (AS1)
1. The nationalisation of banks
2. Abolishing of princely pensions
113. Why Indira Gandhi was unseated from Lok Sabha (AS1)
Due to a decision of Allahabad High court Indira Gandhi was unseated from Lok Sabha.
114. When was imposed Emergency in India? (AS1)
115. How many states and Union territories are there in India today? (AS1)
A. In India 29 states and 7 union territories are there.
116. What is Universal adult Franchise? (AS1)
A. The right to vote to adult citizens without any discrimination.
117. Name the land reforms introduced by Nehru? (AS1)
1. Abolition of Zamindari system.
2. Tenancy reform.
3. Land ceilings.
118. What is the primary aim of land reforms? (AS1)
A. The primary aim of land reforms were to ensure that the land went to the hands of the
actual tiller and this was to be an incentive for them to produce more.
119. Expand DMK. (AS1) K. GURUDEVA SURESH -
Dravida Munnetra Kazagam. 9441775926
120. In which year Operation Blue Star and Assassination of Indira Gandhi happened?
121. Which article explains about the Presidential Rule? (AS1)
Article 356.
122. What is Operation Blue Star? (AS1)
When Bhindranwale occupied the golden temple, the army had to intervene to vacate the
premises-which known as Operation Blue Star.
A fallout of all this was the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984.
123. Who said that of every Rupee spent on the poor, barely 15 paise reaches them. (AS1)
Rajiv Gandhi.
124. Who initiated the 'telecom revolution' in India. (AS1)
Rajiv Gandhi
125. Which party formed the first coalition government? (AS1)
V P Singh's Janata Dal party.
126. What is „Policy paralysis‟? (AS1)
The coalition could not implement any policy which called for serious change for fear of
withdrawal of support by one or the other partner is known as „Policy paralysis‟.
127. Write about 73rd and 74th amedments. (AS1)
The 73rd Constitutional Amendment created institutions of local self government at the village
The 74th Constitutional Amendment did the same in towns and cities.
128. Which programme laid down by IMF in India? (AS1)
The IMF laid down 'structural adjustment programme„.
129. Name the first non-Congress party which formed the government at the Centre.
A. Janatha Party.
130. . Who is the founder of Telugu Desam Party? (AS1)
A. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR)
131. What is Coalition government? (AS1)
Government formed by a temporary alliance of the parties.
132. What were the most important processes after WW2? (AS1)
1. The Establishment of the United Nations
2. Cold War
3. Decolonisation.
133. Which countries drafted the UNO Charter? (AS1)
Britain, France, USA, USSR and China drafted the UNO Charter.
134. How many founder members had UNO? (AS1)
UNO had 54 founder members: there are now 193.
135. Where the International Court of Justice located? (AS1)
The Hague.
136. Where the World Health Organisation (WHO) located? (AS1)
137. Expand UNESCO. (AS1)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
138. Expand UNICEF. (AS1)
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) located in New York.
139. Which countries have permanent membership in the Security Council? (AS1)
China, France, UK, USSR and USA.
140. What is Veto? (AS1)
1. Any decision taken by Council can be Vetoed by any one.
2. Vetoed means invalid or rejected.K. GURUDEVA SURESH -
141. What is Third World? (AS1)
Third World means the countries emerging from colonial domination. Ex. Vietnam, Korea,
Angola, and Afghanistan.
142. Expand NATO. (AS1)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO-1949) formed by US
143. Who formed the Warsaw Pact? (AS1)
Communist nations signed the Warsaw Pact under USSR.
144. Who introduced the reforms like Glasnost and Perestroika? (AS1)
Mikhail Gorbachev tried to transform the politics of USSR.
Gorbachev reforms described as „Glasnost‟ and „Perestroika‟.
145. Define Proxy war. (AS1)
A war instigated by a major power that does not itself participate.
146. What is Bipolar World? (AS1)
Under the leadership of USA and USSR the world divided into two power blocks after
World War 2 with different ideologies. This situation is called as “Bipolar World.”
147. What is Unipolar World? (AS1)
With the collapse of USSR, only USA remained as super power in the world. This situation
is called as unipolar world.
148. What is non-alignment movement? (AS1)
Ans: The policy followed by newly independent countries after second World War, without
involving in any of the military blocks, following neutrality in international politics.
149. What is Panchsheel? (AS1)
The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, known in India as the Panchsheel Treaty.
150. What is the main aim of American Civil Rights Movement? (AS1)
In American Civil Rights Movement people fought for equal treatment of Afro-Americans.
What is „Civil disobedience„.
Violating discriminatory laws peacefully.
151. Who made the historic speech, “I have a dream..”? (AS1)
Dr. Martin Luther King.
152. What is SALT? (AS1)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
153. Expand SSP. (AS1)
Sardar Sarovar Project.
154. Expand NBA. (AS1)
Narmada Bachao Anodolan.
155. Who is one of the famous leaders of the NBA. (AS1)
Medha Patkar.
156. Who and where the anti arrack movement was started? (AS1)
The anti arrack movement started in 1992 from Dubagunta by Rosamma in A.P.
157. Who was appointed to look the AFSPA? (AS1)
The Supreme Court judge BP Jeevan Reddy.
158. Expand RTI. (AS1)
Right to Information Act.
159. Expand PWD. (AS1)
Public Works Department.
160. When was passed the Right to Information Act. (AS1)
161. How much fees have to pay to apply for RTI? (AS1)
5 or 10 rupees.
162. Expand NALSA. (AS1)
National Legal Services Authority.
163. What is information? (AS1)
Records, documents, memos, emails, press releases, orders, logbooks etc. are called
164. What is transparency? (AS1)
Openness in Administration.
165. Define Juvenile Home. (AS1)
A home for young children who committed a crime.


1. Write about Indo-Pak war in the year 1971. (AS1)

1. India Pakistan war was lasted 13 days. (from 03-12-1971 to 16-12-1971).
2. Nearly 3 million people were killed.
3. In this war 3843 Indian soldiers, 9000 Pak soldiers were died.
4. 97. 368 Pak Soldiers captured as Was prisoners.

