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Orthogonal Modulation

Orthogonal Modulation
General M-ary Modulation

Govind Sharma

Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Projection Receiver

φ̃∗1 (−t)

φ̃∗2 (−t)
r (t) r̃ (t) tance
u(f ) × .. â
. calcu-
√ .. lation
2e j2πfc t .
φ̃∗N (−t)

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Noise Properties
Let ñ(t) be noise after down conversion. Noise R∞
component at the
output of sampled match filter will be wi = −∞ ñ(t)φ∗i (t)dt. We
know that Wi ∼ CN (0, N0 ) if φi (t) is band-limited to fc . Now we
find joint pdf of
W = [w1 , w2 , . . . , wN ]T
The i, k-th component of the co-variance matrix will be given by
Z ∞ Z ∞ 
E[wi wk∗ ] =E ñ(t)ñ ∗
(τ )φ∗i (t)φk (τ ) dt dτ
−∞ −∞
Z ∞Z ∞
= E [ñ(t)ñ∗ (τ )] φ∗i (t)φk (τ ) dt dτ
−∞ −∞
Z ∞Z ∞
= N0 δ(t − τ )φ∗i (t)φk (τ ) dt dτ
−∞ −∞
= N0 δi,k

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Noise Properties

X = hW , ei = e H W
such that kek = 1. Then X will be Gaussian.

E[|X |2 ] = E[e H XX H e]
= e H E[XX H ]e
= e H N0 Ie
= N0

So X ∼ CN (0, N0 ) in any direction.

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Probability of Error

Let Pi→k denote the probability that received signal is closer to h̃k
then to h̃i when h̃i was transmitted, for some k 6= i.

− →
− → −
Pi→k = Pr k→
−r − hk k2 < k→

h i
r − hi k2 | hi transmitted
h →
− →
− →
− →
− i
= Pr k h i + W − hk k2 < k h i + W − hi k2
h →
− → − n →
− → − o i
= Pr kW k2 + khk − hi k2 − 2Re hW , hk − hi i < kW k2
h n →
− → − o → − → − →
− → − i
= Pr Re hW , hk − hi i /khk − hi k > khk − hi k/2

− → −
where di,k = khk − hi k

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Orthogonal Modulation

Let {g̃0 (t), g̃1 (t), . . . , g̃M−1 (t)} be set of M equal energy
orthogonal signals.
Z ∞ (
Eg , i = k
hg̃i (t), g̃k (t)i = g̃i (t)g̃k∗ (t)dt = Eg δik =
−∞ 0, i=6 k

We assume that there is no ISI and effect of the channel transfer

function is benign, so that received pulses are also orthogonal

hh̃i (t), h̃k (t)i = Eh δik

This assumption is valid for many practical channels.

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Examples of Orthogonal Modulation

Example 18.1
Binary Shift Keying (BFSK): Two distinct frequencies are used.
Two signals can be written as

h̃0 (t) = e j2πf0 t w (t)

h̃1 (t) = e j2πf1 t w (t)

where w (t) = u(t) − u(t − T ) is a rectangular window of duration

T . It can be shown easily that these pulses are orthogonal if
frequency spacing is multiple of (2T ) . More generally we can
choose M frequencies. Passband pulses are also orthogonal. FSK
is not spectrally efficient but it is easy to implement. For
non-coherent detection tone spacing should be in multiples of 1/T .

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Examples of Orthogonal Modulation

Example 18.2
Pulse Position Modulation (PPM): It is widely used in optical
communications. It divides signaling interval into M slots or chips
of width T /M and sends a pulse in exactly one slot. The
p requirement is large. We can choose sinc shaped pulses
g̃(t) = EM/T sinc(Mt/T ), the bandwidth requirement is
M/(2T ), M-times the PAM signals. (This is the minimum
bandwidth required to avoid ISI.)

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Receiver for Orthogonal Modulation

For orthogonal modulation signal projection vector is real and of

the form √

hi = [0, 0, . . . , 0, E , 0, . . . , 0]T
where non-zero term is in i-th position. Every signal is at the same
distance from every other signal.



G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Receiver for Orthogonal Modulation

φ̃∗1 (−t) Re{·}
φ̃∗2 (−t) Re{·}
r (t) r̃ (t) choose
u(f ) × .. â
. largest
√ ..
2e j2πfc t .
t=kT yN
φ̃∗N (−t) Re{·}

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Error Probability for Orthogonal Modulation

Since there are (M − 1) signals at distance d, we have symbol error

probability as
Pe [symbol] ≈ (M − 1)Q

s !
= (M − 1)Q

Probability of symbol error increases slowly with M but bandwidth

requirement also increases. We can calculate exact probability of

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Error Probability for Orthogonal Modulation

By symmetry error probability does not depend upon which symbol

was transmitted. Assume h1 was transmitted which means correct
decision is made if y1 is larger then all other yk . These variables are
independent Gaussian with mean zero and variance N0 /2. Hence

Pr [correct decision |h1 transmitted,Y1 = y ] = 1 − Q
Thus we get
Z ∞  M−1

Pr [error] = 1 − fY1 (y ) 1 − Q dy
−∞ σ

Y1 ∼ N ( E , N0 /2). This integral has to be evaluated numerically.

G. Sharma EE321A
Orthogonal Modulation

Probability of Bit Error

Since every signal has (M − 1) neighbors, Gray coding can not be
done. With b = log2 M there are 1 symbols differing in exactly
one bit, b2 symbols differing in exactly two bits and kb symbols

differing in exactly k bits. Averaging k kb over k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , b}

gives M/2. Probability of choosing any neighbor is Pe /(M − 1) we

get s !
M/2 M Eb
Pb = Pe ≈ Q log2 M
M −1 2 N0
Since minimum bandwidth to avoid ISI is M/(2T ) spectral
efficiency is
log2 M 2 log2 M
ν= =
T (M/2T ) M
Maximum spectral efficiency is obtained for M = 3. M-ary
modulation is power efficient but spectrally inefficient.
G. Sharma EE321A

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