2. Industrialisation was one of the reasons for the modern wars”. Do you agree with
this statement? Comment. (AS-2)
1. Industrialization had many negative impacts on the world.
2. The Industrial Revolution led to more war technologies, like tanks, new guns, and even
3. These new weapons could kill faster, more efficiently, and on a larger scale than ever
4. Thus industrialisation has created conditions for modern wars.
5. So I agree with this statement.

3. If one country takes an aggressive stance against another country, should the other
country also respond aggressively? Are there any remedies to this problem? (AS2)
1.When a country takes an aggressive stance the other country needs not respond
2.The aggressive stance situations often form seeds to war.
3.War leaves massive losses on both sides.
4.Thus the countries can negotiate and solve the problems in a peaceful manner.
5.The problem can be referred to international organisations like UNO.

4. What are the effects of the Nuclear bomb attack on Nagasaki? (AS4/ AS1)
1. On 9th August 1945, USA dropped a Nuclear bomb on Nagasaki.
2. It was the historical evidence of the devastating events in Japan.
3. Major diseases spread due to the use of terrible weapons.
4. Many people were killed by the atomic bomb attacks.
5. Many people were suffered with burns and radiation.
6. Japan recovered quickly and developed with the discipline.

5: What are the effects of the wars? (AS-1)

1. Enormous loss of human life.
2. Damage to property.
3. Atmospheric pollution.
4. Crops and industries would be destroyed.
5. Residential areas would be damaged.
6. The country's economy would be damaged.

6. What are the aims of United Nations Organisation. (AS-1)

To establish peace in the world.
To protect human rights.
To respect international laws.
Promoting social progress.
7. Write the division of Germany after World War - II. (AS1)
A. Germany was divided into two parts. They are
i. The eastern part (German Democratic Republic – GDR)
ii. The western part (Federal Republic of Germany- FRG)
The GDR came under the influence of USSR.
The FRG came under the influence of USA.
8. When did happen Russian revolutions according to Gregorian dates? (AS1)
Russia followed the Julian calendar until 1 February 1918.
The Gregorian dates are 13 days ahead of the Julian dates.
So, the „February‟ Revolution took place on 12th March and the „October‟ Revolution took
place on 7th November.

9. What is your response on “that women should confine house hold work? (AS6)
1. No, I don‟t agree with that view.
2. Women can do any work, they proved it.
3. Women have equal rights.
4. Women are half part in in every aspect.
5. So, men and women should participate in the suffering of bringing up the children.
10.. How Hitler policies were responsible for the Second World War? (AS1)
1. Hitler attacked Communism and Capitalism.
2. Hitler steps included arbitrary arrest of political opponents.
3. All boys went through a preliminary training in Nazi ideology.
4. Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy.
5. Hitler sought to reverse the country‟s economic crisis by waging war.
6. Second World War was a logical outcome of Hitler‟s ideology and economic policies.
11. Write about “Holocaust” (AS1)
1. Holocaust means 'sacrifice by fire', 'great or complete destruction„.
2. Holocaust was the genocide of about six million European Jews in the World War II.
3. The Holocaust has become the destruction of European Jewry.
4. The Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945.
5. Anyone who resisted the Nazis was sent to forced labour or murdered.
6. The Holocaust claimed the lives of approximately 6 million.
12. Write about Auschwitz camps. (AS1)
1. The most effective concentration camp established by the Nazi regime in pursuit of the
“Final Solution.”
2. Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazi's.
3. It was the most streamlined mass killing center ever created.
4. It was at Auschwitz that 1.1 million people were murdered, mostly Jews.
5. Auschwitz has become a symbol of death.
13. How far the Soviet experiment was successful after 1924? (AS1)
1. All lands were collected and introduced large scale cultivation.
2. All factories and banks were nationalised.
3. New industries were setup along with high rate of productions.
4. An extended schooling system was developed.
5. Cheap public health care system provided.
6. Living quarters were set up for workers.
7. However USSR with its experiments very soon achieved its dream of building a
strong nation based on equality, justice and prosperity.
14. What does the term "Great Depression“ Signify ? (AS1)
1. There Was a Worldwide economic decline triggered by a decline in demand and fall in
pricess. It was called "Great Depression". 11
2. The Great Depression began around the end 11 of 1929 and lasted almost till 1939.
15. What are the welfare programmes functioning in India today? (AS1)
1. Mid-day meals programme.
2. Old age pensions.
3. Subsidies on LPG, agricultural inputs, pesticides.
4. Housing schemes for rural and urban areas.
5. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guarantee scheme.
6. Public distribution system.
7. Scholarships for poor students.
16. Why Hitler targeted Jews as the main enemies? (AS1)
1. Even before Hitler there was an internal hatred between Germans and Jews.
2. Jews were treated as inferior race.
3. Hitler hated Jews for being enemies of the State.
4. The reason was Jews role in defeat of Germany in WW1.
5. Jews were all that stood between him and success.
6. So long as the Jews survived, Hitler could never triumph.
7. Hitler knew that either his own ideologies or those of the Jews would prevail.
17. The young Chinese wanted to fight against old traditions and foreign powers.
Why? (AS4)
1. The young Chinese thought traditional practices and foreign powers were the causes for
the damage of development.
2. The young Chinese wanted to practice modern science, democracy and nationalism.
3. They advocated reforms such the use of simple language and script abolishing the
practice of foot-binding and the subordination of women, equality in marriage, and
economic development to end poverty.
4. Driving out the foreigners, who were controlling the country's resources.
18. What Land reforms were introduced in China? (AS1)
1. Abolished of landlordism was implemented.
2. Reforms in China was implemented successfully.
3. More fertile land was distributed.
19. Write about 'May Fourth Movement' in China. (AS1)
1. On 4th May 1919, an angry demonstration was held in Beijing to protest against the
decisions of the Versailles peace conference.
2. Despite being an ally of the victorious side led by Britain, China did not get back the
territories seized from it by Japan.
3. The protest became a movement called the "May Fourth Movement".
4. They Called for driving out the foreigners, who were controlling the country`s
resources, to remove inequalities and reduce poverty.
20. “America was justified in using chemical weapons like Napalm and Agent Orange
on civilian populations and jungles” – can you support it? Justify your answer. (AS2)
1. No. I don‟t think America was justified.
2. Using chemical weapons like Napalm would harm people.
3. Agent Orange will harm people and the environment also.
4. It was a brutal thing. These are not justified at any cost.
21. How was it possible for a small country like Vietnam to stand up the might of the
USA? (AS4/AS6)
1. Vietnam people had a great nationalism and patriotism towards their nation.
2. USA underestimated the defensive power of Vietnamese.
3. USA underestimated the commitment of the lakhs of poor peasants.
4. These peasants inspired by nationalism and enthused by land reforms played the most
crucial role in defeating the mightiest army inSURESH -
the World. 12
22. What role did schooling play in the national movement of the countries discussed
above? (AS6)
1. Through the education the students know about equality, freedom, democracy and
2. Many students went to Japan, France, USSR and China to study.
3. The students established different political parties.
4. They inspired the society by patriotic feelings.
5. The students tried to fight against colonial governments.
6. Thus, the Schooling played a great role in the national movement of China, Vietnam
and Nigeria.
23. Write about Cripps Mission in India? (AS1)
1. In 1942, Prime Minister Churchill send Sir Stafford Cripps to India.
2. Sir Stafford Cripps came to India to try and forge a compromise with Gandhiji and the
3. After the failure of the Cripps Mission, Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch “Quit
India” in August 1942.
24. Write about Tebhaga movement. (AS1)
1. Te means three, Bhaga means Share. The movement demanding three portions
in the harvest by Bengal poor peasants.
2. Tebhaga movement was led by the Provincial Kisan Sabha.
3. Almost 3000 villages were part of the Tebhaga movement.
4. Poor farmers were benefited and agricultural production was increased.
25. What is direct action day? (AS1)
1. On the demand of Pakistan the Muslim League announced 16 August 1946 as “Direct
Action Day”.
2. On the “Direct Action Day” riots broke out in Calcutta.
3. Thousands of Hindus were killed by the Muslim league.
4. After the riots the Congress leaders were accepted to divide Pakistan.
26. “Indians should not have felt grateful to the British government for the powers
given by the Act of 1935” – Justify your answer. (AS-2)
1. Yes, We should not have felt grateful to the British.
2. Because India is meant for Indians, and we have right to freedom.
3. The British were forced by the Indian freedom fighters.
4. That‟s why the British passed the Act of 1935.
27. “The Indian Soldiers wanted to free their mother land from the hands of the
British.“ – How? (AS2)
1. The Indian Soldiers were the “Prisoners Of War”.
2. They had been captured by the Japanese in the Second World War.
3. Bose recruited them in the Indian National Army.
4. So they were joined the INA to free their mother land from the hands of the British.
28. How many lists of powers are there in the constitution? (AS1)
1. The chapters on which law can be made are divided into Central list, State list, and
Concurrent list.
2. Only the Central government can make laws on the Central list.
3. Only the State Government can make the laws on the State list.
4. Both the Central and the State Government can make laws on the Concurrent list.
5. In case where a State makes a law contradictory only the Central law bill will be valid.

29. Write about the constitutional amendment? (AS1)
1. Amending the articles in the Constitution can be initiated only by the Parliament.
2. Constitution Amendment needs the approval of 2/3rd members in both the houses of
3. Some articles may be amended only with acceptance from the state legislature.
4. The President of the country also approves the new amendment bill.
30. What are the Major amendments in the Constitution of India? (AS1)
1. Major changes in the Constitution were the inclusion of two words into the Preamble
“Secular” and “Socialist”.
2. The second major event in the life of Indian constitution has been a supreme court
Judgment popularly known as Keshavanada Bharati case.
31. To which Indian constitution gives priority whether to equality or justice? Why?
1. Equal opportunities do not always help the weaker sections in the society.
2. Government should give special provisions like reservations to them.
3. I think justice is the best way to develop all the people in India.
4. Constitution makers provided such justice.
32. Write the features of the Parliamentary system of government. (AS1)
1. The President is the head of the state but not of the executive.
2. The President is the Nominal Executive.
3. The President is generally bound by the advice of the council of ministers.
4. The President has no power to dismiss his ministers so long as they command a
majority in parliament.
5. The election procedure of the head of state is indirect.
33. Write the features of Presidential system of government. (AS1)
1. The Present is the Chief Head of the executive.
2. The President is the real executive.
3. The President is not bound by the advice of the council of ministers.
4. The President can dismiss any minister at any time.
5. The President elected directly by the people.
34. What are the federal principles of Indian government? (AS1)
1. Written constitution.
2. Supremacy of the constitution.
3. Division of powers
4. Supremacy of the judiciary.
5. Residuary powers are vested with the Centre.
35. What are the unitary principles of the Indian government? (AS1)
1. Single Citizenship.
2. A Strong Centre.
3. Single Constitution for Union and States.
4. Single Unified Judiciary.
5. Common All-India Services.
6. Flexible Constitution.
36. Write the features of Indian Judiciary System. (AS1)
1. Single integrated judiciary.
2. Unified Judicial system.
3. No separate judiciary for each state.
4. Judges are appointed by the President of India.
5. Uniformity in fundamental laws.
37. “The tribal languages were ignored at the time of creation of the states in 1956”
Can you justify this statement? (AS2)
1. Tribal people are scattered in many states.
2. They have so many languages.
3. It is not possible to form a new state based on the tribal languages.
4. Thus the tribal languages were ignored.
38. Which states are formed newly in India? (AS1)
1. On 1st November 2000, Chhattisgarh became 26th state.
2. On 9th November 2000, Uttarakhand became 27th state.
3. On 15th November 2000, Jharkhand became 28th state.
4. On 2nd June 2014, Telangana became the 29th state of India.
39. How the language policy helps foster national unity and integrity? (AS1)
1. The right of each state to have a language of its own.
2. Communications could be in regional languages with English translations
3. English would continue to be the communication language between the centre and the
4. The civil service exams would be conducted in English rather than Hindi alone.
5. This common language policy helped foster national unity and integrity.
40. What were the institutional changes that came up after the Emergency ? (AS1)
1. The major institutional change of this period was the 42nd Constitutional Amendment.
2. Excluding the courts from election disputes.
3. Strengthening the central and the state governments.
4. Providing maximum protection from judicial challenges to social and economic
transformation legislation.
5. Making the judiciary subservient to parliament.
41. What are the aims of the 42nd Constitutional Amendment? (AS1)
1. Excluding the courts from election disputes.
2. Strengthening the central government vis-àvis the state governments.
3. Providing maximum protection from judicial challenges to social and economic
transformation legislation.
4. Making the judiciary subservient to parliament.
42. Name the welfare schemes started by the Government. (AS1/AS4)
1. Sale of rice at Rs 1 per Kg to the white ration card holders.
2. Pensions for the old age people and widows.
3. Free Text books, uniforms and Midday meal scheme in government schools.
4. Fees reimbursement to the poor for higher education etc.,
43. What is the importance of 1977 elections? (AS1)
1. The 1977 election was a historic election for Indian democracy.
2. The Congress party was defeated for the first time in 1977.
3. The Janata Party attempted to consolidate itself by dismissing nine Congress
governments in the states.
44. Write about the Cold War. (AS1/AS4)
The Cold War means the absence of a real fighting.
The Cold War created tension between the US and the USSR.
The Cold War influenced the world between 1945 and 1991.
The Cold War cost 20 million from the Third World countries.

45. Write about Bandung conference. (AS1/AS4)
1. Bandung conference was held for a change from the insecure situation in 1955 in
2. Bandung conference was the first Asia-African conference represented by 29 nations.
3. The leaders of Bandung conference were Nehru-India, Gamal Abdul Nasser - Egypt
and Josip Broz Tito - Yugoslavia.
4. Nehru was acknowledged as the chief spokesperson.
5. The Bandung conference paved the way for Non Aligned Movement (NAM).
46. Write about NAM. (AS1/AS4)
1. NAM means Non Aligned Movement. The main aim was to maintain World Peace.
2. The aim of NAM was to promote cooperation among the newly independent countries
of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
3. NAM first Summit was held at Belgrade in Yugoslavia in September 1961.
4. NAM first Summit was attended by 25 member countries.
5. By 2012, the membership of NAM was 120 with 17 Observers.
47. Write about PLO. (AS1/AS4)
1. PLO means Palestinian Liberation Organization.
2. PLO established in 1964 in Jordon.
3. PLO aim was to regain the land it lost, without violence.
4. In 1967 PLO leader Yasser Arafat applied pressure on Arab states to attack Israel.
5. PLO hijacked, the Israeli Olympic Squad at the Munich Olympics in September 1972
and killed many of the sportspersons.
48. “Non-aligned countries were called as third world”. Why? (AS1/AS4)
1. In 1950‟s the world was divided into two ideological camps.
2. One was headed by US and another by USSR.
3. Third World means the countries emerging from colonial domination. Ex. India,
Vietnam, Korea, and Afghanistan.
4. NAM countries decided not to join these two blocks.
5. Non-aligned countries created a new (third) group.
6. Thus, NAM countries were called as third world countries.
49. Write about Panchasheel. What are the principles of Panchasheel? (AS1/AS4)
India formulated the Panchasheel with China in the year 1954 by Nehru.
Principles of Panchasheel.
1. Respect for each others sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2. Non interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
3. Non aggression and settlement of disputes with mutual A understanding.
4. Endeavour to achieve co-operation and mutual respect in international relationships.
5. Promoting peaceful co-existence.

50. What are the objectives of United Nations Organisation? (AS1/AS4)

1. Ensuring lasting peace and human development.
2. The UN protects the human rights.
3. It recognized the autonomy of states and promised.
4. Except in extreme conditions UN does not interfere in internal affairs of any country.
51. What were the UNO Charter Key points? (AS1/AS4)
UNO Charter Key points:
1. The need to preserve peace.
2. Prevent wars.
3. The need to ensure human rights, democracy.
4. Eradication of poverty and hunger. 16
5. Human development. 9441775926
52. Write about START. (AS1/AS4)
1. START means Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
2. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed on July31, 1991.
3. The largest arms control treaty in history was START.
4. START resulted in removal of 80% nuclear weapons.
53. What is Greenpeace movement? (AS1/AS4)
1. In 1971 the Greenpeace Movement started against USA for conducting nuclear tests
under water near Alaska.
2. The Greenpeace Movement volunteers set out in a small ship called Greenpeace.
3. Today Greenpeace is spread over 40 countries.
4. Greenpeace headquarters is in Amsterdam (Holland).
5. Greenpeace has taken up the impact of climate change across many countries.
54. Write about silent valley movement. (AS1)
1. Silent Valley Movement took place in1973-85.
2. Silent Valley Movement was against the building of a dam in Western Ghats in Kerala.
3. Silent Valley is famous for Lion Tailed Macaque (a monkey).
4. Silent Valley was declared as a National Park in 1985.
55. What are the common demands of the Social Movements? (AS1/AS4)
1. Equal treatment in society and avoid discrimination.
2. No Exploitation by the stronger sections.
3. Freedom, liberty and Peace.
56. What are the various strategies use by social movement? (AS1/AS4)
1. Most popular method is Satyagrahas and non-violence.
2. Street marches, strikes are some forms.
3. Non-cooperation and civil disobedience also used.
57. “Democracies have been identified as most prominent political system across the
world”. Do you agree or differ? Justify your answer. (AS2)
1. Yes, I think democracies have been able to take care of all expectations.
2. Because democracy 'is the government by the people, of the people and for the people.
3. Democracy is the most prominent political system across the World.
4. In democracy the people should be vigilant and enlightened.
5. When the government fails to address the Worries of the people, it would turn into
social movements.
58. What is the importance of the Lok Adalats? (AS1/AS4)
1. The Lok Adalats settle disputes in an amicable atmosphere by mutual consent in the
presence of legal experts, officials and non official dignitaries.
2. People are using the Lok Adalats for expeditious and inexpensive justice.
3. Lok Adalat is an old form of dispute/ conflict resolution system.
4. Lok Adalats settles long pending court cases in short time and Without any expenses.

59. Do you support the Lok Adalat? If so, Why? (AS1/AS4)

1. Yes, I support Lok Adalat.
2. It is an alternative dispute resolution system in India.
3. Lok Adalat means "People's Court“.
60. What type of information is not accessible to the citizens? (AS1/AS4)
1. Information that could affect the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
2. Information that could endanger the life of a person.
3. Cabinet papers and Records of Council of Ministers and Secretaries.
4. Confidential information could not be leaked in any manner.

61. “Right to Information Act resembles the true spirit of democracy.” How do you
justify? (AS2)
Yes, RTI Act resembles the true spirit of democracy.
1. Democracy means to the people, for the people and by the people.
2. Now a days it is defined as too the people, far the people and buy the people.
3. In democracy people should live happily with enjoying their rights.
4. By the RTI Act the government is accountable to the public.
5. The RTI ensures to prevent corruption and improve transparency.


1. What were the important causes of two World Wars? (AS4/ AS-1)
Ans. The main causes of two world Wars:
I. Aggressive nationalism:
1. It is the Proud feeling of their race and Wanted to establish their supremacy over the world.
2. Due to this the Germany and Italians developed pride in destructive mode.
3. Aggressive nationalism leads to formation of power blocks.
II. Imperialism:
1. An industrial capital developed and accumulated the European Nations and their financial
institutions looked for safe investment opportunities in colonies.
2. So, the European countries competed to establish the colonies in Asia and Africa.
3. Differences among the imperial countries led to World Wars.
III. Secret alliances:
1. The secret alliances also played vital role in the two world Wars.
2. Bismarck made secret alliance with Austria and Italy called Triple Alliance.
3. Russia, France and Britain formed the Triple Entente.
4. Both these alliance were jealous and suspicious, of one another.
IV. Militarism:
1. Each country built massive standing armies and competed with each other in increasing
2. They built a mindset among the people to support Wars.
3. The military expenditure of the six big powers increased by over 300%.

2. Write about the World Health Organisation. (AS-1)

1. WHO stands for World Health Organisation.
2. WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations Organisation.
3. It was established on 7 April 1948.
4. WHO head quarters are at Geneva.
5. They celebrate World Health Day on 7th April of every year.
6. WHO is concerned with international public health.
7. Its predecessor, the Health Organization, was an agency of the League of Nations.

3. Why the historian Eric Hobsbawm called the 20th century as „The Age of Extremes‟?
1. Politically, the world saw shoots of democratic aspirations grow amidst the rise of Fascist
2. Literacy levels and average life expectancy grew immensely for all.
3. New forms of art like movies emerged.
4. Scientific knowledge rose to new heights.
5. Women gain the right to vote.
6. The same period saw the “Great Depression” causing massive unemployment.
7. Enormous human loss in the World Wars.
8. Thus the historian Eric Hobsbawn called the 20th century as „The Age of Extremes‟.

4. Write about Princely states in India during 1947. (AS1)
1. Princely State means native Indian rulers area.
2. There existed around 550 Princely states under British power.
3. In Travancore and Hyderabad peasants‟ were revolting against the zamindars.
4. Sardar Patel was given charge of this matter in July 1947.
5. By 15th August 1947, all states except Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagadh had agreed
to sign the Instrument of Accession with India.
6. The government of the princely states was taken over.
7. The princes were given pension funds called privy- purse.
8. In 1971 the government of India abolished the privy purses and titles.
5. What are the various reasons for the Partition of India and Pakistan? (AS1)
1. India contains large percentage of Hindus.
2. By 1930, Jinnah had begun to despair of the fate of Muslims.
3. To live under the rule of Hindus, Muslims thought they may get injustice.
4. The Muslim League announced 16 August 1946 as “Direct Action Day”.
5. On the “Direct Action Day” riots broke out in Calcutta.
6. In March 1947, the Congress agreed for dividing the Punjab.
7. Mountbatten announced that India would be freed and divided.
8. The transfer of power to Pakistan would be done on 14th and to India on the 15th of
August, 1947.
6. “Integration of various princely states in India was a challenging task”. Is it true? –
comment. (AS1)
1. At the time of Indian independence, there were around 550 Princely states in Indian
2. They become independent after the British rule in 1947.
3. They were asked to decide if they wanted to join India, Pakistan or remain independent.
4. In Hyderabad and Travancore peasants were revolting with arms against the Zamindars.
5. Sardar Vallabhai Patel was given charge of this matter of merging Princely states into
Indian Union.
6. He began discussing with princes the necessity to join India.
7. All Princely States agreed to join Indian Union except Kashmir, Hyderabad and
8. With great efforts of Patel, this challenging task was „ completed by merging these
7. Write about the making process of the Constitution of India. (AS1)
1. For the making of Indian Constitution Constituent Assembly was formed in 1946.
2. Provinces/areas under direct British rule elected 292 members and all Princely States
together elected 93 members.
3. The chairman of Constituent Assembly was Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad.
4. A „Drafting Committee‟ was set up under the chairmanship of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
5. Thursday, the 4th November 1948 Draft Constitution was presented by Ambedkar.
6. The Constituent Assembly directed to take information from The Government of India
Act, 1935.
7. The Draft Constitution contains 315 Articles and 8 Schedules.
8. The Constitution was finally adopted by the CA on 26th November 1949 and it came
into force on 26th January 1950.

8. What are the salient features of 73rd Constitutional Amendment. (AS1)
73rd Constitutional Amendment was passed in 1992.
1. Through the amendment local self governance was introduced.
Salient Features of 73rd Amendment:
1. Panchayats are to be established at the village.
2. It empowers people to elect their representatives.
3. Panchayat has been given power to formulate their own development plans
4. Panchayats will have their own budget and taxation.
5. Water management and watershed development.
6. Development of Small scale industries.
7. Khadi and cottage industries establishment.
8. Rural electrification.

9. Write a short note on basic principles of Indian Constitution. (AS1)

1. Parliamentary System : India is the biggest country which is following Parliamentary

Democracy system in the world.
2. Fundamental Rights : Every Indian has entitled to enjoy six fundamental rights.
3. Fundamental duties : Every Indian should follow the 10 fundamental duties.
4. Single Citizenship : According to the Indian Constitution we have single citizenship
5. Federal System : Indian constitution divided powers between the Centre and the States.
6. Judicial Independence : Indian Judiciary is independent. It protects Indian constitution.
It has “Judicial review" also.
7. Directive Principles : Indian constitution provides guidelines to the Central and State
8. Universal Adult Franchise : Indian constitution provides right to vote to the citizens of
India, who attain 18 years of age.

10. “One party dominance is not preferable to the Indian democracy” – Do you agree
or differ? Comment. (AS2)
1. One party dominance means a single party wins the seats continuously.
2. In 1952, 1957 and 1962 the Congress won almost seats.
3. The Congress consistently won over 70% of the seats.
4. Congress obtained about 45% of the total votes cast.
5. It indicates one party dominance.
6. It would consider as dominance in elections and ideology.
7. If a party won majority seats, that party ideology would attract by the people.
8. If one party ideology was not favorable it would not win.

11. Emergency period a set back to the Indian democracy. How? (AS1)
1. General Elections were postponed.
2. Many of the fundamental rights were suspended.
3. The press was censored
4. Most of political opponents were imprisoned.
5. Indira Gandhi granted herself extraordinary powers.
6. There were instances of arbitrary detention, torture.
7. Thus, the Emergency period was a set back to the Indian democracy.

12. Write about Palestine problem. (AS1/AS4)
1. The Arabs - Jews conflicts are known as West Asian Crisis, it was related to the
Palestine occupation.
2. The Jews considered Palestine as their „Promised Land‟.
3. Christians in Europe considered Jews responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.
4. US and USSR wanted to bring their influence because of massive oil reserves.
5. Palestine divided into Arab and Jewish States in 1947 by UNO.
6. Israel was created for Jews, Palestine was for Arabs.
7. The Arabs refused to recognise Israel.
8. Israel failed to implement its promises to the Palestinians.
9. US supported the Israel and it continued to attack the Palestinians.

13. India and China relations were restored” – How? (AS1/AS4)

1. China is a neighbouring country to India.
2. Mc Mahon line as the border between India and china.
3. China annexed Tibet in 1950.
4. Tibetans escaped along with Dalai Lama and took refuge in India.
5. China laid claim to Aksai-chin area in Ladakh region and much of Arunachal Pradesh.
6. India and china signed the Panchsheel pact on 29th April 1954.
7. China invaded India in October 1962.
8. Diplomatic relations between India and China restored in 1976.
14. Write about Pakistan Problem. (AS1/AS4)
1. Pakistan is a neighboring country to India.
2. The conflict between India and Pakistan in Kashmir.
3. The first war took place in 1947-1948 for Kashmir.
4. Two parts of Kashmir were occupied by the Pakistan.
5. An agreement was signed between India and Pakistan after 1965 Indo-Pak war.
6. A war broke out with Pakistan in December 1971 on Bangladesh issue.
7. After the war Shimla agreement was signed between Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indira
8. Recently „Kargil War‟ in 1999, militants from Pakistan had occupied Indian territory.
15. “Cooperation between India and Bangladesh is of vital importance to both
countries” – Comment. (AS2/AS4)
1. Bangladesh was liberated from Pakistan with the help of India.
2. It signed a 25 years peace treaty with India.
3. Both the countries have cooperated on economic front.
4. Bangladesh is a integral part of the India.
5. We are sharing Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers.
6. Both have cooperation on disaster management.
7. Thus, cooperation between two countries has importance.
16. Explain the relations between India and Sri Lanka. (or) “The ethnic conflicts
affected India‟s relations with Sri Lanka” Justify. (AS1)
1. Since 1948, India and Sri Lanka have good relations.
2. India and Sri Lanka have cultural and ethnic relations.
3. A major irritant in the relation has been the treatment of Tamil speaking minorities.
4. India sent its armies to keep peace in Sri Lanka.
5. It leads the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi by Tamil militants.
6. Sri Lankan Tamil refugees arrival into India posed a problem.
7. Tamilians problem led to a more active intervention by India in Sri Lanka.
8. These ethnic conflicts affectedK.India‟s relations
SURESH - Lanka.
17. Write about Meira Paibi Movement in Manipur. (AS1/AS4)
1. In 1949 and Manipur was made a part of India.
2. AFSPA was imposed to maintain law and order in Manipur.
3. AFSPA resulted military operations and rights violations.
4. Meira Paibi movement prevented alcohol abuse in 1970s.
5. Meira Paibi (in Meitei language) means „torch bearers‟.
6. That‟s why Meira Paibi became a movement for human rights in 1980s.
7. Meira Paibi women took to patrolling the streets at night.
8. It is favor of Manipuri women against the army special powers.
9. In this movement prominent persons were Irom Sharmila and Thangjam Manorama.
18. “Right to Information is a powerful weapon in the hands of common man” – Write
your opinion. (AS2/AS4)
1. The Right to Information (RTI) Act was passed by Parliament on 15 June 2005.
2. RTI came into force on 13th October 2005.
3. The RTI Act mandates timely response to citizen requests.
4. Any citizen may request information from a 'public authority„.
5. The fees to apply for RTI is 5 or 10 rupees.
6. The RTI act gives the right to questioning the government departments.
7. It improves transparency and reduces corruption.
8. So, every citizen of India should have knowledge about the RTI.

Information skill (AS-3)

Coalition Governments and some political parties from 1980’s

Governing Parties Governing Parties

JD; DMK; AGP; TDP ; Jammu &

Kashmir National Conference

Observe the information and answer the questions given below. (AS3)

1. From Andhra Pradesh which party supported United front government?

Ans. TDP (Telugu Desam Party)
2. To which State JKNC Party belongs to ?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir.
3. What is meant by coalition government?
A. Government formed by a temporary alliance of the parties.
4. Which parties supported United front government from 1996-98?
Ans. CPM.

Graph 1 : US and
USSR nuclear

Observe the graph and answer the questions given below. (AS3)

1. Which country is ahead in the nuclear stockpiles in 1985?

A. Russia.
2. Which countries were participated in the arms race?
A. USA and USSR.
3. The Nuclear stockpiles is indicating which war?
a. The Cold War.
4. Give a suggestion to control Nuclear weapons.
A. Avoid violence – maintain Peace. War is destructive and peace is constructive.
Observe the graph and answer the
questions given below. (AS3)

1. When was the Indian constitution

was adopted?
A. Adopted on Nov. 26th, 1949 and
implemented on Jan.26th, 1950.
2. What is the need of Constitutional
A. We can see so many changes in the
society. That‟s why our rules should be
3. How many amendments were made
till 2013?
A. 99 amendments.
4. In which decade the number of
amendments are low?
A. 1951-60.

Observe the information and answer

the questions. (AS3)

1. When was started Economic

Liberalisadion in India?
A. 1990
2. Who worked as Prime Ministers in
the National Front Government
after 1996?
A. Deve Gowda and IK Gujral
3. Which prime minister had relation
with Operation Blue Star?
A. Indira Gandhi.
4. Who conducted Ram Janmabhoomi
Rath Yatra?
A. L.K. Advani.
5. When was formed first non-
Congress government?
A. 1977.
Observe the timeline chart and answer the
questions given below. (AS3)

1. Which country introduced Socialism first

in the world?
A. Russia.
2. What was the name of the Russian
A. Tsar.
3. What is civil war?
A. A war between the people and the
government in a country.
4. Name the International Organisation
formed by the communists?
A. Commintern.

Observe the timeline chart and answer the

questions given below. (AS3)

1. In which country the Weimar republic was

A. Germany.
2. What is the immediate cause for the World
War – II?
A. Germany invades Poland on Sept. 1, 1939.
3. Expand USSR.
A. Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (Russia).
4. Who was the cause for the mass murders of
the Jews?
A. Hitler.


in million Pounds
300 288
200 158
150 132
1880 1890 1900 1910 1914
Military expenditure by great powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great
Britain, Russia, Italy and France 1880-1914 (source The Times Atlas of World
History, London 1978)

Observe the graph and answer the given questions. (AS3)

1. Why in 1914 The Armament Race is high?
A. Before 1914 the insecurity caused the high armament race.
2. What are the „Triple alliance‟ countries?
A. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
3. What are the „Triple Entente‟ countries?
A. Britain, France and Russia.
4. What was the major incident happened in 1914?
A. World War -I
5. From 1880 to 1914, how much increased the military expenditure of the
six big powers?
A. 300 % increased.

Observe the graph and answer the given

questions. (AS3)
i. What was the reason for the Armaments race in 1914?
ii. Mention the main event happened in 1914?
1. What information explained in this
iii. How much percentage was increased on Military expenditure of European
countries in between 1880-1914?
A. War related death 1500-1999.
iv. What is the relation ship between industrialization and armaments race?
2. In which period war death were more?
A. 1900-1999.
Observe the graph and answer the questions.
3. In which period deaths per 1000 people
1. What was the reason for the Armaments race in 1914?
were low?
2. What are the countries in Triple Entente?
A. 1500-1599.
3. Mention the main event happened in 1914?
4. Why between 1900-1999 the war
4. How much percentage was increased on Military expenditure of European
deaths were very high?
countries in between 1880-1914?
A. World Wars and Cold War.

Mapping Skill (AS-5)
Observe the map and answer
the questions. (AS5)

1. Write any two countries

which were under Japan
A. Burma and Thailand.
2. Name the area of China was
under Japan control.
A. Manchuria.
3. Write any two countries
which were not under Japan
A. India, USSR
4. Write any two islands which
were under Japan control.
A. Indonesia and Phillippines.

Observe the map and answer the

questions. (AS5)

1. Identify the country which is shown

in the map.
A. Vietnam.
2. Name the capital city of the country.
A. Hanoi.
3. By whom Vietnam was ruled ?
A. French.
4. In which continent Vietnam is
A. Asia.

Observe the Map and answer the given
questions. (AS5)
1. What information shown in the map?
A. The German Empire during World War II.
2. Which countries were occupied by the
German Empire?
A. France, Denmark, Norway etc.,
3. In Which year Germany occupied
A. 1940.
4. Greece was occupied by which country?
A. Italy.
5. Which countries were annexed to German
empire in 1941?
A. Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Crete, Finland.

1. Name the founding members of NATO in the

year 1942.
A. United
Kingdom, France, Norway, Italy, etc.,
2. Name the founding members of Warsaw
A. Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.,
3. Expand NATO.
A. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
4. What is cold War?
A. The ideological conflicts between Soviet
Union and USA is known as Cold War.

Important Bits

1. Which of these countries were in triple entente group ( b )

a) Germany, Austria – Hungary, Italy b) France, USSR, Great Britain
c) USSR, USA, Italy d) Russia, Austria – Hungary, Italy
2. The results of 1929 Great Depression ( d )
A) Decrease prices B) Closing industries
C) Decrease in purchasing power of people D) All the above
3. Match the following : ( b )
1. Sun-Yet-Sen (a) Nigeria
2. Ho-Chi-Min (b) China
3. Ken-Saro-Viva (c) America
(d) Vietnam
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c B) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a C) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a D) 1-d, 2-a, 3-c
4. Vietnam was the colony of this country ( b )
A) Britain B) France C) Germany D) Spain
5. Arrange the following incidents in a chronological order ( c )
1. Bolshevik revolution 2. Nuclear bombing on Nagasaki
3. Versailles Treaty 4. Nigeria became independent
A. 1,2,3,4 B. 3,2,1,4, C. 1,3,2,4 D. 4,3,1,2
6. What is the aim of The Right to Information Act ( d )
A. Transparency B. Responsible governance C. Saving Information D. All the above.
7. Identify the correct sentence. ( c )
1. Pan Africanism is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of
country or tribe.
2. Agent Orange is a defoliant, a plant killer.
A. 1 is true B. 2 is true C. 1, 2 both are true D. 1, 2 both are false.
8. Why the Chipko movement was known as environmental movement. ( a )
A. Control the deforestation B. preservation of natural resources
C. Control the pollution of river water D. Plantation
9. The most affected country by the Great Depression ( b )
A. Japan B. Germany C. United States D. India

10. What Hitler said that _____ of them as Jewish conspiracies ( d )
A. Communism B. Facism C) Capitalism D) A & C
11. Regulating industries and land reforms to distribute land to the landless peasants. ( c )
A) Democracy B) Nationalism C) Socialism D) All the above
12. The citizens of USA refused to fight war against Vietnam. This is appreciable because
A) They do not want to participate in an unjust war. ( d )
B) They respect the human rights of Vietnamies.
C) The citizens of USA felt that it is against self .
D) All the above
13. Which of the following do you agree with in the context of civil rights, and other
movements. ( a )
A) Movement should be peaceful B) Women should be avoided
C) The aims of the movements will be fulfilled by practicing violent methods
D) None of the above
14. Maira-Paibi movement took place in this state ( a )
A) Manipur B) Madhya Pradesh C) Asom D) Andhra Pradesh

Read the given information and answer the questions 28 and 29.
The social and political situation continued to be unstable. On 4th May 1919, an angry
demonstration was held in Beijing to protest against the decisions of the Versailles peace conference.

15. On May 4th 1919 which country started a movement against the decisions of the Treaty of
Versailles? ( c )
A. France B. Germany C. China D. Russia
16. Why May 4th Movement started there? ( a )
A) Not get back the territories seized from it by Japan.
B) Germany won the war C) France defeated D) All the above
17. they were soldiers in the British army and had been captured by the Japanese when the
British were defeated in Burma and Malaya. ( c )
A) Refugees B) The citizens of England C) Indian National Army D) Penetrations
18. The draft constitution ( d )
A) A very large document B) 315 Articles C) 8 schedules D) All are correct

19. The movement took place in the marked (4) location (3)
of the given India Map ( d )
A) Silent Valley Movement (1)

B) Meira Paibi Movement (4)

C) Chipko Movement (2)
D) Narmada Bachavo Andolan

20. The name of the tribe that lives in

the marked (2) area ( c )
A) Hausa-Fulani people
B) Yoruba (3)
C) Igbo tribes
D) Indians (1) (2)
21. Match the following: ( C )
1. The World War - I a. murder of Ferdinand
2. The World War – II b. Hitler‟s attack on Poland
3. The Leage of Nations c. Woodrow Wilson
A. 1 c, 2 b, 3 a B. 1 b, 2, c, 3 a C. 1 a, 2 b, 3 c D. 1 a, 2 c, 3 b
22. Identify the correct one ( C )
1. The UNO head quarters is located in New York.
2. The Head quarters of Leage of Nations was located in Geneva.
A. 1 only. B. 2 only C. 1 & 2 D. None.
23. It was not a long term cause of World War – I ( D )
A. Aggressive nationalism B. Imperialism C. Secret alliances D. The Treaty of Versailles
24. The name of Russian parliament. ( D )
A. Lok Sabha B. Reichstag C. DIET D. Duma
25. Agent orange was a ( B )
a) Military commander b) Plant killer c) Insect killer in Vietnam d) None
26. Identify the correct one ( C )
1. Founder of Modern China - Sun Yat Sen
2. Founder of the Guomindang - Mao Zedong
A. 1 only. B. 2 only C. 1 & 2 D. None.
27. Tebhaga movement was led by ( A )
a) Provincial Kisan Sabha b) Communist party c) Muslim league d) None of
28. Match the following ( B )
i. The Government of India Act a. 1906
ii. The Muslim League was founded b. 1917
iii. Russian Revolution c. 1935
a) i-a, ii-b, iii-c b. i-c, ii-a, iii-b i-b ii-a, iii-c d. i-a, ii-c, iii-b
29. Identify true statement. ( c )
i. The draft constitution contains has 315 articles, 8 schedules
ii. The words ‘Secular’ and ’Socialist’ were included into the Preamble.
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true.
C. Both 1 & 2 are true D. Both 1 & 2 are false.
30. Which statement is not related to the first elections. ( d )
A. Held in 1952 B. Used symbols
C. Used separate ballot boxes D. Winning of Janata party
31. Arrange the Prime Ministers of India in the chronological order. 1. Lal Bahudur
Sastry, 2. Indira Gandhi, 3. Nehru. ( c )
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1 C. 3, 1, 2 D. 2, 1, 3
32. ___ States & ___ Union Territories are there in India today. ( c )
A. 27, 9 B. 28, 9 C. 29, 7 D. 27, 9
33. Identify true statement. ( c )
i. A party which was formed for Indian farmers is Bharatiya Lok Dal.
ii. The British followed the ‘Divide and Rule Policy’.
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true.
C. Both 1 & 2 are true D. Both 1 & 2 are false.

34. Match the following - ( b )
i. Cold War a. 1945-1991
ii. Congo Independence b. 1960.
iii. NATO formation c. 1949.
A. i-c, 2-a, 3-b B. i-a, 2-b, 3-c
C. i-c, 2-b, 3-a D. i-a, 2-c, 3-b
35. Army intervene on the golden temple ( d )
A. Operation Bhindranwale B. Operation Khalistan
C. Operation Gold D. Operation Blue Star.
36. Which among the following statement about the Cold War is wrong? ( b )
a) Rivalry between US and USSR,
b) USA and USSR engaged in direct war.
c) Triggering off an arms race
d) An ideological war between the two super powers.

37. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Lok Adalat ( d )

a) Provides justice in short term without expense
b) It is an old dispute resolution system
c) Providing for setting refund of court fees. If already paid
d) cannot provide expeditions justice
38. Supreme court judge appointed to look into the possibility of repealing AFSPA was
( d )
a) Nariman b) K.L. Shahny c) K.G. Balakrishnan d) B.P. Jeevan Reddy
39. Which of the following is not true ( d )
a) Glasnost – Gorbachev b) Andrei Sakharov – Nuclear scientist
c) Fascism – Italy d) Vietnam war – South America
40. Which of following is true ……… ( d )
i) Cold war – America, Russia ii) Chernobyl incident – Russia
iii) Bhopal Gas disaster – 1984 iv) Meira Paibi – Torch bearers
v) All above
a) (i) and (ii) is true b) (ii) and (iii) is true
c) (iv) is only true d) (v) is true


1. When was broke out The

Second World War?
A. 1939.
2. What incidents happened
in the year 1945?
A. 1. Formation of UNO. 2.
End of Second World War.
3. What is the capital city of
A. Moscow.
4. In which country the treaty
of Versailles conducted?
A. France.

1. In which state Indira Sagar project is located?
2. Name the birth place of Narmada river?
3. Name the movement organised against the construction of Sardar Sarovar project?
4. In which ocean the Narmada river merges?


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